Originally posted by kalena555
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For you - about principles of work CEST of Edvin V. Gray:
All wishing to receive the free energy:
Free Energy can be obtained with a low cost electric energy only in microwave-active resonance of physical processes, when it haves an internal positive feedback with ether (physical vacuum). The dimensions of elementary particles, atoms, molecules and so forth, and a dimensions basic resonant connections is extremely small (as compared with the wave-length), but their number per unit volume is enormous. In such systems the total energy of radiation/absorption on active centers is determined by their concentration per unit of volume taking into account all kinds and forms of its interaction.
The Hydrogen Generator microwave oscillation with internal positive feedback (MASER) works in the interstellar space and the energy converter Edwin gray (CEST) at a frequency of f = (1,420,405,701.800 ± 0.028) Hz. It described in Feynman's lectures on Physics: The entire set of lectures:
Download Feynman_Lectures_on_Physics_Complete.pdf for free on Filesonic.com
See Vol. 3, Lecture 12, pp. 12_1 – 12_12. (At the counter pages: the third volume begins with page 1050).
Now see fig. 12-2; 12-3; 12-4:

These Feynman's figures show, that in "neutral" atoms of hydrogen an energy of electrons with reverse spin (state of the II and IV) with increasing magnetic field strength DECREASES, but for the electrons with normal spin (state I and III) it INCREASES -as it should be in our World.
Edwin Gray somehow reached the understanding, that in order to obtain free energy, should be somehow from the entire mass of the electrons of atoms of hydrogen in the neutral state, to separate the electrons with reverse spin, which are in a states II and IV (the state of a positrons).
M-r Gray founded decision of this task by very simple and original way – for separated “the new type of positive electricity” he used quarter-wave coaxial symmetric transformer, called “BALUN” (BALance to UNbalance). (See Fig. 4).

About “THE BALUN” see: К. Rothammel: “Antennenbuch”, Kapitel 7: “Symmetrier und Sperrglieder”. Udgave 10 – 1991; 11 - 1995, Verlag Franckh-Kosmos; Udgave 12 – 2001, Verlag DARC Rothammels Antennenbuch, 48,60 €, DARC Verlag GmbH

Quote from Feynman Lectures (p. 12-12):
“The shift of the energy levels of an atom due to a magnetic field is called the Zeeman effect. We say that the curves in Fig. 12-3 show the Zeeman splitting of the ground state of hydrogen. When there is no magnetic field, we get just one spectral line from the hyperfine structure of hydrogen. The transitions between state | IV> and any one of the others occurs with the absorption or emission of a photon whose frequency 1420 megacycles is 1/h times the energy difference 4A. When the atom is in a magnetic field В, however, there arc many more lines. There can be transitions between any two of the four states. So if we have atoms in all four states, energy can be absorbed — or emitted — in any one of the six transitions shown by the vertical arrows in Fig. 12-4. …
…What makes the transitions go? The transitions will occur if you apply a small disturbing magnetic field that varies with time (in addition to the steady strong field B)”.
End of quote.
It goes without saying that most likely such transitions can be obtained if the gas environment containing Hydrogen atoms, placed in the resonator, which amplifying "small perturbation magnetic field" at a frequency of 1420 MHz.
If the resonator is a coaxial BALUN length 211.1/4 = 52.78 mm, so in his working volume will go the separation of electrons with reverse spin (positrons) from the usual electrons, аnd it will happen automatically, because at its exit the microwave currents along the Central electrode and along the cylinder have a different phases of the current = 180°. (See Fig. 4).
The spin of electrons in a hydrogen atom - normal (0) and inverted (1) - have exactly the same different angles, as well as the different direction of currents (mobility) of electrons.
Continue to read Mr. Edwin Gray patent Publication No. US 04661747 published on Apr 28, 1987 Application No 791508 filed on Oct 25, 1985. He writes that to improve the efficiency of the converter, you can increase the number of the cylinders (collectors) in the CEST - two, three, etc.
Also see here. table “The transition of an ultra-thin structure of some isotopes”
Êîíñïåêò ëåêöèé ïî ðàäèîàñòðîíîìèè. Ñîäåðæàíèå) see Chapter 5. Interstellar medium and star formation in the Galaxy, 5.4. Recombination radiolines
To run the maser’s mechanism of "positive feedback" you need to create a strong magnetic field, which is generated in the BALUN by magnetic soliton wave. It’s formed by the powerful current boost through central electrode of the BALUN from the condenser discharge through the spark gap, which is located at the begin of the Central electrode of BALUN. (See Fig. 4).
As Edwin Gray, who was no had special education, found the best way to integrate all the above achievements of quantum- and radio- and astrophysicist - incomprehensible! But he did it!!!
© Leonid Volkov, Zaporozhzhje, Ukraine
More see my works on site:
To Mark McKay and Eric Dollard - a huge thanks at the historical submissions files about Ed Gray
With respect
Leonid Volkov
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