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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Dr. Beshires1: It depends on your setup. I can do it with 7.5kV, using this same circuit, if I stretch the arc gap, then give the cap a little time to charge while the diode's spark is operating.

    Otherwise, I've gotten a spark around 1" with 45kV and no cap. So 2" would probably take close to 100kV, with a non rectified rf type spark.

    But a capacitive discharge spark is completely different. Without an initial inductive electron trail, HV from a cap will only jump a very short distance, creating its own ion path. So a cap would have to have around 800,000 Volts to jump 2" on it's own.
    Last edited by Electrotek; 01-22-2009, 01:20 AM.


    • Thanks this gives me a idea of how much kV my two ignition coils (non-rectified) spark is putting out.


      • Resonating tank circuit

        I have so far been able to make my tube fire at approximately 4KV with a 75KV 22nf capacitor. I'm using a Variac to drive a 75KV x-ray tube transformer. When I try to add more voltage, it merely makes the sparks happen with higher frequency, which makes sense. It evidently only takes 4KV to jump the gap I have set. I have a coil and another cap at the proper place in the circuit, but the coil will not even deflect the needle of a compass which tells me I'm getting squat through the grid.

        On the Gray's Zero point energy page, the following statement is made following the graphic of his CSET;

        "Capacitor 38 and inductive load 36 constitutes a tank circuit that resonates at 6Khz."

        This would seem to indicate that each coil, stator and capacitor should have very strict values of inductance, capacitance and impedance. Does anyone have any idea of what these values should be? The values I have come up with are entirely unreasonable and likely indicate that I'm using flawed math. Any help will be appreciated.

        I'm trying to learn to use LtSpice, but that is also a steep learning curve .



        • This thread gives me exactly the same feeling as I have regarding the WFC and Stan Meyer´s work. His patents are completely misunderstood as I think.

          Everybody is trying to do the VIC according to his first VIC drawings and it works so-so although giving some gas. Then they drop the whole idea and moves on to another project instead of thinking another round and seeing the whole picture of what he did(Ion engine, water mist to HHO, laser priming, Multi-spool VIC). Now is the time to focus on the multi-VIC for HHO production and the single VIC for steam production.

          I wish some people in here had some interest in the VIC since I believe it is MUCH more easy to do than the final Gray engine...


          • Spearmaster: You're right. I checked the resonance, and with 12 uF the inductance would be way too low. So it's back to the concept of the stator and rotor coils, in series and opposition, equating to a bifilar inductance. The two inductances, in this arrangement, would essentially cancel, giving the low value for the resonance. With the right kind of energy. The best thing to do is to have an adjustable interrupter rate and an adjustable spark gap length. Then set the rate for the optimal repulsion between two coils, experimentally, and fine tune the frequency with the spark gap. But you may need a bigger cap to get any usable field from the coil.

            Gauss: Yes, it's a mistake to jump to another project after only initial results. But I do find Meyer's system interesting. Some of his components might be applicable to the Water Sparkplug, as far as getting the water to ignite, without the subsequent implosion. I haven't had time to follow the VIC thread. Are there any claims of OU? I need a motor which will run my mechanical systems, without having to have an on board Fusor or other power source.


            • CSET As Inverter

              Dr. Beshires1: I'm starting to "smell the water". So here's the deal, Champ. Ed Gray called the CSET his "Inverter". An inverter is something which "converts" a battery's voltage into a higher voltage, with a frequency. Since the CSET is wired in parallel with the battery, it provides the "switching" circuit which places the rectified pulses onto the capacitor. This circuit has such a high efficiency that one capacitor can be charged up in less time than all the previous caps, each with their own charging circuit and transformer, with this one capacitor doing the same work as all the others.

              I'm going to try this, using a lower voltage MOT, since the voltage builds up so quickly and I don't want to blow my expensive cap.
              Last edited by Electrotek; 01-21-2009, 11:41 PM.


              • You Go Dude!!! Good Luck!!!! OH, seven smileys bowing GREAT effect... Sure gets more attention than one or two..


                • @Electrotek and all others

                  I have tried to tell it 10 times in here but nobody picks up to discuss it(or has too many other projects). Meyer used water mist that he pulsed with his multispool VIC(10.4), this way he avoided the stability trouble of water liquid´s dielectric constant. AND REMEMBER HHO HAS A SURPLUS OF ELECTRONS THAT YOU SHOULD USE...

                  Then he needed a positive ion to match HHO with and he found out he could prime oxygen in ambient air up until O4+ with his VIC in combination with an electron extraction circuit(EEC) and a laser. Then he mixed it and ignited the whole mix with his voltage igniter(VIC). The steam resonator possibly was used to increase or dampen the effect inside the cylinder but I am not sure about it.

                  Conclusion is he achieved at least OU of 50(maybe >100) with his ION ENGINE and the big secret is HHO being negatively charged that can be used for the ion implosion.

                  At this stage I realize his car engine is a massive project of miniparts to finish and the multispool VIC is a very good start to prove his concept.

                  I urge anyone in here to wind the multispool VIC of 10.4 ASAP to prove the concept.

                  AND I believe when you pulse the multispool VIC you only need ONE PULSE from the primary, then the multispool backEMFs will do the work for you until voltage breakdown, and they will come much faster than the primary pulse too.

                  So basically in liquid water he needed one pulse with duration about 0.1 ms, then wait 3 secs and send a new pulse. HHO will flow like crazy I guess and resonance will not be a big trouble with the multispool VIC.

                  OU must be AT LEAST 10 if you have at least 4 spools.

                  Meyer really fooled a lot of people with all his fancy talk about injectors, gas guns, gas processors, EECs etc, etc, nobody understood was he was talking about. The core of his concept is positive ion and negative ion, mix it and ignite. Use the multispool VIC for better effect and less trouble with diodes because each back EMF is much smaller than the first primary pulse so the diode can last.

                  Bye for now, all feedback much appreciated in my VIC thread below.


                  • Thanks for this information, Gauss. An internal combustion engine which burns water, then condenses and recycles the exhaust vapor would be an ideal closed system to power a mechanical type Space Drive, which is my real line of work. Especially when it produces additional energy, besides. But some of the things in Meyer's system are currently beyond my time and resourses. Of course, this doesn't include the laser. High powered UV lasers are so simple anyone can build one, with minimal parts. Water will dissotiate directly at a wavelength of 2135 Angstroms, which is well within the capabilities of a Nitrogen laser, if anyone has the time and interest to apply it. And my own patent (4260933) clearly shows a photolytic application. Still, I think the simplest approach of all is to use Keely's frequencies modulated onto a Water Sparkplug circuit. It's a matter of historical record that Keely exploded a drop of water - launching a cannon ball - by playing three notes on his violin. "C" "A" "F", with just the right cadence and increasing volume. (This makes an amazing sound.) Bearden put it the right way when he said that there are a hundred ways to get Free Energy. It's up to each individual to choose their own approach, based upon their talents and interests. Good luck with your VIC research. I know you'll get it right. My own choise lies with taking energy from the Zero Point. And I'm not talking about temperature, since this energy exists at any temperature. My primary need is for a small, light weight, powerful electric motor, with quickly adjustable amounts of high torque output. So that's what I'm persuing.

                    Warm Regards,



                    • Thanks for your laser info, I am still not at all savvy about lasers although I read a bit about it in university... Will check it though.

                      You are right about 100 ways to do "free energy". However in my opinion the best thing to do is to integrate as many components as possible into one piece. This the way to go I believe since nature does it so well in our planet...

                      Rotation, inductance, capacitance, resistance, transformation, dielectric-conducting layers, spherical geometry, nodes-antinodes. The more of those words you integrate into your key part the better I believe...

                      When we build circuits today we are using very primitive tools I believe. The multispool VIC is a first step to integration of several parts, that is why it is working better I believe.

                      Good luck anyway, let´s see what happens in the next 12 months here. If we go back 12 months in this forum a lot of things changed for better....


                      • @ Electrotek

                        Now I know why the purple flash in orange neon effect is of interest to you :-) I'd love to see it replicated.
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • Purple Spark

                          Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                          Now I know why the purple flash in orange neon effect is of interest to you :-) I'd love to see it replicated.
                          I can replicate your effect quite easily with my Vacuum Tube Amplifier (VTA), or as Bearden calls it, Vacuum Triode Amplifier. What you're doing with your transistor is inverting the input, so that the output is a Phase Conjugate Replica. Congratulations!

                          And you're right, this is a rather important effect. This is the key to producing longitudinal energy, electronically. BTW, what transistor are you using? (Chuckle, Chuckle.)
                          Attached Files


                          • Of course!

                            I phase conjugated the who out my what now?

                            Transistor is a 2n3055 from here:

                            Jaycar Electronics
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • Schematic link

                              I have a feeling that phase conjugate is important, I've heard bearden say it a few times too.

                              Here's schematic Electrotek just made reference to, in case anyone knows what phase conjugate means :-)

                              purple+flasher.jpg (image)

                              I got about half way thru this;

                              An Intuitive Explanation of Phase Conjugation
                              Last edited by Inquorate; 01-22-2009, 12:40 PM. Reason: Found wave conjugate description
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • Sweet VTA

                                Inquorate: This is a very important schematic.

                                This simple little circuit is how you can power Floyd Sweet's VTA. With 9mW input, he was getting 45W output. That's an increase of 5,000. The only other thing you need is a time varying signal. Do this by switching it off and on, faster and faster.

