Thanks, nat. I'm going to try to increase the effect with a bigger cap, or a smaller one, if that's what it takes. Plus, I'm building another Tube with the grids farther from the electrode.
No announcement yet.
Gray Tube Replication
"That hv potential from the cap slams against the diode and compresses against it very strongly forcing it to explode 90 degrees from the wire outwards...the only other path to ground it by going to the grids...through the electromagnet that pulses a magnet or other electromagnet to provide motive force on a motor to a + on another low voltage source and that lv source has a - that winds up being connected back to the hv -'s.
Take a balloon and push it flat against a wall. It compresses and the contents of the balloon wind up exploding 90 degrees perpendicular to the direction of original propagation."
After rereading the above statement from aaron a couple of times i wonder if the diode should be in the tube
diode and spark nature
Nat - Not sure if there is a difference if the diode is in or out of the tube. Gray showed his triode outside of the tube and Bedini showed the diode outside of the tube.
Beshires - a regular HV spark to the grids won't do it but with the diode effect, it isn't a regular HV spark. It is a plasma burst just like the water sparkplug circuit, which is "cold" because of even less current due to the increased discharge speed of the capacitor.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
diode increases HV cap discharge speed
I'm reposting these messages from Greg - from the Water Sparkplug thread. I thought Lee posted the first scope shot on this but I guess it was Greg. This shows that with the diode, the discharge from the cap increases to virtually can see this clearly.
A great majority of the cap discharges instantaneously (straight line coming down) then it slows towards the end. Without the diode, it is a slower steady discharge over time.
Here is with the right circuit:
YouTube - Gray Tube Test
It is definitely not a "hv spark" and when the grid is connected, this is what popped a magnet from the coil.
09-02-2008, 08:54 PM
gmeastvbmenu_register("postmenu_28271", true);
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 381
The Effect's Signature!
Hi everybody,
I have now configured my Water Spark Plug circuit to trigger off of the line sine wave. That means that the circuit is operating at 60 Hz. It was only after I got it running this fast was I able to connect the characteristic "SNAP" or "CRACK" with the oscilloscope trace. I will post a video that will show the signature wave form appearing and disappearing in synchronization with the characteristic sound as the circuit misses an occasional beat.
But first I will show you the O-Scope traces. You have already seen them if you viewed my last video. The attachments below are the scope captures that appeared in the video. The Cap discharge trace with the 'crook' in it was thought to be the trace where the HV diode is merely included in the circuit (which it is), and the 'smoother' trace is without the HV diode (which it is). But further, however, the trace with the crook in it IS the signature of the effect ... or more clearly ... the CROOK itself IS the signature of the effect.
This is all very exciting! I will compile the video as quickly as I can so you all can see that the effect actually has a 'face'.
Thank you. Peace,
Attached Thumbnails
09-03-2008, 08:16 PM
gmeastvbmenu_register("postmenu_28386", true);
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 381
new video of signature trace
Hi all,
As I said I would do in a recent reply, I have posted a new video showing the unique wave form characteristic of the water spark plug circuit discharge cycle. Please note the time period in the video is 250u-sec per division so the signature is not casually apparent. My new Gotoluc-Lindemann circuit version operates at 60 Hz and is powered by two Mosfet packages triggered by integral opto-isolated inputs. These inputs are excited by two external resistor divider networks phased 180 deg. from each other via the full bridge rectifier. At present I am still limited to lower voltages and currents by the inrush ratings of the Mosfets. I will be reverting to triacs for the generator set tests however. They have an 800V rating.
The new video is located here:
YouTube - sgnature trace
Thanks. Peace,
--------------------------------------------Last edited by Aaron; 01-18-2009, 07:04 PM.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Originally posted by Aaron View PostNat - Not sure if there is a difference if the diode is in or out of the tube. Gray showed his triode outside of the tube and Bedini showed the diode outside of the tube.
Beshires - a regular HV spark to the grids won't do it but with the diode effect, it isn't a regular HV spark. It is a plasma burst just like the water sparkplug circuit, which is "cold" because of even less current due to the increased discharge speed of the capacitor.
If the grey tube were wired into place where the popping coil is this would be how the schematic shows it.... Except for the capacitor will store a charge until the lead is touched to the popping coil. wired strait to one end of the grey tupe and to the grid or the other end of the tube the capacitor will charge but will not spark or discharge thru the tube. Try it, but check the voltage across the capacitor if it doesn't discharge the continual climbing voltage will explode it. 400VDC would not jump across a 1/16 inch gap to discharge itself.Last edited by Beshires1; 02-18-2009, 10:47 PM.
plasma spark
I believe Greg was just using a regular spark plug. The first time I build this circuit, I just the heads of 2 nails and it worked great.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Originally posted by nat1971a View Postbeshires1
i dont think your coil is energising because we havent generated a proper electro radiant event yet. Perhaps a vacuum or/and a gas is required in the tube for this
My New Video
I made a slightly bigger cap for the T-Tap on my CSET, and placed the cap I used in my first video across the Tube from the center electrode to the outer grid. I can definitely see from the effect that the cap is discharging through the Tube. I'm getting this effect at all three connection points, with 7.5kV.
Here's the short video:
Jerry's Site - Bigger Cap.avi
It remains to be seen if this effect will conduct a heavy pulse from a car battery. Each of the little short circuits in the video may be roughly equivalent to a momentary but interrupted partial discharge from a larger system cap, if it were used. At this level of juice from the cap, a Low Voltage source would have to be what powers the load. And this is still presuming that there needs to be a conduction within the CSET, rather than an inductive coupling.Attached Files
Thanks for your interest.
For some reason, the video doesn't look as good after uploading it, then downloading it again, as it does straight from my computer.
And the camera doesn't see the same thing I see. I see sparks everywhere, flying all around, but the camere shows fuzzy blue energy flashes. Sometimes these blobs obscure multiple sparks in the same basic area. Must have something to do with the camera's CCD. I have no doubt that the energy is there, and maybe it's important. So the camera may turn out to be a valuable research tool.
It's just that all the sparks look so much neater in real life.
Two Arcs From Capacitor
I've verified that my diode circuit can support two arcs. One arc shorts the capacitor with a high frequency spark, similar to a Tesla Coil primary. This arc is synonymous with the constant arc in the Overshoot Switch tube. The addition of this arc does not prevent the same capacitor from producing the CSET arc at the same time. The presence of the CSET arc is shown by the presence of the T-Tap spark at the end of the diode, since this arc will not form without a simultaneous arc in series with the diode. In this case, the series arc is in the CSET. In operation, the diode spark isn't needed, since the T-Tap jumper wire will be connected to the grid.
In the picture, both arcs are about 3/4" long, at 7.5kV.Attached Files