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Gray Tube Replication

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  • The Zero Point

    After frame by frame analysis of video taped operation of a CSET, I can see that the spark gap fires about three times per second. This is consistent with the estimated pulse rate of one of the old vibrator tubes of around 100 per second, which powers the transformer. This, of course, doesn't equate to the interrupter rate of 6,000 per second. So it's my opinion that both of these frequencies were present in the arc, when it formed. If so, this could account for the excess energy.

    When two waves of two different frequencies travel through a medium, there will be times when the faster changing wave overtakes the slower wave. When this happens, electrical forces between nearby nodes and anti nodes produce a gradient which polarizes momentarily appearing quantum potentials. These potentials, when they appear, produce a stress in the curvature of space. Likewise, when the potentials almost immediately recombine, the underlying space time metric is relaxed. In fact, it's high frequency vibrations of this metric which cause the potentials to spontaneously appear, when they do. The amount of energy which can spontaneously appear in this fashion is inversely proportional to the size of the volume's wavelength, with an infinite amount of Energy potentially appearing in a Point which has the dimensionality of Zero.

    Gradients arising from inter nodal forces between adjacent waves polarize these quantum fluctuations so that dipoles appear, oriented in the direction the waves are traveling. As the higher frequency (or higher voltage) wave starts to pull away from the other, these dipoles are stretched. When this charge separation reaches a certain distance, it's no longer statistically probable that the quantum charges will recombine. This produces an electrical force on one end of the dipole and an anti-magnetic force on the other end. This results in an increased voltage across the medium and a cancellation of magnetic heat in the nearby environment. Or the wires ice up, if all forces stay within a circuit.

    This twin frequency is also shown in Pat. #3890548, Fig. 1, as 21a and 22a. These are the pulses which are sent through the magnetically associated motor harness coils. (The delay lines) The interaction of these different frequencies is probably what caused the buzzing sound witnesses reported coming from the motor.

    With my diode T-Tap, the transformer and the arc make a loud buzzing sound, since the frequency of the diode tap is a lot higher than that of the transformer's supply. This might account for what seems to me to be a considerably greater amount of energy in the sparks flying around rapidly in my CSET, compared to the normal sparks I can get with just the transformer. If this is the case, then I should be able to charge a capacitor a lot faster with the CSET than with the transformer. Provided the diode is oriented correctly. (Cathode pointing towards the negative pole of the battery.)
    Last edited by Electrotek; 01-24-2009, 09:53 PM.


    • Motor As RF Choke

      There's no doubt that the CSET is an rf device, since it incorporates a spark and inductive coupling. Farnsworth pointed out that a coil which acts as an rf choke will still pass a positive longitudinal signal at the same frequency. So the energy going through an EV Gray motor's coils isn't a normal electrical impulse.

      This is supported by three factors: Ed Gray stated that the magnetic field acted in 360 degrees. John Bedini's diagram shows the North Pole force on the side of the coil, rather than the end. And the coil core laminations are shaped differently on each side, at the points of opposition, which correlates with the first two factors.
      Attached Files


      • interesting info

        Hi Electrotek,

        I just want to take a moment to say Thanks for your contributions to this thread and I am blown away to see a guy with your background of experience trying to help others in this forum.I find Time and Space to be a very interesting subject depending on ones point of view .I have been a bit busy of late trying to piece together a motor design based on Peters design but not exactly like his concept nor with the degree of precision like Jetijs but it should suffice to teach me a couple of things that I have been wondering about.I think you have some very interesting data that you have presented to all .



        • Hi Gary,

          Thanks for the sentiment. There is a virtue in helping others, and virtue is one of the few things we can take with us. After we're gone, the only thing which really matters is what we were able to do with our time, and what we leave behind. I hope to leave a greater light of understanding in the world, even if only in some small area.

          Good luck with your motor!


          • Some experiments on CSET that were done in 2003. You might pick up some good ideas.


            • Thanks for posting the link. A lot of Mark's stuff has been helpful.


              • E.V Gray Research Results to Date

                Dear E.V. Gray Researchers,

                Here are a few potential historical facts (or so I think) that might help you in your exploration of this fantistic technology.

                1. The EMA6 motor failed. It could only produce 2 HP. It appears that all attempts to improve the situation failed, even up till 1979 when the whole project was confiscated by the FCC. This means that Mr. Hackenburger overlooked something when he attempted to reverse engineer the working EMA4-E2. The CSET's have never produced any OU that has been documented. However they do look neat. - But, this doesn't mean that this approach is not without merit. Gary Magratten seems to be getting something from his work.

                2. At the time (1971-1975) Richard Hackenburger thought the "magic" was in the rotating commentator discs. He clearly states this in some recovered documents that "Kenitic Energy" is a required energy input. The output is increased torque. He also believes that oxygen is the source of the non-classical energy in some kind of electron avalanch process. The fixed electrodes in his CSET failed to provide for the "stretching process".

                3. The EMA5 never made it beyond the fabrication of the case. It was dropped during the 1975 LA DA raid. The thickness of the shell was about 1". This implies that some pretty close tolerances were needed to make things work right since a case that heavy should not have suffered very much damage.

                4. Recent photos and documentation point to a process where the EMA4-E2 motor actually was designed to strike electrical arcs between the stator and the rotor in an axial magnetic field (like a vacuum interupter). It appears that this was done between the "Minor" electromagnets. This arc was then stretched for 13 degrees at a speed of 384 inches per second then quenched. I propose that it was the dragging of the arc across the dielectric blocks (most likely Delrin) in the stator that did the trick. This is the method that Ken Sholders uses to make his "Charge Clusters", however what ever Cole was doing probably produced a particle flux several orders of magnitude greater. - If that is what was going on.

                5. The working EMA4-E2 DID NOT HAVE a CSET device. The CSET was developed by Richard Hackenburger in 1972 to get the arcing process out of the motor so that such tight machining tolerances were not required. I think he blew it in this conversion. All of the high resolution photos from 1976 show the CSET as a two wire device - not a three wire device as patented by Gray in 1985. What John Bedini shows in his 1973 field notes is not the same as what was displayed in 1976. The aspect ratio is much different and the "grids" are not perforated. Also consider that they has no patent protection for this device. Now, do you think that this age-changing component would be displayed in clear Plexiglas enclosures at a public event if it were so darn improtant?

                John Bedini claims that the CSET was a Red Herring. After 5 years of research and interviews I have come to believe him. But don't give up on the idea if you think it will work. Hackenburger couldn't get it to work but that didn't keep Gray from attempting to sell it 10 years later. After all it still looks neat.

                6. According to John Bedini, who witnessed the EMA4-E2 first hand in 1973, claims he heard car vibrators inside the top mounted power supply (or something that sounded like them) - just like the patent. Richard came along and converted these to transistor choppers for the EMA6. Again I think he blew it. Look at the facts. By 1972 Marvin Cole had developed at least 4 working OU motor systems of various sizes (according to recovered documents) I assume all of these motors used a collection of mechanical vibrators running at 100Hz. There was some important reason why Mr. Cole stuck with the multiple vibrator approach using several small power supplies rather than having a larger design like what Mr. Hackenburger converted to later.

                7. Mr. Hackenburger also developed the second generation "Electrostatic Generator" Black Box (actually dark Blue) that ran at 6KHz. These were solid state transistor versions of the original Cole Black Boxes. The only problem is that they didn't work, and that is why they never came into production. However, the original Cole generators did work very well and this is what E.V. Gray use in all his demonstrations that brought in the $$$ starting in 1964. So, for now I would get rid of the MOSFETS, Transistors, and SCR's and focus on approaches similiar to the Gary Porter or Imhotepp devices. Not to mention Dr. Tesla's designs. There is something important hapening in those low voltage micro-arcs. An induction coil seems to be required to harvest the anamolous energy and or non-classical particle.

                8. Mr. Hackenburger freely admits (on a recorded phone conversation) that the fundamental Free Energy process starts in the power supply. But by this time (late 1976) they were so strapped for cash that he is driving a Cab to pay his rent, and he is unable to explore this relization that might have come to late. Never the less he sticks with Gray till his death in 1980 when he subcomes to a viral infection that puts him down within a week. (Like Carl Sagan).

                9. The main transformer in the power supply was a modified ignition coil made by Mallory Electric Company. The modification increased the cost by 20%. I don't know what that was, but having two primaries may have been the differance. These primaries may not have been equal in the number of turns.

                10. Dr. Norm Chalfin of Cal Tech and JPL wrote the pulse motor patent (for a fee). He most likely reported what he saw as best he could. I think he over looked small (but important) details in the vibrator power supply. Dr. Chalfin was a licensed Radio Amatuer who knew his electronics. It is my thought that he thought that the front end power supply was a clsssical push pull chopper design. I disagree. It is a slow pulsing switch mode power supply and not a classical DC to AC chopper. The proof is in the location and function of the output diode. His sketches of the wave forms on the patent schematic are not consistant with that topology. I suppose he was pressed for time. He probably didn't get the opportunity to see how the ignition coil was actually modified internally. I have no doubt that he never did figure out the "secret". I know that Gray never new it - even though he spent the rest of his life attempting to sell it. Mr. Hackenburger might have figured it out towards the end - but I'm not sure.

                11. I think the Floating Flux Field is a vital componet and serves some kind of important feedback function. This feature is to be found (but not understood) in Dr. Tesla's table top oscillators from his 1896 work.

                12. Someone has put the fear of God into Mr. George Gray who still works in the original Van Nuys location doing high end custom automotive painting. He knows the whole story and has several additional photos of those past events, but consistantly refuses to talk about the matter even to this day. Nor does he want to receive any recovered documentation or photos about his Uncle/Step Father. - I respect his wishes (or fears) but it is a shame that he is the only person remaining that has enough marbles left to shed some light on this saga.

                13. My enigneering analysis to date tells me that the Marvin Cole system was actually a series combination of three or more unique sub systems. This combination resulted in the huge energy gains. They are (subject to change)

                - The mechanical vibrator / induction coil that generates the anamolous "something"

                - This "something" is involved in a regeratative (most likely positive) feedback loop that involves the "Floating Flux Field".

                - The huge gain takes place when this stored "something" is discharged in a stretched arc inside the pulse motor. The huge torque gain takes place when the arc is quenched at the right moment. The torque is transfered directly to the rotor, however the process also recharges (and sometimes over charges) the storage capacitors.

                - The low impedance of the lead-acid batteries may be crutial in the quenching process and that is why the "energy recovery" process couldn't be elminated even though it was causing the batteries to explode.

                Anyway these are my thoughts from what I have been able to dig up so far.


                Mark McKay, PE


                • Spokane1


                  Great points.

                  It seems the jaw dropper's are coming thick and fast today.

                  ''just when you think you're about to make ends meet, somebody moves the ends''
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • Hey Mark, welcome to the forum!!!

                    Due to your research and interviews, you probably know more about the history of this technology than just about anyone.


                    • Welcome Mark!

                      Welcome to the forum Mark.

                      It was Jeff M and I who came out to your work trailer right after Gary Magratten??sp? released his paper. I guess that was about 7+ years ago. Gary gave me your phone number since we live in the same town.

                      I'll post more soon...everyone really should study the plasma spark plug circuit more because they will see it I think. Spearmaster pointed out a part of this.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Thank you Mark,
                        Your comments are very valuable. It did clear some of my questions.

                        Last edited by mlurye; 01-28-2009, 02:08 PM.


                        • Hackenburger and Gray were probably like everyone else - they could look at a CSET and know instinctively that it should be able to do something. Maybe they didn't know how to wire it up? And if all their grids were evenly spaced, it would only have had one resonant frequency, while two are required for longitudinal effects. Unless, of course, if one grid has half the capacitance of the other. I'm not ready to give up on it yet. Besides, it may have been a charging element, and I wouldn't mind being able to instantly charge a big cap. The patent does start out by saying that the recovery cap powers the load, and this may be how it was charged each time.


                          • I'm glad I'm trying to replicate the earlier one that worked.


                            • FYI:

                              Name Hackenberger, Robert R. "Bob"
                              Age 84
                              Died 10/10/2007
                              Death Place Lewistown
                              Birth Date 7/29/1923
                              Birth Place Centre, PA
                              Father Robert R. Hackenberger*
                              Mother Julia (Eichman) Hackenberger*
                              Spouse Mary (Ort) Hackenberger


                              • I put my money on the tube...

                                Hi all,

                                In the train home I read the pdf posted earlier in this thread:

                                Oh, @Spokane1:

                                Your points are certainly interesting.

                                However, I did quite some reading recently and I think the secret *is* in the tube, because there is a decent explanation on how it would work. I posted some theories on another thread, which were partly wrong, but in the right direction.

                                First of all, there is Tesla's power transmission system. Most likely, this works with longitudinal (shock or pressure-like) waves, which up to recently were thought not to exist. However, Prof. Meyl showed that the Maxwell equations *do* support these to exist, *if* you assume there are free charge carriers available in the vacuum. Now Quantum theory predicts that there are positron-electron pairs constantly popping in and out of existence, which is basically the so-called Zero Point Energy, energy that exists even at absolute zero temperature (0 K) and which keeps helium fluid even at absolute 0. So, there *are* free charged particles available in the vacuum after all.

                                So, longitudinal waves do exist *and* ZPE does exist. All what needs to be done is to extract it. And it is very likely that that is possible using shock-waves *and* that shock-waves auto-strengthen themselves tapping off ZPE, since I don't see how else Tesla's power transmission system could ever come even close to working.

                                The question is: how do you generate longitudinal waves strong enough to be able to kick those positron-electron pairs floating around such that they separate and become free charge carriers?

                                The answer to that question appears to be a spark-gap, precisely tuned to support a *spark* jumping over, but *no* arc. In other words: the spark has to be very short. And spark-gaps are certainly capable of emitting energy waves with incredible frequencies, as Bose has shown back in the 1890's:
                                J.C. Bose: 60 GHz in the 1890s

                                Coming back to the pdf linked above, there are some very interesting observations in there. One of them is that the resistor on the low-voltage side seems to influence the amount of power generated by the tube. The higher the resistance, the more power.
                                Another one is the use of magnets to shorten the time of the spark-gap, which is also the reason the diode in the low-voltage system has to be in the direction explained by Aaron:
                                Directory:EV Gray - PESWiki

                                (Note that in the pdf the diode is also shown in the wong way...)

                                Probably the most promising step forward is to install a couple of magnets over the spark gap, and mount these *inside* the tube.

                                As for the secret being in the design of the motor itself: I don't see how that could result in something over-unity, even though Josef Newman appears to run motors over-unity using very large coils.

                                So, I put my money on the tube, because I think I understand how it works better and better.
                                Last edited by lamare; 01-28-2009, 08:45 PM. Reason: neon should be helium

