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Gray Tube Replication

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  • hmmm after thinking about this some more. It seems gray is on the low voltage side generating sparks into resistance.

    1. 30 ohms resistance from the combined materials...brass. aluminum & carbon
    2. ignitron ....sparks into mercury...apparently the ignitron has carbon in it as well.
    3. and if we believe the circuit configuration in the gray motor found video on youtube there was even more resistance.

    seems to me this is described in peter lindeman books as the HV into resistance that generates the radiant spike.

    More interesting the deeper i look.



    • well guys,

      I was able to perform a whole lot of testing today.

      As expected the commutator didn't work very well. This needs to be precision built. But it did prove something. There is something special about it - the resistance seemed to vary dramatically depending on lots of things. I ended up ditching the commutator and added aluminum and carbon to my dual pole relay which already had brass contacts to simulate grays commutator. This also include a diode and 150K resistor as per the circuit in gray motor found on youtube.

      Next I ended up reverting to my circuit to look more like grays.

      Then I added brass sphere spark gaps to my copper rods. This seemed to work much better.

      But the biggest difference came when i added a big russian mercury thyratron.
      Mind you i couldn't tell whether it was working or not. I could not see any blue light which is meant to be coming from it. But it must have been as soon as i added it. The was a fairly significant change in the pulses on the charge receiving circuit. One pulse registered 168vdc on the capacitor connected to the grids. And i was regularly getting 20-30vdc

      Yet it did seem quite hit and miss. Some times you would get something then others not. So i can only conclude from this that the intensity of the spark in CSET needs to be much much higher or the frequency needs to be just right. As small adjustments to the spark gap whilst the circuit was running seemed to get it to work but still intermitantly.



      • Couple of photos from todays tests
        Attached Files


        • forgot to mention that my last final test of the day was to replace the mercury thyratron with a diode and i got absolutely nothing....will probably have to test out a few more diodes to say conclusively...


          • connection from FFF to commutator ring, again

            Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
            Mr. McKay, do you have connection diagram of FFF to commutator ring to motor electromagnets ? The commutator is made of alumunium slip ring and copper contacts, what material is the brush made of ? Thanks.

            Now it is known that they use carbon brush, but one thing still unknown is where does the FFF connect ? Is it the copper contacts or brass contacts ? Thanks for all information.



            • The FFF and the Copper/Brass contacts

              Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
              Now it is known that they use carbon brush, but one thing still unknown is where does the FFF connect ? Is it the copper contacts or brass contacts ? Thanks for all information.

              Dear Wicsksono,

              The Copper and Brass contacts are part of the commutator system from the "Gold" E-5 Pulse Motor. It was not part of a Free Energy Engine.

              There are two distinct epochs of development that Marvin Cole was involved in. Phase one he built 6-7 Pulse Motors from 1957 to 1961. It is assumed that in 1961 he discovered the OU process. From then on he built four 9-pole Free Energy Engines and a few partial developemental models (like the E-5A).

              The "Floating Flux Field" component is only associated with the EMA4 Free Energy Engine. We have no evidence that the FFF was involved with any other machine.

              So we have no idea if a FFF component was even involved with the Pulse Motor development - much less how it was connected.

              So your guess is as good as any.

              Mark McKay


              • Experiments with enclosed spark gaps

                Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
                Couple of photos from todays tests
                Dear Nat,

                I was doing some similiar things over the weekend as well. The copper enclosure surrounding my spark gap was much smaller that yours being only 1.25" in diameter. However the voltage signiture looked pretty impressive at 400 Volts peak at 1.98 MHz across a 5K resistor. That equates to 80 mA of circulation current (If it was real).

                Now attempting to harvest that apparent energy into a storage capacitor proved futile with the six or so circuits I tested. As soon as a capacitor was introduced the voltage swings dissapeared and nothing could be mesured across the capacitor.

                Oh well, it was an attempt. One of the many that will be done before this is all over.

                Keep up the good "hands on work"

                Mark McKay


                • High Speed Transitions in simple arc circuits

                  Dear Members,

                  It has been discussed from time to time how important a rapid dV/dt transition is as far as this technology is concerned. Most of this comes from comments may by Dr. Tesla in the description of parts of his work.

                  Well, here is a look at what can be accomplished with just a simple relaxation oscillator like the one I built a few weeks ago (see post on page #87) using my chopper NST and a spark plug (0.015" gap) in shunt with 120 pF of capacitance. This is wired just like a common hobby Tesla Coil where the primary is 10 turns of RG-6 coax cable.

                  Trace D004 is what the entire RF burst packet looks like. It starts its relaxation oscillations slow and then picks up speed. It will scan a range from about 3 kHz all the way up to 50 kHz in this one burst.

                  Trace D000 is the leading edge of the RF burst with the sweep rate at almost maximum at 2 nS/division. The voltage is going through my 1000:1 voltage divider so in theory we should be seeing 5 kV/ division on the vertical scale. The gap breaks down at around 5 kV then drops 32 kV to - 27 kV in 5 nS. That's a huge voltage change in a short span of time at around 6 kv/nS.

                  Right now, I don't know for sure what is responsible for the huge negative voltage swing. I suspect it has something to do with the back EMF of the inductance in the FFF, but I'm not sure. I know that dealing with observing these sudden pulses is a black-box science all its own and I admit my ignorance in this area. Never the less it is interesting to look at.

                  To me, this shows that with simple components we can produce some very fast voltage transitions.


                  Mark McKay
                  Attached Files


                  • Mark,

                    I have a capacitor connected to the grids. This is how i am measuring if anything is happening. So that doesnt seem to be a problem in my circuit. I havent had a chance to see if it charges the batteries yet. I hope it is as soon i might be able to run my house of it. Thats all i am after for now.

                    As expected we have all been wasting our time testing the circuit without using a mercury thyraton or mercury ignitron. I managed to pick up the mercury thyratron for only about $40 on ebay as New Old Stock. So that isnt massively out of everyones price bracket. Maybe someone might come up with a better way but for now that is what i am sticking with. I ordered several a couple months back but have been to busy to do anything about it.

                    Let me know if you want me to post the link to the thyratron. Have you tested any switches with mercury in it?

                    I am working on some improvements to my circuit. Have had to order some more parts. The more i learn the more i realise there is no way in hell that gray/cole came up with this circuit on there own.

                    Sounds like you are seeing something in your circuit. Keep in mind there was no sparks in mine to the grids. I am now thinking that the light from the spark in the CSET is generating a special frequency with the introduction of the mercury thyratron. I was seeing stuff with my old argon thyratron but nothing like the mercury thyratron.

                    Last edited by nat1971a; 02-14-2012, 12:36 AM. Reason: .


                    • Greetings all. Good discussion here. I think the secret of Gray circuit finally would resolve to continously charged capacitor
                      and you know that if such avalanche rise of energy happen there is a problem to avoid explosion
                      how we could keep capacitor topped to full charge ? I guess with very fast switching to high inductance so current cannot flow but magnetic field is made on coil and collapsing produce radiant energy. The problem is always ground connection, because radiant energy is immediately gone to ground (like lightning) especially if you have coil connected to anything I saw some nice Russian fellows expaining how a weak HV spark from Tesla coil can produce large current with proper material and capacitance.
                      KACER - YouTube


                      • greetings boguslaw,

                        i have my capacitor connected to ground for safety purposes. I may test grays exact circuit now that i understand it better.

                        Now to the next part of the mystery of grays circuit. So now that we have determined that the combination of the metals (brass, aluminum, carbon & copper) used in the commutator have a special function (i.e point of resistance and choking) it occured to me to look elsewhere for it too. (i.e dumping HV into resistance)

                        Now have a look at the ignitron picture. We have all of the same metals present. We have a brass base & aluminum heat sink connected to a stainless steel cathode. Inside we have mercury and apparently a carbon rod which is connected to the copper anode. Then finally we have the brass plate that connects all 3 ignitrons.

                        So it looks like gray is choking the spark once at the commutator and then again at the ignitron. I am going to modify my circuit again to include this arrangement on my mercury thyratron.

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by nat1971a; 02-15-2012, 07:48 PM. Reason: .


                        • Contacts in the EMA4

                          Dear Nat,

                          If you are looking for contacts - then keep in mind that the commutators of the "Gold", Black, White, and "Purple" motors were Pulse Motors and not Free Energy Engines - or so I think.

                          If you want to dig into contacts then go to the source and analyze the EMA4 Free Energy Engine. That machine had all kinds of contacts

                          18 Power Stroke Contacts (Stator)
                          18 Energy Generation contacts (Stator)
                          27 Unknown Contacts (Stator)
                          9 Energy Generation Contacts (Rotor)
                          2 High Voltage Front End Slip Ring Contacts
                          4 Low voltage Controller contacts
                          9 Sets of Core to Core discharge electrodes (assumed to be laminated iron)

                          and these are just the ones I know about.

                          There is probably just about every kind of metal to metal combination in that machine - somewhere.

                          Best of luck with your experiments. I shall be out of town the rest of the week.

                          Mark Mckay


                          • Does it emit scalar waves?

                            Also, I'm wondering if a functioning Gray Tube could also produce gravitational anomalies (weight changes of nearby objects) or even time anomalies such as a change in the rate that time flows.


                            • no idea if it emits scalar waves.


                              A massive spark has damaged some of my components. I am out of commission for at least 2 weeks till spares arrive.




                              • The CEST and Scalar Waves

                                Originally posted by telemachus View Post
                                Does it emit scalar waves?

                                Also, I'm wondering if a functioning Gray Tube could also produce gravitational anomalies (weight changes of nearby objects) or even time anomalies such as a change in the rate that time flows.
                                Dear telemachus,

                                No one has of yet publically disclosed that they have ever seen a working Gray Tube (let alone build one that works). John Bedini probably came the closest in 1973. The equipment was set-up on a bench in a bread-board fashion, but it was not demonstrated for him.

                                The 1986 promotion video shows a replication CEST arching with 5 kV sparks from the "Trigger Cart", but it was not connected to anything else. This is hardly an example of actual operation. This appears to have been a fabricated sales presentation using a bogus device.

                                Of the dozens of researchers who have built their versions of CETS the only novel effects that have been reported are:

                                Tad Johnson 2002: anomalous heating of the load resistor - follow up experiments were never done - or at least not reported.

                                Aaron 2010: Green arcs as the result of an added inductor to the "grid" circuit. The cause for this has been debated and some reproduction experiments have been done, however no anomalous energy has been observed.

                                Despite the lack of performance of the CEST as disclosed in the 1986 patent there is some indication that some kind of "gravitational anomaly" might have been observed in the original exploration of this technology in the early '70's. One speculated reason why the original inventor Mr. Marvin Cole left the project was the discovery of this "anti-gravity" aspect of the technology. This rumor has not been verified, but it is interesting.

                                Now, concerning the "time anomalies such as a change in the rate that time flows". Nothing of this kind of activity has been mentioned so far. However, it is not much of a stretch of the imagination to consider that if there is a Free energy process that displays an anti-gravity process then energy modifying fields could very well be associated with it as well.

                                The early developers of this technology were defiantly not looking for these kinds of phenomena and therefore were not equipped with the instruments to make meaningful measurements of these kinds of changes.

                                In the future, if this technology is reversed engineered, I'm sure every effort will be invoked to search for these very same non-classical effects (and others).

                                Mark McKay

