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Gray Tube Replication

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  • #61
    current in tube

    Hi mlurye,

    I don't think it is a stupid idea at all. This is only my opinion on current and the Gray Tube. With how I see the tube operation, I still don't think there is anything mystical about it...just profound.

    With the tube setup, current (if you're talking "electron" current") may have the option of moving from either the LV rod to the HV rod when the HV jumps. Or from the grids to the rods when the potential jumps to the rods.

    That is IF there is current moving according to how it is 'supposed' to move. In the opposite direction of the positive potential and in the same direction as the negative voltage potential flow.

    In both cases, the HV is moving into a LV the LV rod AND on the other side of the inductive load.

    There is a difference in both of these.

    The LV + potential at the low voltage rod is not even there UNTIL the diode is connected to the circuit by the commutator.

    The LV + potential at the grids is ALREADY sitting there.

    In both cases when the HV jumps...IF there is current...the electron current is forced to leave the + terminal of the battery. Will that easily happen? Can that happen in the short blip of an impulse of the HV discharge? Since current is so much slower than the instantaneous potential and with the increase in discharge time of the HV cap by the diode shutting off - the current is offset even more so it is highly doubtful that there can be much current at all that is causing any of these effects based on known principles.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #62
      carbon block?

      Jetijs or any other experienced machinists or material experts.

      Have any experience with this type of carbon block?

      Or know if I could cut out a chunk of this on a band saw then use a drill press to make holes in both sides to put the LV rod and a tip of the LV rod on one side - without it crumbling to pieces?

      I would imagine that 1mm thickness between both holes is all the thickness I would need to have it act as a carbon resistor.

      Would carbon blocks intended for motor brushes be a lot more compressed and rugged than this?

      CR Scientific: Catalog: Charcoal blocks / carbon blocks for blowpipe tests
      Charcoal blocks for blowpipe analysis of minerals

      The classic texts (i.e., Frederick Pough's Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals, Orsino C. Smith's Identification and Qualitative Analysis of Minerals, etc.) recommend using charcoal blocks for blowpipe testing of minerals. Unfortunately, these handy, old-time mineralogy tools are difficult to find for sale, and quite messy (not to mention tedious) to make for oneself.
      We supply these blocks- actually, ours are not charcoal; they're machined from solid graphite, much denser and more durable than ordinary charcoal. We also have blowpipes.
      Because of their toughness, our carbon blocks last much longer than charcoal block and are therefore a better buy. They can withstand enormous heat without being consumed. They're also not nearly as messy to handle. When done with your assay, let it cool and simply scrape the surface of the block with a razor blade or rub it with sandpaper to prepare for the next test.

      CAUTION: carbon retains heat for a LONG time after exposure to the torch. Do not assume that it's "cool" just because it isn't glowing. Serious burns may result if the block is picked up too soon! Also, carbon dust is electrically conductive. Common sense dictates that the dust should not be inhaled or allowed near electronic equipment. By placing an order, Buyer signifies agreement to our Terms of Sale / Use. Eye, hand, and face protection must be worn when working with fire and / or chemicals!

      Carbon block ("charcoal block" substitute) ..............$8.99 each

      Size: 3" long x 1 1/2" wide x 9/16" thick.
      Ship wt.: approx. 1/2 lb each.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #63
        when I worked with the carbon rod from a battery, it was hard to drill a 6mm hole in it, because it would break, but that is just because the rod itself was just 8mm in diameter, that means only 1mm wall thickness. But it was easy to machine with a lathe so I think that a piece so thick should not be so hard to work with. Your carbon block is about 15mm thick, so about twice as thick as the rod I used. If you intend to drill a 1/4" hole in it, you will have about 7mm wall thickness and that should be more than enough I already ordered a 12" long piece of graphite 2.5" in diameter to machine some carbon resistors from it. I could not find any motor brushes big enough for a carbon resistor on ebay.
        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


        • #64
          Carbon rod from battery is not pure, I tried to bring it into incandescence and while heated by current it will create a lot of nasty gases.It's hard to get rid of them due to high resistance ,a lot of current is required to heat it up enough time.


          • #65
            I think carbon has to be cast using compression and heat. I don't know where to get the raw material. But you could use two pieces of pipe (preferably copper) one for the outside (OD) and one for the inside (ID) and press to form the material, then heat it up till the metals glows substantialy. You would have to construct a press setup for it.

            You could also use glass grinders bits. It alot softer than glass but would probably act about the same. Real brittle for sure.
            10k rpm dremels, with abrasive bits should work well.

            Harbor Freight Tools - Quality Tools at the Lowest Prices

            I have filed quete a few down to size for different reasons. Its not hard stuff to work with when shapping but drilling hole might be different, haven't tryed that one.

            And remember when you get done make sure to inhale a good wiff of the dust, and let us know how you feel.
            Have the hospital send us the report as well.
            (!Better than your standard warning!)



            • #66
              You know it just dawned on me that the carbon probably the key to that whole Grey tube thing.
              If you have seen the video from Tom Bearden on the work of Debra Chung, she uses a carbon fiber acrylic plate to induce negative energy.
              I'll have to watch the video again, but I remember she had found that the compresion and heat combination that the plate was cast under, effected the amount of induced negative energy put out from the secondary wire in the plate.
              They cast a plate with 2 wires running through it and put a positive charge on one wire and a negative charge showded up on the second wire. The higher the casting pressure and heat the more energy came out negative.

              Using a carbon resistor in your tube should make a similiar effect. Although the negative energy that gets cast from the arc between the 2 rods should grow(Air being the best resistor, and negative energy grows through resistance), and collect to the outside mesh.
              Anything that goes through the arc should grow as well.

              Just a thought.


              • #67
                Thanks Aaron, I got it wrong about the grids being grounded, sorry, too tired...

                But about the Gray tube, we are missing one piece of information(at least):

                1) The tube works as an inductance capacitance in a resonant circuit. It magnifies the radiant charge and the magnetic pulse. So the concentric tubes are responsible for the transformation of the magnetic field. Next question is: which kind of a magnetic pulse is this??! Definitely not the normal one, that is for sure, we get no current or magnetic effect until we put a permanent magnet next to the coil.

                If we put beads inside there will be absolutely no sparks and a massive magnetic pulse I speculate. Dielectric, oscillating magnetopulse, that is what Dollard talks about, he also talks about the fact you can "clean" away the magnetic part with the right coil geometry. The magnetic pulse is the last part of the radiant energy secret I believe. Then we have all details...

                Please check: patent No 2 611 094

                2) The volume of material in the grid should be matched against the cylinder volume, resistance should be maximum for the electrostatic charge etc, etc. So this means we should listen to Dollard and Lindemann´s videos about the material matching of primary and secondary in their Tesla coils.

                Well, I guess all the people building Gray tubes should start by making the mesh grid in the toilet roll foil.... That is the first simple step. The next will come later. Now I need a break...


                • #68
                  Carbon (Rod)?

                  Good morning,

                  I have NO idea whats the use of Carbon since #62 !?
                  Before I thougt you are looking for a LV rod, the thing between diode's cathode and air gap inside Gray Tube.

                  And for this purpose I thougt of a spark plug, a conventional, resistor-type spark plug.


                  Between middle electrode right and helical steel spring you can see a (carbon?) resistor with ~15mm length. In case of this plug it had some kOhm (5(?)kOhm) resistance.

                  Every standard plug got this resistance. We can measure it between middle electrode down and up.

                  Why not using plug as a LV rod? Isnt this the aim?

                  Aaron or Admin, if I am complete wrong with purpose of carbon here, please remove my contri asap!
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by magnetO; 12-05-2008, 02:58 PM.


                  • #69
                    magnetic current impulse

                    Originally posted by Gauss View Post
                    1) The tube works as an inductance capacitance in a resonant circuit. It magnifies the radiant charge and the magnetic pulse. So the concentric tubes are responsible for the transformation of the magnetic field. Next question is: which kind of a magnetic pulse is this??! Definitely not the normal one, that is for sure, we get no current or magnetic effect until we put a permanent magnet next to the coil.

                    If we put beads inside there will be absolutely no sparks and a massive magnetic pulse I speculate. Dielectric, oscillating magnetopulse, that is what Dollard talks about, he also talks about the fact you can "clean" away the magnetic part with the right coil geometry. The magnetic pulse is the last part of the radiant energy secret I believe. Then we have all details...

                    Please check: patent No 2 611 094

                    2) The volume of material in the grid should be matched against the cylinder volume, resistance should be maximum for the electrostatic charge etc, etc. So this means we should listen to Dollard and Lindemann´s videos about the material matching of primary and secondary in their Tesla coils.
                    Hi Gauss, this is my speculation (but not all of it is speculation) that I posted:

                    I'll repost that below:


                    To everyone: I believe from Grids on, there is a "magnetic current" component that comes into play but I haven't really mentioned that yet because I don't know if it is true.

                    I'll express my belief as an exercise in IMAGINATION (just in case it winds up being something else! lol) BUT - I think anyone would have to agree it is thought provoking and dang near makes sense.

                    When you have voltage potential moving over the wire, there is the magnetic component at 90 degrees.

                    WHAT IF - you get that voltage potential to move 90 degrees perpendicular to the wire? You cause the magnetic vector to rotate 90 degrees and swap places and no longer have the magnetic field perpendicular but an electric field perpendicular to the wire.

                    The magnetic field made of magnetic particles (bi-directional magnetic particles moving in opposite directions simultaneously...S & N) turns to magnetic current over the wire when turning 90 degrees and moving over the wire, which is cold, does work like amps but has no voltage. 0 voltage but you get work similar to hot current - but kinda different effects.

                    Anyway, I think it is magnetic current that moves from the grids to power the coils cold with stronger work than is predictable by the input power and so forth.

                    I see this in the water sparkplug circuits as well.

                    And again, when I use the comparison between the Gray circuit and the water sparkplug circuit...the gap on the plug is NOT the gap at the rods. The gap at the spark plug IS analogous to the space from the rods to the grids...draw everything out and this becomes apparent.

                    Anyway, if this is ever proven to be all read it here first and I'll take credit If it is proven wrong, then just remember I posted this disclaimer above: I don't know if it is true.

                    I have some evidence to back this belief but am focus on other things so I can't explore this more at the moment. Anyway, if anyone wants to look into it more, read the person that actually knows how to explain it because Leedskalnin leaves a whole lot out and also, through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world is a nail and Leedskalnin thinks everything is from the magnetic current world. It is NOT. It is simply the inverse/opposite to the electron current world. I don't mean magnetic field, literally magnetic current when it is moving over a wire. The person that does explain it as it is in my opinion is: Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles Felix Ehrenhaf
                    I'd recommend copying that page locally in case it disappears.

                    Moving voltage away perpendicularly from the wire instead of down the wire to force magnetic to move over wire since it switches 90 degrees is one way to get (one type of - implying there are others) cold electricity and this one is no voltage with current (cold magnetic current).

                    The other cold electricity is cold voltage potential without in the Bedini circuits.

                    There is another way to get cold electricity but that is something else least how to make it.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #70
                      carbon purpose?

                      Originally posted by magnetO View Post
                      I have NO idea whats the use of Carbon since #62 !? Before I thougt you are looking for a LV rod, the thing between diode's cathode and air gap inside Gray Tube.

                      And for this purpose I thougt of a spark plug, a conventional, resistor-type spark plug.


                      Why not using plug as a LV rod? Isnt this the aim?

                      Aaron or Admin, if I am complete wrong with purpose of carbon here, please remove my contri asap!
                      Hi Magneto,

                      It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong. If anyone knew what the right answers were on the complete Gray Tube, that person would have a motor running and I haven't seen any complete demos of this yet. So it is all up in the air until then.

                      But, I do have to point out that without a resistor there, I did make a magnet jump a few inches so it doesn't seem to be absolutely required for bare minimum effects. Perhaps with a resistor there, maybe the effect would have been quite a bit more.

                      I'm not sure if anyone else has even had a coil repel a magnet like this on their Gray Tube tests.

                      If it is simple resistance, then a resistor plug's core could probably be used. There are interesting properties to carbon and that may have been very intentional.

                      Are those plug resistors carbon?

                      I think the resistance is there mainly so that when the diode is switched, the HV just seeks a speck of conductivity to ground...just the bare minimum to allow the HV to jump...while restricting current.

                      Knowing the resistance between the LV tip and the LV rod on the other side of the resistor would be nice. It might be in Peter's book or the Patents but I don't recall off hand.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        Hi Gauss, this is my speculation (but not all of it is speculation) that I posted:

                        I'll repost that below:


                        To everyone: I believe from Grids on, there is a "magnetic current" component that comes into play but I haven't really mentioned that yet because I don't know if it is true.

                        I'll express my belief as an exercise in IMAGINATION (just in case it winds up being something else! lol) BUT - I think anyone would have to agree it is thought provoking and dang near makes sense.

                        When you have voltage potential moving over the wire, there is the magnetic component at 90 degrees.

                        WHAT IF - you get that voltage potential to move 90 degrees perpendicular to the wire? You cause the magnetic vector to rotate 90 degrees and swap places and no longer have the magnetic field perpendicular but an electric field perpendicular to the wire.

                        The magnetic field made of magnetic particles (bi-directional magnetic particles moving in opposite directions simultaneously...S & N) turns to magnetic current over the wire when turning 90 degrees and moving over the wire, which is cold, does work like amps but has no voltage. 0 voltage but you get work similar to hot current - but kinda different effects.

                        Anyway, I think it is magnetic current that moves from the grids to power the coils cold with stronger work than is predictable by the input power and so forth.

                        I see this in the water sparkplug circuits as well.

                        And again, when I use the comparison between the Gray circuit and the water sparkplug circuit...the gap on the plug is NOT the gap at the rods. The gap at the spark plug IS analogous to the space from the rods to the grids...draw everything out and this becomes apparent.

                        Anyway, if this is ever proven to be all read it here first and I'll take credit If it is proven wrong, then just remember I posted this disclaimer above: I don't know if it is true.

                        I have some evidence to back this belief but am focus on other things so I can't explore this more at the moment. Anyway, if anyone wants to look into it more, read the person that actually knows how to explain it because Leedskalnin leaves a whole lot out and also, through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world is a nail and Leedskalnin thinks everything is from the magnetic current world. It is NOT. It is simply the inverse/opposite to the electron current world. I don't mean magnetic field, literally magnetic current when it is moving over a wire. The person that does explain it as it is in my opinion is: Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles Felix Ehrenhaf
                        I'd recommend copying that page locally in case it disappears.

                        Moving voltage away perpendicularly from the wire instead of down the wire to force magnetic to move over wire since it switches 90 degrees is one way to get (one type of - implying there are others) cold electricity and this one is no voltage with current (cold magnetic current).

                        The other cold electricity is cold voltage potential without in the Bedini circuits.

                        There is another way to get cold electricity but that is something else least how to make it.
                        You are right! Except ... credit belongs to Tom Bearden, who first told us about hidden magnetic potential which is sometimes released from electric circuit.I think that such conversion is a nuisance in low voltage circuits and even in HV except one situation. I think that with proper conditions Earth magnetic field is "glued" to magnetic field in electric circuit, so if that conversion is done with correct timings the resulted magnetic current has a sum of circuit magnetic field and Earth magnetic field component.While magnetic field of circuit is limited (like a water in pipe), Earth magnetic field is huge (like ocean) - when both are compressed periodically and subsequently and converted - Earth magnetic flux may dominate.

                        it's my theory


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                          Are those plug resistors carbon?

                          I think the resistance is there mainly so that when the diode is switched, the HV just seeks a speck of conductivity to ground...just the bare minimum to allow the HV to jump...while restricting current.

                          Knowing the resistance between the LV tip and the LV rod on the other side of the resistor would be nice. It might be in Peter's book or the Patents but I don't recall off hand.

                          Hi Aaron,

                          due to this thread and the "water spark" thread, and energetics, and overunity, and OUPower, and..., I now see or look at 'electrics' in a complete different way than before. Thanks for all posters here, still involved or in absence!

                          Don't know the real stuff of a plug resistor, but it has to keep resistance and shape up for high temperatures. And the one (my one) in the picture was hard, temper and brittle.

                          So, yes as you ask, Aaron, I only see EVGray's carbon in the LV rod as a resistance. And I didn't knew it untill now! My eyes have read "Carbon", my mind did say "Resistor".

                          But even now my mind understands "carbon", I know it must be resistance. But I can be wrong.

                          Best regards


                          • #73
                            Thanks Aaron,

                            we can do anything by properly identifying the different types of radiant waves and the gaseous properties of crashing the HV pulse into another friend. This means lightning should be a magnetocurrent too and you could use the PM as a battery.

                            Now I am 100% convinced that the Meyer cell is also a magnetocurrent, but more symmetrical design, than the Gray tube(no HV-LV anodes, instead HV-HV but less help from the diode), especially the steam resonator gives us all the right answers.

                            Probably here is the key to produce oxygen and other substances by implosion fusion. Remember Tesla called sparks wasteful, the key is to magnify the magnetocurrent silently with no wasting I believe. Microspheres should do it but I may be wrong as usual.

                            What is the gap distance between the LV-HV anode in the tube. Has anyone seen the microfusion reactor by a carbon rod? Tesla proposed carbon as the best radiant charge receiver I believe.

                            Take care and well done everybody in here, we are doing massive progress I believe. Just keep working and soon massive results will follow.


                            • #74
                              Bearden Magnetics

                              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                              You are right! Except ... credit belongs to Tom Bearden, who first told us about hidden magnetic potential which is sometimes released from electric circuit.
                              Interesting Bogus!

                              I wasn't familiar with Bearden talking about the magnetic potential. Does he mention it in terms of literal magnetic current that can flow over a wire?
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #75

                                I beleive the resistor is there to introduce a diefference in relaxation time, thus in effect creating an asymetry with respect to time. Nature should move in an try to fill the difference and in the process absord energy from the surrounding. I will be honest thogh I do not have experimental evidence as of yet.

