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Gray Tube Replication

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  • I see the conversion tube working in either of 2 ways or a combination there of

    1. to produce aether gas via HV and resistance


    2. to produce radiant energy by producing a radiant matter stream via the vacuum triode which thens hits a negatively charge grid via the overshoot

    given that you arent using a vacuum triode what resistor are you using in your circuit. I am starting to form the opinion that gray was using some sort of composite material for his resistor - possibly an insulating powder joining the rods with the carbon


    • test this

      Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
      From my tests so far, i cannot even convice myself that the HV-LV merge has any potential in it.
      I would get it working right first before deciding.

      Can you do the below test? Forget about the tube and everything else.
      What the below is, is basically nothing more than a peaking cap in
      parallel with a spark plug. Disconnect it from your tube system and the
      rest of the LV side.

      Can you do this and post a pic of the spark or post a youtube video?

      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • mixing

        Mark McKay also did simulations on this and it showed something similar
        to what he found in the Bedini circuits.

        With the "mixing", the simulations hows it isn't synchronized and that there
        is a delay. There is the hv, then there is an enormous burst of what looks
        like some serious RF...very incredible actually.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Aaron,

          i spent many hours today aplicating many things. I managed to make it work correctly. Tha problem was that my coil has been burned and shorted and acted like a straight wire most of the times.

          I di several tests. As you say actually, the LV side is just sitting there and the HV side is culminating till a spark initiates the procedure.
          Moreover, i did what you say, i manually make and break the circuit at the LV side and the same thing occurs.

          By the way, the spark gaps and the flashes produce serious RF. My DMM go grazy if connected single wire and my little electronic calculator makes odd things in the vicinity of the device. But in terms of inductor kicking... the same as far i can tell.

          Nevertheless, i will post few more photos of the HV pulsing side. (i am not familiar with videos and neither have made any so far ) btw i will try.

          In any case, Aaron, do you experience stronger kick of the inductor by the merging procedure?


          I am hopelessly conventionally thinker. I cannot see any crucial employment of the resistor (variable actually), except of what the patent states. i.e. Limiting the current of LV side.



          • mixing field


            Yes, there is serious rf with these circuits. I was difficult for me to
            use digital meters because it would turn them off constantly.

            This mixing has a different magnetic kick from what I can tell. It seems
            to be FASTER/SHARPER. The LV source capacitor discharges QUICKER
            than it does without this mixing event. That means the energy density
            is quite a bit higher.

            The magnetic field seems to be more concentrated over the area of the
            core with a sharper quicker punch.

            With a normal capacitor discharge, the magnetic field can be felt more
            evenly distributed over more space where it does no good.

            With the mixing, it seems to be concentrated exactly where you want it.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • I do not know if the pulse is sharper and faster. My hand does not telling me such a thing. I guess we required specialized equipment to take measurements that way.


              By the way, i googled and found out few things about the Imris Pavel. Regarding his patent i mentioned US 3,781,601 he clearly states at the end of the patent that.
              "for example, the high voltage embodiment (FIG2) may be used in a variety of circuits such as flash lamps, high speed control devices, laser beams and high energy pulses."

              look at FIg 2. It is a variation of the Gray tube.
              I serched about the Imris Pavel, to find out if he is any upstart free-energist claimer and just copy-cats the Gray tube.
              Actually at Pavel Imris: Optical Electrostatic Generator -- 900% Efficiency , here patents from Pavel are displayed.
              I hardly can see any individual possessing so many patents, except Tesla of course .

              Perhaps he has a point.

              Attached Files


              • negative resistance

                Did you see Greg's scope shots in this thread that show that with the diode
                effect on the ignition circuit that the lv source capacitor discharges
                FASTER than without the effect?

                This is a very profound concept.

                I found the EXACT same thing in all varieties of these Gray circuits.

                You can only see if it you put a scope across the LV capacitor and
                do a regular discharge, then do it with the mixing effect, it discharges
                faster with the mixing effect.

                Think about this. You take a cap and discharge it into a coil. The capacitor
                can only discharge so fast because of resistances and impedances.

                If you do something that causes the capacitor to discharge faster into
                a coil, what do you think happened to the impedance or resistance that
                the discharge should see? How can it discharge FASTER?

                The resistance is REDUCED. There is less opposition to the discharge
                pressure, which indicates that the discharge pressure is seeing a much
                lower pressure zone to jump into. That means there is a negative
                resistance effect.

                The coil is able to charge faster it appears and lenz/ohm law appears to
                be violated.

                Please read this post very carefully:
                Look closely at those scope shots! You can see the difference in
                discharge speed. With the reverse diode/mixing effect, about 66%
                of the cap is discharged almost instantaneously! I found the same
                tendency in my circuits after Greg pointed this out.

                The HV prefers the easier path to ground at the LV route. When it gets
                turned away and moves towards the grid or next available aground, it
                leaves a true vacuum. I believe there is no ambient aether existing
                around the wire in that part of the circuit where it was turned away.
                The aether that normally exists around the conductors is what I believe
                limits the voltage to near light speed. The positive voltage is pushing
                against "ambient" positive part of the aether around the wire and limits
                is speed.

                If that aether is gone and true vacuum is there that actually does not
                have the aether, it is a literal low pressure zone for any positive potential
                instead of being a resistance, it is a negative resistance and that helps
                the actively suck the potential from the lv source.

                If that confuses you, I apologize but I couldn't find a diagram that I
                thought I posted about this.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • The cap discharges faster huh?
                  Only an o-scope could tell the difference actually as you point.

                  Two things if that is the case. ohms law is violated or indeed the LV is "accelarated" to a higher voltage. Hence faster discharge at given resitance/impedance inductor (always same voltage levels at the LV cap)

                  If you put it that way, it gives me the impression that the HV goes first into the inductor, makes a short "path" say 1u sec of 10amps (momentarily) and as its voltage declines (of the HV cap) and its current also, it is maintained somewhow by the LV side. Thus no current change in the inductor, and more work can be collected?

                  Have you made any quantitative analysis? i.e. how much volume of HV (energy) is required to have the effect at a acceptable degree on the LV side?

                  In the bottom line, if we have such effect (even though demonstrated have a difficulty to believe...) in order to get the max out of it we should have an appropriate motor of maximum performance?

                  Can as an inductive load, an transformer be applied? In fact i did some minor experiments with a 220/12 volts transformer. The primary has an inductance of 1.5 H! The high voltage sparks to the grid, the LV refuses to follow. ( the same case with the caps filled at almost equal voltage as the LV side)

                  Perhaps we should look for golden ratio?

                  Last edited by baroutologos; 12-23-2009, 12:19 AM.


                  • RF Burst Observed in Bench Test of Gotoluc Circuit by Mark McKay

                    All those things have to be looked at.

                    From your conventional training, try to find Mark McKay's simulation scope
                    shots to show the burst of RF that follows the hv. It may give you an insight.

                    I don't believe he is seeing a faster discharge here but look at that RF

                    By the way, not sure if that is a spice simulation scope shot or not,
                    may be from his actual test. Mark has everything you can think of
                    literally. He lives in my town and is a wealth of knowledge.

                    See this post:

                    I'll repost for convenience:


                    RF Burst Observed in Bench Test of Gotoluc Circuit

                    It appears that a sawtooth RF burst does take place in the Basic Gotoluc circuit almost like the SPICE III simulator describes.

                    This is not an exhaustive study but a simple test to see if it was there. The gap is composed of tool steel with the negative (ground) electrode being sharpened. The effect is much greater when the gap is opened up to just short of were it will not arc. In this case the gap is 0.284". The storage cap is a 25 uF 600V oil-paper motor starter type. The power supply is voltage regulated at 300V. The battery operates the contactor to isolate the capacitor from the power supply during a pulse test. The capacitor shunt diode is a little overkill for this application (770 Amp) but I needed something that would handle 30 Amps. The HV diode is a 4-unit string of 8KV at 4 Amp microwave oven devices. The coil is a GM wasted spark model ($3.00 at the local junk yard). This coil has an isolated secondary which might be important because it allows for the polarity of the secondary to be reversed (See SPICE circuit on previous post).

                    The first scope trace shows the voltage across the gap as measured with a Tektronix 12KV probe. The probe is being driven past its linear range for the initial pulse but it does show the follow up burst wave form OK. The effect only shows voltage swings around 500V. This means that the arc will re-strike at a much lower voltage than the initial breakdown, which is around 15KV in this test, but way off the screen.

                    The second scope trace is a time expanded version of the first trace. Here we see the sawtooth nature of this process. Notice how the magnitude of the wave train remains relatively constant. The frequency of a single tooth during this portion of the burst is around 116 KHz. The actual frequency content would be higher than this due to its shape. This sample was taken from the last third of the burst where the frequency is slowing down anyway.

                    It will be interesting to see if this effect can be enhanced.

                    This observation might help those OU theories that require a HF source to explain any proposed non-classical process.

                    Attached Thumbnails
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Ok, i saw the scope shots. Actually all this time we are talking about unidirectional pulsing... only to find out that actually an oscillation takes place?

                      and how that RF oscillation can actually assist the net energy produced by the inductor? Somewhere here you lost me...



                      • Maybe diode acts as variable resistance dependent on voltage rise which allow longer time of resonance established... ? In other words , diode may help keeping resonant condition of LC circuit during discharge.
                        Just a rough guess...


                        • comparison

                          Here's the bottom line.

                          If you use the CDI plasma circuit with the ignition coil, it is a known amount
                          of potential sitting in that cap. It is a known amount of potential that is
                          sitting in the LV cap. Trigger the circuit and launch a projectile from the
                          coil and see how high and how fast it travels.

                          Then take the combined amount of potential in both those caps (above) and put
                          them in one cap then just do a conventional cap discharge into the coil using
                          the same total amount of potential and see how high and fast the exact
                          projectile goes.

                          Compare results. Also realize the significance of using higher voltages
                          in a cap and how the joules increase by the square of the voltage.

                          In my motor, I was sometimes using over 1200v discharges. I couldn't
                          get much more than that because the microwave transformer limitations.

                          With the rf burst in those shots, is is caused from the energy in the circuit
                          itself or is it coming into the circuit from the outside - because of a low
                          pressure sink that would pull more potential into the circuit?
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • i have tested again today.
                            In any case my current setup (tube and LV source) a metal piece is attracted to coil far more powerful from the LV source alone than with the two discharges combined and to grid.

                            Directly contrary to what you suggesting. What have i to alter to see the difference?



                            • voltage increase

                              I think you'll see a difference as you go up in scale with the voltages.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • I stumbled across this JNL labs claim.
                                The VSG v3.5 tests report with VIDEO by JL Naudin - Mar 7, 2005

                                Maybe its too old news for you Aaron ,but cannot help at noticing the faster cap discharge via this procedure, as you have pointed out by the use of the tube.

                                Perhaps any distant relevance?

                                by the way, i am vary, very reluctant to assume nuclear trasmutations and changes could take place in there.


