Originally posted by Aaron
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Firstly accept my due respect to yours and Peter's hard work in this explanation.
I am a proponent of what i call as Interpertational Physics and i have strong intutive approach in Understanding a phenomenology.
I my opinion the Interpretational aspect of the Radiant Energy or Radiant Electricity to be precise.. It was Tesla's way of interpreting the Energy-Mass Interchangeabilty even before Einstein.. just look at it this way:
Tesla Einstein Quantum Physics
We all know how we can describe the Physics of Nothingness (Vacuum) today it is become distinct about Fractionating the consituent of Nothingess
despite the fact that it is prohibited to fall in main stream teachings.. and the fact that it can be Engineered to put to use.
Anyway Back to the Interpretation on the Radiant Electricity Interaction on The Water - Spark Plug Effect.
How do you explain the Mechanism of Water Mist expolding in a Natural Thunder bolt ?...What plays the role of the 'Diode Slam Shut action' in such a situation? I guess the Answer we seek to this is already explained by E.V Gray him self...( Quote : why is Lightning more power ful near the ground....it has something to do with more Atmoisphere (Air) near the ground..?)
What is it that he is reffering to as the 'Atmoisphere'
we all have over looked another Effect that is vital in the functioning of the E.V Gray Tube.

Bye for now, more as i progress.