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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Planned Experimentation

    Originally posted by wonju View Post
    Thank you very much!

    As stated in the document, I am in the process of building a set up to test Mr. Gray's circuit. I posted the article because I wanted to discuss what could be a possible explanation for how the circuit works. It is not written in stone, but it makes sense because it makes logical connections of existing (proven) data.

    FYI. I just bought a 15KV transformer. I want to build a power supply that the voltage, frequency and duty cycle of the pulses can be adjusted. I would really appreciate any help or information you may provide.

    Dear Wonju,

    O.K. now I am getting a better idea as to what you are doing. So, you have written this theory paper and are now in the process of building the apparatus to test the theory. In the mean time you would like a peer review of your concepts. Fair enough.

    I'm not much of a theory person. I struggled with vector mechanics in college and failed EM theory on my first go around. (however I got an "A' in the laboratory). I feel like I don't really have the skill set you need to evaluate such a detailed composition. I'm sure there are forum members that do, I'm just not one of them.

    Now if you need simple engineering help with the power supply or how to evaluate strange waveforms from an oscilloscope, then I might be able to lend some assistance there.

    Sounds like you are starting to collect your apparatus. Your 15 KV transformer might be to high and leave you short on avaliable current. The Blue engine power supply had DC meters that maxed out at 5 KV, so I suppose that the power supply didn't go above that. I suspect the normal operating voltage was between 3-4 KV.

    Do your theory at what ever voltage you can secure equipment with and let us know how well the calculations match with measurements. You can always adjust the voltage down once you see how things are working.

    Keep in mind that the sucessful power supply had two out of phase outputs. It appears that the converter part of the circuit (the single turn FFF) was a push - pull kind of operation. Right now I view it as a Tesla transmitter with the secondaries removed so that now there are only two primaries. One acts as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. They switch roles ever other cycle. I suspect that the missing and overlooked component is the kind of dielectric that was placed between these two windings - but this is all pure speculation and doesn't even have a theoritical basis. I'ts just the E.V. Gray was very fond of Delrin as the core of his electromagnet demonstrations in 1986. Why was that? He certainly didn't figure that out on his own. Sombody must have told him that this particular dielectric was important.

    Keep in mind that the foundation of this technology is the "Electrostatic Generator" not electromagnetic generation. Who knows what they were really talking about back then. But, it implies that an electrostatic process was involved. Nobody has come up with a clue yet as to how that was used. But if it was I think Delrin was employed.

    Also, a lead-acid battery is vital to the operation of the circuit and not as a power supply, but as a functional component. It seems that some kind of ion sink was necessary.

    I also think that the collection of anomalus particles was done with an open loop method - like the Dollard-Lindemann-Brown experiment. In that demonstartion a NE-34 lamp was used on one end. I think the Gray team used one side of the battery (most likely positive) to take the place of the neon lamp. Once a standing wave was established the positive side of the battery would capture the remaining free conduction electrons as they sloshed back and forth in the open secondary. Eventually all the free electrons would be absorbed by the battery and the only energy left would be the pure electrostatic standing wave. But this idea is one of many possibilities to explore.



    • A Burst of Flavor

      Dear Ivleon and lamare,

      It's going to take me a few days to digest everything you guys posted. I shall work on it a page at a time. Yet, I still have to cut my E.V. Gray history speech from 96 photos down to no more than 70 and an equal amount of text needs to be deleted. It's hard to know what to eleminate. And none of this talk is about the hardware observations or even a hint about my own cherished speculations. So I have to get this edit task done first.

      I will comment on all the recent posts in the fullness of time.

      Mark McKay


      • Originally posted by lvleon View Post
        If you really are interested in Quantum magnetic measurements - we have a very good book three Russian authors "Physical basis of quantum magnetometry" (RUS)
        đĹŇĹ×ĎÄŢÉË Google

        Try to translate it into English. - it's worth it!

        Best wishes
        Leonid Volkov
        Dear Leonid,

        I personally do not believe magnetics to be the answer we are looking for.

        I am a firm believer in aether theory:

        Fundamentally, in the aether theory magnetics is the rotation of the aether.

        Gravity is the gradient of the electric field in the eather.

        In other words: Gravity is the Bernouilli / Venturi effect in the aether.

        Paul Stowe did an excellent job working this all out:
        Tuks DrippingPedia : Stowe Personal E Mail
        Tuks DrippingPedia : Stowe Foundation Unification Physics
        Tuks DrippingPedia : Stowe Nature Of Charge
        Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/Paul_Stowe/

        So, I think magnetics is just a special case of the electric field.

        It is the electric field running in circles. Or better: it is the aether running around in circles or spirals.

        Since there are problems with both the Einstein theory and Quantum Mechanics we have only one fundamental theory left that has not been proven to be incorrect: the aether theory.

        And Stowe made an excellent mathematical model for that.

        It is very hard to discuss these matters with a Google translator in between. Judging on how Google translates Stowe's stuff into Dutch, I think you may get a pretty good idea about how simple his model is using Google translator.


        The magnetic field of the Earth is very weak compared to gravity. And since gravity is an effect caused by the electric field, I think it is much more likely that devices that draw energy out of the aether do so by means of the electric field rather than by the magnetic field.

        Simply because there is much more energy available within the non-rotating phenomena taking place in the aether.

        And remember, gravity IS an effect caused by the electric field..

        I hope this may be helpful to you.

        Another interesting theory is "parametric parameter variation".

        Eric Dollard pointed us to a paper in Russian from the 1930's, which is also available in English now:

        Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/Mandelstam_Papalexi/

        The article describes an approximate theory of the phenomena of oscillation excitation in electric oscillation system, where there are no obvious sources of electric or magnetic forces.
        VERY important principle!

        And you don't even have to translate it..

        Best wishes and blessings to you too,

        -- Arend Lammertink --

        @Leonid : sent you a private message via the forum with my email address....
        Last edited by lamare; 06-08-2012, 08:38 AM.


        • Elementary NMR

          Dear lvleon,

          Could you enlighten me on some fundamental issues that are being discussed here?

          It is my understanding that Neuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) deals with electron spin dynamics - at least in medical imaging applications.

          It seems that all your work, instrumentation, charts, and graphs deal with protron precession frequencies.

          How are these two subjects related?



          • from TRIGATRON
            "The trigger transformer generates a high voltage pulse that ionizes a thin path of gas between the two switching electrodes. This ion trail provides a low resistance path for the main current to pass through."
            This does seem similar to how the system works outlined in these many pages of discussion.
            What is the difference between how a standard trigatron works and the method by which a Gray Event takes place?



            • Originally posted by geotron View Post
              This does seem similar to how the system works outlined in these many pages of discussion.
              What is the difference between how a standard trigatron works and the method by which a Gray Event takes place?

              It may be that we simply overlooked one important detail in Wheatstone's experiment:

              Originally posted by lamare View Post
              So, you FIRST get the electric field propagating in the shape of a longitudinal dielectric shock wave at a speed of pi/2 times c along the lines Wheatstone investigated ( Tuks DrippingPedia : Wheatstone Experiments To Measure The Velocity Of Electricity ).

              That gives you a strong magnetic field in your coil, along Maxwell Ampere:
              Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              So, the extreme electric field pulse caused by the HV discharge of the cap bank into the coil trough a spark gap gives you a magnetic field you can use for free.

              From Wheatstone's document:

              When the velocity was low, the terminating points appeared to be exactly in the same vertical line ; but when the velocity was considerable, and the mirror revolved towards the right, the lines assumed this appearance, ; when it revolved towards the left, they appeared thus, . In no case did I see them thus, , or thus, , as required in the hypothesis of the actual transfer of a single fluid.
              Some time ago, I thought about re-doing Wheatstone's experiment with modern equipent, which shows you schematically what Wheatstone was doing:

              High res:

              I was thinking of using an ignition coil instead of a cap bank to fire the spark gaps, which may give different results.

              Either way, what is important from Wheatstone's observations, is that both spark gaps at the end of the long wire (SG1 and SG3 in my drawing) fire *simultaneously*!!

              In other words: once the spark gaps SG1 and SG3 fire, wether or not SG3 is actually a spark gap or a shortcut, you get TWO shockwaves propagating in oppozing direction along the long wires...

              Now if these long wires are wound up on a coil, then of course the shockwaves entering the top and bottom of the coil at the same time, will oppoze one another and therefore no resulting magnetic field is obtained from these longitudinal shockwaves propagating along your coil wires

              However, if you would take two IDENTICAL coils in series, you may be in busines....


              If this is indeed correct, then you have to consider the fact that the wavefront propagating from the negative pole of the cap bank (or battery) propagates in the other direction as the normal current, which is the normal discharge of the capacitor.

              On other words: in one of the coils, the magnetic field created by normal current is in the opposit direction as the magnetic field created by the longitudinal wave front!

              That means you will have to design your system such that you maximize the utilization of the longitudinal wave front, while minimizing the effect of the oppozing normal current flow.

              In the plans circulating about some fueless engine replication (which may or may not be bogus), they suggest to use very thin wire:

              Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/Fuelless_Engine/

              The finer the wire you use and the more turns of wire, the more free energy output you will have, but motor input voltage must go up. Using the fine wire will cause the motor to run with very little amperage at all, and then the Free Energy back EMF can then be used to replenish the 12 volt battery or batteries. The finer the wire the harder it is to turn. Hair thin wire breaks very easy.
              Another factor is the capacitance of you cap bank. IF indeed the longitudinal shock wave front is the effect that gives you the free energy AND the normal current oppozes this effect, then your capacitance should be as low as possible, BUT high enough to keep the voltage across the system stable for at least the time it takes for the shock wave to propagate along the length of your coil wire, which would be in the order of 1 usec or so for 300 - 400 m of coil wire. (propagation speed in air is pi/2 times c, but in a coil propation is considerably slower).
              Last edited by lamare; 07-06-2012, 03:04 PM.


              • The Lost & Overlooked Secret

                Originally posted by geotron View Post
                This does seem similar to how the system works outlined in these many pages of discussion.
                What is the difference between how a standard trigatron works and the method by which a Gray Event takes place?
                Dear geotron,

                You have essentially hit the nail on the head. If the Gray tube could have ever generated any sort of noticable energy gain any where near the levels described for this technology (COP = 282), then OU would have been discovered a thousand times over in the normal application of Thyratrons, Ignitrons, arc welders, arc lamps, trigger tubes, strobe circuits, and hundreds of more applications where pulsed ionized gases are exploited.

                The CEST is NOT the center keneral of this technology, however some kind of a switching arc with an ion plasma is a required part of the system. It is much like a light bulb and a switch. A switch is needed to turn a bulb on, but the energy conversion takes place in the bulb and not the switch - even though both components are needed for a complete controllable system.

                The actual seat of energy conversion in this technology has been completly overlooked here and in Tesla technology as well.

                Recall that in the lat 60's (before Marvin Cole left) the group of "Insiders" called themselves the "Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Association". After Gray took over he reduced the name to just "Electromagnetic Association" or EMA. Where is the Electrostatic part of this technology? Does anyone have a clue or has even taken the time to address this concept? Generally not, it has been well hidden from the eyes of the casual and more experienced experimenter.

                Consider that the stand alone alpha energy converter (Black Box) was named "The Electrostatic Generator". We know it had a custom HV ignition transformer and either a vibrator or transistor chopper, but where is the Electrostatic part?

                Why did Gray make such a big deal of using Delrin as the core for his popping coil demonstrations in 1986? He certainly didn't think of this idea on his own. Marvin Cole gave him that concept. So why was Cole pulsing blocks of Delrin with magnetic coils? It certainly wan't to observe the effects of a classical mass driver idea.

                Consider the work of T.T. Browne and his discovery with the coupling of gravity with high voltage using a dielectric mass as the conversion medium. Well, the Gray technology works something like that except both HV and pulsed magnetic fields are applied (at right angles) to a dielectric to get the anomalous "something". It appears that the actual device was the "Floating Flux Field" in the early machines. Hackenberger got wise and was able to make this conversion element smaller and hide it in the cans that were held out to be "Capacitors" in the EMA6 engine. He was also able to eleminate the need of having the FFF wrapped around the engine case.

                The trick is extracting the "something" from the dielectric after it is generated and getting it to collect into the storage capacitors. It appears that a lead acid battery is needed for this task. I suspect that the harvest method employed was an open secondary arrangement like the Dollard circuit.

                Not all dielectrics work. It appears that they must have Electret properties. This would include Teflon, polyethelyene, Delrin (or Acetal), and the Rosin/Beeswax mixture that Dr. Tesla used. I'm sure there are others. Things that don't work are PVC and XPVC

                In my professional opinion (the present anyway) there never will be any OU in a spark tube or CEST type of device operating by itself. But that doesn't mean that there is no merit in this approach. I believe that Farnsworth has a much better grip on arc tube concepts and his grid designs are the way to go if that is where your interest lies.

                The Gray technology was based on something different and neither Gray, Cole, or Hackenberger left behind any documentation about the real 'Secret". However, when "Hack" died his brother Bertrum (in Portland, Or) received his lab books. He kept them for about 10 years then tossed them a year before Mr. Ron Hammer called on him to see if he knew anything. Darn - so close.

                Mark McKay


                • progress of eric dollard's experiment replication

                  Hello Mr. McKay, is there any progress with replication of eric dollard's experiment ? Have you got all materials ? Thanks.



                  • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                    Recall that in the lat 60's (before Marvin Cole left) the group of "Insiders" called themselves the "Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Association". After Gray took over he reduced the name to just "Electromagnetic Association" or EMA. Where is the Electrostatic part of this technology? Does anyone have a clue or has even taken the time to address this concept? Generally not, it has been well hidden from the eyes of the casual and more experienced experimenter.

                    Consider that the stand alone alpha energy converter (Black Box) was named "The Electrostatic Generator". We know it had a custom HV ignition transformer and either a vibrator or transistor chopper, but where is the Electrostatic part?
                    Longitudinal dielectric waves == longitudinal electro"static" waves!!

                    Essentially what is wrong with our current theory is that the momentum properties of the aether are not modelled correctly. Yes, the magnetic field is *a* form of momentum, which is needed for the propagation of waves.

                    However, magnetism only models the ROTATIONAL part of the momentum properties of the medium, the aether. The non-rotational momentum properties of the aether are totally ignored.

                    And that means you *can* have longitudinal dielectric waves, Tesla's "sound" waves in de aether, WITHOUT rotational magnetic component.

                    In other words: you CAN have movements of the aether WITHOUT the movements of "charge" in the shape of particles. And THAT movement of the aether is the energy source we are looking for.

                    It is not only the cause of gravity, which is grad E according to Stowe's model (gravity IS the Venturi/Bernouilli effect in the aether), it is most of all what we know as the electrostatic field, which is NOT static at all.

                    The electrostatic field is a D.C. steady state movement of the aether, it IS a steady state flow of the aether itself, which is maintained by charge carriers, which can in essence be regarded as "aether pumps", along the lines theorized by Prof. Turtur, as you can find in my article at Pes:

                    Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

                    Really, the principles are all there.

                    All you need to do is to realize that the magnetic field is a rotational movement of the aether and that the non-rotational movements of the aether itself are the key to unlocking all the things we are looking for, including explaining gravity and T.T. Browns experiments....


                    • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                      Why did Gray make such a big deal of using Delrin as the core for his popping coil demonstrations in 1986? He certainly didn't think of this idea on his own. Marvin Cole gave him that concept. So why was Cole pulsing blocks of Delrin with magnetic coils? It certainly wan't to observe the effects of a classical mass driver idea.

                      Consider the work of T.T. Browne and his discovery with the coupling of gravity with high voltage using a dielectric mass as the conversion medium. Well, the Gray technology works something like that except both HV and pulsed magnetic fields are applied (at right angles) to a dielectric to get the anomalous "something". It appears that the actual device was the "Floating Flux Field" in the early machines. Hackenberger got wise and was able to make this conversion element smaller and hide it in the cans that were held out to be "Capacitors" in the EMA6 engine. He was also able to eleminate the need of having the FFF wrapped around the engine case.
                      One of the problems to consider is how the longitudinal shockwave, as has been measured by Wheatstone, propagates along your wire.

                      My moonbounce antenna measurements *do* suggest that longitudinal dielectric waves do not easily radiate away from a standard dipole antenna. They somehow stay within the vicinity of the dipole. As far as I can tell, you *do* get resonance, but the energy does not radiate away, just as with the longitudinal waves used by Elmore, which also propagate along a naked wire:

                      Directory contents of /pdf/Patents/Elmore/

                      So, the question is: how do you make sure your shockwave propagates along your coil wire, such that it does not take a shortcut jumping from one winding to the next?

                      Or, to put it another way: how do you guide such a shockwave, such that you manage to make the non-rotating wave front run around in circles, thus giving you a magnetic field you can use for free?

                      All we know is that it *does* interact with the electrons inside a metal wire and that it normally does not radiate away from a straight wire...

                      A coil with a dielectric core, such as Delrin, may just be the answer to that question. You then get something similar to the construction of a coax cable without the metal central wire....

                      After all, the propagation speed of EM waves and thus electrostatic waves in a dielectric is considerably slower than in the open air or vacuum. So, if you have a shockwave approaching your coil construction along your wire, whereby it occupies a certain circular shaped area around your wire, it might not just follow your wire along the corner, at least not in such a way that you get a nice resulting magnetic field you can use.

                      However, if the "corner" is filled with a dielectric on one side, then then the wave propagates at high speed at the outside of the coil, but is slowed down at the inside of the coil and will therefore curve nicely along the surface of your coil.

                      And then it seems to me you may be able to get the desired situation:

                      An electrostatic shock wave running around in a circle, creating a strong magnetic field, completely in accordance with Maxwell's correction to Ampere's law.

                      Update: And if this is correct, then the spark gap is needed for fast switching, so you get the shockwave you want with an extreme dE/dt needed for a strong magnetic field along Maxwell/ampere, which is a current-less propagation of electrostatic energy with strong dE/dt. And then the CSET is in essence a D.C. (normal current) blocking couple capacitor, so you don't spoil the precious energy from your cap bank by discharging it by means of a normal current into your coils, which should be in series (see Wheatstone), whereby in one of the two coils, a normal current actually oppozes the wanted effects, as stated above....
                      Last edited by lamare; 07-06-2012, 07:00 PM.


                      • A Fundamental Issue

                        Dear lamare,

                        You are certainly doing a lot of good work for the advancement of Longitudinal Energy transmission. I hope the Moon Bounce effort and the Wheatstone experiment meet with your expectations.

                        However we have a fundament challenge to deal with when evaluating the Gray technology.

                        It appears that the kind of Energy his crew developed could be stored in a capacitor (or some storage element) for at least 30 seconds - according to observers.

                        To me this suggests some kind of long life particle. But, I will certainly consider other workable models if one or more are proposed. I just can't see how a longitudinal or electrostatic wave can be stored. I can accept that it can travel faster than light and can probably carry a lot more effective energy. Now tell me how this kind of wave energy can be stored in a capacitor and be different from classical charge carriers when it is no longer moving.

                        I really think that Dr. Tesla worked with both a particle form and a longitudinal from. I'm sure there are relationships between these variations. I'm more interested in the vintage that is storable.

                        If you have a moment I would sure be interested in one of your well written technical paragraphs addressing this paradox.

                        Mark McKay


                        • The Eric Dollare replication experiments -progress

                          Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
                          Hello Mr. McKay, is there any progress with replication of eric dollard's experiment ? Have you got all materials ? Thanks.

                          Dear Wicaksono,

                          Thanks for your interest. I have been busy with preparations for the Bedini-Lindemann Conference. I had to learn how to do Power Point for a 74 slide show. The lecture ran 1 hour and 20 minutes and I had to leave out about half of the juicy stuff. Afterwards I had an impromptu discussion on the Gray hard ware. About 20 people stayed for an additional half hour (waiting for the lunch line to shorten). I think it went pretty well for a first time speech. At least I got a few laughs from some of the jokes I embedded in the slides.

                          Now, I can get back to doing the important work. The only problem is that this time of year my wife lays claim on my body for the outdoor seasonal household chores.

                          I have just about all of the parts needed for a first run. Mr. Dollard says he used Teflon coated coax, which is available for $2 a foot and I need 100'. I have Teflon-silver #16 AWG stranded and I'm going to use this first. I need to build the Antenna/Transformer structure as well as the loading coil.

                          I shall keep you all posted

                          Mark McKay


                          • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                            Dear lamare,

                            You are certainly doing a lot of good work for the advancement of Longitudinal Energy transmission. I hope the Moon Bounce effort and the Wheatstone experiment meet with your expectations.

                            However we have a fundament challenge to deal with when evaluating the Gray technology.

                            It appears that the kind of Energy his crew developed could be stored in a capacitor (or some storage element) for at least 30 seconds - according to observers.

                            To me this suggests some kind of long life particle. But, I will certainly consider other workable models if one or more are proposed. I just can't see how a longitudinal or electrostatic wave can be stored. I can accept that it can travel faster than light and can probably carry a lot more effective energy. Now tell me how this kind of wave energy can be stored in a capacitor and be different from classical charge carriers when it is no longer moving.

                            I really think that Dr. Tesla worked with both a particle form and a longitudinal from. I'm sure there are relationships between these variations. I'm more interested in the vintage that is storable.

                            If you have a moment I would sure be interested in one of your well written technical paragraphs addressing this paradox.

                            Mark McKay

                            First of all, watch this video:
                            MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor - YouTube

                            Eric Dollard´s comment on this:

                            There are some very serious misconceptions in the world of Electrical Engineering today. (The writings of Oliver Heaviside and Proteus Steinmetz gravely warned about this...) Let us start with the YouTube MIT Physics Demo video that Armagdn03 posted a link to on 11-10-2009 on page 2 of this thread. This is a good demonstration for several reasons.

                            1.) Glass is a dielectric which can store electrical energy within its physical form. This should be common knowledge and not a surprise to anyone today…

                            2.) That this simple fact and reality “blows some people’s minds” clearly illustrates that it’s just all gone way, way, too far… The Einsteinian Lie has succeeded in instilling a mind virus in most everyone and also in confusing Main Stream “Scientists”, who today waste billions of dollars of funding each year, only to chase their own tails in a canonic sequence.

                            Steinmetz comment on this:

                            Eric Dollard and Tesla

                            "Unfortunately, to a large extent in dealing with the dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electrostatic charge on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and the dielectric, and makes the consideration ot dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated. There obviously is no more sense in thinking of the capacity current as current which charges the conductor with a quantity of electricity, than there is of speaking of the inductance voltage as charging the conductor with a quantity of magnetism. But while the latter conception, together with the notion of a quantity of magnetism, etc., has vanished since Faraday's representation of the magnetic field by the lines of magnetic force, the terminology of electrostatics of many textbooks still speaks of electrostatic charges on the conductor, and the energy stored by them, without considering that the dielectric energy is not on the surface of the conductor, but in the space outside of the conductor, just as the magnetic energy."

                            As I stated before, electrostatic energy is a "D.C." steady state flow of the aether itself. In my Pes article, I use the concept of a "fandoor" to explain the interactions of an electron (the fandoor) with the aether (wind, airflow).

                            The forces that we measure, are not static forces, just like the airflow generated by a fan is not a static force.

                            In other words: in actual fact, no energy is actually stored in a capacitor. What you have is a certain configuration of fandoors, ether pumps, electrons and atom nuclei, which pump the aether around along a certain path. It is that flowing aether which pushes against your electrons, which makes them move around, which is what we call a current.

                            You can create the same kind of aether flow with a polarized dielectric, which leads to an effect that has been observed with Bedini-charged capacitors as well as lead-acid batteries, which we called "the electret effect". I have posted some on this quite some time ago, which posts I linked from my pes article in the electret effect section:
                            Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

                            There is a video wherein Bedini explains what happens within his batteries:
                            BatteryForming_2008_04_25_16_16_47.wmv - YouTube

                            And someone did some laboratory work on lead-acid batteries charged with Bedini pulses, too:
                            Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/Rogers/

                            Also see this post by Cody:

                            The polarization of a dielectric is a very interesting effect:

                            Dielectric - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            A dielectric is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material as they do in a conductor, but only slightly shift from their average equilibrium positions causing dielectric polarization.


                            When the electric field is removed the atom returns to its original state. The time required to do so is the so-called relaxation time; an exponential decay.


                            The relationship between the electric field E and the dipole moment M gives rise to the behavior of the dielectric, which, for a given material, can be characterized by the function F defined by the equation:

                            M = F(E).


                            Dielectric relaxation is the momentary delay (or lag) in the dielectric constant of a material. This is usually caused by the delay in molecular polarization[disambiguation needed] with respect to a changing electric field in a dielectric medium (e.g. inside capacitors or between two large conducting surfaces). Dielectric relaxation in changing electric fields could be considered analogous to hysteresis in changing magnetic fields (for inductors or transformers).
                            So, it appears that when you apply a very strong electric field, which apparantly can be in the shape of a sharp rising pulse (large dE/dt) propagating trough your dielectric (a longitudinal shockwave), you get a very strong polarization. Because there is a relaxation effect, the polarization does not go away instantly and it appears a dielectric can remain polarized for a considerable time. Bedini reported "cold boiling" lead batteries that kept on boiling for up to half an hour after removing the charger.

                            To sum this up:

                            What you can do with a londitudinal shock wave in the shape of a sharp rising edge (large dE/dt) and a soft dropping falling edge is to super-polarize a dielectric, such that it keeps it's polarization for a considerable time, depending on the applied voltage, etc.

                            When you put such a polarized dielectric in between capacitor plates, you can get an effect whereby capacitors spontaneously recharge after having been shortcutted. This has been observed with electrolytic capacitors, whereby you have a very thin layer of aluminum oxide as your dielectric on one of the capacitor plates. This is a very similar construction as with a lead-acid battery, especially in the old days.

                            In other words: you can super-polarize a dielectric layer within both an electrolytic capacitor as well as a lead-acid battery, which would result as the cap/battery being observed as having been charged.

                            Just as the MIT dissectible Leyden jar, whereby the energy is "stored" in the dielectric...


                            • Super Charged Electrets

                              Dear lamare,

                              Thank you for your quick and most interesting reply. I shall print this off and study it more closely over the weekend.

                              Mark McKay


                              • Spokane1,

                                The ability of a tripole (++-) tube to generate extra electricity through the process of expanding the volume of energy present in an electrolytic capacitor bank through a coil by enabling it to cross the air gap with potential gained from a bank of silicon rectifiers when its poles are connected with a stream of Hi-Voltage and combined together with it is how the system was thought to work!

                                A secondary coil would then be used to transform the voltage into a useable level and fed to the source battery in pulses, precicely as done with the other motor circuits. Could it be a matter of using threaded electrodes to obtain a miniscule spark gap for allowing the anode of a 12V battery to be used as input versus having the inverter and all that goes with it providing a resevoir of greater voltage to more readily allow the photoelectric discharge to take place?

                                The amount of wattage going through the air gap when the Hi-Voltage pulse is combined with the capacitive medium, a reactive pool normally connected directly to a motor coil instead of colliding through this other potential over the gap is what is said to increase in the process through activating an energetic reaction to take place which has the direct outcome of increasing the resultant magnetic field.


