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  • power resistor problem

    hi arron

    i tried on 10 ohm 100 watt, when i turn on circuit resistor will get heated and circuit doesnt trigger

    now i am so much frustrated

    now I am using your resistor to work

    my whole setup is ready

    have wonderful day


    • @Pranav


      Just try the front side of the circuit without the booster cap in parallel.
      Just to keep it simple.

      Also, with a reed switch, you have to make sure it is positioned correctly
      in relation to the magnet. Take a magnet and hook the reed to an ohm meter
      or just put it in series with an led and small battery - you can see that
      if the reed isn't positioned correctly, it isn't going to switch no matter how
      close the magnet is.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • circuit

        hi aaron

        i am talking about 100 ohm 10 watt resistor what shown in diagram
        instead of this resistor i put 10 ohm 100 watt

        when i am trying to test this much circuit only,
        when i switched it on circuit this resistor getting so much heated

        thats the problem i am facing last few days

        i didn't change position of reed(commutator) or scr it is same as diagram

        i am not using reed switch i am using commutator for switching it will connect
        when rotor pass half of the stator

        yesterday i brought resistor like you

        today i am going to test the circuit

        whatever will happened i will get back to you

        have wonderful day
        Last edited by pranav2010; 12-03-2010, 03:27 PM.


        • commutator

          hi aaron

          this is my motors commutator

          have wonderful day
          Last edited by pranav2010; 12-03-2010, 03:27 PM.


          • @Pranav

            Hi Pranav,

            That is a heavy duty setup it looks like! Yes your resistor will get hot charging
            a cap this way.

            Have you seen the lawnmower plasma ignition system Peter and I did? We did
            several variations but I'm talking about the one charged with a half bridge.

            Another way is possibly with a 12v battery and a 12v to 120v inverter.
            Do you have one? There is a risk of blowing the inverter so beware but
            let me know if you saw the lawnmower ignition pics. It is identical to the
            schematic for the cdi part of the circuit you're testing.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • new circuit

              hi arron

              i find new circuit to generate high voltage

              i tried this circuit for just making spark it is sparking very well

              what do think is this okay ??????

              can you tell me where should i put my commutator in the diagram

              and rest of the circuit will remain same as in the circuit diagram

              have wonderful day
              Last edited by pranav2010; 12-03-2010, 03:27 PM.


              • new circuit

                hi aaron

                i find new circuit to generate high voltage

                i tried this circuit for just making spark it is sparking very well

                what do think is this okay ??????

                can you tell me where should i put my commutator in the diagram

                and rest of the circuit will remain same as in the circuit diagram

                have wonderful day


                • dimmer ignition coil circuit

                  hi aaron

                  this is the youtube video of dimmer ignition coil circuit

                  YouTube - High Voltage Sparks from IGNITION COIL

                  have wonderful day


                  • @Pranav

                    Originally posted by pranav2010 View Post
                    hi arron

                    i find new circuit to generate high voltage

                    i tried this circuit for just making spark it is sparking very well

                    what do think is this okay ??????

                    can you tell me where should i put my commutator in the diagram

                    and rest of the circuit will remain same as in the circuit diagram

                    have wonderful day
                    i don't know that a high frequency pulser will work. a cap simply needs
                    to be charged and then discharged into the ignition coil. i'd use a minimum
                    of 4uf as the cdi cap but preferably 10 up to 47uf. perhaps the dimmer
                    can be used to pulse a power supply to charge a cap?

                    Here are a couple ignition pics of one variation with the half bridge and

                    Do you understand the pics? It is exactly AC through half bridge to cap
                    and reed triggers scr. And look at geometry of reed in relation to flywheel
                    where magnet is attached.

                    If you have mechanical switch, you do not need an scr but you do need
                    some way to charge the cap.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • new circuit

                      hi aaron

                      i think this will work properly

                      instead of relay i am going to use there commutator

                      what do you think ?????

                      have wonderful day
                      Last edited by pranav2010; 12-03-2010, 03:27 PM.


                      • my coil

                        hi aaron

                        this is coil

                        have wonderful day
                        Last edited by pranav2010; 02-26-2011, 03:22 PM.


                        • new circuit

                          hi aaron

                          i think this will work properly

                          instead of relay i am going to use there commutator

                          what do you think ?????

                          have wonderful day
                          Last edited by pranav2010; 02-26-2011, 03:22 PM.


                          • plasma test


                            I think that will work, I have done that to charge batteries with the plasma
                            impulses where your 24v battery is but you do not need that to test.
                            It also could make your battery explode - so for safety - remove for now.

                            Leave the gap but remove the battery and diode there, you don't need

                            Relay can work, I have used relays in many of these experiments but little
                            by little your relay points will fail - you may be able to alleviate that with
                            snubber cap across the points. But you can try.

                            After removing the battery/diode, test and it should give you a good
                            plasma burst at the gap.

                            The ignition coil provides the HV output and the cdi 16uf capacitor provides
                            the LV so you don't need the battery to test the effect. The CDI cap and
                            ignition coil combination already mix both the HV and LV together.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • snubber cap

                              hi aaron

                              what do you mean by snubber cap ????

                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                              I think that will work, I have done that to charge batteries with the plasma
                              impulses where your 24v battery is but you do not need that to test.
                              It also could make your battery explode - so for safety - remove for now.

                              Leave the gap but remove the battery and diode there, you don't need

                              Relay can work, I have used relays in many of these experiments but little
                              by little your relay points will fail - you may be able to alleviate that with
                              snubber cap across the points. But you can try.

                              After removing the battery/diode, test and it should give you a good
                              plasma burst at the gap.

                              The ignition coil provides the HV output and the cdi 16uf capacitor provides
                              the LV so you don't need the battery to test the effect. The CDI cap and
                              ignition coil combination already mix both the HV and LV together.
                              have wonderful day


                              • With a romp through past discussion on the Gray Technology, I have seen
                                a different version of the model that I've been using up until now.

                                Included below is a Zener breakdown charger I thought might be of some
                                practical use, and the idea of the LV side has been completely changed
                                in my mind Aaron thanks to your efforts.

                                I do not claim to fully understand the technology yet, although hopefully
                                I'm getting somewhere close.

                                Last edited by geotron; 12-20-2010, 12:05 PM.

