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Gray Tube Replication

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  • New Ed Gray info

    Mark McKay will be presenting at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference. He has new information that sheds some light on Ed Gray's solid state power supply. Energy Science Conference - 2014
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • New Gray Information


      Mr. GD, the investor who provided many of the 1974 photos of this technology was moving to a new house and found some cassette tapes in the attic as he was loading up. He transcribed some of these for our enlightenment. The first paper are in person conversations with Mr. Hackenberger in May of 1974.

      Among several interesting comments he mentioned "The system is not connected to the frame of the car, it is isolated"

      To me, this reinforces what Peter Lindemann and John Bedini have been saying for years. This novel energy has an affinity for Mother Earth. Should any ground be available any where in the circuit the novel energy will quickly escape through that connection - even if it is a one wire connection.

      In my preliminary experiments I have found that by just removing the ground lead from my 10 kV 100Meg scope probe I get an immediate 5% improvement in performance and the voltage across my storage capacitor goes up 30 Volts from 654 Volts. This is certainly not much but it shows that we should be aware of this phenomena. It is now SOP to make performance tests with all instrument grounds removed.

      Mark McKay,PE


      • EV Gray Modified Schematic

        EV Gray Modified Schematic:
        Aaron has suggested we provide this information here as it is off topic at the Dollard Forum.

        More information here at the Dollard Forum:

        I think I explained pretty well where the information came from in George Moonhie.
        Aaron has also explained the Diode function with respect to an Impulse Discharge where the extra energy is entering.

        Tesla made mention of Carbon as being the best material to invite in the 'Warmth Aether' and this comment alone indicates a distinction between the four Aethers that we are aware of in the Warmth/Chemical/Tone & Life Aethers.
        However, in saying this I believe there are seven Aethers and little is said of the others but are probably 3 transition levels between the main four where what we call 'transmutation' is possible after the experiments of Walter Russell and his elemental spatial transmutation.

        Catching up on the work of Mark McKay (Spokane1) here as I detect some synergy with his work.
        Just reading your Evolution document from PES and below some comments on your observations.
        I am working with Eric Dollard on his Crystal Set Initiative and Cosmic Ray Detector and a few others but have been taken away by a need to promote rain here in a very dry OZ.
        I do Aetheric Weather Engineering on the side after Reich/Constable/Lowrance/David Wells and a few others.
        It is raining here at this very moment and has been all week so it may just mean that my devices are working.

        The Delay Line that Gray used was interesting and have been able to acquire here in Oz, 3 types of 2 each as were probably used in Planned Position Indicators (PPI) for Radar displays.
        These would have been out of reach of Edwin due to cost and being not available commercially at that time.
        Two are from AD-YU, 12 position with variable coil, two from Admiral at Palo Alto (20 and 32 uS) and two smaller units also from Admiral and also suggest having two delays each.
        Also in this buy I managed to obtain a Philamon Tuning Fork working at 1350hz and have matching circuit schematics using a 7L7 and 7N7.

        You mentioned Multivibrators and have been collecting these for many years and now have about 40 various types and just managed to buy a 100 Watt unit in NOS condition here in Oz from Van Ruyten.
        All of this stuff is gold and like hen's teeth to find.
        Multivibrators are, to me, Impulse Discharge devices and set up one in my Hendershot circuit to emulate Lester's resonator and managed an 11,000 volt arc via loose contacts and was most unexpected.
        I even have some of the original transformers that went with the vibrators - more gold!

        Being into GLOM and also collecting Vacuum Tubes and Thyratrons in particular and very similar to Eric in his outlook on electrics also being old and cranky.
        So in this alone we have several 'Energy Synthesis' candidates - Delay Lines, Switching Diodes, Carbon and Impulse Discharge devices in Multivibrators.
        My sole interest in Ed Gray was his Tube device which I have not replicated but have another similar device waiting completion which I believe to be OU but more on that one later.
        That was one reason for buying the Carbons out of old movie projectors and now have quite a nice heap of those around.

        Hope the modified schematic is of interest.

        Last edited by David G Dawson; 03-28-2014, 11:53 AM. Reason: wrong picture - grammar


        • Where the Rubber Meets the Road

          Dear Smokey,

          I'm always glad to see another interested researcher who actually does breadboard experiments enter into this area of Gray technology. This is a powerful subject. If someone can crack this nut it will be equal to the discovery of fire.

          I see that you are considering exploring the possibility that the non-classical process as having something to do with the novel "Floating Flux Field" (FFF) or the apparent delay line that was wrapped around the case of the EMA4 Engine. This has caused me a lot of thought and a few experiments as well - but nothing has become of it in my work.

          I still don't know what the purpose of that component was. It does not show up on any of the other Motors or Engines (out of 15). I have a GD photo of the FFF from the bottom of the EMA4-E2 where I have concluded that the windings were single turn - 18 total. In some later photos it appears that the size of the cable was reduced in diameter and the number of turns doubled.

          You can't get much of a time delay with that short of cable - even high inductance radar coax. Delay times on the order of 50 - 90 ns are typical which means the applied frequency has to be in the order of 10's of MHz range. About the only place this could happen in the schematics that have been disclosed are a result of the fast transition times of the switching arc (10 ns). Even so what do you do with it? I haven't come up with a scheme that can harvest any storable energy from a delay line. I get lots of interesting wave forms but no anomalous energy.

          In my line of work the definitive test for "Cold Electricity" is the "Popping Coil Test". I have a crude apparatus where two small Clock motor coils oppose each other. The one on top is free to slide up a 1/2" plastic rod that is 14" long. I have a HV capacitor bank (5 - 40 uF) that I can charge with a classical 5 kV power supply (FLUKE 1530). I then compare the achieved height of the moving coil to the height that can be achieved from the output of my latest Gray technology design. So far I have met with utter failure for 7 years and maybe 35 designs. But, I know this technology worked at one time.

          Using a 40 uF storage capacitor bank charged to 700 VDC the popping coil can achieve a height of 65 mm. These coils are rather high impedance. Each one has a resistance of 925 Ohms and an inductance of 565 mH (at 1 kHz). Both coils are wired in parallel. Of course the higher the voltage and the more the capacitance the higher the flight pattern. The total energy collected can be measured by knowing the weight of the moving coil. The amount of stored energy can be calculated. These two values can be compared and a COP number derived. Typically I get values around 0.1 (10%) using classical electricity - which is pretty good for this kind of mass driver. When I start seeing COP's of around 0.5 (50%) then I will know I'm on to something.

          Anyway, I'm recommending that you first establish your particular method to determine what the performance of your system is. We can spend years going round and round with various topology layouts and still have achieved nothing. The established fact is that this non-classical energy can produce repulsion forces on the order of 1000X of those created with classical electron flow. (We don't know if this repulsion is magnetic or something else)

          This latest information from GD might help us with our quest. Send me your email address to me at and I shall send you a copy of his transcribed notes. I shall include a photo of my "Popping Coil" apparatus if you promise not to laugh.

          Mark McKay, PE


          • EV Gray Modified Schematic

            Hello Mark,
            Good to be corresponding with you as it is easier to relate to another that you believe is also well up the curve on this 'Energy Synthesis' even though we may refer to the effect differently.
            Yes, would appreciate that document you have as it may throw more light on the subject as I may also view it differently as well.

            I have a bench named the 'EV Gray Bench' and this is where I do most of the high voltage work but it was actually set up for his Converter build which I have yet to do - too many distractions.
            I am of the opinion that you don't need a motor/physical rotation to accomplish our dream but can be achieved through passive means in the correct organisation.
            My OU setup here is using a TV flyback driven by a variable frequency design of Bob Iannini (Evil Genius) which I have enlarged upon the range covered.
            This feeds a string of ceramic capacitors at about 20pF into a carbon tipped spark gap or plasma gap, through HV bridge diodes and into oil-filled capacitors.
            Three OU capabilities here in string capacitors (10 x 100pf ceramic) and oil filled caps where we get more than we put in and the diodes.
            Sparkgap I detune to a plasmagap where the power supply drops considerably from about 20 to 7 Watts but the oils continue to fill.
            Problem here was the down conversion to 110/240 volts and have been delayed by learning all about thyratrons and sidetracking into the Eric Dollard world.
            Idea now is to fire the thyratron at 50/60 hertz into a transformer and hopefully that should work but just waiting now to be executed.
            I cover too much ground.

            In my work here I have been 'told' to buy certain materials and I covered some of those in my Post at the Forum but don't ask me who it is telling me to do so - just one of those things.
            Will transfer over the Dollard Posts on EV Gray and apologise for not plowing through the preceding 93 Pages but will do so.
            What 23 & 24 are, is a very long winding of some 10,000 ft that encircles the motor housing and is in effect, a 10uS delay line (1,000ft = 1 uSec).
            This is the area where the magic happens. (end)

            This is what made me interested in Delay Lines and could see something happening here and my thoughts were along the line of the rotating field, after the delay, then being in an opposing mode where each cycle then became an Impulse discharge and this is the basis of Tesla technology.
            Something here about it not being spark or arc related but more rotating field related in opposition - a cleaner and smoother event and precise in time and space - OU1.
            The diodes must fit in here as well and must be able to have that Tunnel available for the ambient energy to enter - OU2.

            Just how confident are you in the Converter and technology of Gray and do you think this is one of the best possible to provide 'Energy Synthesis'?

            Am about to start some tests with the Delay Lines as the AD-YU has 12 positions with a variable inductance and looking at what to feed it into for effect as we need to see what transpires at various levels and frequencies.
            Feel most fortunate in being able to obtain these and on Ebay and the seller is only some 90 kms away.

            All the best.



            • Markovich A-Tree

              Previous Posts at EP Dollard Forum relating to various matters that have led to EV Gray and this one is wrt Delay Lines.
              Markovich A-Tree

              Hello Aaron,
              Going to take you back some years to your Post here in 2008:


              I made the Markovich Post earlier and was doing a follow up when I came across your explanation above.

              My question to you is - do you have anything further to this as it pretty much meets what I already know about spark and plasma gaps?

              One extra point with Edwin Gray is that there are two diodes omitted from the RHS of his schematic where the coils are located, matching the two diodes on the LHS.
              This is not well known and was omitted from the Patent on purpose.

              Strange just how slowly we all move on any significant finding as that was some 6 years ago.
              Have put the A-Tree on my project list as it complements the 'Crystal Set Initiative' (CSI).
              I purchased several switching delay lines some months back on a hunch that two electrical paths meeting after different time delays were able to produce a DC voltage and Markovitch has confirmed that observation.

              Peter Markovich: Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy (ATREE)

              I don't think I have ever read such a distinct and matter-of-fact document relating to what the ether really is as in Markovich's 'II. Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy' on Page 2.
              Have added this one to the project list as it complements the 'Crystal Set Initiative' (CSI) and is based on Tesla'a Magnifying Transmitter.
              All the best.



              • Another Post from the Dollard Forum and would also like to include the Ambient Power Module of Joseph Tate:

                Joe Tate: Ambient Power Module

                Should mention that I am into replicating Thomas Henry Moray and one of the more difficult as much information is lacking but am looking for a 'front end' and Markovich and Tate both have those available.

                Thanks for your response.
                Post of 4th February 2011 to CSSP & Don Smith:

                EV Gray like TH Moray had lots to offer but had difficulty in transferring/communicating their information for various reasons and associated with those in control:

                Pulsed capacitor discharge electric engine

                Go to Figure 1. and between 24 & 25 and 23 & 26, draw in two diodes, the same as 22 & 21 and in the same direction.
                This is what is deliberately missing in the Patent for those that are attempting replications.
                What 23 & 24 are, is a very long winding of some 10,000 ft that encircles the motor housing and is in effect, a 10uS delay line (1,000ft = 1 uSec).
                This is the area where the magic happens.
                Visions of my David Well's Machine and Joseph Newman where the/our 'T' field generated - must also be a 'monster' and why it can control the Weather.

                This area of the machine is 'somewhere else' if you know what I mean - it is not actually here in this dimension but pulsing in and out of our time frame and the next door one - like in the movies where people step through the fuzzy doorway into another dimension.

                The diodes are there to direct the capacitor bank charge through the spark gaps and not back into the delay line and also the inductive potential in the wire coil needs to go somewhere and that is directed through the diodes to the capacitor banks.
                Don't think the people at EV Gray even know this.

                I will scan/condition and upload the document later to both CSSP and Don Smith - some earlier scans were poor renditions and may be able to be improved.
                This is from George Moonhie whose Pulse Flyback Driver I have built and use and the earlier scans.
                The book - 'High Voltage and Free Enegy Devices' - I purchased from Borderlands Science back in 2002 so have no concerns in providing its information for those here.

                He goes into some demonstrations which clearly show what we are after - 'quantum energy extraction'.
                'It's all very simple' (quote) and shows the extra potential that a capacitor supplies from the 'ambient' and what I have been talking of for some time and probably not being able to explain fully.

                I might like to change some of that but also still pretty much what I consider to be correct but the diode switching phenomena could now be added to that scenario.

                Image Shack:
                Got it all together and now they want money as I was going to show the modified EV Gray schematic but not until I empty the pockets again.
                Anybody with another picture site that is reliable and can be used to store pictures for display here?



                • Hello Mark,
                  Am now reading the Patent fully for the first time and will see what I can come up with.
                  Earlier ramblings were as an outsider just looking at the schematic and may have had some inaccuracies with respect to power supply but 32 is a problem and now looking at his pulse methodology.
                  You now have me interested as it matches some of my work unknowingly and now having the dual Spark Generator and appears I am being told something.
                  Why 6 khz?
                  Only way I am interested will be via a Load transformer as I see what he is doing but you don't need to put it all into rotation and this just complicates the issues and causes more confusion particularly with the firing times - all 27 of them.
                  Like, where does the Converter fit in here, I don't see it?
                  The DC Chopper is the base generator and I have already proven the high voltage ability of this setup as mine was being driven from only 5 volts to get the 11 Kv and we see this instance everyday in an auto Ignition but just to cause a spark.

                  Looking at the Moonhie material and shows his schematic on Page 9 and will replicate that with the Delay Lines (DL) in circuit and this will form a base circuit to work out what EV Gray was attempting.
                  Coincidence that I was also working at the 3 Kv level so am prepared and the 12 position variable DL will allow a variable that can be charted for best effect at the Load and this could tell us more as there may be a 'sweet spot' here that a non variable would not be indicating.
                  My problem with the DLs was how to put them into a circuit and Moonhie has shown how.
                  Why again 6 Khz?

                  Would very much like to know where Gray started on all of this, his early history would be good, how did he come to begin experimenting in this area and what were his theories?
                  Small battery to begin the operation, Stop/Start/Run with loopback to that small Start battery - no more than 10/20 seconds in the Start position.
                  Get all of this going as a self running self contained power supply for the house and then get it into driving electric motors or whatever.
                  Motors will then need to be redesigned around the supply and not necessarily at 50/60 hz.
                  Are we talking of the Pierce Arrow here from Tesla and this is Gray's interpretation - noticed you mentioned the Arrow before?

                  32 is a 'substantially identical charging system' and is this a controller for motor speed and is this what we see in a ferroresonant transformer - there as a voltage controller, maintains capacity with a changing Load?
                  Notice that his pulse at 22 (22a) is different to 22 (19a), a positive DC and then regulated via the Diode and that is all he is showing here and not a different pulse - just the rectification through the Diodes.
                  Good in the detail as you can follow the path - 32 is probably a PWM (pulse width modulator) and have much experience in that area as I designed a triple of these in solid state to be used in this type of experiment so another accidental build.

                  In the auto Industry I was designing/developing DC Choppers for interior dashboard lighting and these were basically based on PWM technology - theory is that you don't need to have the light on all the time but you can chop the DC such that it can be made dim or bright just be rotating a resistive Rheostat and that is what it was called in the industry, a 'Rheostat' and you never saw a flicker in the light - neat and simple.

                  So what we have in 23 & 24 is a motor controller and nothing else as he shows no means of earlier DC Chopper control back at the battery side but there could still be some other action not as yet identified at work here.
                  Not exactly ferroresonant but a similar principle to my Rheostat where PWM is used as a means of control and is also the means by which the machine overall is adjusted for best effort.
                  Were 23 & 24 laid on top of one another - 9 cables - what was their general layout?
                  I can do all of this in my setup to include the PWM controller - this can be added after the basic Moonhie circuit is built and running and this is overlaid to test for control or any other interaction.
                  My DC power supply is a variable 40 volt 8 amp unit and I have two for the bench and this is my base power source.

                  OK, going to leave that there as Page 1 and will come back later as I go through the schematic.
                  Hope that throws a different light on the workings of this device.

                  Going to put this up at Energetic including the two pages from George Moonhie and anything else that is appropriate here with respect to PWM.
                  Comments and criticism most welcome as I may be coming at this from a different angle.
                  You may have said all of this previously and apologise as I have still not had time to venture through the 93 pages preceding this.



                  • George Moonhie on EV Gray

                    These are the two George Moonhie pages referring to EV Gray from his book 'High Voltage and Free Energy Devices':

                    Hope I am making sense to everybody here that you don't need a motor at this stage and that can come later when the 'front end' can be made into a self-contained and self-sustaining power source as I think that is what we are really all after irrespective of a motor.
                    Coming back with some pictures on PWM.



                    • 2 pages

                      Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                      These are the two George Moonhie pages referring to EV Gray from his book 'High Voltage and Free Energy Devices':

                      Hope I am making sense to everybody here that you don't need a motor at this stage and that can come later when the 'front end' can be made into a self-contained and self-sustaining power source as I think that is what we are really all after irrespective of a motor.
                      Coming back with some pictures on PWM.

                      Would you mind posting full size images of those pages on imgur: the simple image sharer ? The site you posted those two got flagged as a porn site.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Message Board and Forums - Large Thumbnail:

                        Last edited by David G Dawson; 04-07-2014, 09:35 AM. Reason: Wrong Order


                        • GD Transcrip Comments

                          Dear EvGray Researchers:

                          I have been digging into this 13 page document and have come up with a few gems that I think you might consider important.

                          The first one establishes the source of the non-classical energy:

                          (Ed T.): Do you intend to put a generating system on that motor?
                          (Hack): You have to - - -, because the Generator - - - - -, this little box (here) is what makes that motor go - - - !

                          Meaning that the OU started from the converter, not the Converter Element Switching Tube (CEST), Not the repulsion Rotary Engine/Motor, Not the Floating Flux Field, Not the various carbon arcs, or any of the other ideas that have consumed 96% of the non-funded research effort in the last 15 years.

                          Later on in the document Mr. Hackenberger points to the heart of the system: The converter transformer.

                          (Hack): One of the secretes is the transformer; We are doing a lot of transformer evaluation, we are winding our own to experiment with what you can do with a transformer. Anybody you talk with about the cost of research in transformers, the only way you can measure the performance of a transformer in our device is to, to, put into the device - -(because there is no way of measuring it in advance by any other method) - - -(A) change of windings, change of direction, change of core material, that’s the only none off-the-shelf device in the whole package is the transformer. And that’s not a bear because any company that can wind transformers can (change) it to our specifications, because it isn’t the way its wound but it’s the number of windings the type of wire and the type of core material –

                          The transformer is not the whole secret. The next issue is how the transformer is connected to the backend lead-acid battery and how the harvested energy is stored into a capacitor (for mass driver utilization). Mr. Hackenberger disclosed additional information on some of these points as well.

                          (Hack): We are feeding it Chopped DC, and the lower end of the sign wave is going back into the battery again.

                          (Our Aircraft Pilot says): So your starting off at DC level as “Zero” volts here, then your pulsating it up there - - - - - -
                          (Hack): Yes pulsating very high, pulsation - - - - no it is not a full sign wave - - - if you look at a scope it looks like a hay field, High frequency, high amplitude, very narrow spike --. Now pulsed DC is flat on the top, but chopped DC is pointed on the top - - - .

                          At the moment this converter looks to me like a Push-Pull Resonate Converter (very popular these days) that is wired so that the negative swing is shorted out through the low impedance of a battery via a diode. This is done to recycle some of the energy, but I wonder just what is going on inside the converter transformer when every other cycle is facing a dead short?

                          This is something I shall be looking into in the next couple of weeks.

                          Mark McKay, PE


                          • Thanks Mark

                            Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                            Dear EvGray Researchers:

                            I have been digging into this 13 page document and have come up with a few gems that I think you might consider important.

                            The first one establishes the source of the non-classical energy:

                            (Ed T.): Do you intend to put a generating system on that motor?
                            (Hack): You have to - - -, because the Generator - - - - -, this little box (here) is what makes that motor go - - - !

                            Meaning that the OU started from the converter, not the Converter Element Switching Tube (CEST), Not the repulsion Rotary Engine/Motor, Not the Floating Flux Field, Not the various carbon arcs, or any of the other ideas that have consumed 96% of the non-funded research effort in the last 15 years.

                            Later on in the document Mr. Hackenberger points to the heart of the system: The converter transformer.

                            (Hack): One of the secretes is the transformer; We are doing a lot of transformer evaluation, we are winding our own to experiment with what you can do with a transformer. Anybody you talk with about the cost of research in transformers, the only way you can measure the performance of a transformer in our device is to, to, put into the device - -(because there is no way of measuring it in advance by any other method) - - -(A) change of windings, change of direction, change of core material, that’s the only none off-the-shelf device in the whole package is the transformer. And that’s not a bear because any company that can wind transformers can (change) it to our specifications, because it isn’t the way its wound but it’s the number of windings the type of wire and the type of core material –

                            The transformer is not the whole secret. The next issue is how the transformer is connected to the backend lead-acid battery and how the harvested energy is stored into a capacitor (for mass driver utilization). Mr. Hackenberger disclosed additional information on some of these points as well.

                            (Hack): We are feeding it Chopped DC, and the lower end of the sign wave is going back into the battery again.

                            (Our Aircraft Pilot says): So your starting off at DC level as “Zero” volts here, then your pulsating it up there - - - - - -
                            (Hack): Yes pulsating very high, pulsation - - - - no it is not a full sign wave - - - if you look at a scope it looks like a hay field, High frequency, high amplitude, very narrow spike --. Now pulsed DC is flat on the top, but chopped DC is pointed on the top - - - .

                            At the moment this converter looks to me like a Push-Pull Resonate Converter (very popular these days) that is wired so that the negative swing is shorted out through the low impedance of a battery via a diode. This is done to recycle some of the energy, but I wonder just what is going on inside the converter transformer when every other cycle is facing a dead short?

                            This is something I shall be looking into in the next couple of weeks.

                            Mark McKay, PE
                            Hello again Mark Mckay

                            I remembered reading some of these details in the doc's you sent me and then I was also reading about coil shorting by DOUG KONZEN.

                            Very good progress, well at least we have something to think about and I am sure others are finding these answers as they experiment.

                            Didn't Tesla mention coil shorting some where?



                            • Tesla Coil Shorting

                              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                              Hello again Mark Mckay

                              I remembered reading some of these details in the doc's you sent me and then I was also reading about coil shorting by DOUG KONZEN.

                              Very good progress, well at least we have something to think about and I am sure others are finding these answers as they experiment.

                              Didn't Tesla mention coil shorting some where?

                              Dear Mike,

                              If you happen to find that Tesla reference I would love the hear about it.

                              Mark McKay, PE


                              • Tesla Joke

                                Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                                Dear Mike,

                                If you happen to find that Tesla reference I would love the hear about it.

                                Mark McKay, PE
                                Hi Mark

                                just joking around about the coil shorting in the Tesla patents. However I heard that the coil with the sparkgap does short the coil, so that was the joke.

                                Good to see you are still on the case, especially for nerds like me who just got started. With all of this info past present and coming soon stuff I don't really know sometimes if I am coming or going.

                                I heard Peter L years ago read those Tesla patents about the coil and the shorting out of the coil using a spark gap and how it needed to be in the one direction only and as fast as 1 million cycles for openers.

                                Then I heard DOUG KONZEN say when he was shorting coils the batteries would charge up faster and he shorts his coil shorting circuits all around the peaks of the waves, top and bottom if possible and as many as 5 separate events at the top and 3-5 shorts at the bottom.

                                That is about as far as I have gotten with these idea in a 1 year period of time of my study.

                                Other than that a battery needs to be connected somewhere to drink up the energy I guess.

                                Let me know if this sounds right.


