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Gray Tube Replication

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  • amperage lost into oblivion

    It seems that the way in which I've been harvesting the output from my
    previous method of pulsing 12V into a voltage boosting circuit was then
    inefficient... Perhaps revisited this may turn out to allow operation
    of the LV power supply unit without further utilizing inverter technology.


    • I've updated the previous inverter diagram to show a more stable
      version posted at circuitelectronic
      Last edited by geotron; 03-15-2011, 09:00 AM.


      • Originally posted by geotron View Post
        That's an intriguing motor, I'm unfamiliar with how they are
        constructed... unless you are referring to what is commonly thought
        of as a Newman Motor design with the coils above and below
        the extents the magnetic driveshaft.

        I've found that the manner in which wirewound power resistors are
        connected in series allows each of them to dissipate a certain amount
        of energy depending on the supply voltage and their ohm value.
        The lower your total ohm value, the quicker your plasma discharge
        capacitor(s) will recharge.

        The amperage rating of your 120V input diode must comply with
        however much your resistors are drawing.

        Thank you for reply,
        The thing about newmans in my setup is about wire to be used not the engine design, he make some tests and find out that tinned copper wire is far more magnetically efficient.

        Im not sure about engine, it either may be magnetic piston or magnetic repulsion, depending on my (lack of) abillity to calculate components for eds tube power supply,
        i sow aaron setup on yt, im optimistic about it, but i think ill have problem with perfecting it- to make great discharges constant not only observable, to increase and stabilize frequency. AND IM REALLY WONDERING HOW IS HE DOING
        Thank you once again,


        • glad to help

          With 120V in, two 450v 4.7uf inline with 160ohms
          of 10 10ohm 10w and 3 20ohm 15w does the trick.


          • gate activation

            Concerning the use of an SCR diode, the following is what I've been able to
            gather from its datasheet. In the case there is an error, anyone please feel free
            to offer a correction.



            • high voltage side

              hi aaron

              please look attached image

              i am going to add this to high voltage side in your three point system

              it has high voltage high ampere output

              have wonderful day
              Last edited by pranav2010; 09-09-2012, 06:52 PM.


              • success & difficulty

                It seems that the previous malfunctions my system was experiencing with
                charging up the LV-side are no longer an issue. The system is working,
                with the SCR I might add, the gate hooked to 120VDC through a 5K resistor.

                While it is indeed working, there is still a serious glitch. With the
                output going into the (-) battery post also hooked to the inverter, once
                fired it will throw a voltage warning on the inverter and cause it to
                shut down.

                I've tried sending the output through the (+) side as well with an identical
                result, as well as attaching 6A 1KV blocking diodes to the (-) inverter cable
                pointing towards the battery to block any spikes - also with the same result.

                What could I do to prevent this from happening? Attach a DC voltage regulator
                in between the battery and inverter, or perhaps construct a battery swapper?

                Daftman's Printable Diagrams
                Last edited by geotron; 03-26-2011, 08:16 AM.


                • It seems as though a momentary gap in 12v to the inverter would
                  cause it to shut down....


                  • motor performance pics

                    This is the motor constructed with a 1600ft 30g coil. The drag present
                    from the bolts isn't a huge amount, the LV caps are currently two 4 x 250v
                    22uf banks in parallel and it will spin quite a few times on a single
                    burst. The voltage pic is from spinning it by hand.


                    • inverter VS the Tube malfunction idea

                      One of the 12v batteries I've got might have a bit of sulfation, and
                      this came to mind. The LV cap would see a little extra wouldn't it?


                      • diagram


                        Do you have a full up to date diagram?
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • system overview

                          Here's what it looks like... the LV side is made from two banks of
                          4x 250v 22uf in parallel. I've not yet tried the battery setup as shown
                          previously in my last post.


                          • the battery woo-hoo return

                            It looks as though I've still got to implement the diagram you posted
                            earlier Aaron, with the output connected to the inverter return pole.

                            The darn thing skipped right over me.
                            Last edited by geotron; 03-30-2011, 08:48 AM.


                            • diagram

                              Geotron, the link you posted won't go directly to it.

                              You see the "Permalink" link at the top right, I don't know why but that
                              never goes to the post.

                              If you use the actual #XXXX link, that will go directly to the post.

                              There are a few tweaks needed to your diagram in the latest post, but you're
                              99% there.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • @Geotron


                                This is all you have to do...

                                1. Leave B2 out of the picture.

                                2. Tie all three grounds with the blue circle together exactly
                                as I show.

                                If the MOT's cap is charged and you trigger the cap into the
                                primary of the ignition coil, you will get that coil to pulse. If
                                you do it exactly like that, you got it. When you confirm that,
                                just put a wheel with magnets over the coil and use a hall effect
                                sensor as a pickup from the magnets to trigger that SCR and
                                make it adjustable. Just make 110% sure the magnets on the
                                rotor will not break off in any way, shape or form or you'll
                                regret it. I had three 1/2" neos that are 1/2" thick in the rotor
                                I used. Rotor was machined to be press fit then I used as much
                                superglue as I could. If I get back to that particular setup, I'll
                                wrap a couple layers of packing tape around that whole thing
                                just in case - no joke.

                                By the way, the ground at the ignition coil, you want it right there
                                at the ground terminal so the HV will get right to it. You don't want
                                the ground after the scr.

                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

