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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
    @ Electrotek:
    I'm interested in the black spark
    Can you see it in total darkness ?
    And what about red ?

    Thanks for sharing,
    great work !
    The black spark is Dark Energy and isn't visible in the dark. This isn't my circuit, it's something I saw on the Internet, but neglected to bookmark. I did see how it works, and it has a tuning fork with special ratios. A row of 10 small shallow holes face each other, on the insides of the tines. These holes have random CNC depths, with the sequence reversed from one side to the other. The Tesla coil spark hitting the phase conjugate resonator was pure black, going back to source as well as the reflecting branches. Dark Energy forms across a depression, as a continuity of the surface.

    A red spark can be produced by adding a hydrocarbon, or ammonia, to a biphasic spark. Or add a strontium salt. With pure electricity, power the transformer with an inverter which in turn is powered at a substandard, barely adequate voltage.

    Martin: A sketch isn't really needed. Just look inside the tube and see which pin goes to the very center, to the filament. Hook the battery negative there, with the positive to the grid. I just verified that the transformer can actually go to either end of the filament, since the grid is the filament's output connection. The grid then modulates the HV current through the tube, inverting the input signal. The jumper wire clips to the HV input and arcs to the output arc from the tube's top hat electrode back to the transformer. I'm using a #10 wire here, which heats up enough to melt its insulation after several seconds, while the other two, smaller, wires only get warm.

    I'm really interested in your green spark with red in the middle, since this may relate to Alcubierre's Warp Drive equation, on the negative side. I'll check into to your setup.

    Aaron: The longitudinal energy is in my spark only, where the two phases interact. But you're right, the spark does have an affinity for right angle bends, although there is also some gentle deviations from a straight line.


    • To all

      This is my third post. I will attempt to summarise 20 plus years of experimentation into the next 3 postings.

      Having seen the energy in that brass bushing ( see my previous posting 724 ) I started looking for ways to create it experimentally. My first effort was to put a short length of copper water pipe over a car ignition lead. There was voltage there but only in volts not hundred of volts and it was only micro amps as shown on a scope trace. My next try was with a bare wire in a copper tube ( First CSET.JPG ) this worked a little better but care was needed to avoid a belt off the HT lead.

      Later on I owned a company contracting into the Oil industry and occasionally had time for self experimentation. I built up a simple test rig of a Microwave Oven Transformer (MOT), single diode and a capacitor all acquired from the once working family Microwave. The crude CSET was just a length of copper water pipe 34mm OD by 250mm long, the central conductor was copper wire 1.5mm Dia and the load, a MOT cut in half with a aluminium plate resting on the open ends of the transformer laminations. Initially I was just operating a flash switch by hand but did not see any large voltage gains on the outer copper tube. The setup I was using was only giving half wave rectification so I sourced 3 more diode to make a full wave bridge rectifier.

      Continuing to use a flash switch was getting rather dangerous so I designed a make once only contact switch. This was essentially 2 meters of 20 mm bore clear plastic tube mounted vertically with access holes cut where I could drop a 13mm Dia ball bearing down. The bottom of the tube was some 200mm above the floor. Mounted on the bottom end of the tube was 2 sections of copper braid to make contact with the falling ball bearing. One side went to the copper wire through the center of the CSET the other went to ground.

      Initial experiments showed something developing on the CSET outer tube, causing enough interest for me to continue experimentation. Dropping the ball bearing from anything over 1 meter caused the aluminium to twitch and rattle. The working voltage of the MOT was 240v input 2350v output and I had modified the output to isolate it from the transformer laminations. For my safety I was using an isolation transformer for the 240v power and every thing was on a plastic garden table.

      One day I set everything up as described above and dropped the ball bearing from the top of the 2meter plastic tube after a couple of attempts to get the right contact between the copper braid and the ball bearing.

      Then it happen a CSET flash over.

      The result was spectacular. The aluminium plate launched upward the capacitor split open the diode disintegrated ( all that was left was the 2 bits of wire ) the MOT was a smoking mess and the isolating transformer was no more. We still had mains electricity but the earth leakage trip had worked. Coincidental to this I felt like I had been hit by thousands of rubber bands fired by mischievous children.

      After a time of contemplation !!!! I felt further experimentation was a little dangerous but that I had found something.

      Summarizing; the extremely short time of the electrical contact with the ball bearing had caused something to happen that was uncontrollable and dangerous. Safety was needed so I designed the safety spark gap as shown in the picture.( safety spark gap.JPG ) to go on the HV side of the CSET to protect the capacitor and Diodes. The second spark gap was originally used across the replacement MOT.

      About this time my health started to fail, this resulted in having to close up the contracting business and stop experimenting. Eventually I was diagnosed as having critical Mercury poisoning from my dental fillings.

      My next posting will be of my third CSET the design of which was influenced by the publication of P Lindemann’s book “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” and finding the patents of Edwin Gray.
      Attached Files
      Walter Marshall, one of the pioneers of Nuclear energy in the 1950's United Kingdom, told Britons it would provide energy "too cheap to meter". I want to produce CLEAN energy "too cheap to meter" in the 2000's.


      • freeukpower,
        Waiting for the rest of story. But it sure sounds very interesting.


        • same here i am listening


          • Sometimes I wonder if everyone's (including myself) is attacking this whole gray's replication backwards and that's why we're having so much difficulty getting the results out of this circuit. If memory serves, Gray started out with a small cold electric power supply that would work with incandescent bulbs as well as florescent tubes without getting shocked. From what Ive read on cold electric, it actually does not even touch the wire. It rides around the wire kinda like a magnetic train floats above the rails. That's probably why it is faster than light and cold (no friction).

            I think Bedini even said that the Gray motor didn't need the tube to run and from what Ive read from McKay, it sounds like the earlier motor's out performed the later versions. Maybe because of going to solid state? Anyway, I think that Gray started using the tube in the later versions of the motor, possibly to try to regain some of the power that was lost from the previous versions of the motor/power supply?

            I think by thinking in the mindset of "cold electric" it would be a lot easier to explain how the power is collected by the tubes since the current travels on the outside of the conductor. I'm starting to think his tube was more of an amplifier of sorts for the cold electric and possibly not a source for it?

            Also, this last post from freeukpower may support this also. If you notice, he got the same sensations that Tesla speaks of (pins, needles) coming from his Tesla coil (radiant). That's also when the aluminum flew off the transformer core. Tesla also said that there are very specific conditions that have to be met before this effect will happen and I'm not so sure I or others shouldnt be looking more closely at Gray's little box.

            Just some food for thought...

            However, freeukpower, I think you have truly replicated the Tesla Radiant energy pulse somehow. In all of my "sparking" experiments, I can say Ive not experienced this needle sensation and am dying to hear your next story!! I really think that if we can get a supply to consistently give this effect, we'll really have what we're all looking for
            Last edited by martin; 02-19-2009, 11:13 PM.


            • Freeukpower, thank you for your story
              Can you maybe post a simple schematic drawing that you used in that test when everything just went bye bye?
              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


              • Electrotek, thanks for explaining that. I'll see if I have one of those tubes around and see what it'll do!


                • Glad to hear it. Incidentally, it's just like my diode T-tap, except the tube has the capacitance built-in, in the form of the anode cylinder. Or cathode cylinder, depending on how you hook it up. It's the Magic Tube!


                  • freeukpower,
                    Do you remember capacitance of your cap?
                    Can anybody draw or show me magnified capacitance discharge spike? (I mean osciloscope presentation)
                    Looks like, the secret of this energy burst is in braking capacitor discharge somewhere in the middle.
                    Last edited by mlurye; 02-20-2009, 03:00 AM.


                    • Black Spark

                      Martin: Here's one of my pictures which contains a black spark. You may have to download it and open it with Windblows Picture and Fax Viewer, or some other Microsuck App which allows you to enlarge the photo to see the black.


                      • Gray tube healing machine

                        Originally posted by martin View Post
                        Yes, that is the video that I made. Unfortunately, the colors on the sparks are very difficult to see in the video.

                        Aaron, I am very interested in the healing machine that you built. I have a sister that has muscular dystrophe and several other problems for which there is no known cure. Do you have any drawings/plans for this?
                        The circuit is proprietary but there are other options that I think would be more effective for md. It is like the Gray circuit but is powered from the earth and atmosphere.

                        You can ask in the EPFX forum here if there are any practitioners that have experience with clients that have md.

                        A custom PATHS module could be made for it based on the understanding of what causes it but no guarantee since there hasn't been any tests with this that I know of.

                        You could start a thread in the health forum about md and ask if anyone knows of anything helpful for that specifically. There might even be some conventional things that are helpful but might not be very well known.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Thanks for the thoughts Aaron. I actually thought about a Lakhovsky MWO but when it comes to loved ones, it's really touchy because you obviously dont want to make things any worse. I just thought that since there was no current it would be the closest thing to true natural radiant energy.

                          On a lighter note..

                          Electrotek, cool pic. I blew it up and really not sure what Im looking for since Ive never seen a black spark. Soo Coool. I'm not sure if I see it or not. When I blow this pic up, it's granulated. Would you happen to have a higher res. pic?

                          mlurye, I think that is one of the criteria of the tesla radiant pulse is being able to quench the spark sharply. I think Aaron's diode mod does this well. I looked at a pic of JB discharging a cap filled with Radiant energy (just so happens to be green like Aaron's spark) it show's the radiant energy blasting first an then you see conventional current sparks. My question is has anyone else been able to store this radiant energy in a cap like this? If so, we need to know how because if you can discharge this through the Gray tube,
                          Last edited by martin; 02-20-2009, 03:55 AM.


                          • @martin Yes Aarons schema does it and at the same moment it doesn't.

                            But I found different use for Aarons balloon theory. I will try to explain it based on Gray's schema. When commutator getting connected it is causing Cap 16 initiate discharge to the LV rode. And diode 28 almost immediately is getting shut. And it is causing abrupt stop of discharge. And then In HV rod we are getting build up of electron pressure, it's like you are stopping train full speed. (There is no spark to the grid and cap 16 is still pushing energy and it cannot go back). As result we are getting some kind of explosion (balloon explosion) inside of HV rod. And it creates very powerful longitudial wave (or something that creates lots of excessive energy).

                            P.S. is 28 in actual is HIGH VOLTAGE THYRATRON TUBE?
                            Last edited by mlurye; 02-20-2009, 12:20 PM.


                            • I have heard many speculate that 28 is a thyratron tube. Your theory is one I have considered as well. I think this is what happened in freeukpower's circuit. I have had somewhat similar results, but not nearly as pronounced as his. I cant figure out why it takes so many tries to get this to fire correctly. I realize everything has to be exactly right, but what is the "right" that takes so many times to get. Is it it spark timing? Spark duration? Capacitor charge? What's off when it doesn't fire? Are the caps having to get charged with radiant energy before they fire? This is why I think a radiant supply would make this work much better. But who knows.
                              Last edited by martin; 02-20-2009, 10:48 PM.


                              • I found one very interesting schema on the net. Here it is
                                Check it out and compare it to Gray's schema. Does anybody notice something common between 2?

                                Schema explanations are here Rapp-Instruments "Spule mit Wasserstoff Thyratron" in german.
                                Last edited by mlurye; 02-21-2009, 12:01 AM.

