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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by nat1971a View Post

    I found the english version datasheet for my thyratron. Looks like i applied way to much voltage to the grid and heating the filament. I am learning about these bad boys as I go. So that explains why they died. So i will reiterate what the secret is. AC to the grid of the thyratron!! From what i understand so far this makes the thyratron behave like a valve. Its on then it is off and repeats on and off etc.

    I found an interesting intro into thyratrons:

    The hydrogen thyratron is a high peak power electrical switch which uses hydrogen gas as the switching medium. The switching action is achieved by a transfer from the insulating properties of neutral gas to the conducting properties of ionised gas. Exploiting the basic principles of gas discharge physics, the hydrogen thyratron is designed to withstand a high voltage in the ‘off’ state, to trigger at a precisely defined time, to pass high peak current pulses in the ‘on’ state and to recover rapidly to the ‘off’ state to allow high repetition rate operation.
    The process of switching in a hydrogen thyratron can be broken down into four phases. These are voltage hold-off, commutation, conduction and recovery.

    Interestingly, there's a part about how thyratrons compare to spark gaps:

    Thyratrons are designed to withstand a high voltage on the anode and to trigger with a low voltage on the grid. Voltage breakdown in any gas-filled gap is initiated by free charges (electrons and ions) crossing the gap under the influence of an electric field. If sufficient energy is available, gas molecules are ionised producing more free charges. The positive ions are accelerated towards the lower potential electrode and cause the release of secondary electrons. Under the right circumstances, the processes become self-sustaining and voltage breakdown occurs. The breakdown behaviour is described by Paschen’s law, where the breakdown voltage V of an electrode/gas system is a function of the product of pressure p, and electrode separation d:

    V = f (pd).

    The graph of this relation is of the form shown in Figure 3 and the breakdown voltage has a minimum at the pd value, designated pdmin. The breakdown voltage rises on either side of pdmin and it is thus possible to find two values of pd which give the same breakdown voltage. For example, thyratrons operate on the low pd or left-hand side of the curve. Spark gaps operate on the high pd or right-hand side of the curve.

    Some more on thyratrons here:
    Gas discharge tubes : THYRISTORS
    In essence, thyratron tubes were controlled versions of neon lamps built specifically for switching current to a load. The dot inside the circle of the schematic symbol indicates a gas fill, as opposed to the hard vacuum normally seen in other electron tube designs. In the circuit shown above in Figure above. the thyratron tube allows current through the load in one direction (note the polarity across the load resistor) when triggered by the small DC control voltage connected between grid and cathode. Note that the load's power source is AC, which provides a clue about how the thyratron turns off after its been triggered on: since AC voltage periodically passes through a condition of 0 volts between half-cycles, the current through an AC-powered load must also periodically halt. This brief pause of current between half-cycles gives the tube's gas time to cool, letting it return to its normal "off" state. Conduction may resume only if enough voltage is applied by the AC power source (some other time in the wave's cycle) and if the DC control voltage allows it.
    It's behavior appears to be very similar to a thyristor.....
    Last edited by lamare; 06-06-2011, 12:12 PM. Reason: added part with spark gap comparison


    • hola amigos, Nikola Tesla descubrió que en energizados sistemas de c.c de alta tensión al cerrar el cerrojo durante algunos milisegundos un tipo de nueva energía hacia su aparición de forma perpendicular al cable electrico, y despues desaparecia cuando los electrones empezaban a correr por los cables, entonces el ideo un sistema para apagar automáticamente la chispa, osea para abrir el circuito electrico automáticamente utilizando 2 cuernos metalicos y un potente imán perpendicular el cual "soplaba magneticamente la llama" hasta extinguirse, la energia radiante es como un fluido etherico que aparece siempre que un circuito electrico de muy alta tensión es cerrado de una forma muy abrupta "y los electrones son perezosos a la hora de empezar a correr" es importantisimo que la energía fluya en una sola dirección, tambien es importante que el circuito abra rápidamente para evitar que los electrones empiecen a correr y se consuman amperios, es por eso que las bombillas lucen sin calor, pues no son electrones los que circulan sino mas bien energia etherica dislocada,un saludo-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hello friends, Nikola Tesla discovered that systems powered high voltage DC to close the bolt for a few milliseconds a new kind of energy into their appearance perpendicular to the electric cable, and then disappeared when electrons began to run through the cables, then devised a system to automatically turn off the spark, I mean to open the electric circuit automatically using 2 metal horns and a powerful magnet which perpendicular "magnetic blowing the flame" to extinction, as radiant energy is etheric fluid which appears whenever Electric circuit of high voltage is locked in a very abrupt "and electrons are lazy when you start running is important that the energy flow in one direction, it is also important to quickly open the circuit to prevent the electrons start to run and consume amps, which is why they look no heat lamps, as there are electrons flowing etheric energy but rather disjointed, greetings
      must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


      • Un-noticed topology Details of the Tesla Exploding Wire Experiment

        Originally posted by antigraviticsystems1 View Post
        hello friends, Nikola Tesla discovered that systems powered high voltage DC to close the bolt for a few milliseconds a new kind of energy into their appearance perpendicular to the electric cable, and then disappeared when electrons began to run through the cables, then devised a system to automatically turn off the spark, I mean to open the electric circuit automatically using 2 metal horns and a powerful magnet which perpendicular "magnetic blowing the flame" to extinction, as radiant energy is etheric fluid which appears whenever Electric circuit of high voltage is locked in a very abrupt "and electrons are lazy when you start running is important that the energy flow in one direction, it is also important to quickly open the circuit to prevent the electrons start to run and consume amps, which is why they look no heat lamps, as there are electrons flowing etheric energy but rather disjointed, greetings
        Dear antigraviticsystems,

        Allow me to add additional technical information to this important Tesla experiment that was explored in early 1891.

        -The power supply was composed of a SMALL capacitor and a highvoltage constant current generator. This has a huge impact upon the energy profile that is presented to the arc plasma.

        - Dr. Tesla explored the phenomena that traveled at 90 degrees to the conductor, but then went on to examine what anomalous particles continued down the length of the conductor. His later work focused on these particles before he came full circule to advance and improve upon the 90 degree process in 1903.

        - The system(s) devised to turn off the current were manditory because of the current source supply.

        -The magnetic disrupter only disclosed part of the complete system. True the applied magnetic field did eventually quench high current arcs, but what it was doing in the microseconds before the quench is far more important. Consider the dielectric that Dr. Tesla used to protect the pole faces of those magnets. As the arc is twisted due to the applied magnetic field the plasma is physically drug across a dielectric sheet (normaly Mica). The concept of a stretched arc across a dielectric surface is explored by Dr. Tesla in several manifestations from 1891 to 1907. No less than 11 patents have this common theme.

        - Dr. Tesla quickly abandoned magnetic quenching very early in the decade becasue of the energy requirements and the persistant instability of plasmas in magnetic fields. by 1985 he had patened several intrupter designs. It is assumed that the most advanced designs used mercury jets.

        - The abrupt quench has more to do with another un-observed process than anything presented so far. The quick break allows for the generation of an RF burst across the electrods of the gap and thus saturate the cooling arc plasma with a specific RF frequency. This action seperates Dr. Tesla's work from the operation of commercial high-voltage switching. This process step is critical in the production of the anomalous particles.

        - True electrons are lazy and consume energy to move from one place to another, but i doubtr that is what Dr. Tesla was striving for or working with. He generated a whole new class of energetic particles which I call "Tesla Radiant Energy Particles" (TREP's). This is where the action is at. Classical electrons are a pain, but under the influance of a postive ion matrix in a properly designed arc the might become a "Charge Cluster" with unique properties.

        - These TREP's (or etheric energy) have a huge magnetic moment, as if the electron spins are all locked into the same phase. Thus they act as super conductor particles and travel through metallic crystals (ie wire) as if it were a super conductor. I would guess that any OU properties to be utilized are a function of all these spins interacting with the zero-point vacuum energy (or what ever it will be called)

        Keep up the good work and the detailed research experiments. Your description above is fundamental to the birth of a new physics. These same ideas seem closely associated with the E.V. Gray technology.

        Mark McKay


        • More EMA0 Information

          Originally posted by Arker View Post
          Dear Spokane1,

          IVIII Spark gap to discharge capa storage
          - You wrote that it is the cores of coils that act as spark gap. Is it in addition that you use also independent spark gap, or only the cores ?

          IX Variable capacitor
          - Do you still think that the capacity between the rotor and stator is not something incidental, but are a part of Marvin Cole's innovations ?

          - So there would be conservation of charge between the armatures that move away, and increasing the tension until the moment when the too high voltage makes a breakdown in the air.

          - The teflon coating of the faces of the core is to protect against corrosion ? because with or without teflon the capacitance will remain nearly the same. And also, with 2 dielectrics (the 2nd being air) always the weakest that break, so in practice the teflon does not seem to affect the capacitive aspect (or so I'm wrong ? there is a secret ?)

          - The maximum cap can not be high, say 5 nanofarad? Tension, it can be evaluated according to the length of the breakdown, so we can quantify the charge Q = V * C. We will be under millicoulomb, isn't ?

          - For the moment I can not understand the true function of the variable capacitor. You dear Spokane1, how much coulomb do you evaluate the charge of the variable capacitor? (Is it necessary to consider other aspects such as the volume ? or the surface ?)

          Forgive me for assail questions, my list has elongated and you will not have time to answer (and more they are not focused on CEST which is the subject of the forum, Aaron will scold me).

          I am your humble student.
          Dear Arker,

          Here is some more comments on your questions concerning the EMA0 model.

          Questions from section VIII

          -The non-classical arc is the one that I believe generates the anomalous particles. However it appears that other fixed arcs were employed for timing and trigger purposes. I propose that the non-classical arc took place between the core faces of the opposing Minor electromagnets, but I could be wrong. Richard Hackenberger thought the non-classical reaction took place in the front section of the commutator between the switching discs and the fixed contacts. Both locations produce a stretched arc.

          Questions from section IX

          -The construction of a variable capacitor within the design of the engine is vital to my theory of electrostatic energy harvest. This is how energy can be pumped from highly charged dielectric surfaces back to the storage capacitors. This is assumed to be a classical process. However the creation of the static charge is a result of a breakdown of the anomalous particles.

          -No, the potential difference is not allowed to exceed the stored charge on the capacitors. This is achieved by means of diode and the lead acid battery. Were this circuit not in place the potential would easily exceed the breakdown potential of the air.

          -to my knowledge there was no Teflon coating on the face of the cores. At least that is what the situation appears too been in the available photographs. Now the inside of the engine case was lined with a 0.250" Teflon layer. This was to isolate the electromagnetic base plates from the conductive engine case. I suspect this provided a fixed capacitance that worked with the electrostatic harvest method. Notice the huge conductor that connects to the engine case. There were some provisions for some pretty hefty currents to slosh between the batteries and the engine case.

          -The size of the storage capacitors is around 5-12 uF (microfarad). This was observed in the Bedini Field notes. I believe the EMA4 use the smaller capacitor size. Yes you are correct in that the stored energy can be determined by knowing the size of the capacitor and the applied potential. But this tells us nothing about the nature of the anomalous particles generated.

          - I shall send you a paper on this subject (Chapter 6) and we can discuss this interesting matter further.

          Mark McKay


          • Originally posted by geotron View Post
            Well guys, in my previous experiments with the CDI ignition and variac
            method of charging up the LV side cap bank, apparently the limiting factors
            in producing negative results on charging the battery were -

            1) The CDI ground from the (-) ignition coil was not on a spark gap to
            the cathode of the battery. The Ground wire on the 3rd point ought to
            have been on a gap with the CDI ground on the other side away from the battery.
            Not doing so was bumping the current draw.

            2) The various operating parameters of the variac and inverter were drawing
            extra current to stay operational while also powering the coil-driver circuitry.

            Aaron, I've rebuilt your system once again, this time completely by the use
            of the pulse-width modulated 555 & 393 mosfet circuit designed by the RM Cybernetics
            team. The outlay of the entire thing is identical besides the use of a variac and

            The results I've obtained in this manner are quite promising.

            Attached is the matching diagram, and might I convey that while it was working there
            was an unmistakable charging effect on the battery.

            Due to what I believe is a fault in the circuitry for driving transformers the
            system did not last more than 5min before frying the mosfets without overheating
            them, while also disabling a number of timer & pulse-width chips. I've hence
            rewired a diode to be positioned across the MOT primary to subside any spikes
            that might be causing the problem and it has unfortunately worked to reduce the
            output to a minimal value.

            How indeed I might progress to rebuild it to stay running is almost
            The following is how I've set it up... the CDI is charged up with a second
            power pulse charger circuit separate from the one shown. At this point I'm
            thinking that perhaps the HV plasma burst from the ignition coil may be what
            is causing the power pulse circuitry to blow out due to their common
            connection to Ground.

            Would adding a few blocking diodes (~3kv) in series to the power pulser
            ground be a good idea?

            Suggestions are more than welcome; I've currently got two working mosfet
            transistors left, so this will be just enough for experimenting. The photos
            show how I modified it from the diagram as it is shown to have a diode across
            the primary of the transformers as an experiment, alright for the CDI but
            not for the LV as it has a substantial quenching effect on the output.

            Last edited by geotron; 06-07-2011, 03:13 PM.


            • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
              -The non-classical arc is the one that I believe generates the anomalous particles. However it appears that other fixed arcs were employed for timing and trigger purposes. I propose that the non-classical arc took place between the core faces of the opposing Minor electromagnets, but I could be wrong. Richard Hackenberger thought the non-classical reaction took place in the front section of the commutator between the switching discs and the fixed contacts. Both locations produce a stretched arc.
              Hi Mark,

              Eric Dollard wrote some very interesting details in a.o. his "condensed intro to Tesla Coils":


              In his writings Tesla indicates some seemingly impossible phenomena surround the emanations from the spherical terminal capacity, and I have determined these to be true by experiment. One is that the power gradient (poynting vector) is in the same axis as the dielectric flux gradient. The other is the slow formation of a conductive area surrounding the sphere that is not ionic in nature (in other words is not a spark or glow discharge).

              Contrary to popular relief, the Tesla transformer is not a steady state device but is a magnifier of transient phenomena. Also it does not behave like a L. C. network nor a transmission line, but more like a unique type of wave guide. If all parts of the system are designed properly the EMF and hence dielectric flux jumps from zero to an enormous value almost instantaneously, thereby producing an almost inconceivable displacement current into space. The transformer is then basically a device for rapidly discharging the capacitor bank nearly instantly into free space, producing an enormous dielectric shock wave similar to a sonic boom.
              Because the dissipation of the transformer is for all practical purposes negligible, the energy keeps increasing at a linear rate per cycle of oscillation, thereby accumulating a gigantic quantity of electrical energy. (A form of laser action may be possible.)

              The formation of the energy impulse involves the discharge of a capacitor with the highest practical stored energy into an impedance (inductive) of the lowest practical value, and the discharge path is coupled to an energy supply through a negative resistance device. This negative resistance is classically a spark discharge, but a superior plasma device needs to be developed to enhance efficiency. Under optimal conditions the exponent of oscillation amplitude will be positive over a sustained period of time.

              The net result of this system is the production of an extreme impulse of M.M.F.. An alternate method is the discharge of an inductor of the highest practical stored energy into a circuit of the lowerst practical admittance, thereby producing an enormous impulse of E.M.F.
              It seems like a thyratron, which is gas-filled, may be such a "plasma device", as Eric also writes:

              Due to the immense difficulties surrounding the spark device, a simple method and one of much greater control is shunt feed of the primary network by an A.M. radio transmitter of special design such as the unit at building number one. Due to the high impedance offered by the primary resonator the impedance effective of the tubes must be high and therefore must operate at high anode voltages. The electron emission however, must also be high, necessitates large cathodes and temperatures. High anode and large electron emission are usually of inverse relation in available vacuum tubes. Special pulse modulator vacuum tubes must be used. Hydrogen thyratrons might operate satisfactorily at low frequencies where the 1 microsecond deionization time will not hinder commutation. The most effective device for shunt feed may be the multipactor tube due to its strong negative resistance effects, but it is not clear if it will operate below 1000KC with much efficiency.

              By the utilization of the aforementioned devices a much improved field is developed at the transformer output with regard to stability. This I have found desirable for the production of stable plasma formations.
              However, I have not noticed the "jamming together of electrons" unless the spark method is used as the rate of rise of EMF is much greater by the spark method. Perhaps the multipactor will operate comparatively but strong impulses do not seem possible with shunt methods.
              For stability of certain plasma effects AFC may be required. (See Fig. 5) The image coil system exhibits strong discriminator effects and thereby facilitates the formation of an error signal to the V.C.O.

              As to physical construction the primary should be sheet copper of great conductor width and large loop area. Large surface is required as the skin effect is total with impulses. Large width also minimizes inductance allowing for larger capacitors and more rapid discharge and hence high impulse strength. In opposition to this required inductive reduction is the need for a large area due to the flashover and coupling requirements. Hence a balance has to be established between the need for minimum inductance for rapid discharge and for a large magnetic field, resulting in large inductance.
              It may be worthwhile to check this out, as well as Eric's other theories:
              Directory contents of /pdf/Eric_Dollard_Document_Collection/

              IMHO, he gives you all the fundamental theories you need.


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                I filmed this several months ago:
                YouTube - Gray Tube Replication | Radiant Energy | Cold Electricity

                I'll post some more later when I have time.

                The plastic tube acts like insulation on a is a dielectric to hold in the voltage potential INSIDE the tube to keep it from leaking. It locks in the pressure of the gas.
                I think it would be interesting to place a spring coil made of graphene in the center. Pretty sure it could withstand HV electric charges(no matter where they would appear, or plasma discharges as well considering the "toughness" of the material. Good explanation though and good luck.


                • Uploaded with

                  Uploaded with
                  must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                  • @geotron

                    If I understand correctly, you've been blowing out your driving FETs? I've found huge problems when switching FETs with inductive loads quickly. The back EMF spike likes to blow out the FET gate, even with a diode. I've been using SCRs in my high amperage switches, and while they are a pain, I have been able to switch 1000 uF caps charged to 340 volts at rates of 20 Hz with a large inductive load. The FETs just aren't as robust. I've been starting to play with using a plasma arc for switching, but that presents its own set of problems.


                    • Eric Dollard's Work

                      Originally posted by lamare View Post
                      Hi Mark,

                      Eric Dollard wrote some very interesting details in a.o. his "condensed intro to Tesla Coils":

                      IMHO, he gives you all the fundamental theories you need.
                      Dear lamare,

                      Thank you for pointing out the most interesting early work done by Mr. Dollard. I believe I have just about every thing he published. I must agree he did some most outstanding work way back then (early 90's).

                      The problem I have with Mr. Dollard is that his work never seemed to reach a conclusion. OK, all those points he was making about the construction of a Tesla Transmitter are about 20 years old. What happened? Did it work, not workout or did something better come up? I have no doubt he was on the right track or at least in the Ball Park. But, reading Eric's work is like starting an interesting SiFi novel and discovering the rest of the book is missing after about chapter 3.

                      Now when you get to his math I'm almost completly lost. I struggled with third year calculus and his stuff is way beyond that. I supose you have to be able to master graduate level physics math to begin to understand his three and four dimnsional partial differential equations.

                      Mr. Dollard and Peter Lindemann did a wonderful video about Longinitudinal Electricity where they even demonstrated the charging of capacitors from a single ended electode. What happened to that work? That experiment in itself could have been the foundation of a whole new science. Us observers are unable to reproduce what they did since there was not enough information disclosed about the performance and specifications of the Tesla Coil power supply and the Thyratrons used (with no filiment power).

                      If Eric's approach had anything to do with the E.V. Gray technology I would have thought that he would have been able to advance it to a marketable technology by now or at least write a few more articles on the subject. But I don't know what his situation is or his level of self funding. Rummor has it that he has been victomized by the MIB at times.

                      I know he is still around and on occasion posts his thoughts on the Internet on certain select subjects. But, the few of these short papers that he has written (and that I have been able to read) are beyond my feeble concepts of classical EM field theory. (Which I never did understand very well)

                      I do keep in mind what I can recall of his work as I extract what I can from the E.V.Gray history.

                      Thanks again for pointing out this reference material. I agree that his descriptions are very close to what we are exploring and his material should be close at hand as we dig deeper into this subject.

                      Mark McKay


                      • radiant energy are not electrons, electron flow generates heat and heat energy are lost, here are trying to isolate the pure potential, when a large amount of electric potential wants to be introduced very quickly in an electrical circuit electrons to the top are reluctant to move so fast, that's when uncoupled and etheric fluid effects are visible only within a very short time, that is why we must open the circuit quickly to rebuild again wonderful effect, if the circuit remains closed the electrons start to run and it is Not "free energy "
                        ----------------------------------------------------------la energia radiante son no electrones, el flujo de electrones genera calor y el calor son perdidas de energia, aquí estamos tratando de aislar el potencial puro, cuando una gran cantidad de potencial electrico quiere ser introducida muy aprisa en un circuito electrico los electrones al principio se resisten a mover tan aprisa,es ahí cuando el fluido etherico desacopla y son visibles sus efectos solo durante un brevisimo tiempo, es por eso que hay que abrir rapidamente el circuito para volver a generar otra vez el maravilloso efecto, si el circuito continua cerrado los electrones empiezan a correr y ya not hay "free energy"
                        must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                        • EMA informations, your post n° 2374 / last night

                          Dear Spokane1,

                          Thank you for responding to points VIII and IX of my post n° 2345, always with the generosity that characterizes you. I'll study and answer to you.

                          But the entirety of my section IX was based on an error, I've explained it to you june 5 in my post n° 2367, I reproduce it below :

                          Dear Spokane1,
                          To my point VIII, I saw meanwhile your drawing : "Arc Stretch Illustration.pdf" (page 19 of the forum) that contains the answer. I guess in your experiments you connect your EMA4 like "Arc Stretch Illustration.pdf".

                          As for my point IX it is based on a mistake (I'm french and it's not easy for me to understand technical english) : I thought you were talking about a dielectric bonded to the poles of the cores ... Meantime, in reading your posts of previous years on this forum, I realized that the insulating material between the cores is not between their poles but between their sides.

                          I thought previously that these teflon blocks were vulgar wedges (for it is certain that the cores undergo significant mechanical stress). But now I understand you consider these wedges as attractors of electrostatic charges. The EMA4 would be a kind of testastika.

                          A priori I thought that the bow licking the teflon prohibits the storage of electrons, but I am ignoramus to 100% in electrostatic machines.
                          So here I'll make a break during few weeks to study the intricacies of electrostatics.

                          All the best.



                          • Dielectrics in the E.V.Gray EMA4 Free Energy Engine

                            Originally posted by Arker View Post
                            Dear Spokane1,

                            Thank you for responding to points VIII and IX of my post n° 2345, always with the generosity that characterizes you. I'll study and answer to you.

                            But the entirety of my section IX was based on an error, I've explained it to you june 5 in my post n° 2367, I reproduce it below :
                            Dear Arker,

                            There are two main kinds of dielectrics that appear to be used in the EMA4 Free Energy Engine.

                            1. The 0.250" (5mm) Teflon engine case liner which provides electrical isolation between the conductive sturctural case and the internal engine components.

                            2. The Delrin (Trade name for this plastic made by DuPont) or Acetial which is the blocks that are installed between the electromagnetic pairs. I propose that this is the surface where the non-classical stretched arc process takes place.

                            Nylon and PVC are probably used elsewhere in the engines construction.

                            So far this is just an interesting theory on my part. The only supporting evidence comes from the work of Ken Shoulders who claims to be producing "Charge Clusters" by passing an arc over a dielectric between fixed electrodes. He has studied this process in excess of 20 years and offers a number of documents on his web site. It appears that his approach doesn't produce these particles in large numbers. If my theory is workable it must produce at leat 1000X more of these anomalous particles to begin to observe the phenomenon that has been reported.

                            My proposals on how this might have been done is just the result of examining the history and photos that are avaliable.

                            Keep in mind I could be way off on this, so don't spend a lot of money building equipment until we have more to go on.

                            Mark McKay


                            • As to physical construction the primary should be sheet copper of great conductor width and large loop area. Large surface is required as the skin effect is total with impulses. Large width also minimizes inductance allowing for larger capacitors and more rapid discharge and hence high impulse strength. In opposition to this required inductive reduction is the need for a large area due to the flashover and coupling requirements. Hence a balance has to be established between the need for minimum inductance for rapid discharge and for a large magnetic field, resulting in large inductance.

                              Lamare...what would you think of replacing the primary copper coil with a graphene coil. Graphene is a semi-conductor with properties that nearly resemble superconductors. It is harder than diamonds even though it is only one atom thick yet is bendable so it could be fashined into a coil. I'm sure it could withstand HV discharges as well as the damaging effects of plasma discharges. I'm sure this would help with more rapid discharges considering the lagging effect of the electrons. Or another alternative if you are insistent on sticking with copper could be (Tl4Ba)Ba2MgCu8O13+ this new superconductor operates at 17 degrees F. or 8 degrees C. check it out and tell me what you think...
                              Record Superconductivity Approaches 265K


                              • The etheric fluid Question

                                Originally posted by antigraviticsystems1 View Post
                                radiant energy are not electrons, electron flow generates heat and heat energy are lost, here are trying to isolate the pure potential, when a large amount of electric potential wants to be introduced very quickly in an electrical circuit electrons to the top are reluctant to move so fast, that's when uncoupled and etheric fluid effects are visible only within a very short time, that is why we must open the circuit quickly to rebuild again wonderful effect, if the circuit remains closed the electrons start to run and it is Not "free energy "
                                Dear antigraviticssystems,

                                I agree with you in that radiant energy is not composed of classical electrons (I propose they are phase locked clusters of classical electrons - but this has yet to be demonstrated)

                                Do you know of an experiment that can demonstrate the uncoupling of the classical electrons from the etheric fluid? Once this decoupling is acheived what instrumentation might be used to determine the nature of the etheric fluid and establish its individuality.

                                You say (possibily from your own experiments) that in this process the etheric fluid is only visiable for a short time. What wave lengths of light do you think are emitted? Do you think what is being observed is classical photons? Any idea as to how classical photons can be generated in the absence of classical electrons? Would you congecture that the observed light might be polorized or coherent?

                                When you say these effects are only visable for a short time. Are we talking about microseconds or nanoseconds? Any idea as to the degree of intensity involved in lumans or candela. Does one need a photomultiplier to observe this process?

                                You say you are opening a circuit. Could you describe in greater technical detail how this is acheived? Are you using a mechanical method, solid state method, thermonic emission approach (vacuum tube), or some other kind of control means. Again what kind of switching times are needed?

                                Mark McKay

