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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Lecture #8 - A Closer Look at the FFF

    Consider the attached photo [FFF Cables Low Resolution]. This is snap shot taken by GD in 1974 on his second trip to Van Nuys, CA. By this time Richard Hackenberger was pretty well finished with his first remodel of the EMA4 to become the EMA4-E2. Look at the huge (4” diameter) bundle of black cables in the center of the photo. These are the FFF cables. This photo establishes that the Floating Flux Field (FFF) cables are indeed composed of a collection of large single cables (0.500” to 0.625” diameter) rather than a being a single cable wound in a two layer solenoid fashion.

    The overall intent of this remodel seems to have been a quest for higher horse power. This is because the volume provided for the supporting power supplies had been doubled with the addition of new large enclosure mounted behind and under the engine. It is unknown just what kind of performance these improvements accomplished. It is my thought that Richard was converting the mechanical vibrator choppers over to higher current transistor methods and needed a lot more room for heat sinks and fans. Most likely he made other improvements as well.

    With these system changes the FFF cables now had to be rewired to this new enclosure. Originally they were terminated to the old enclosure that sat on the top of the engine. From the photo you can see that these cables had to be lengthened by about 3’ – 4’ to reach their new destination.

    You know, that’s a lot of work and expense. Just why did the FFF have to be mounted at that location to properly function anyway? It was in the middle-exterior of the Engine’s case. If the FFF were a simple delay line (as hinted at in the patent), or an inductor, or any other passive component it wouldn’t matter where it was located. It would have made more engineering sense to strap those18 each single loops just under the new enclosure. So what was available on the engine case equator that wasn’t to be found elsewhere?

    The only classical reason I can come up with is that it was to take advantage of the large moving magnetic fields that would be generated in that area. These would be taking place at 18 pulses per revolution each moving in 13 degree steps at 500 rpm or more. So, this layout would almost be a rotating field. If the torque that the engine developed were due to huge repulsive magnetic pulses – resulting from the dissipation of some anomalous energy then, there would be some significant flux escaping from the engine case. Since the case was thick aluminum some attenuation would take place, but there would still be a lot of leakage since the electromagnets are open core. How much? It would take a FEMM analysis to see the basic shape of the field but the magnitude would be a just a guess since we know nothing about the properties of the Cold Electricity, Radiant Energy particles or whatever was responsible for the large rotation force.

    Apparently, at face value, the FFF needs to be acted upon by a magnetic field traveling at some minimum velocity or another idea similar to this concept.

    The big observable difference between the previous cannibalized EMA3 Engine and the EMA4 Engine is that the space between the front and back electro-magnets had been increased by about two inches. Was this done to better focus the leakage flux into the FFF?

    Another thing to consider: It has been reported that when the EMA4 Engine when running it would develop a huge electrostatic charge. This would imply that the Engine case was becoming charged. But this is difficult to achieve since the case is connected (by a large cable) to the lowest potential of the lead-acid battery array. But supposing it was the FFF that was becoming charged? The size of the HV cables could certainly contain some high potential. If they were responsible for the reported electrostatic field then it would be difficult to establish the true source, wither it came from the case or the FFF. To maintain such a high potential the cables would certainly have to be “Floating” above the ground state and preferably all be of the same polarity.

    If this high voltage (up to 100 kV) field did come from the FFF then how was that achieved with a pulsing DC 3 kV low current source? The circuit disclosed in the Pulse Engine patent was certainly not up to that task. I wonder what was removed that would allow those FFF cables to become that highly charged? A linear voltage multiplier?

    After this photo Mr. Hackenberger made additional improvements. He replaced the single loop FFF with what appears to be a double loop using smaller diameter cable. Obviously, he was exploring changes to the FFF to enhance performance. Not long after this the entire setup was confiscated by the LA DA and destroyed.

    The next Free energy Engine, the EMA6, does not sport an obvious FFF component. I think it’s still there only hidden much better. Most likely it was located in the three power supplies. If a moving magnetic field was a requirement, then Richard was able to figure out a workaround solution.

    The attached drawing shows the location of the FFF cables (the 18 each little circles on the outside of the Engine case in the middle) in relation to the end-to-end spacing of the "Major" electromagnets.

    Mark McKay
    Attached Files


    • Lamare,brilliant idea ! This bazooka balun is the missing key I believe .Grids are shorted on one end only.

      Is there possible to have more then one bazooka balun one on another ?


      • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
        Lamare,brilliant idea ! This bazooka balun is the missing key I believe .Grids are shorted on one end only.

        Is there possible to have more then one bazooka balun one on another ?

        Hmm. Good question. Looks like that is called a choke ring:
        Choke ring antenna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        UNAVCO Knowledgebase :: Choke Ring Antenna Calibrations

        I do think the same principle can be used in Joulethief / SEC exciter circuits. Just finished a drawing I intented to post in tje JT thread:

        Hi-res version:

        The idea would be to use a Hartley oscillator, as I posted before:

        Update: Posted some further details here:
        Last edited by lamare; 01-06-2012, 10:14 PM.


        • High Frequencies in the Operaqtion of the CEST

          Dear lamare,

          Doesn't a Bazooka Balun have a very limited operational band width? (unlike a transmission line transformer Balun) If so then the working frequency could be calculated from the dimensions of the CEST sections.

          Well, we know that EMA6 CEST rings were about 1.5" in length. Boy, that means that the operational frequency has got to be right up there in the several hundred MHz range.

          It's hard for me to see how such a high frequency could be employed in this device by looking at the cables connecting to this component. The wires that are connected from the so called capacitor cans are #10 magnet wire with no standoffs or other RF protection. The cables that leave and go to the engine could be white coax, but the terminations do not fit with what is used when working with RF. There is no evidence of any kind of shielding. If RF at these frequecies were being generated then the lossses would have been huge. Perhaps they had so much OU that it didn't matter, but I doubt it.

          Something doesn't add up, then again The FCC wouldn't have confiscated and destroyed this machine in 1977 if it wasn't radiating an EMI signiture in excess of 10 watts or more.

          Mark McKay


          • Dear Mark,

            Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
            Doesn't a Bazooka Balun have a very limited operational band width? (unlike a transmission line transformer Balun) If so then the working frequency could be calculated from the dimensions of the CEST sections.
            Yes, it has a limited bandwidth, but I am pretty sure it also works at higher harmonics. And if this is an important ingredient, it will have to include higher harmonics, because it would need to work with impulses (steep rising edge, soft falling edge) rather than harmonic oscillations in order to be capable of energizing an iron core coil. According to Dollard, it is possible to create extreme impulses with TMT-like devices, even though I do not yet understand this completely. See my earlier post:

            But we will know more about the bandwidth of the balun soon, because I will have my antenna analysed at january 14th. Then there is a "measuring day" by a ham group at about about an hours drive from my home, where there is measuring equipment available a radio amateur can only dream of:

            PAmicrowaves - Home

            A quick translation of the available equipment:
            - Sweepers 0-26 GHz
            - Spectrumanalyzers up to 26 GHz.
            - Spectrumanalyzer 10KHz - 3.8GHz + Tracking generator ; For measuring Filters, couplers, SWR and signals.
            - Measuring transmitter 10Khz - 3.3GHz (AM, FM, CW, and pulse)
            - SWR 5MHz - 3.0GHz (RF-SWR Bridge)
            - Spectrumanalyzer up to 325 GHz
            - Vector netwerk analyzer up to 20 GHz
            - Tektronix Videogenerator with sin x/x signal
            - Tektronix VM700 video measuring set
            - Barco Receiver I en II receiver/videodemodulator witht measuring probes for 23cm 13cm en 3cm,
            - NKF videodemodulator with baseband input for measuring baseband atv modules.
            - Spectrum analyser Agilent up to 3GHz.
            - Noise figure meter up to 24 GHz
            - Noise figure meter 47 GHz
            - Powermeter up to 76 GHz
            - Tuning unit 24 GHz Filters
            - Signal generator from 0 to 18,6 GHZ (Mar 2031 / HP8673) FM narrow- and wideband, so also ATV.
            - Spectrumanalyzer from 0 - 26,5 (of 31,8) GHz + Tracking to 2,7 GHz.
            - AM - 70 cm ATV generator
            - Counter to 24 GHz with rubidium stabilisation.
            - Powermeter up to 250 Watt up to 2,5 GHz.
            - Frequency standard 10 Mhz
            It would be interesting to frequency analyse a Gray tube, but then we would need a probe that is capable of measuring longitudinal dielectric waves propagating along the surface of the output wire connected to the grids, and we would need a proper termination impedance or something (may be a reflective metal plate?) connected to the wire as well.

            Anyway, for calculating the main resonance frequency, you would have to calculate with a wave propagation speed of pi/2 times the transverse propagation speed. The transverse propagation speed of air-core copper is in the order of 0,95 c, while for a dielectric filled coax cable you are talking in the order of 0,6 to 0,8 times c.

            Well, we know that EMA6 CEST rings were about 1.5" in length. Boy, that means that the operational frequency has got to be right up there in the several hundred MHz range.
            And a bandwidth much higher than that, because we would need impulses....

            It's hard for me to see how such a high frequency could be employed in this device by looking at the cables connecting to this component. The wires that are connected from the so called capacitor cans are #10 magnet wire with no standoffs or other RF protection. The cables that leave and go to the engine could be white coax, but the terminations do not fit with what is used when working with RF. There is no evidence of any kind of shielding. If RF at these frequecies were being generated then the lossses would have been huge. Perhaps they had so much OU that it didn't matter, but I doubt it.
            In order to understand this, you have to realize that an important characteristic of longitudinal dielectric waves is that they propagate along the direction of the conductor, whereby the conductor acts as a wave guide.

            And since the wave is guided along your wire, it does not radiate away from your wire just like that. It keeps on propagating back and forth along your wire / wave guide. While this may raise some problems for me with my moon bounce experiment, it is a very nice characteristic for extremely low-loss energy transport.

            This is also possible with a so-called E-line ( Directory contents of /pdf/Patents/Elmore/ ) which is basically a transverse magnetic, longitudinal electric propagation mode that still has a magnetic component ( ), but the longitudinal dielectric wave we are after does NOT have a magnetic component.

            It appears that in order to get the TM magnetic mode to propagate along an unshielded wire you need "launchers/catchers" ( ) , while for the longitudinal dielectric wave you don' t need them. Otherwise Tesla's one-wire transmission system would not have worked....

            To sum this up: longitudinal dielectric waves propagate at a speed much faster than transverse waves, have no magnetic component and don't radiate away from a wire but rather follow it as in a wave-guide.

            Something doesn't add up, then again The FCC wouldn't have confiscated and destroyed this machine in 1977 if it wasn't radiating an EMI signiture in excess of 10 watts or more.
            Considering the amount of power generated by the device, 10 Watts is only a fraction. And you can never get 100% pure dielectric waves along a conductor, because the movements of the electrons in the wire will also create some kind of TEM wave as well, which does radiate. The interesting detail is that because of the difference in propagation speed, you never have a situation that both the TEM and the longitudinal dielectric waves resonate at the same frequency. So, when you have resonance in one mode, the other mode is suppressed substantially because it does not resonate. But it is never completely gone and therefore you get some losses, especially if you do not specifically design your system to prevent these losses as much as possible.

            -- Arend --


            • My thoughts : when due to EMI device was confiscated in 1977 there was the end already because device was not tuned, spark gap in element 42 generated huge amount of radio waves instead of working silently. Here is the connection with kapanadze silent spark gap. In 2005 I experimented with car coil driver wih very low frequency between 50 and 100Hz crude one. I tried to get working incandescent bulb as a plasma globe without comprehention that circuit produce too low frequency. Suddenly parameters (wire length frequency grounding to large iron vice and a few others) match and I've got stinging sensation in air very intense for this amount of power. I remember that I tried also to build Gray tube and ended with two copper tubes connected on one and by wire and insulated from each other by rubber pieces. I don't know why I wanted to test such strange experiment but I took large screew insulated on both ends and placed a metal paper clip below as a spark gap. Then I placed it like in Gray tube inside copper shield and everything inside car coil HV terminal standing up. In the end when I grounded device spark gap become silent and fluctuating while still white-yellow in colour - incredible experience if you experimented with HV sparks - white sparks are loud producing cracking sound. Definitely there was energy redirection here ! I have tried to recreate this experiment and that one with incandescent bulb without success
              Last edited by boguslaw; 01-07-2012, 01:19 PM.


              • Best Wishes for Moon Bounce Experiment

                Dear lamare,

                I offer my best professional wishes for you and your group's attempt to bounce longitudinal waves off the Moon. It is nice to see an organized group effort come together to explore new phenomena.

                Mark McKay


                • Non-repeatable Observations

                  Dear Boguslaw,

                  It's a ***** when we observe something interesting - then can't get it to happen again. Usually this takes place just as some critical component blows out. After it is replaced the circuit never works the same.

                  I have had this happen with a Tesla Coil that was causing every metal obgect in the shop to emit blue sparks - before the NST fried. Never could get it to do this again (1994)

                  Transistors a great for giving spectaluar results before they self destruct as well.

                  All I can say is hang in there. At least you have the circuit schematic of what cause the anomalous behavious. We don't even have that much for the Gray Technology.

                  Mark McKay


                  • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                    Dear Boguslaw,

                    It's a ***** when we observe something interesting - then can't get it to happen again. Usually this takes place just as some critical component blows out. After it is replaced the circuit never works the same.

                    I have had this happen with a Tesla Coil that was causing every metal obgect in the shop to emit blue sparks - before the NST fried. Never could get it to do this again (1994)

                    Transistors a great for giving spectaluar results before they self destruct as well.

                    All I can say is hang in there. At least you have the circuit schematic of what cause the anomalous behavious. We don't even have that much for the Gray Technology.

                    Mark McKay
                    AS I said it was related to cables I was using and place when experiment was done with large metal tabletop with big iron vice as a ground. Every metal around up to 2-3 meters from active device was charged but not to the point of bluish sparks coming out of it but like when you are charged by rubbing and got shock when touching grounded metal.Also stinging sensation was clearly felt.My friend who is EE was in place and was amused by the amount of energy radiation in air from this 36W input. Later I've found that my battery was depleted and I have never bring it to good shape again.End of story.


                    • alternating electrostatic field

                      Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                      I have had this happen with a Tesla Coil that was causing every metal obgect in the shop to emit blue sparks - before the NST fried. Never could get it to do this again (1994)
                      Hello Mr. McKay, a repeating of Nikola Tesla's "alternating electrostatic field" :

                      Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla - Thomas Commerford Martin - Google Books

                      At least we know that this is an electrostatic phenomena.



                      • Why a triode and no diode in the patent?

                        I have just been trough some documents and stuff, a.o. some of Mark's documents he sent me to publish at my site:
                        Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/McKay_Gray_Material/

                        At some point, I took a look at the triode, which has been used by Gray in his stuff and has somehow been replaced by a diode by later experimenters, under the assumption that this was just a simple diode. However, there are other diodes in Gray's circuit so Gray's engineers clearly were aware of the existence of the semiconductor diode. So, how come they used an old-fashioned triode and not a much simpler semiconductor diode?

                        There is an interesting detail about the working of a triode:
                        The triode : ELECTRON TUBES
                        Another problem with triode behavior is that of stray capacitance. Remember that any time we have two conductive surfaces separated by an insulating medium, a capacitor will be formed. Any voltage between those two conductive surfaces will generate an electric field within that insulating region, potentially storing energy and introducing reactance into a circuit. Such is the case with the triode, most problematically between the grid and the plate. It is as if there were tiny capacitors connected between the pairs of elements in the tube:

                        Now, this stray capacitance is quite small, and the reactive impedances usually high. Usually, that is, unless radio frequencies are being dealt with. As we saw with De Forest's Audion tube, radio was probably the prime application for this new technology, so these "tiny" capacitances became more than just a potential problem. Another refinement in tube technology was necessary to overcome the limitations of the triode.
                        Essential for the operation of a triode tube is that the cathode needs to be heated in order to emit electrons that become a current once an electric field is applied. So, with such a tube you only need an electric field in order to get a current, without the need to feed the thing an electron-based current yourself!

                        In other words: the triode is voltage driven and not current driven.

                        Typical capacitances are very low:
                        Miller Capacitance
                        The majority of the input capacitance of a triode stage is made up of the combination of the grid-to-cathode capacitance, plus the Miller capacitance formed by the grid-to-plate capacitance multiplied by the stage gain plus one. The formula for determining the total input capacitance of a triode stage is as follows:

                        Cin = Cgk + Cgp*(A+1)

                        where: Cin = input capacitance
                        Cgk = grid-to-cathode capacitance, composed of the internal tube capacitance plus the stray capacitance
                        Cgp = grid-to-plate capacitance, composed of the internal tube capacitance plus the stray capacitance
                        A = stage gain

                        The typical interelement capacitances are very small, but, as can be seen from the above equation, the grid-to-plate capacitance is multiplied by the gain of the tube stage plus one, so if the gain is large, the capacitance can very easily become significant, resulting in audible rolloff in frequency response.


                        For example, a typical 12AX7 stage has the following capacitances and gain:

                        Cgk = 1.6pF + 0.7pF stray = 2.3pF
                        Cgp = 1.7pF + 0.7pF stray = 2.4pF
                        A = 61

                        Therefore, the total input capacitance would be:

                        Cin = 2.3pF + (61+1)* 2.4pF = 151.1pF
                        Besides that, the cathode consists of a considerable surface of metal (compared to a silicon diode) which reflects HF waves up to a certain degree.

                        Now if we assume that somehow longitudinal dielectric waves were used in the operation of Gray's stuff, we would have a wave that is free of any electron-based current and magnetic fields and propagates at a speed of pi/2 times the speed of a transverse wave. In order for such a wave to be created by the rods across the spark gap, you would need it to resonate.

                        An interesting detail with regards to a resonating conductor is that at resonance, you either have a longitudinal dielectric wave OR a transverse wave. For a certain length of wire, for example, the 1/2 lambda longitudinal resonance frequency corresponds to 3/4 lambda transverse:

                        pi/2 * 1/2 = 0,785398163
                        multiply that by 4/3 and we get: 1,04719755

                        So, whenever one of the two waves is in resonance, the other one is almost completely supressed!

                        All right. Now if we want to get our main rod spark gap antenna into a longitudinal resonance mode, we do have to make sure the top of our "antenna" is not too heavily loaded *and* we have to make sure our spark gap is in it's negative resistance region of operation. Which means you need a DC bias current going trough it, preferably one you can adjust.

                        Now with a semiconductor diode, you have no way of controlling the bias trough your spark gap. But, with a triode, you have a grid...

                        A grid that is there for the purpose of *controlling* the amount of current going trough the cathode. You know, the connection to your spark gap. In other words: you can bias your spark gap with the triode grid and thus make sure the spark gap operates in it's negative resistance mode.

                        The mode needed in order for it to amplify/sustain an oscillation in a series LC circuit, whereby your spark-gap is in series with the L and one or more C's.

                        For the frequency of your LC circuit, the capacitance of the cathode appears to be the smallest one, so that one would determine your oscillation frequency, together with the L of the rod and the other capacitances in there, like the one between the rod and the grids of the CSET.

                        So, high voltage capacitor 16 discharges trough the spark gap to establish the arc and put the spark gap into its negative resistance region of operation, whereby the grid of the triode controls the current and therefore discharge time of capacitor 16.

                        Once the spark gap is into it's negative resistance mode, the rod forms a HF series resonance circuit together with the capacitance of the grid-kathode capacitance, whereby the grid is connected to a DC voltage.

                        Because of the bazooka/sleeve balun in the shape of the CSET grids, no HF magnetic field can be established at the resonance frequency, and therefore you get a longitudinal resonance mode in your system in a very similar way as what I do with my longitudinal antenna design....

                        To make a long story short:
                        1) you DO need a triode and NOT a diode
                        2) you DO need extra circuitry in order to bias the spark gap trough the grid of your triode...

                        Any questions?

                        Last edited by lamare; 01-10-2012, 11:12 AM.


                        • Circumference of coils related to wavelength?

                          I just realized that the circumference of the load coils may be an important parameter too:

                          Originally posted by lamare View Post
                          The experiments by Stiffler and earlier Spice simulations ( Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki ) suggest that with Hartley oscillators using only coils (no external C in your tank circuit) you get a wideband signal, which appears to consist of the natural resonance frequency of your coil and higher order harmonics thereof. This suggests that these kinds of oscillators, with a strong feedback to the transistor, may indeed generate impulses rather than harmonic oscillations (under certain conditions?).

                          However, that does not mean one can easily energize a coil with a coil-based oscillator, because the operation frequency thereof lies in the order of 1 - 30 MHz with long wavelengths expressed in meters. If this theory is correct, then Gray's device must have worked in the GHz range, with wavelengths expressed in centimeters, which is also suggested by the geometry of his CSET.

                          It appears that longitudinal waves with these kinds of short wavelengths are capable of propagating circular around a coil, especially if the circumference of the coil is such that it is a whole number of longitudinal wavelengths, and are thus capable of energizing the coil as well as a core. Provided the waves are impulses, rather than harmonic oscillations.
                          For calculation of these circular resonances, we have the Schumann formula:

                          Originally posted by lamare View Post

                          I finally found some formula that describe surface resonances occuring on an ideal sphere. We all know them. Schumann resonances:
                          Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Basic theory

                          Lightning discharges are considered to be the primary natural source of Schumann resonance excitation; lightning channels behave like huge antennas that radiate electromagnetic energy at frequencies below about 100 kHz.[20] These signals are very weak at large distances from the lightning source, but the Earth–ionosphere waveguide behaves like a resonator at ELF frequencies and amplifies the spectral signals from lightning at the resonance frequencies.[20]

                          In an ideal cavity, the resonant frequency of the n-th mode fn is determined by the Earth radius a and the speed of light c.[11]

                          f_n= c/(2*pi*a) * sqrt(n(n+1))

                          The real Earth–ionosphere waveguide is not a perfect electromagnetic resonant cavity. Losses due to finite ionosphere electrical conductivity lower the propagation speed of electromagnetic signals in the cavity, resulting in a resonance frequency that is lower than would be expected in an ideal case, and the observed peaks are wide. In addition, there are a number of horizontal asymmetries – day-night difference in the height of the ionosphere, latitudinal changes in the Earth magnetic field, sudden ionospheric disturbances, polar cap absorption, etc. that produce other effects in the Schumann resonance power spectra.
                          Of course, we would have to calculate with the correct wave propagation speed, which would be pi/2 times c....


                          Spark gap oscillators have been used at frequencies up to 60 GHz, already in the late 1800's:

                          J.C. Bose: 60 GHz in the 1890s
                          Figure 3 (a) shows Bose's diagram of one of his radiators, used for generating 5-mm radiation. Oscillation is produced by sparking between 2 hollow hemispheres and the interposed sphere.

                          Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #6386956
                          Spark switched L-C Oscillator (LCO) transmitters have operated in the Low, Medium, and High Frequency Bands (10's of kHz to 10's of MHz) throughout the history of radio. In the 1970's they were pushed into the vhf Band by Moran, et al. By applying ultra-fast gas switching techniques and by overcoming spark gap losses the authors have operated LCO transmitters in the uhf (300 MHz to 3 GHz) region. Repetition rates >1 kHz with peak voltages >100 kV have been achieved.

                          Technical Tidbit - June 2001, A Static Field Powered EMI Source
                          The characteristics of a spark are determined mostly by the arc length. A number of factors influence arc length including voltage, speed of approach for moving pieces, and atmospheric conditions. The gap in Figure 2 is a fraction of a millimeter. For such a small gap, the risetime of the current when a spark forms is very fast and the current waveform is repeatable. Low voltage ESD events, a few hundred volts or less, can have risetimes in the tens of picoseconds range. A high voltage spark with a relatively long arc length results in a slower risetime of the current and the current waveform may vary between successive sparks. A 10 kV discharge may have risetimes of tens of nanoseconds. The resultant di/dt for a small, low voltage, arc is higher than for high voltage events and in many instances is more likely to result in a system upset.
                          At one point, Hertz even made a “small oscillator”, which was merely composed of two spheres attached to very radiating small wires. It operated around 500,000,000 vibrations per second, somewhat above today’s amateur 432 MHz band. Hertz then made a parabolic device that produced waves possibly as high as 500 Mc to 1 GHz.


                          Subsequent to Hertz’s experiments in the ultra-high range, other researchers generated spark transmissions at even higher frequencies. Professor Righi immersed a spark gap in oil to generate oscillations at 3,000,000,000 vibrations per second (3 GHz). He then decreased the size of the spheres, and obtained oscillations four times as rapid. Professor Jagadis Chunder Bose used three platinum spheres placed in a small box. Platinum was used instead of brass to prevent the spheres from quickly deteriorating. He produced spark radiations at an incredible wavelength of six millimeters (somewhere around today’s 50 GHz). Bose commented that he was then within 13 octaves of visible light.
                          So, it appears high frequencies can definately be obtained using spark gap oscillators...
                          Last edited by lamare; 01-10-2012, 12:00 PM.


                          • yes,I believe the essence is that triod is a source of electrons and based on thyratron used quite a big current is generated. In summary here is adjustable ground connection via spark gap to balun antenna.We are closer. Element 42 could be wrongly drawn or just a switching device which shorts capacitor and then collect "something" to recharge capacitor from running coils (bemf or electrostatic charge running along wires) - kind of electrostatic relay normally shorting capacitor but when electrostatic charge occur in wire connected to running coils then connection is established to recharge capacitor.


                            • Diodes, Triodes, and Thyratrons

                              Originally posted by lamare View Post
                              To make a long story short:
                              1) you DO need a triode and NOT a diode
                              2) you DO need extra circuitry in order to bias the spark gap trough the grid of your triode...
                              Dear lamare,

                              A very good analysis on your part.

                              The CEST patent was written in 1985. This was five years after Gray and Hack had spent 18 months working in Dodge City, KS where they built the last Free Energy Engine (the "Blue" Engine).

                              When Gray came back to San Diego to begin his Great Return he had a truck load of all these experimental prototypes (mostly renovated old pulse motors) that Hack had worked on.

                              According Nelson Schlaft :"Rocky" when he went to work for Gray in 1980 all of these "Motors" had Ignitrons already installed on them. These were triggered with Thyratrons that were driven by other vacuum tubes. Rocky removed all the vacuum tube eleectonics and replaced it with his design of a very simple Zener diode trigger approach. This can still be seen today on the "Gold" Motor owned by Al Francouer.

                              In 1973 Gray didn't even know what a Thyratron was. But by 1980 I'm sure he had seen the schematic symbol for one several times. So, when he cobbled the patent application together for the bogus CSET (my opinion) he upgraded his schematic with these newer symbols. But of course he left off all the advanced grid triggering system details.

                              My opinion on this issue (until better history arrives) is that the original 1973 CEST used a solid state diode. The whole purpose of CEST setup was a HV switching device to gate the "Cold Electricity" from the storage capacitor into the opposing electromagnets in the Engine. By 1979 the CEST to have been replaced with industrial welding ignitrons.

                              Furthermore I suspect that Richard needed some fancy and precise switching for those Ignitorns. Perhaps for speed control. If he didn't he would have come up with the simple system that Rocy employed.

                              None of the technicians that Gray hired in 1980 could figure out just what Hack was attempting to do. So, all of the successful 1979 development circuits were tossed into the garbage can due to Gray's near complete lack of understanding of the technology.

                              As I understand it, an Ignitorn needs a brief currrent pulse in order to turn on quickly. It will eventually respond to a voltage pulse but the switching time is much more unstable. The use of a thyratron to switch an Ignitorn is very common in arc welder design.

                              So, Solid state diodes, thyratrons, ignitorns, and small triodes have all been used at one time or another in the Gray technology.

                              Mark McKay


                              • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post

                                My opinion on this issue (until better history arrives) is that the original 1973 CEST used a solid state diode. The whole purpose of CEST setup was a HV switching device to gate the "Cold Electricity" from the storage capacitor into the opposing electromagnets in the Engine. By 1979 the CEST to have been replaced with industrial welding ignitrons.
                                That may be possible..

                                If the CSET works along the lines I sketched (i.e. pretty much like my antenna and Tesla's tower) then there ain't no other way than that the spark gap must have been biased such that it is in it's negative resistance mode of operation. The mode of operation that is used by the the specific spark gap oscillators known as the "Poulsen arc converter" the old-timers used:

                                Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

                                Arc converter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                                Unlike the spark-gap transmitter converter, the arc converter produces undamped or continuous waves (CW). This was an important feature as the use of damped waves resulted in lower transmitter efficiency and communications effectiveness, while covering the r.f. spectrum with interference. This more refined method for generating continuous-wave radio signals was initially developed by Danish inventor Valdemar Poulsen. The Poulsen arc converter can be likened to a continuous-duty-rated electric arc welder with a tuned circuit connected across the arc. The negative resistance characteristics of an electric arc permits the creation of a relaxation oscillator that converts direct current to radio frequency energy. The arc converter consisted of a water-cooled bronze chamber in which the arc burned in hydrogen gas between a carbon cathode and a water-cooled copper anode. Above and below this chamber there were two series field coils surrounding and energizing the two poles of the magnetic circuit. These poles projected into the chamber, one on each side of the arc to provide a magnetic field. This field helps to stabilize the arc and improve overall conversion efficiency. In today's world one can still find oscillators based on negative resistance devices; the tunnel diode is one of them.
                                In order to get a spark gap into it's negative resistance mode of operation, it needs to be biased with a specific DC current, depending on the parameters of the spark gap, most notably the distance between the electrodes, AFAIK.

                                So, in order to bias the spark gap, you basically need a current source. Some kind of device that gives you a constant current over a certain voltage area.

                                A solid state diode can do just that:

                                Diode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                When it breaks-down in reverse mode.

                                The mode you can find in Bedini's sketches and Aaron's drawing:

                                Only now we find a different truth: BOTH are correct.

                                With a silicon diode, you get your bias with the reverse characteristics of the silicon diode, while with the triode you need to apply an external bias voltage to the grid in order to bias your spark gap..

                                Update: Oops. Think before you press "post" lamare

                                In reverse breakdown, you get a constant voltage of course, not a constant current.

                                But in the reverse area before the breakdown, it looks like you DO get a reasonably constant curve over a reasonable area. So, I guess you could find a suitable diode with reverse characteristics such that you can bias your spark gap. I guess you would need something in the order of amps to do it, but such diodes may exist.

                                Update 2:
                                Meet the zener diode:
                                Zener Diode Tutorial
                                The Zener diode is like a general-purpose signal diode consisting of a silicon PN junction. When biased in the forward direction it behaves just like a normal signal diode passing the rated current, but when a reverse voltage is applied to it the reverse saturation current remains fairly constant over a wide range of voltages. The reverse voltage increases until the diodes breakdown voltage VB is reached at which point a process called Avalanche Breakdown occurs in the depletion layer and the current flowing through the zener diode increases dramatically to the maximum circuit value (which is usually limited by a series resistor). This breakdown voltage point is called the "zener voltage" for zener diodes.
                                So, the question is: are there zener diodes with a fairly large reverse saturation current?
                                Last edited by lamare; 01-10-2012, 07:27 PM.

