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Gray Tube Replication

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  • bridge


    I've fried a few mots myself.

    What kind of bridge do you have leaving it?

    When I had just a 1kv bridge made from four 6a100's,
    I had problems even when I had the output like
    500v or so.

    But suddenly when I used eight 6a100's for a 2kv
    bridge, the mot worked flawlessly.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Hmm... I had just attached a single 3A 1000V diode to the AC output,
      then connected right on to the CDI caps without a resistor, as it had
      been limited to 1.3A or so at 220V. The LV charger side with the 6V
      wall-plug transformer was setup in the same way.

      I'm glad to know it was just not enough diodes to block whatever
      was attacking the coils... although with my lack of an immediate
      replacement transformer I may try pulsing 12V directly though a
      CW multiplier just to see how it goes. I'll definitely be loading
      up the output with blocking diodes too - the punch of this thing
      is amazing...


      • mot full bridge for hv side

        Originally posted by geotron View Post
        Hmm... I had just attached a single 3A 1000V diode to the AC output,
        then connected right on to the CDI caps without a resistor, as it had
        been limited to 1.3A or so at 220V. The LV charger side with the 6V
        wall-plug transformer was setup in the same way.

        I'm glad to know it was just not enough diodes to block whatever
        was attacking the coils... although with my lack of an immediate
        replacement transformer I may try pulsing 12V directly though a
        CW multiplier just to see how it goes. I'll definitely be loading
        up the output with blocking diodes too - the punch of this thing
        is amazing...
        For you, it possibly might be the same issue. I just know that for me
        using a full bridge from the high voltage side made of 8 x 6a 1000v
        diodes did the trick. I hope it is that simple for you. I'd definitely use
        a full bridge in either case.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • The way it was showing up before, the transistors would heat up on one
          coil while staying cool on another, while currently they are all now
          generating nothing other than resistance leaving the coil to pick up
          only a minor voltage. Metering shows the transformers to register on
          the Ohms scale as they should; in any case this is the layout

          also, the diode bridge was not being used


          • After a bit of changing things around it seems to be working now without frying anything up,
            except one transistor out of my LV charger that is more than likely stuck open. I've added
            3KV worth of diodes to the (-)output of the transistor and timer circuits in order to help
            block anything from going backwards into them, as well as 3A fullwave rectifiers on the
            transformer outputs.

            Curiously at last measurement there was around 530V 3A DC being produced on
            the LV side transformer from the bank of 5 transistors out of the 250W 12V power
            supply, measured without a load. At this point it has returned about one burst
            per second with 1/4 - 5/8ths gaps on the rods from three 250V 22uf capacitors.

            I'll be reworking the transistor wiring to equally distribute flow between them,
            but as for increasing the rate of discharges, my best ideas are to decrease the
            spark gaps and use a thicker transformer.

            HV plasma - top LV caps - left
            Last edited by geotron; 02-13-2011, 09:37 AM.


            • I've taped a small demonstration video of my 2000ft spool of 25g wire bouncing
              a couple of small neo magnets. The Lv side was being fed with about 500V from
              a bank of five transistors pulsing 12V from a battery through a 100w transformer.

              Much better results now with using a 12V motorcycle battery in place of
              the 250w PC power supply - many more bursts per second, even though it is
              a bit out of service from sitting too long and will not run an engine. Its
              negative pole is connected to the output and also directly to ground, looking
              like it may work even better instead with a gap onto ground, perhaps sealed
              in a box.

              The scr diode was not seeming to work with about 1.5V reaching its gate,
              instead turning into negative voltage upon being connected by an interruptor.
              It may be the datasheet is wrong... it shows a notch in the gate lead, and
              the ones they sent me don't have any notches.

              With a raised frequency at 50% duty cycle it has upped the LV side output
              to over 700V. The way in which the percentage can be varied has me intrigued,
              shown at Electronics in Meccano. The LV side capacitor voltage seems to
              float around 150-200V when in operation at slow speed; 4-6 contacts per second.

              Using a rewound center tapped transformer will be my eventual direction if PWM
              and additional transistors are not sufficient. Thanks for your patience
              in helping me along Aaron and others with this truly incredible energy...

              With a leyden jar it seems to fan out from the anode and light up the wire
              on its way through the copper lead connected to ground -

              Last edited by geotron; 02-15-2011, 10:04 AM. Reason: - link added -


              • It has gone awry and done away with my ignition coil... I'm seeing that
                with the 3rd point output connected directly to the (-)battery with a
                short gap to ground that the entire discharge is being absorbed into it
                rather than sparking across.

                Amidst an experiment to see whether a PC fan connected to a separate 12v
                battery may operate normally with the discharge output connected to the
                (+) pole instead, some event took place that fused the coil together.

                Anyway, initially the Run battery showed to be recovering energy from having
                its (-) pole connected to ground, into which the radiant bursts were traveling,
                then with the output going straight into it instead it was steadily losing

                Does it seem right that the output may be directed into the (+) pole
                of a battery simultaniously powering timers and other delicate circuitry,
                acting to condense it into useable charge while sustaining a proper
                voltage to the electronic components?


                • charging up!

                  edit: The triac, as I've learned is being used in light dimmer knobs around the
                  world, and being a short-signal component will likely not provide the desired effect
                  of ac-transformation.

                  I'm seeing now that the way to go is with an inverter coupled with
                  voltage control for driving the LV side power supply transformer rather
                  than pulsed DC...

                  Aaron, you've clearly shown this in practice utilizing a variable
                  transformer to charge those caps, and it got me wondering if another
                  proper way of going about it might be with a household light-dimmer
                  knob. I'm sure that I would like to use a variac, only with the
                  relatively high cost of obtaining one it has sent me to look for
                  alternatives. Another possibility I'm considering is a power tool
                  speed control box, as is commonly produced for routers.
                  Last edited by geotron; 02-18-2011, 10:11 AM. Reason: info


                  • info

                    The high voltage generated from the output of the ignition coil does
                    not seem to want to transform into plasma with the use of 1000V 1A diodes
                    in series. The previous blocking diode that broke on my ignition coil
                    was rated at 10mA, so it seems a nF capacitor would be in order next time
                    with such a rating.

                    The video previously shown in which a transformer was sparking backwards
                    a surprising amount is what I have learned can be due to either a faulty or
                    absent diode for the generation of a plasma burst. The LV capacitors
                    will not collide properly in the spark gap; rather on the coil sending
                    the HV burst from shorting a capacitor... also causing defective transistors.


                    • my test video

                      hi arron

                      i just test my circuit

                      circuit works very well

                      i solved a problem of power resister heating

                      but one new problem i am facing when i increase voltage amp goes very high it goes up to 19 amp i dont understand why it happened

                      i think it happened because of the bridge of MOT

                      i just purchase 16 amp 1200v diode

                      i am going to use it like to you

                      and one more think is when i connect lv to hv diode circuit doesn't

                      please check this video

                      YouTube - SNC00364

                      have wonderful day
                      Last edited by pranav2010; 02-25-2011, 06:29 PM.


                      • Gray Tube Replication

                        You guys have been busy.

                        Pranav - it looks like you definitely got it!

                        Can you post a diagram?

                        Geotron - I'll have to look at all your posts soon, just been busy.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • circuit diagram

                          hi arron

                          i attached circuit diagram please check it

                          i made bridge with the 1x3 microwave diode i think this is the problem in my circuit

                          and one more think is while applying dotted diode circuit doesnt trigger

                          i dont understand why this happened

                          have wonderful day
                          Last edited by pranav2010; 09-09-2012, 06:52 PM.


                          • Hi Pranav,

                            Looks nice and simple, thanks!

                            With 22uf on the front side, that is probably enough
                            that you don't need the diode (dotted line position).

                            You show you have an isolation transformer on the
                            front but I had problems even when using an isolation

                            You could run one of the transformers from an inverter
                            connected to a battery.

                            Anyway, if it works without the dotted diode then
                            I wouldn't worry about it. I have done it with or without.

                            You mention the bridge with 1x3 diodes. Do you mean
                            you have 12 diodes for the full bridge? What are their
                            specs and what is the max voltage you are outputting
                            from the MOT when you turn up the variac?
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • diode

                              hi arron

                              1x3 is the number of microwave diode its rating is 12kv 500mamp

                              i am giving up to 1700v to cap

                              its charging very well

                              all circuit working good

                              i think diode is the main issue in my circuit

                              what do you think

                              after success of this i am using my circuit which i developed

                              i will definitely tell you about it

                              let me do this first

                              this success is all because of you

                              have wonderful day


                              • @Pranav

                                Hi Pranav,

                                Thank you but it was definitely your persistence that paid off!

                                Below, I removed the diodes between bridge and cap. Are those
                                necessary? Were those also high voltage diodes? You can leave
                                them of course if it works fine.

                                Are the 20x diodes MIC 6A4? So 400volts 6amps?

                                Also, your full wave bridge - what part number are those diodes?
                                And does the bridge use only 4 diodes total?

                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

