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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
    Dear bmentink,

    If you are a true follower of Dr. Tesla AND are doing actual hard wire bench work then you have a free license to think and propose anything you like.
    Not to nit-pick, but I don't actually need those two "conditions" to have a free license to think and propose what I like, that right was God given I believe ..

    However, I do get your point, people that don't do the practical as well as the theory are not much use to this thread ..

    As you probably already know all of this Gray technology originally came from Dr. Tesla anyway (according to Gray in 1986).
    Yes, I did know that ..

    At least we know a lot more about what Gray was doing than what Henry Moray was doing.

    Mark McKay, PE
    Correct ..
    Last edited by bmentink; 05-03-2014, 12:15 AM.


    • On Vacation

      Dear Arker,

      I have been on vacation this past week. Your April 27 email is probably sitting on my computer at work. I shall return May 5 (Monday) and then send you all of the GD documents and what I have on the FFF.

      Don't worry about having a different idea than what I have. My ideas change almost every day anyway. The more ideas we have among us the better. What counts is the performance of our equipment. Once this process can once again be demonstrated then a lot of classical physics will have to be rewritten. That means that a lot of new ideas will have to be considered and processed.

      As far as the FFF goes. I shall send you an early photo that shows the FFF composed of two layers (9 conductors each layer) of large black cable. I was able to get this shot from a large high resolution photo/poster that GD had on his wall. Each turn is one continuous loop. That length of cable is far to short to have much of a delay line.

      Mark McKay, PE


      • My Latest Speculations


        There are only a couple of us discussing this lost Gray technology. Let me share with you my latest insight into the construction of the converter.

        As you know I have been working with my reproduction of the "Blue Engine" Power supply. With the latest GD notes I have determined that this push pull converter was operating in resonate mode. Up until then I was exploring Forward Mode and Fly-back Mode. Resonate mode switching power supplies are nothing new. So, why hasn't hundreds of power supply engineers come across these novel effects years ago?

        Well, there is the ground isolation issue and the employment of the lead acid battery on the secondary circuit, and the shorting out of every other output cycle, however, I have just determined that there was a very novel feature about the transformer that sets it apart from other classical technologies.

        When you look at the photos of the "Blue Engine" Power Supply you will notice (at least I did) there are six(6) large conductors that support the primary wires. Now a classical Push-Pull transformer at the most would only need four(4). So, what are the other two conductors for? For several months I thought it was a third primary inductive winding, but bench tests show that an additional primary winding at that location seems to just mess up the circuits operation.

        Now, after studying Push-Pull resonant converters for a few evenings (of which there are about 27 varieties) This third winding is probably not an inductive winding but a high current low value capacitor - since it is composed of sheet copper foil like the main primary windings are. (5 Turns total - the individual copper sheets are 2.7" x 60" x 0.020" - which is too thick)

        At least that is a novel construction. How many classical transformers have a capacitor as part of the windings? None that I know of. Capacitors are always connected as and external component if capacitance is needed.

        But, this construction method is not unknown to the Free Energy community. Consider the Hendershot device. Now there is a capacitor that is intimately associated with coils. And, it is almost the same size and aspect ratio as what I have with my reproduction transformer. Could it be that the non classical conversion process takes place in a capacitor that is being dynamically acted on by a magnetic field at right angles to the electrostatic field? I have yet to figure out which way the Poynting energy vector is directed or even if it is of any importance here.

        The story gets better (if you are still reading this). Why does the Bedini Technology have to function with bifilar windings? Well, if you consider the capacitance between the windings then you will see that the electrostatic and the electromagnetic vectors are aligned the same way as the simple sheet capacitor would be when wound around a transformer with the primary.

        No wonder this device was called the "Electrostatic Generator"

        Stan Deo and William Lyme have long proposed that this kind of interaction between magnetic and electric forces is the means to generate anti-gravity, who knows? In their writings they maintained that the "k" value of the dielectric was important. I'm using Yellow Scotch 1 mil transformer tape (I don't know the part number at the moment) and I wonder if this is even workable. The original Blue Engine transformer also used some kind of yellow tape as well. Dr. Tesla used 45% pine rosin, 50% Bees Wax and 5% Carnuba Wax which is an excellent Electret material.

        When "Rocky" rewired the original electromagnets in the five (5) prototype motors he claimed that the magnetic wire was covered with a "brown - gunky type substance". I have projected that this material was something similar to the Tesla dielectric.

        We do know, from the Valentine photos, that the engine/motor electromagnets were composed of more than one winding (at least two) and one of these legs was connected to the iron laminated core (from the GD photos). If these windings were bifilar then capacitance would have been present in the motor components. Perhaps the engine/motor electromagnets were also using the same principles that I speculate were applied in the converter transformer, except as a 2nd stage process. There is evidence that in the EMA4 there are two different modes of operation. I suspect that one generated the OU to charge the capacitor bank while the other consumed that energy to produce torque.

        It is really hard to follow the development of this technology from what little is left. It kept evolving and changing.

        The recovered Blue Engine Power Supply has another feature. Mr. Hackenberger went to a lot of work to provide a negative shutoff bias for his power switching transistors. He had to build a separate -5 volt power supply on his controller board to achieve this. This feature tells me that it was important to have the fastest shutoff as could be achieved in 1979. The transistor he selected had a listed tf of 25 ns. (pretty good for 1979).
        So, why was the fast shut off needed? In a resonate mode power supply the switching is done during zero voltage or zero current conditions with as little as dead band as possible. In a classical converter like this the applied primary voltage is a square wave, while the resulting resonant current is a sine wave. Unless he was doing something funky - like shutting off the current before the actual zero point was reached. I have no idea what this would have achieve other than that some part of the non-classical sequence benefited from fast off transition switching.

        Anyway, I shall be working on this aspect of this exploration at least up until the July Bedini Conference. Perhaps I might have something interesting to share otherwise the lecture will just be another 5 or so more hints to our very incomplete list.

        Mark McKay, PE


        • If I corectly understood the actual ground was the iron core or motor armature , right ? If that is the case then it is no more then Tesla motor for single wire transmission of high frequency currents depicted in his lecture in 1892, as I posted some time ago. A metal plate acting as a ground or rather terminal capacitance to eliminate ground needed. Would be interesting if motor armature could have some sharp point to ground or any other device to dissipate too much power to real ground.


          • The Gray Engine Common

            Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
            If I corectly understood the actual ground was the iron core or motor armature , right ? If that is the case then it is no more then Tesla motor for single wire transmission of high frequency currents depicted in his lecture in 1892, as I posted some time ago. A metal plate acting as a ground or rather terminal capacitance to eliminate ground needed. Would be interesting if motor armature could have some sharp point to ground or any other device to dissipate too much power to real ground.
            Dear boguslaw,

            Pardon me, I was thinking of a natural Earth Ground rather than the system common.

            Yes, from the photos it appears that the engine case was the common. It was connected to the Negative pole of two battery banks. It must have been intended to carry some huge currents since it appears to be about a #4-0 AWG cable.

            Also, this connection, from the engine case goes through a high current automotive solenoid. I suspect this is for system shutdown.

            For some reason Mr. Hackenberger didn't plan to use the frame of a car as his common. Probably because of the incompatibility of system currents as opposed to the multitude of general 12VDC appliances already installed. It seems that their marketing strategy at the time was to retrofit existing cars with the power plant.

            I have also read somewhere in the Tesla patents where he claims that an earth ground is a simple means to terminate his radiant oscillators, however he also says that the negative of a battery will also work. I have often wondered what he meant by this.

            Mark McKay, PE


            • static power generation of Koen Vlaenderen

              Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
              (Our Aircraft Pilot says): So your starting off at DC level as “Zero” volts here, then your pulsating it up there - - - - - -
              (Hack): Yes pulsating very high, pulsation - - - - no it is not a full sign wave - - - if you look at a scope it looks like a hay field, High frequency, high amplitude, very narrow spike --. Now pulsed DC is flat on the top, but chopped DC is pointed on the top - - - .
              – [/B]
              Dear Mr. McKay, this word of "hay field scope" remind me to my old aquaintance from Yahoo Groups, Mr. Koen Vlaenderen. He said about power generation from electric field
              P = dE/dt
              because electric field energy is E = V*Q then
              P = d(VQ)/dt
              this becomes the usually we know as
              P = V*dQ/dt
              P = V*I, where V = voltage and I = dQ/dt = current (in ampere or coulomb/second).
              But he said that P = V*dQ/dt is only a partial derivative, it should be
              P = V*dQ/dt + Q*dV/dt
              He said that this Q*dV/dt is different from what we usually know, since this is not involving electric current. Instead of steady voltage and current, this static power from Q*dV/dt will involve charge and high dV/dt like high frequency pulses. Frankly, this is what I think very look alike the "hay field scope" display. The problem is we still don't know what is the Q, is this Q comes from free electron in the conductor or something else ?



              • Various Theories of Charge

                Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
                Dear Mr. McKay, this word of "hay field scope" remind me to my old aquaintance from Yahoo Groups, Mr. Koen Vlaenderen. He said about power generation from electric field
                P = dE/dt
                because electric field energy is E = V*Q then
                P = d(VQ)/dt
                this becomes the usually we know as
                P = V*dQ/dt
                P = V*I, where V = voltage and I = dQ/dt = current (in ampere or coulomb/second).
                But he said that P = V*dQ/dt is only a partial derivative, it should be
                P = V*dQ/dt + Q*dV/dt
                He said that this Q*dV/dt is different from what we usually know, since this is not involving electric current. Instead of steady voltage and current, this static power from Q*dV/dt will involve charge and high dV/dt like high frequency pulses. Frankly, this is what I think very look alike the "hay field scope" display. The problem is we still don't know what is the Q, is this Q comes from free electron in the conductor or something else ?

                Dear Wicaksono,

                I'm sure that Mr. Koen Vlaenderen was on to something just as Dr. Wheeler was onto an improved idea with his motional electric field. Also, consider Eric Dollard and his approach of four quadrant and series algebra to describe electrical phenomena. There is no shortage of brilliant people coming up with improved models that are better than the electron flow and the classical Hertzian model. Even Dr. Tesla in 1892 approached Dr. Hertz and told him that his experimental design was flawed and that it didn't explain what was known even at that time about early RF. Since then others have come to the same conclusion that those early Hertz experiments were in error.

                But has any of this changed what is taught in High School or in military technical courses? No it hasn't. The models we have today are understandable by most people who are becoming service installers and general trouble shooters. For 99.9% of the issues that these people will come in contact with the standard curriculum works just fine, so why change it.

                The theories that are taught in college keep changing the higher up the academic food chain you go. By the time you reach Masters and PhD level antenna theory you realize that nobody has a clue and whatever works for you is what you use to keep a job.

                If Mr. Koen Vlaenderen's approach makes sense to you and you can apply it to your research then by all means dig into it and come up with some apparatus to apply his proposal. Especially if you can see how his ideas might make sense to this Gray technology issue.

                The description of a "Haystack" is going to mean several different things to different people. So, if its gives you an idea then so much the better.

                I agree with you, we don't know what the Q is and neither does organized education. But they can describe some general repeatable features of its behavior without knowing what "It" is.

                Mark McKay


                • Primary Converter Capacitance Experiments

                  Dear Non-Funded Researchers,

                  In my recent post #2808 I was proposing the exploration of added capacitance across the primary windings of the converter transformer. I have since experimented with this concept by using an external capacitor (.0082 uF 600V) to mimic the general impact of the proposed sheet copper plate capacitor wound with the primary.

                  I have found that the addition of the capacitor has no impact on the operation of the converter, The change in the center resonant frequency is nil. The harvested voltage is unchanged and the MOSFET current profile barely shows a change.

                  What I did learn is that in this design of a transformer the resonance is determined by the secondary and not the primary. It appears that because of the turns ration (1:37 in this case) the reflected impedances completely swamp whatever is happening in the primary.

                  I did run across an interesting observation while exploring the secondary. Now the typical peak-peak output voltage of one of the seven(7) taps of this setup is 120V p-p. This is observed for all of the taps at a resonant frequency of about 92 kHz.

                  Here is what is interesting. If I harvest the voltage between these two different unconnected taps then my readings go up to 1.15 kV. Now the measured capacitance between the bifilar windings is about .005 uF, So, I actually have a series resonant circuit composed of the inductance of the two windings and the bifilar capacitance between them.

                  My first thought was that this is just an electrostatic charge and there would be no real energy from it when a load was applied. But to my surprise this connection would charge the 40 uF capacitor bank to 1100VDC and pop the coil to 145mm. So there is something there. However this is the same height that the Fluke HV Power set to 1100V will pop the coil, so no Cold Electricity yet.

                  This circuit variation only shows that even a simple multi-tap transformer can be wired in many novel ways to produce a usable output. All we have to do is get lucky.

                  Mark McKay, PE


                  • Same?

                    Dear Mark,
                    Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                    How many classical transformers have a capacitor as part of the windings? None that I know of. Capacitors are always connected as and external component if capacitance is needed.

                    But, this construction method is not unknown to the Free Energy community. Consider the Hendershot device. Now there is a capacitor that is intimately associated with coils. And, it is almost the same size and aspect ratio as what I have with my reproduction transformer. Could it be that the non classical conversion process takes place in a capacitor that is being dynamically acted on by a magnetic field at right angles to the electrostatic field? I have yet to figure out which way the Poynting energy vector is directed or even if it is of any importance here.

                    Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                    Dear Non-Funded Researchers,

                    In my recent post #2808 I was proposing the exploration of added capacitance across the primary windings of the converter transformer. I have since experimented with this concept by using an external capacitor (.0082 uF 600V) to mimic the general impact of the proposed sheet copper plate capacitor wound with the primary....

                    Mark McKay, PE
                    Please don't take this as a challenge as I am not qualified, but I believe you are on to something with your post #2808. I have had similar observations in my non-scientific tests. I don't see how this last post validates or invalidates your proposition/query in post 2808 as you used the same conventional method of others instead of the proposed architecture you offered. In my opinion, only a properly wound coil with interlaced capacitive plates could prove or disprove your conjecture in 2808 of a capacitor being dynamically acted on by a magnetic field at right angles to the electrostatic field. An area I have most recently began to devise tests to study. I think this merits close scrutiny.

                    Thank you Mark for your continual contributions to growth.

                    Warm Regards,
                    Last edited by tachyoncatcher; 05-04-2014, 10:48 PM.


                    • Notes on EV Gray

                      Hello Mark,
                      Some Notes I have made for consideration.
                      1. One of the most serious killers of solid-state is a high impulse discharge or a DC Chopper voltage and can see why they had problems with their change over to the newer medium and the modifications made in an attempt to prevent this from happening again.
                      This is exactly what a Multivibrator would be providing in the Chopped DC that goes on forever.
                      This slow decay of a transistor gate material can happen over time and slowly builds into the curve of compounding.
                      Mosfets are particularly sensitive to electrostatics and once again, is or can be a very high voltage that takes out the component and am fully aware of the safeguards required during a manufacturing process.

                      2. What is it we are looking for, a high voltage or a high chopped DC voltage?
                      Would suggest that the latter would be the required villian as it is what Marvin Cole started out with using the Ignition Coils of Mallory or was he using the Vibrapacks and in these the chopped DC of the Multivibrators?

                      3. We are not looking at electricity as such but something else which we call 'cold electricity' but how do you achieve this phenomena and one such idea is translated here from the Russians in that you extract this from the ground - see Page 9.
                      Once again, we see a circuit that is not attached to the previous and in that we exclude any losses that may be gained by an 'Energy Synthesis' at any point in an organisation.


                      4. This is what the Carbon was doing in the CSET, inviting in that energy and acting like a 'negative resistor' and what that basically means, is to amplify without loss to the power source.
                      That amplification, to me, means from the ambient or as Tesla said - from the 'Warmth Ether'.

                      5. In powering a Load like a Lamp, there is NO resistive electricity being used as we know it but an energy that radiates and fills everything in its vicinity with this energy and a lamp having a small resistive filament will light as that is what it is supposed to do under excitation but in this case is a 'radiant' excitation, which is different.
                      Perhaps this is why Ed wound those coils around his device to collect this energy and feed it back to his powering batteries?

                      6. All of Ed's work appeared to go up in smoke after Marvin Cole left and the technology used, all of a sudden changed to what the new guy was familiar with and in this is a BIG mistake as the originator left with the Gold and left Ed with an empty bucket.
                      Richard Hackenburger (ex transistor Silicon Valley) probably did his best and those that followed but the original concept died with Cole as I would suggest that those that followed were not responsive to the 'cold electricity' concept.
                      I would be very much looking at only the data that is available from the time of Cole and nothing more to 1972 when he departed.
                      Too many cooks etc!
                      This is where the unnecessary complexity enters and is typical of a solid state methodology - might be smaller but does it do the same job as the original design components - NO, it doesn't!
                      Robert Beck knew something was awry before he withdrew his application.

                      7. I have a person here that also has 'Popping Coils' and appears to have something of interest and have asked him to contact you.
                      This is an opposite to electromagnetic attraction and appears to be very much, repulsion and I think that is what you are looking for.
                      His metallic cone is repulsed some distance from the charge head and a smaller object on a vertical core like yours would probably hit the ceiling.

                      8. Your 'Proposed Non-Disclosed Capacitive Discharge Sub-System In EV Gray Circuit' I like but is conventional electrics and we need to go to unconventional and would suggest that the Page 9 modification above be tried as in this we have our 'one-wire electricity' which to me also means 'cold-electricity' and we are utilising the ground as the source of ambient energy and I think that is what is required.
                      OR it could be that the case windings are to grab that energy from the environment.

                      9. The two diodes I suggested adding after the casing coils are in an Avramenko Plug arrangement and would appear to be antennas as that is where the free electrons are being tapped from - from an aerial.

                      10. What we need to begin to understand is that it is not conventional electricity that is being utilised here but more from the Tesla 'radiant' energy where we are either extracting free electrons from the ground or from the air.
                      As the EV Gray motor was meant as a replacement to an internal combustion one, it would follow that the ambient energy being utilised would have to come from the air and not the ground as was Tesla's Pierce Arrow with the 6' antenna at the rear.

                      As I see it and of course this may change with time but now looking at the Kapanadze and Smith circuits which I already have and now looking at the unconventional - this time.

                      You mention the name of Andre Poppoff and this is where you are now and will see what we can find back in 1957.
                      Going through your data and pulling out what may be significant for my own bench testing.



                      • Primary Wound Capacitor

                        Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
                        In my opinion, only a properly wound coil with interlaced capacitive plates could prove or disprove your conjecture in 2808 of a capacitor being dynamically acted on by a magnetic field at right angles to the electrostatic field. An area I have most recently began to devise tests to study. I think this merits close scrutiny.

                        Warm Regards,
                        Dear tachyoncatcher,

                        Thank you for the words of encouragement. Upon further consideration I agree with your assessment. What the external capacitor experiment did show was that its doesn't hobble the operation of the converter. If it can add something else then that would be nice.

                        There is defiantly something novel attached to that "Blue Engine" Power Supply Transformer primary. It very well could be what makes this transformer special. I know that if I consider it as a third winding (as I have my prototype constructed now) then if it is phased one way the output is hobbled by 60%. If it is phased the other way then the converter fails to operate any where within the PWM frequency range. I suspect this is because of the out of balance diode-battery load on the secondary.

                        It will take some time to construct a new transformer primary. I have to chase down some .005" copper sheet. I might consider using brass since it seems to be more abundant. The challenge is applying the transformer tape with out all the bubbles forming. To do this right I need to fabricate a custom tape/laminator device. I just might be making a number of these kinds of transformers for while.

                        Again, Thank you for your analysis.

                        Mark McKay


                        • The use of MOSFETS

                          Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                          Hello Mark,
                          Some Notes I have made for consideration.
                          1. One of the most serious killers of solid-state is a high impulse discharge or a DC Chopper voltage and can see why they had problems with their change over to the newer medium and the modifications made in an attempt to prevent this from happening again.
                          This is exactly what a Multivibrator would be providing in the Chopped DC that goes on forever.
                          This slow decay of a transistor gate material can happen over time and slowly builds into the curve of compounding.
                          Mosfets are particularly sensitive to electrostatics and once again, is or can be a very high voltage that takes out the component and am fully aware of the safeguards required during a manufacturing process.

                          Dear Smokey,

                          You have been a busy boy this weekend with all these points of discussion. I shall comment on these points one at a time.

                          Did you know that when John Bedini's mentor Ron Cole (no relation to Marvin Cole) observed the operation of the EMA4 during the startup procedure in 1973 claims it gave off a low buzz very distinctive of mechanical vibrators. Given the time frame it seems that the version of the Engine (the E1 variation) that was tested by Crosby Research was still using mechanical vibrators - 18 of them I suspect.

                          The problem with a vibrator, from my research, is that they are limited to about 30 Watts of continuous power. This really puts a crimp into a system that is suppose to operate near 100 HP. As it was the Crosby tests were done at 10 HP. That was probably all the E1 could deliver. Gray certainly wanted more HP to promote engines for cars. So, when Mr. Hackenberger came on line he was given his marching orders to increase the engine output. They were pretty well stuck have to use solid state devices. It took some time but he finally got some solid state systems to work and that is what was used from 1974 on.

                          The new GD transcribed notes quote Mr. Hackenberger as talking about how the commutator was doing the DC switching. In that case that would explain why the engine had to be turning at a minimum of 500 RPM before actually starting. IF that were the case then there were no mechanical vibrators and what Ron Cole heard might have been something else.

                          I do believe that mechanical vibrators were used in the early Electrostatic Generators.

                          The "Blue Engine" Power supply used transistors, but I see no technical problems using modern MOSFETS or IGBJT's. In fact I see lots of advantages. True, a mechanical switch can withstand higher voltage transients, but the MOSFET's I'm using now go up to a PIV of 750 Volts. On the primary side of the converter I haven't see any voltage above 75, at least not yet. Even so there are affordable devices that go up to 2400 V. Mr. Hackenberger didn't have these choices.

                          I agree that we should be very aware of design precautions that deal with potential overvoltage issues. The "Blue Engine" power supply has features that seem to address this challenge. The snubber system seems substantial and there are a number of parallel decoupling capacitor networks scattered throughout the system as well. As long as the primary and secondary circuits are properly isolated then solid state devices will work just fine.

                          As it is the voltage output of one of the "Black Boxes" didn't exceed 1400 volts, so 2400 volt devices could even handle the secondary output voltage directly.

                          So far I have only lost one MOSFET (even though I bought 25 of them) and that was from a direct short wiring error.

                          There has been a lot of advancement with people working with Solid State Tesla Coils (SSTC). Now they are working with much higher voltages than what I expect to see with Gray technology. They have a lot of experience and I read their posts when I can.

                          So, I'm going to follow Mr. Hackenberger and employ the most modern Solid State device I can afford off eBay.

                          Mark McKay


                          • What is the Output

                            Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                            2. What is it we are looking for, a high voltage or a high chopped DC voltage?
                            Would suggest that the latter would be the required villian as it is what Marvin Cole started out with using the Ignition Coils of Mallory or was he using the Vibrapacks and in these the chopped DC of the Multivibrators?

                            Dear Smokey:

                            Item #1

                            We don't know what we are looking for other than a scope trace that looks like a "Haystack" in an unloaded condition and then migrates to a square wave when under a load. Had Mr. Hackenberger been more specific I wouldn't be spending my weekends testing out wired circuit configurations.
                            He also said that the "Chopped DC" had a pointed top. That may have meant something to him but I can't follow his description at all. To me a square wave doesn't have a pointed top. Now a triangular or saw-tooth wave does but he didn't say that.

                            Again the peak voltage should probably be no greater than 1400 Volts if you want to call that High Voltage

                            Item #2

                            According to the transcript the Mallory (or Mr. "Boot" Mallory) company was sharing information about capacitor discharge ignition designs. Now there are two transformers involved in those early designs. The push-pull DC to DC converter and then the actual ignition coil. Standard ignition coils don't come with a push pull primary - at least none that I have found. I suspect that what was provided was the first conversion transformer that had a custom output of around 3500 Volts. But this is my speculation.

                            Now the voltage output of an ignition coil is dependent upon the load. It is actually a current source and thus the voltage will rise until the internal capacitance can absorb all the current in one pulse. If a large capacitor is attached to the output of an ignition coil then the output voltage drops down to a very low value during the first few pulses. It takes some time to charge it up.

                            The converter circuit shown the Pulse Engine patent is very confusing (of course it is not all there), but its shows a push-pull input with a fly-back secondary configuration. This is a rare design topology. The efficiency for this circuit is down in the toilet. But since they appear to be sending 50% of the output directly back to the source battery then something else is going on.

                            I'm sure that all of the pre-Hackenberger (pre 1971)designs were done with vibrators or mechanical switching of some sort.

                            Mark McKay


                            • The kapanadze site

                              Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                              3. We are not looking at electricity as such but something else which we call 'cold electricity' but how do you achieve this phenomena and one such idea is translated here from the Russians in that you extract this from the ground - see Page 9.
                              Once again, we see a circuit that is not attached to the previous and in that we exclude any losses that may be gained by an 'Energy Synthesis' at any point in an organisation.


                              Dear Smokey,

                              The listed web site is blocked and I can't access it. I suppose you have to be invited or something.

                              Concerning the ground. There are probably a number of OU technologies that require a ground (Henry Moray being one of them) but this technology is not among them. All of the Gray systems are isolated starting at the wet-cell batteries all the way out to the load.

                              I will need to read the material before I can comment on it.

                              Mark McKay


                              • Ether Theories

                                Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                                4. This is what the Carbon was doing in the CSET, inviting in that energy and acting like a 'negative resistor' and what that basically means, is to amplify without loss to the power source.
                                That amplification, to me, means from the ambient or as Tesla said - from the 'Warmth Ether'.

                                5. In powering a Load like a Lamp, there is NO resistive electricity being used as we know it but an energy that radiates and fills everything in its vicinity with this energy and a lamp having a small resistive filament will light as that is what it is supposed to do under excitation but in this case is a 'radiant' excitation, which is different.
                                Perhaps this is why Ed wound those coils around his device to collect this energy and feed it back to his powering batteries?

                                Dear Smokey,

                                These are great theories. What sort of apparatus are you going to build and test from these descriptions to extract some OU?

                                Mark McKay

