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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Reference Review

    Dear Nat,

    That certainly is a fine volume, but it deals with early vacuum tubes. I couldn't find information on a spark approach, however I didn't scan the entire book just the pages you suggested.



    • Cold Electricity Insulation Destruction

      Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
      Hello Mr. McKay, a new unearthed information indeed ! It turns out that insulation degradation, whether of cable insulation or copper wire insulation is a generalized effect of cold electricity. As far as I know there are several causes of degradation : heat, ozone, and ultraviolet. Since you work with Tyco, which is a major cable distributor, is there any way to determine what is the cause of degradation, on the assumption that it is ordinary electric, not cold electric ? I see that Mark Gray did not mention any details about cable degradation.
      Dear Wicaksono,

      I do work for Tyco - but in the Fire/Security division. I have no exposure to the business segments that manufacture cable.

      Once we have a cable that we know has been degraded from cold electricity then we have all kinds of established tests to evaluate the nature of the destruction. I have a couple of technical books on this very subject and I know there are many more out there. Many of the tests involve microscopic inspection even with a scanning electron microscope. I doubt I will ever get that involved in it to that degree. If I have the funds I would rather send it to a commercial lablratory that specializes in that kind of analysis.

      Mark Gray never mentioned the insulation destruction because after 1980 Gray was unable to generate OU or Cold Electricity ever again. With Hackenberger's death the technical procedures were lost, even with the surviving prototypes still in hand. These were further destroyed by the replacement technicians that Gray hired in a fruitless attempt to finish the development- what a loss.

      All Gray could do after 1980 was make phony demonstration devices and rely upon the acheivements of the past. It seems to have sold pretty well with just old lab reports, worthless patents, and fabricated video demonstrations.

      I'm sure that when we crack this nut the applications that Cold Electricity has on chemical reactions will become a whole new industry in its own right. Having that much energy concentrated in such a small particle, or what ever it is, is bound to find many uses.

      Mark Mckay


      • Mark,

        My theory so far is that discharging the HV capacitor (16) disruptively to copper pipe just as Tesla describes generates a radiant pulse (There is obviously variations to this). This is shown in my video below but i didn't realise it was charging the battery (didnt hold the charge though)till after i had made the video. There was no signs that anything was happening other the capacitor (38) was charging up and down. I suspect there might be a sequence in grays circuit. ie 1. discharge hv capacitor (16) disruptively. 2. discharge LV side of the circuit via commutator & ignitron/thyratron to + HV capacitor (16)to charge the battery up with huge current pulse via 44 & 46. I guess with more CSETS then you could perform both 1 & 2 at the same time.

        Also i have seen strange pulses when the carbon block with holes was inserted into the circuit which charged capacitor 38 up also. But this didn't have any obvious effect on battery charging.


        Update 41 - Edwin Gray Tesla / disruptive discharge hybrid circuit - shorting CAP - YouTube
        Last edited by nat1971a; 09-30-2011, 08:51 PM.


        • Gray Technology Sequence

          Originally posted by nat1971a View Post

          My theory so far is that discharging the HV capacitor (16) disruptively to copper pipe just as Tesla describes generates a radiant pulse (There is obviously variations to this). This is shown in my video below but i didn't realise it was charging the battery (didnt hold the charge though)till after i had made the video. There was no signs that anything was happening other the capacitor (38) was charging up and down. I suspect there might be a sequence in grays circuit. ie 1. discharge hv capacitor (16) disruptively. 2. discharge LV side of the circuit via commutator & ignitron/thyratron to + HV capacitor (16)to charge the battery up with huge current pulse via 44 & 46. I guess with more CSETS then you could perform both 1 & 2 at the same time.

          Also i have seen strange pulses when the carbon block with holes was inserted into the circuit which charged capacitor 38 up also. But this didn't have any obvious effect on battery charging.

          Dear Nat,

          Yea, I think we are pretty much in agreement on the overall sequence of events. The non-classical something is created by a specific kind of arc over a period of many cycles most likely unidirectional HV DC pulses and then stored in something. At the right moment this stored energy is recombined (implying two polarities) to produce real world work. In the Gray technology the result was a huge pulse of magnetic repulsion.

          But the Devil is in the Details as we all ready know.

          According to Grham Gunderson - the local Magnetics Expert - the design of the EMA4 would be what you would expect if your energy supply was only avaliable in short pulses.

          From my take on the Gray history the recharging of the battery was a necessary evil. Consider the specs on the EMA4. It ran at 87 HP during full load while the alternator produced 30 amps at 12 volts. That is about 75 KW vs. 360 Watts. Also the 18 each vibrators Cole used were limited to only 30 Watts each so the maximum excitation could only be 540 Watts. Even if he recharged the heck out of those batteries the mechanical choppers could only handle about 1/2 KW. So really the return to the battery was almost insignificant compared to the torque output. As it was the battereis were being destroyed by the anomalous energy.

          I'm looking for a particle that has a huge magnetic field attached to it. A Charge Cluster with polierzied spins would fit the bill - but I'm open to other possibilities. With the Charge cluster model we can have two varities with opposing spins. When these two differerent species are combined I sure some kind of firework would result. Perhaps just the attraction to each other generates the anomalous repulsion field. Who knows? all of this is just wild speculation based upon a few historical observations. I know that what ever they had is was some mean sh--t.

          I'm unable to view your youtube production becasue of the limits on the company computer and a very slow land line at home.

          Mark McKay


          • check this in your experimentation

            Hello Mr.McKay, I hope you don't mind to check my hypothesis in your experimentation. I assume that you use heavy gauge copper wire for the floating flux coils. The idea is this : (1) use copper wire all the way from floating flux coils to spark gap; (2) don't use any connections between coils & spark gap; (3) in the spark gap, coat the copper wire with silver. Please see if the electrostatic effect ala Cannady Interview appear. Thanks !


            • Thick Wire and Silver Electrodes

              Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
              Hello Mr.McKay, I hope you don't mind to check my hypothesis in your experimentation. I assume that you use heavy gauge copper wire for the floating flux coils. The idea is this : (1) use copper wire all the way from floating flux coils to spark gap; (2) don't use any connections between coils & spark gap; (3) in the spark gap, coat the copper wire with silver. Please see if the electrostatic effect ala Cannady Interview appear. Thanks !
              Dear Wicaksono,

              I'm using #14 AWG solid FPLR Twin Lead for the "Floating Flux Field". It was wound on an 8" diameter coil form four (4) layers deep. It is about 4" high and had about 12 turns per layer. It has about 100' of length of this cable in its construction.

              Right now I'm uisng a .005uF 30 KV capacitor in shunt with a diode to simulate the pulse output of an induction coil. My present pulse width is about 22 microseconds at a ringing freqeuncy of 34 KHz. Using the small capacitor eleminates the need for dampling resistors.

              I plan to move up to Silver electrodes some time later this winter. For now I just want to learn about the nature of shot duration sparks when involved in component layouts like wat Dr. Tesla , Sir Oliver Lodge, John Prentice, and Eric Dollard were using.

              Mark McKay


              • Hi mark,

                I have reviewing some of your photos in regards to the floating flux field and the case of the ema4 motor. From what i can make out it was made of brass.

                If possible are you able to test with your FFF coil with some brass sheet. You may need to relocate your "load" coils to be within the brass sheet cylinder.



                • Brass backing on the FFF

                  Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
                  Hi mark,

                  I have reviewing some of your photos in regards to the floating flux field and the case of the ema4 motor. From what i can make out it was made of brass.

                  If possible are you able to test with your FFF coil with some brass sheet. You may need to relocate your "load" coils to be within the brass sheet cylinder.

                  Dear Nat,

                  Your not the first to come to the same conclusion that some of the GD photos disclose that the FFF was wound on Brass (or Copper) aheet. I must admit that one of the clearest photos gives that impression. However, with the last installment of GD photos there were several views of the FFF on the EMA4 that provided a better prespective. What appears to be brass or copper is actually a copper colored block of plastic that makes up the hindge piviot for the upper electronics enclosure.

                  It appears that there was a change of design in the FFF from 1972 to 1974. The original FFF was compoised of 18 single and isolated turns of what appears to be RG-11 Coax (or a black cable about 0.500" in diameter). These are stacked in two layers with a thin layer of white insulation between them. this was probably to aid in the stacking rather than for any insulation need since the size of the cable is pretty hefty by itself. By 1974 Mr. Hackenberger has replaced the RG-11 with waht appears to be RG-6 and increased the number of turns to two rather than one. Perhaps he figured a longer delay time would be helpful. No one in this whole saga has breathed a work about the true function of the FFF. Since its construction was changed we can certainly assume that it is an important component.

                  The FFF in both designs is wound upon the aluminum engine case with a thin layer of something between the cablesw and the case.

                  The Engine Case is connected to the neutral point between the two battery arrays with #4-0 AWG cable. Why did it have to be so large? Maybe it was on sale - who knows. Anyway - the FFF is constructed upon a grounded surface. Exploring the function of this component will be most interesting.

                  Mark McKay


                  • Hi Mark,

                    I built a new FFF with brass sheet. Here's the pictures. I placed a small coil inside the pvc pipe

                    Tested it yesterday.

                    Last edited by nat1971a; 02-10-2012, 08:42 PM.


                    • FFF Design

                      Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
                      Hi Mark,

                      I built a new FFF with brass sheet. Here's the pictures. I placed a small coil inside the pvc pipe

                      Tested it yesterday.


                      What are you using for cable? What kinds of tests were you able to perform on your new design?



                      • Mark,

                        The cable is RG58A/U coaxil cable. Approx 10 turns. It appears to have a steel wire core (non solid core). It is very old cable i had lying around.

                        I tested a disruptive discharge of capacitor 16 (approx 1400 vdc in the capacitor). Nothing noticable detected.

                        BUT on manually shorting the HV capacitor 16 with copper pipe a great flash of light was produced on my neon bulb that is in the charge receiving side of the circuit. Also a charge was detected on the multimeter on capacitor 38 that was so fast i couldnt read the display. I WILL BE TESTING FURTHER IN THIS DIRECTION.

                        Please modify your setup with some brass sheet and advise your results at your earliest convenience. I can draw you a circuit if you like as i did have some copper sheet (in spiral form) in the part of circuit for disruptive discharging. And the coil inside the pvc pipe was connected to my tesla zinc box secondary pancake coils. But the primary was disengaged. I hope that makes sense.



                        • FFF Tests

                          Originally posted by nat1971a View Post

                          The cable is RG58A/U coaxil cable. Approx 10 turns. It appears to have a steel wire core (non solid core). It is very old cable i had lying around.

                          I tested a disruptive discharge of capacitor 16 (approx 1400 vdc in the capacitor). Nothing noticable detected.

                          BUT on manually shorting the HV capacitor 16 with copper pipe a great flash of light was produced on my neon bulb that is in the charge receiving side of the circuit. Also a charge was detected on the multimeter on capacitor 38 that was so fast i couldnt read the display. I WILL BE TESTING FURTHER IN THIS DIRECTION.

                          Please modify your setup with some brass sheet and advise your results at your earliest convenience. I can draw you a circuit if you like as i did have some copper sheet (in spiral form) in the part of circuit for disruptive discharging. And the coil inside the pvc pipe was connected to my tesla zinc box secondary pancake coils. But the primary was disengaged. I hope that makes sense.

                          Dear Nat,

                          I've already done some tests with my present FFF using #22 guage coper sheet about 4 years ago.

                          At the time I noticed there was no change in the propagation time (about 22 nanoseconds). No change in the charteristic resistance. No change in any observable impact on the arc I was exploring. I did these test while the sheet was isolated and also while it was grounded. So, I moved on to search for parameters that had more impact than what I was seeing at the time.

                          The FFF is a vital component. I just don't know what it does. So any advancement you or anyone else makes in this area will help us all.

                          One important feature that consistantly repeats itself in the E.V. Gray technology is that the FFF is composed of two windings that are wound counter to each other. That means that one input goes in at one end of the coil while the other input connects to the opposite end of the coil. I'm not sure how that was acheived in the original machine with just one turn for each winding.

                          If you want to dig into this on the internet the technical term for this kind of a component is a "Common Mode Choke" and finds usage in some specialized applications. Most common is the EMI filtering section in most electronic devices that connect to 120 VAC. Mr. Gray called this device a "Reeses Choke", but I have never run across that term in any Electronics Dictionary that I have looked at. I'm sure he heard that term from someone else, so maybe there is a field where that termonology is used.

                          As a delay line it is much to short to have much of a delay, unless the cable used by Marvin Cole was some sort of special high inductance Radar cable with a Ferrite core. After all Mr. Hackenberger doubled the length for his renovation design, maybe he couldn't get replacement high inductance cable?
                          Even so we are probably looking at a delay time of less than 125 nanoseconds. What purpose would that serve? Beats me.

                          Carry On with Inspiration,

                          Mark McKay


                          • Mark,

                            Did any of your tests include having a coil on the inside of the pvc pipe?



                            • similar effect

                              Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
                              BUT on manually shorting the HV capacitor 16 with copper pipe a great flash of light was produced on my neon bulb that is in the charge receiving side of the circuit. Also a charge was detected on the multimeter on capacitor 38 that was so fast i couldnt read the display. I WILL BE TESTING FURTHER IN THIS DIRECTION.
                              From Mark McKay pdf reports I remember someone called Tad Johnson got the same result. He is also discharging his capacitor with copper wire and got an electrostatic effect which pushed his shirt.


                              • I have read Tad Johnsons's description of his experiment many times. Wonder what ever happened to him.

                                Anyway in my opinion the photos of the coil popping experiment, with a pvc pipe and FFF, are really a crude representation of the EMA motor. Of which the best performing motor was made of brass. Hence the reason why i have setup mine this way.

                                In the attached photo you can quite clearly see a second layer on top of the pvc pipe. And why is there (black paint?) either side of the FFF. He must be trying to hide something.
                                Last edited by nat1971a; 02-10-2012, 08:42 PM.

