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Gray Tube Replication

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  • (gasp) gapping autonomous spark

    Results are finally in! I've got a preliminary setup as shown here -

    This is a screen capture of the video I took showing how it works with
    a 2100V microwave capacitor connected on the coil charging up to around 750V.

    I'll be repositioning the coil-charging electrode further away from the LV side
    in hopes that it will magnify the effect. How this is working without the use
    of LV-side diodes is not immediately apparent to me...

    I've not yet tried sensing the effect with magnets next to the test coil, being that
    my 12V battery is decrepidly old and won't hold a voltage for long, so that will be another
    thing once it recharges.
    Last edited by geotron; 12-31-2010, 10:12 AM.


    • Originally posted by lamare View Post
      So, according to Patrick J. Kelly Grays technology did originate with Nikola Tesla, which we can speculate may have been the plans for Tesla's famous Electric Pierce Arrow:

      Tesla's Electric Car
      Another interesting reference to Tesla's car here, where JB also gives some hints about two different kinds of energy:
      John Bedinis' EV Gray power conversion tube - 06/05/01

      Received the following from John Bedini regarding Grays coils, the power conversion tube and what is going on with the motor;


      Can anybody answer Me as to how these tubes work,,, NO BECAUSE YOUR LOOKING FOR THEM, YOU WON'T FIND THEM, and no one can make them if you do not understand them. TESLA USED THE SAME TUBES THAT RAN HIS CAR!!!!!!!!!!.

      I have also said that the school girl motor gave all the answers to the problem of free energy. Their is not going to be any kit that somebody can buy at radio shack, Research into this field takes real hard work. The Swiss machine uses the same tubes, WHY BECAUSE THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE THE FORM OF ENERGY TO SOMETHING USEABLE.

      Splitting the Positive what does this mean, it means that one lower form of positive energy is transformed into a higher form, but they are the same potential energy except useable now to do work "REAL POWER IN WATTS" or if you would say AMPS times VOLTS.

      I have made he statement to you before about the way everybody gets the FLUE the stuff that makes you sick, you just don't just get it, takes "TIME" Time is the key factor in pulsed motors(""" GRAY""")....

      IT TAKES TIME TO STORE THE CHARGE TO SOME POTENTIAL BEFORE YOU CAN USE IT FOR DISCHARGE into something. Into something meaning a storage battery or some load that the meters can measure. Closing the loop YOU CAN'T, free energy does not work this way, loops are never closed in any machine that's over unity.

      THE TWO ENERGIES ARE DIFFERENT because the two POSITIVES ARE DIFFERENT they are at the same potential but one weak, one collected and strong in discharge . Stored charge, Time, discharge to something , no closed loop, these are the keys to free energy , and it's not free you must work to get it. By the way the motor runs without the tube, just a little stronger with it and time delayed.
      More by JB here:
      Bedini advanced motor - 06/08/01
      Our engineering deals with electron movements this is "current". In a Free Energy system you must learn to use the opposite pure Voltage (pure potential), after it's working you must convert this into what are instruments see (ELECTRONS) to do this you must be very intuitive. But explaining all this just makes us one day older.

      Anyway I finally got a picture of a very high voltage power pulse inside a battery and it is cold boiling I can feel the pulse in heat out side the battery 3 to 4 inches away, but this is what it looks like (Pictures sent with this post) another thing this battery does is gain voltage under load, Haven't figured this out yet.


      John refers to forward conversion, likening it to developing a pure potential which must be sent into a battery and cut off before actual current flows. Pure potential means a pure electric charge much like Hoopers motional field which used a moebius to cancel the magnetic component. John says he finds a PWM (pulse width modulator) circuit works best and when looking at the pulses on a scope they are exactly 180 degrees out of phase, showing 180 of electric, 180 of magnetic, alternating pulses.

      Very interesting, one can feel the pulses that come out of Bedini's motors, exactly what Tesla reported in relation to what he calls "distruptive discharge".

      Once again, if we remember that it is the electric and magnetic fields that cause mass-based currents to occur, while both can also exist on their own, it is clear that what Bedini calls "pure Voltage (pure potential)" is nothing but the electric field, that what causes electric currents to flow. And Bedini also talks about cutting "it" of before the actual current flows, which apparantly can be done in the case of a battery, because the ion charge carriers inside the battery need some time to react.


      • The need for Lead-Acid Batteries in E.V.Gray Technology

        Originally posted by lamare View Post
        How does that explain the need for the batteries to be present, as Mark McKay said? :
        Dear Lamare,

        The Marvin Cole Engine was primarly an electrostatic device, at least as far as how the energy was extracted from it. Now there may be an RF process like what you are proposing to generate that OU in the first place, but once the non-classical energy gain was accomplished it was harvested using variable capacitors built within the motor. Three are three sets of variable capacitors that are composed of the three plates (that the electromagnets were mounted on including the cores of the electromagnets) on the rotor and nine similiar plates on the stator. The rotor plates were used in common for the three sets of three stator plates. Recent discovery of the EMA0 model has shead some interesting light on this wiring issue. It appears that the "Major" electromagnets were wired in a delta fashion on the rotor. I suspect the same system was used for the rest of the engine.

        Consider just one variable capacitor. In the position of maximum capacitance copious low voltage charge carriers are introduced into the rotor's common conductive assembly with its huge mass. It takes some mechanical energy to rotate the rotor out of this location of maximum capacitance to minimum capacitance. In doing so the voltage potential between the stator base plates and the rotor increases dramatically. At a certain time this much higher voltage is tapped off the staor plates to recharge the storage capacitors. Now, the low energy current carriers contain a much higher level of charge and therefore much more energy. This energy was provided by some non-classical event that is associated with the arc that is drawin across the surface of the dielectric inter-pole blocks.

        This approach is used in the construction of electrostatic motors. It also requires the use of blocking diodes. Since the charge carriers have to return to the source battery then the storage battery can't be eleminated until another solution is found.

        Another interesting discovery is the Delta circuit disclosed by the EMA0 model is that the topology is arranged so that each of the three control arcs in the commutator section of the EMA4 engine are operated with "Bidirectional Currents". This means that the arcs are supplied with current traveling in both directions. This dosen't happen in metalic conductors, but it can in an arc because both negative and positive curent carriers are avaliable. There is not much in the professional technical liturature about this kind of process, or at least not much that I have found in my extensive technical library. I have not yet built the apparatus to test this layout, but I shall report what I find (after I finish all the documentation I'm doing). It certainly is an interesting layout and one I would have not thought of on my own had I not had the model to look at. I would like to thank Mr. Ron Hammar for making this interesting and important piece of hardware history avaliable to me for study. This might prove to be the Rossetta Stone for this technology - at least from my standpoint. But, don't hol me to it. I alwasy get worked up when a new tid-bit like this comes along in this technology.

        I'm writing this all up [The Secrets of the EMA0] with several dozen drawings and photos (60+ pages I'm about 40% finished). Peter Lindemann will make it avaliable (I hope) for a small fee in a pdf format from his web site.

        It has now become apparent to me why Cole had to have so many unit power supplies with half-wave rectification. It has to do the with the isolation requirements needed to charge 3 storage capacitors that are wired in a delta configuration. At each apex of the delta is where the arc electrodes are placed to strike arcs to the delta connected inductive load of the rotor. Delta circuits are used extensively used in 3-phase AC systems, but it is certainly novel that it is being employed in a pulsed DC system - most interesting. Of course the patent doesn't breathe a hint about delta topologies, but the EMA0 sure tells its own story.

        I have also finished a 53 page report on the entire timeline of the developemt of all the Cole/Hackenberger Motor/Engines including a lot of circumstantial history and of course my personal speculations (which I have a lot of). Peter is editing this document now (since he is a writer and I am not) and will also offer it on his web site.

        This year has proven to be very productive. At last we have some techincal meat that we can explore experimentaly that actually has some relationship to the hardware that Cole was using.



        • cdi unit

          I'm seeing now some interesting results Aaron with a few
          different configurations. I've felt a couple of small thumps
          on my electromagnet from 720V cap discharges to ground against
          the HV rod from which it was charging, and would like enhance
          my system with one of your nifty cap charger units.

          The following is a preliminary diagram I've drawn out to the
          best of my understanding - I'm not yet sure if it is a true


          • Gray replication

            Hi Geotron,


            That is a post to that lawnmower setup for reference.

            The top black wire you have a question about is simply the negative
            of the ignition coil primary going to a bolt on the body of the engine for

            The lower part you are asking about is indeed a resistor array. A bunch
            of series and parallel 100w 10ohm resistors I believe.

            To do it over again, I'd use an off the shelf CDI module from MSD or
            someone and hook it to the ignition coil and trigger it with a reed. With
            the diode string attached from ignition coil primary to HV of course.
            So you can convert any off the shelf CDI module to a plasma ignition with
            only the diodes.

            Anyway, in your diagram, the scr looks like it is pointing in the wrong
            direction - it is inverted. We actually had ours in the normal direction
            I believe.

            Also, we had a resistors on the gate.

            If you use this method, you'll get a basic plasma ignition.

            Then, simply use a separate power supply to charge a cap to a few
            hundred volts and a few hundred uf's. Make the ground common of

            Have that plasma ignition circuit jump to the positive of the other cap
            that is charged up over a gap then another gap to ground. On the way
            to ground, have the inductor there and that will run a motor.

            If you want to draw up the diagram, I'll comment on it.

            Anyway, I STRONGLY believe that anyone should focus on making a
            plasma ignition work first then go from there.

            Can you post any videos or pics of your plasma ignition?

            Anyway, I'm excited to see your results and hope Pranav is also getting
            some results!
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • so no takers on the T.E.A. LASER analogy?


              • tea laser on my list

                I'm understanding now a little better - that is very interesting to me the
                way in which to use a normal ignition coil with the diodes going from the primary
                into the output for generation of plasma. Its like using electrical leverage
                from the capacitor to propel the transformed voltage output.

                I've got a 500Mohm + 5.1Mohm voltage divider that I could hook up to the
                coil output, although with the nature of the burst being so violent I'm
                hesitant, thinking it might either destroy the resistors or my DMM.
                Otherwise I am uncertain what the value of my capacitor bank should be
                on the LV electrode. In order to find the ratio of input to output,
                I'm thinking I could possibly transist a signal through the ignition coil
                and measure both the voltage of what's going in VS the hv-output and use
                this to calculate what I would obtain with a certain voltage input from the
                capacitor of the CDI module.

                Aaron - In your video for the 3-Point Circuit I see that you max out your
                LV side cap bank to around 1000V, causing me to think that in this
                particular area, matching the output from the coil with 20KV or whatever
                in capacitor value is not necessary with the diodes sitting there to
                snap shut when their voltage limit is exceeded protecting the caps from
                damage. In truth I'm not yet certain in this area.

                I've captured a bit of action on my silent camera, and some stills as
                well. The following video [link] is set up exactly as shown in the diagram
                shown above. The electrode sitting on top is connected to the coil and
                is charging up the capacitor to around 1KV.

                After shooting this my signal generator was damaged for the transistor
                circuit driving the ignition coil into the HV end. It has since been replaced
                with one of my older models, of which I'm still getting the hang of. With a
                new version on the way and an old mot and extra 12v wall plug sitting around
                I'll be using this as my input to charge the capacitor.

                Anyhow, this is my newest illustration - with luck I've put your excellent
                tips to good use. Shown attached to the LV-side capacitor is something I
                thought might prove to be of some practical value... the diode going in
                reverse allowing flow in both directions even with the polarization. I've
                heard many times about the energy of this cap bank being drawn out into
                the spark gap and onto the mesh to power the coil, although how this could
                happen with polarized caps?


                • @Geotron


                  Good work! Saw the vid and from the pic looks like you're getting it!

                  I have modified your diagram to be closer to what I have done.

                  Basically, you're HV CDI side looks good.

                  The difference I made is that I'm showing the HV rod
                  is forced to go to the LV rod first to slam into the LV
                  cap charged from a separate power supply.

                  That LV is what I was cranking up to 1000v with a
                  variac powering a microwave over power supply to
                  charge that cap.

                  Anyway, the HV CDI small plasma discharge from the HV
                  side is forced to hit the LV side first. Then when the HV diode
                  from the diode leaving the "LV cap(s)" closes shut, the discharge
                  has nowhere to go but that third rod where the inductor is.

                  When it does that, that LV cap is forced to follow over and the
                  inductor charges creating a field that repels (or attracts) a
                  magnet on a rotor depending on the polarity of the coil.

                  Just as long as the HV CDI plasma ignition side has its negative
                  connected to the negative of the LV cap and the negative of the
                  inductor, you're good to go!

                  Let me know if you have any questions - you're RIGHT THERE!
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • testing of circuit

                    hi aaron

                    now my circuit is working its triggering very well but resistor 100 ohm 100 watt

                    is getting so much heated please tell me why this is getting heated

                    and while triggering spark doesn't coming in tube its sparking in primary of the


                    you can see this is my test video

                    YouTube - VID 00008

                    i think i am very close to your three point system

                    please suggest me what to do

                    i attached circuit diagram

                    are you using two different power supply for HIGH VOLTAGE & LOW VOLTAGE

                    and if i connect a dotted diode circuit doesn't work can you tell me why its happening

                    have wonderful day
                    Last edited by pranav2010; 02-26-2011, 03:22 PM.


                    • pranav - from your diagram it doesn't look like you've connected the grid
                      onto a pathway to Ground. This might explain why the sparks are on your


                      • opposing voltage suprise!

                        Aaron, you're saying that the polarized capacitor bank is breaking
                        down in reverse and releasing its energy though the anode? I'd like
                        to give a non-polarized capacitor bank a try only to observe any
                        noticeable difference.

                        It seems as though I'll be able to tap the output of my voltage generator
                        coil charging the CDI cap into a CW multiplier for boosting the LV side bank.
                        Upping the number of transistors in the coil pulser will likely happen in
                        this case to allow the additional current to speed things up.


                        • separate power supplies

                          Originally posted by pranav2010 View Post
                          is getting so much heated please tell me why this is getting heated

                          and while triggering spark doesn't coming in tube its sparking in primary of the MOT

                          i attached circuit diagram

                          are you using two different power supply for HIGH VOLTAGE & LOW VOLTAGE

                          and if i connect a dotted diode circuit doesn't work can you tell me why its happening
                          My resistors got hot too. But you're working at 240v probably around
                          the same amps so twice as much watts as me - maybe.

                          The best way around that is to get an off the shelf CDI and power it
                          with a 12v car battery and add diodes - will be an automatic plasma
                          igniter for the front side.

                          I saw the sparks in the video. Are you able to use an isolation transformer
                          to isolate your MOT from the ignition side? I don't know if that is the

                          What is the rating of the diodes leaving the MOT? I used 2kv even though
                          I used an output max of up to 1200-1300 volts or so but usually
                          around 800. I used 8 diodes that were each 1000v 6a to make my bridge
                          and that solved a lot of problems.

                          I have used a common power supply on both the hv and lv side in smaller
                          ignition tests and it worked fine, but I found that when upscaling this
                          for these purposes that I really needed separate transformers.

                          I used wall power direct thru diodes to charge the cap on the CDI front
                          side system and I used a MOT on to charge the LV cap, which was
                          4000v 2uf. But only charged that up to 1300 max.

                          By the way, I fried 2 MOT's by melting the insulation on the wires - it isn't
                          ideal but works great if you don't push it too hard.

                          The dotted line - should work but may have interference by not isolating
                          your MOT from the front side - have to think about it.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • HV discharges out the diode

                            Originally posted by geotron View Post
                            Aaron, you're saying that the polarized capacitor bank is breaking
                            down in reverse and releasing its energy though the anode? I'd like
                            to give a non-polarized capacitor bank a try only to observe any
                            noticeable difference.

                            It seems as though I'll be able to tap the output of my voltage generator
                            coil charging the CDI cap into a CW multiplier for boosting the LV side bank.
                            Upping the number of transistors in the coil pulser will likely happen in
                            this case to allow the additional current to speed things up.
                            When the HV jumps into the diode (because it is completely open and
                            is a path to ground for the HV), the reverse rating of the diode will be met
                            and then it will close. The HV jumps the only other path to ground (gap
                            to the rod/grid/point to the inductor). When it does that abruptly, it causes
                            a strong negative suction on the diode's annode that pulls the positive
                            charge from the LV cap out of it faster than an "ambient" discharge.

                            You get that suction on that LV cap charge + the gap is ionized from the
                            HV sufficiently to conduct that LV over the gap.

                            The moment that happens you get the effect and the inductor charges
                            and repels or attracts a magnet on a rotor depending on the polarity of the
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • I'm beginning to see this now... when the HV is off, the LV side is
                              teeming with charge from an open diode and however many volts are sitting
                              in the capacitor. When the HV plasma is sent over the gap, colliding
                              head-first with the LV potential it must push against it, and when the
                              diode closes it leaves an electrical cavitation where the LV must expand
                              into. With the diode in its favor, the first capacitor discharge is
                              effectively used to cause a second, also acting as an ionic bridge to the
                              3rd electrode or grid.

                              The manner in which this is attained seems as though it may be amplified
                              by the 3rd point instead being another diode sitting open connected to
                              a second LV capacitor. The plasma burst from the 1st LV bank would hit
                              it and there would be a collision of these two LV capacitor banks likely
                              emitting from the gap onto a fourth electrode. ( using lots of imagination )


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                My resistors got hot too. But you're working at 240v probably around
                                the same amps so twice as much watts as me - maybe.

                                The best way around that is to get an off the shelf CDI and power it
                                with a 12v car battery and add diodes - will be an automatic plasma
                                igniter for the front side.

                                I saw the sparks in the video. Are you able to use an isolation transformer
                                to isolate your MOT from the ignition side? I don't know if that is the

                                What is the rating of the diodes leaving the MOT? I used 2kv even though
                                I used an output max of up to 1200-1300 volts or so but usually
                                around 800. I used 8 diodes that were each 1000v 6a to make my bridge
                                and that solved a lot of problems.

                                I have used a common power supply on both the hv and lv side in smaller
                                ignition tests and it worked fine, but I found that when upscaling this
                                for these purposes that I really needed separate transformers.

                                I used wall power direct thru diodes to charge the cap on the CDI front
                                side system and I used a MOT on to charge the LV cap, which was
                                4000v 2uf. But only charged that up to 1300 max.

                                By the way, I fried 2 MOT's by melting the insulation on the wires - it isn't
                                ideal but works great if you don't push it too hard.

                                The dotted line - should work but may have interference by not isolating
                                your MOT from the front side - have to think about it.

                                hi aaron

                                i used 1x3 microwave high voltage diode full wave bridge

                                and behind the low voltage rod i used 20*mic6a4 diode

                                i have 40 amp 1200v diode too i am going to use it

                                now i am thinking to use isolation transformer

                                can you tell me what is the rating of isolation transformer ???????

                                and what is the position of it ????? means before variac or after variac

                                and one more think 100 ohm 100 watt, instead of this 100 ohm 250 watt

                                i think it wont get heat

                                have wonderful day
                                Last edited by pranav2010; 01-15-2011, 04:39 PM.

