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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Lecture #1 - The E.V. Gray Technology Transformer

    Dear Members:

    Here is a compilation about the technical tid-bits of the transformer used in the e.V. Gray Technology. If anybody has additional historical information on this subject I would certainly like to have you share it with the group.

    Custom Transformers & The E.V. Gray Technology

    In 1976 Richard Hackenberger had an interesting phone conversation with GD (recorded) about the manufgacturing details of the Electrostatic Generator. This is after “Hack” had three years to dig into the Free Energy Technology that had been left behind by Marvin Cole. Richard was explaining to the non-technical GD how the custom inverter transformer was the heart of this technology. In previous writings he had discussed how he thought some kind of interaction with an electric arc and the oxygen in the air was responsible for the observed energy gains in the systems that he was hired to advance. This certainly makes sense since it is the power transformer that provides the proper form of excitation energy to get the non-classical event to take place.

    What do we know about this transformer? From a review of the surviving documents we can list a few possible facts:

    1. Its primary was intended to operate from 12 or 24 volt lead-acid storage batteries. This is a high current low source impedance DC source.

    2. The transformer received a chopped square wave input that had been switched by means of a mechanical vibrator (100 Hz) and then later on by means of power transistors (8 KHz).

    3. This was a voltage step up process that was on the order of 1:250 (12 volts to 3000 volts). Jack Scagnetti was told that the engine electronics ran on 24 VDC (1:125). In 1973 Mr. Gray described to Mr. Cannady that another circuit used a Sears’s battery charger transformer wired backwards. This would imply a step up ratio of about 1:10. One observed Electrostatic Generator was claimed to have a 1400 VDC output. This would be a ratio of about 1:120. So, there is quite a range of ratios to consider.

    4. In the Pulse Engine Patent these transformers were described as “automotive ignition coils being employed as [voltage] step up transformers”.

    5. These transformers were custom made by Mallory Electric Company of Reno, NV. However, however Mallory didn’t set up shop in Reno until 1969, so there must have been another fabricator who made these units prior to 1969.

    6. The per unit fabrication cost had to be less than $58 in 1974 money (about $580 in 2011 money). This was the projected manufacturing cost of one Electrostatic Generator which included one of these types of transformers operating at a power level of about 50 VA. One can speculate as to how much of this figure was for the transformer and how much was for all the other parts, labor, and testing. A good hip-shot proportion would be around 20%. That would make a custom made transformer today (in lots of 100) worth about $120. This only shows that the quantity of copper and core iron used was not much greater than what is found in a modern Microwave Oven Transformer. Today’s high copper costs would probably change these calculations somewhat.

    7. It was believed that any common transformer fabrication shop (in 1974) could make these units and they would only cost about 10% more than a classical transformer of the same weight.

    8. If the schematic from the Pulse Engine Patent is correct in its limited disclosure format, then we can see that the primary was center tapped and the secondary was isolated. This topology is much different than a common automotive ignition coil which has one side of the primary and secondary connected in common. The center tapped primary establishes that the circuit operated in classical transformer mode, rather than induction transformer mode.

    9. In the 1974 EMA4-E1 Free Energy Engine two transformers were tied together to compose one unit power supply. The purpose and the proper wiring of this relationship have not been determined.

    10. In 1979 Mr. Hackenberger developed a power supply along the same lines as one described above that had two outputs and only one transformer. Electrically this would be an equivalent approach.

    11. The transformer could operate at audio frequencies since the “advanced” Electrostatic Generator” was tested and observed to operate at 8 KHz.

    12. Mr. Hackenberger disclosed to GD that if the load were removed from the “advanced” Electrostatic Generator it would be the same as turning off the power switch. This implies that the load is in series with the supply battery. There are only a few oscillator circuits that can operate this way. This also suggests that the transformer may have been more along the lines of an autotransformer rather than a classical power transformer with an isolated secondary. This would imply that the schematic for the Pulse Engine was misleading.

    Mark McKay


    • Lecture #2 - NST Performance

      Here is one instrumentation set up to evaluate the voltage-current performance of a low power NST. In this case I’m putting the 12-5000V Acme Inverter through its paces.

      The approach is to simply connect a series of load resistors to the NST’s output terminals then measure the resulting average voltage and current. The average voltage was evaluated using a 0-6 kV electroscope. The current was measured using a large scale analog amp meter. The resistors used are seven each 80K Ohm 200 Watt 10% units plus one 100K Ohm 200 W.

      The attached graph shows the results. The open circuit voltage was measured with no resistors. The electroscope claims an input resistance of 1,000,000,000,000 Ohms. The short circuit measurement was made directly into the amp meter.

      The scope trace D003 shows the output waveform for the unloaded condition. As you can see the output is not a true square wave for this circuit. As the load increases the waveform changes to a triangle form as shown in trace D010. These scope traces were taken across a 1500 Ohm resistor in series with the rest of the load resistors being used.

      The attached schematic is an improved method using a 1000:1 voltage divider. It took some time to chase down that 100 meg 10 watt resistor.
      Attached Files


      • Lecture #3 NST Direct Arcs

        Most all Free Energy researchers have at one time or another messed around with the arcs that are produced by a NST. But just what is going on in those noisy streamers of hot plasma? Well that depends upon how hefty of a transformer you have and what kind of spark gap you are driving. A 15 kV NST is a lot more impressive than a 9kV NST when it comes to fascinating guests.

        For E.V. Gray Technology the voltage level of 3 kV to 5kV are far less spectacular in their performance. Even at a full 5.5 kV oven circuit output it is difficult to consistently get arcs to strike at distances greater than 0.150". The metal used for the electrodes has an important effect, but so does room temperature and humidity.

        For these experiments only two kinds of electrodes were explored. The first was pointed tool steel opposing a 1/4" blunt tool steel surface (the micrometer). The second was a short section of #12 AWG solid copper wire. Not a whole lot of difference was observed with either gap in this test.

        The purpose of this experiment was to just observe the basic voltage and current wave forms. A Pearson Model 150 wide band current transformer was use to make the current measurements. A 1000:1 voltage divider was used for the voltage measurements.

        Once the arc strikes it stays burning until the end of the power supply cycle. The average secondary loop current operates at its maximum listed value of 18 mA. The voltage across the transformer drops down to a steady state value that is flat during the burn time. In this case it was observed to be around 500 Volts. This value changes with the width of the gap. Longer gaps cause a higher steady state voltage.

        Scope Trace D012 shows the current with a 0.100" gap. This trace shows that at time something happens and the linear current becomes very turbulent. It is unclear just what is going on during these events.

        Scope Trace D011 is the voltage across the gap/transformer with the same turbulence showing. Notice the voltage spikes that manifest during switching transitions.

        Scope Trace D017 is the impact of a loop diode on the current flow. The Pearson transformer automatically adjusts its zero base line so that the waveform has equal energy above and below its own reference line. So one must adjust how they look at this data. As you would expect; the diode causes arcs during a 50% duty cycle.

        The nature of direct arcs for this device:

        The streamers seem thin and weak when compared to a 30 mA 15 kV transformer. The color is a purple/magenta with small orange intermittent flames mixed in at the ends. The sound is sort of a low frequency soft buzz (at 118 Hz). The arc is composed of a cluster of individual streamers that keep finding a different place to land. Then tend to arch out away from the gap equally in all directions. The electrodes tend to get warm with just 10 seconds of operation.
        Attached Files


        • test with silver coated electrode

          Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
          Scope Trace D012 shows the current with a 0.100" gap. This trace shows that at time something happens and the linear current becomes very turbulent. It is unclear just what is going on during these events.

          Scope Trace D011 is the voltage across the gap/transformer with the same turbulence showing. Notice the voltage spikes that manifest during switching transitions.
          Mr. McKay, try again with silver coated copper electrode and see what will happen !



          • Silver Electrodes

            Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
            Mr. McKay, try again with silver coated copper electrode and see what will happen !

            Dear Wicaksono,

            I'm working in that direction. I have the silver and the silver solder but I want to get a greater baseline understanding of regular arcs so that I can appreciate changes when I can see and measure them.

            Right now I'm attempting to figure out a way to observe the direct voltage drop across my gap. The spikes that are created in this process could easily damage my scope. I'm considering a standalone buffer amplifier that will output analog information via fiber to the scope. This will take me some time to fabricate.

            I have recently experimented with a Zinc-Zinc electrode combination against a Delrin dielectric surface. No big noticeable changes, but the methods I'm using to protect my NST and Scope could easily wipe out the suspected energy pulses from observation.

            Have you done any work with Silver-Silver electrodes? Any fabrication ideas to pass along?

            Keep in mind just where this information about Silver-Silver electrodes comes from. This came from the Bedini Field Notes taken in 1973 by his mentor Ron Cole while they were visiting the Gray facility on Calvert Street in Van Nuys. Do you really think that Hackenberger or Gray would actually disclose to a stranger the construction details of the CEST if Silver indeed had a major impact on the performance of this technology?

            I think not. Mr. Ron Cole probably observed a layer of light colored metal attached to the ends of the copper rods and assumed it was silver since it is a common flashing material used in relays and power contactors. (This means that the end of at least one electrode could be observed in the device being used)

            But there are a number of light colored metals. Zinc has an important history in early Spark Radio. Meanwhile Dr. Tesla used pure aluminum for the electrodes in his radiant energy transmission tubes. Eric Dollard used Tungsten.

            Silver is certainly a material to be tested, but it is not the end all and be all for the solution of this technical mystery.

            Mark McKay


            • Lecture #4 - NST Added Shunt Capacitance

              Now, things start to get interesting.

              What happens when some shunt capacitance is added to the NST and a gap? Well, in my case it blew out one of the switching transistors and took the fuse with it. Fortunately the windings seem to have survived. I didn’t even have time to copy a scope trace. It just so happens that I had a replacement transistor on hand or else I would be building a new switching circuit.

              I was using a 10 kV 20-500 pF vacuum variable capacitor. That small of capacitance shouldn’t hurt things since Gray was charging capacitors that we assume were around 5 uF. Well, such is not the case. Now I have a much greater appreciation for what Dr. Tesla calls “Disruptive Discharge”. It appears that a small capacitance is much more dangerous than a large one.

              The change in the mode of operation is simple enough. The shunt capacitor stores energy until it reaches its breakdown potential. Then all of the stored energy is released in a few tenths of a nano second. This action breaks up the steady DC arc into a number of individual discharges. In my setup this is about 7 spikes per half cycle. Let me tell you, these things are wicked. The voltage that I measure with my 1000:1 voltage divider goes completely off the screen at 50V/div (maximum) this equates to pulses in excess of 250 kV, which is a misleading value, but some process is generating some large magnitude spikes.

              I can better appreciate what it was that was toasting my NST transformers in my youth while constructing Hobby Tesla Coils. It seems that modern coilers have come up with measures to combat this sort of thing. The most noticeable procedure is to place the arc in shunt with the NST secondary and then wire the capacitor in series with the coil primary. The theory is that any excessive voltage will cause a breakdown right at the secondary and help protect the NST. Apparently additional measures are needed as well. The common wisdom is the employment of a “Terry Filter” to remove unwanted spikes from getting back to the NST secondary.

              The arcs that are generated in this mode of operation are certainly different than the ones generated directly (Lecture #3). These are much louder and take on the tone of a very raspy buzz that reminds me of an angry hornet. The color of the plasma changes from the violet/magenta to one of cyan (light blue). The arcs are much straighter and appear fatter.

              These arcs look interesting, but I have to protect my NST and my Scope before I can proceed.

              No scope traces were able to be taken for this experiment so you will just have to take my word for it. The Schematic and a couple of photos are attached.

              Mark McKay
              Attached Files


              • Copper coated Silver electrode

                Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                Have you done any work with Silver-Silver electrodes? Any fabrication ideas to pass along?
                In my experiment (not yet done, still preparing the parts) the copper wire is electroplated with silver, which is done in jewellery electroplating shop. They use to electroplating ring, bracelet, with gold & silver coating, so electroplating copper wire should not be difficult for them. My own reason to stress on silver coated copper as electrode is, as I found from studying "the other way" (from physics letters, papers, etc), that it is the most probable metals to generate the electrostatic effect of Gray motor. But of course it needs to be proved in the experiment, so let us do it !



                • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                  What happens when some shunt capacitance is added to the NST and a gap? Well, in my case it blew out one of the switching transistors and took the fuse with it. Fortunately the windings seem to have survived. I didn’t even have time to copy a scope trace. It just so happens that I had a replacement transistor on hand or else I would be building a new switching circuit.
                  Mr. McKay, is the destruction of NST transistor still happen if the NST is only connected to variable capacitor without spark gap ?



                  • Silver-Silver Electrodes

                    Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
                    Mr. McKay, try again with silver coated copper electrode and see what will happen !

                    Dear Wicaksono,

                    I did better than that. I used two (2) each 1964 Silver U.S. Half dollar coins mounted on a strip of Delrin with a 0.050" gap.

                    Using two different spark gaps I charged a 5 uF capacitor to 2700 volts (using the FFF and a diode). Then I discharged the capacitor through my popping coil apparatus. This was done with the copper - tool steel electrode and then with the Silver-Silver electrode.

                    The results were exactly the same +/- 5% between the two approaches.

                    This tells me that the electrode material may have some kind of performace improvement but it is not the central "kernel" to this technology.

                    I suspect that there is some novel circuit topology that we haven't figured out yet that manipulates the arc to do its magic. I'm sure we have all the components used but just don't know how to connect them.

                    Mark McKay


                    • Capacitor Only?

                      Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
                      Mr. McKay, is the destruction of NST transistor still happen if the NST is only connected to variable capacitor without spark gap ?

                      Dear Wicaksono,

                      I'm certainly not going to try that with that goal in mind.

                      However, I would speculate that the spark gap is required to generate the destructive spikes.

                      In reading books on Neon Sign technology I notice vague references to the problems associated with two much stray capacitance associated with supply wires that are to long and to close to metal construction. The result is escessive loading on the NST. Since the NST is suppose to run at 80% of its full load rating it doesn't take much to push into 100% of full load rating.

                      However these books don't go into detail as to the actual electrical impacts on the circuit.

                      Mark McKay


                      • Lecture #5 NST with Diode and FFF

                        Was the Floating Flux Field intended as a means to protect the supply transformer from transient spikes in the Gray technology?

                        Well, one way to find out is to hook it up and see the results.

                        What happens is that the capacitance in the FFF takes the place of the vacuum capacitor used in Lecture #4. So I still end up with these strong spikes. Except now they only take place on the half cycle and not continuously like without the diode.

                        The arcs generated with the FFF look just the same as those generated with the vacuum capacitor, so the effective capacitance of the FFF is on the same order of magnitude as the 20-500 pF capacitor.

                        I suspect there is not enough series inductance in my present FFF to allow it to acts as an effective delay line low pass filter. Adding some magnetic core material might help, but an 8” loop is hard to fill with material. A section of 8” iron well casing (pipe) would fit, but solid iron adds a lot of losses.

                        The experimental Schematic is attached.

                        Trace D001 is the voltage as seen at the transformer.

                        Trace D002 is the current

                        Does anybody have any information about the observed spikes and where they come from?

                        Mark McKay
                        Attached Files


                        • Lecture #6 - NST Terry Filter Performance

                          Lecture #6 – NST and Terry Filter

                          For the last few years Hobby Tesla Coil builders have been using a device called a “Terry Filter” to help protect their NST’s from the damage of disruptive discharges.

                          The classic schematic for this circuit is attached from How Tesla Coils Work. This web site offers a basic explanation of its operation.

                          In applying this circuit to the 12-5000 volt NST inverter we have some challenges. First off there is no center-tap on the secondary. Second there is no earth ground since this technology floats above (or below) ground and is supplied by chemical batteries. So, modifications are in order. Essentially the Terry Filter has four parts to it, each seem to operate independently. Starting from the Main Spark Gap and working back to the NST here is what shook out.

                          Safety spark gap:

                          With no center common only one spark gap can be employed. I choose to use a 5000V Spark Surge Arrestor from Digi-Key. In practice I selected a value that was too low and it shorted out the NST and heated up. The open circuit voltage is around 5.4kV so I can see why this would happen. I suppose I need a Spark Arrestor rated closer to 6 kV. These devices are about $7.50 each. Until my next parts order I shall do with out.

                          Series “Q” spoiling dual Resistors:

                          What I had on hand were 1500 Ohm 100W resistors – close enough for this application.

                          Shunt Capacitance:

                          I’m leery of this one since shunt capacitance is what causes the disruptive discharges in the first place. But, perhaps the added series resistance will help mitigate that problem. The classical Terry Filter uses a series of high voltage poly capacitors in series to achieve an even higher voltage rating. They are balanced by means of 10 Meg resistors. I thought “why bother?” just use a single capacitor rated for the voltage at hand and eliminate all those components. Two 30 KV ceramic door knobs were found in the inventory that together in parallel produced 30 pF. I don’t know what the optimum value is, but some capacitance certainly would help in clipping those spikes. I know there are wide-band frequency issues with which kind of capacitor is used but I didn't dig into that issuse for this first design.

                          Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV):

                          These are straight forward enough. A 1000V model appears to be cost effective and available. I selected 5 each and wired them in series.

                          Added Series Inductance:

                          Before the Terry Filter became popular the only other means used to protect the NST was the addition of air core series inductors. Why air core? Because anything with a core generally couldn’t handle the voltage from a Tesla Coil NST. Here our voltage only goes up to 5.4 kV and hand winding a simple torrid inductor using 5 kV test prod wire is an option. The only problem is that the “fat” wire doesn’t allow many turns, but it should handle the voltage. What I ended up with was two 20 uH 5kV inductors that are installed on each secondary leg just after the NST output. Between the 30 pF capacitor and the two inductors I should have some kind of low pass filter. I didn't do the math to establish the cut-off frequency.


                          At least the circuit doesn’t impair the operation of the NST and the formation of disruptive arcs, however despite all the added components the spikes are still not eliminated, however they are mitigated somewhat. They do seem to be greatly reduced in the positive polarity but seem just as stron in the negative swing.

                          Scope trace D003 shows the observed voltage at the transformer.

                          Scope trace D005 shows the measured current close to the spark gap

                          Also the Setup Schematic is attached as well.

                          Mark McKay
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Spokane1; 12-09-2011, 10:49 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post

                            At least the circuit doesn’t impair the operation of the NST and the formation of disruptive arcs, however despite all the added components the spikes are still not eliminated, however they are mitigated somewhat. They do seem to be greatly reduced in the positive polarity but seem just as stron in the negative swing.
                            Mr. McKay, how about using materials other than copper as electrode (iron, steel) and see if the spikes disappear ? Thanks.



                            • electrostatic effect of spikes

                              Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post

                              At least the circuit doesn’t impair the operation of the NST and the formation of disruptive arcs, however despite all the added components the spikes are still not eliminated, however they are mitigated somewhat. They do seem to be greatly reduced in the positive polarity but seem just as stron in the negative swing.
                              I just found in metal work function table that platinum has the highest photoelectric energy threshold. If the spikes are the results of photoelectric effect, the by using metals with higher photoelectric energy threshold will result in less of spikes energy. Please check it with platinum electrode, thanks.



                              • Silver-Silver Electrodes Photos

                                Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
                                In my experiment (not yet done, still preparing the parts) the copper wire is electroplated with silver, which is done in jewellery electroplating shop. They use to electroplating ring, bracelet, with gold & silver coating, so electroplating copper wire should not be difficult for them. My own reason to stress on silver coated copper as electrode is, as I found from studying "the other way" (from physics letters, papers, etc), that it is the most probable metals to generate the electrostatic effect of Gray motor. But of course it needs to be proved in the experiment, so let us do it !

                                Dear Wicaksono,

                                Here are some photos of the experimental setup used to evaluate various kinds of metal electrodes.

                                The thought is to charge the capacitor with the current that flows through the arc. Then discharge this stored energy through a small "popping coil" appratus. The conversion efficency is less than 1%, but I'm looking for relative improvement. So far I haven't found any.

                                Mark McKay
                                Attached Files

