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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by martin View Post
    Yes, that is the video that I made. Unfortunately, the colors on the sparks are very difficult to see in the video.

    Aaron, I am very interested in the healing machine that you built. I have a sister that has muscular dystrophe and several other problems for which there is no known cure. Do you have any drawings/plans for this?
    Your video is great, but for those of us who are trying to follow along and replicate, could you make us a schematic of your circuit with supply voltages and component values? I know it's a pretty simple circuit, but it's not that easy trying to combine the video images with the limited description in your posts. Many thanks.


    • Certainly, I'll see if I can find a schematic program and draw it up.


      • This is it. I hope someone can explain what it's doing.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by martin; 02-21-2009, 03:06 AM.


        • Martin's sparks

          Originally posted by martin View Post
          This is it. I hope someone can explain what it's doing.
          That's even simpler than I thought... but that's a good thing. It's very similar to my spark-maker, but I haven't looked at the effect of an earth ground.

          Your carbon resistor isn't shown in your schematic. Is that on the LV side of the spark gap? Do you find is changes the spark at all?

          I have my sparks pulsing at 100Hz, but I'm now trying to get a repeatable plasma effect.

          Thanks for contributing to this group.


          • For some reason, the wrong schematic went. Ive sent the right one now. The carbon resistor made no difference. It originally was in the negative path going to the laser supply.


            • Here is how Tesla impulse driver that I found would work with Gray’s tube. It would produce short HV impulses just the way Aaron described it. And it perfectly fits in driving circuit of Grays motor.
              Thyratron is the same diode just with more flexibility.
              Attached Files


              • Originally posted by freeukpower View Post
                This is my first posting to this group.
                I stumbled across it before Christmas and it has taken until now to read all the posts.

                Congratulations to “Aaron” “boguslaw” and “mlurye” for seeing through the Bull SH*T that abounds surrounding the Gray motor.

                From having built some seven CSET tubes I can categorically state that the “MAGIC” is in the tube and it is totally defined by TESLA’s theories.

                In post 500 by “Spokanel1” he makes the statement that Gray was no expert on electronics or much else other than metal bashing. Perhaps the lack of development and investment was due to potential investors not being impressed with the technical team they were being asked to support OR was it because Gray and associates could not make Tesla technology work?

                To move things onward all involved in this group need to understand Tesla. The secret if there is one to getting the energy is the CSET not the motor, any brush / commutator motor will work . The CSET needs feeding with High Voltage pure DC pulses of as short a duration as can be produced.

                Where Gray and associates failed with the CSET was not being able to get the power pulse short enough to reliably power the out put grids. One thing I have learned the hard and expensive way is that modern electronics fry when you create the correct energy pulse, it’s similar to the EMP pulse from a Nuke going off. It has even killed my battery powered watch in it's metal case on one occasion. !!!!!!!

                Want to have unlimited Free Energy?

                Help to develop the shortest possible pulse on the LV side of the spark gap, any source of DC will work on the HV side provided it has storage capacitors
                I am starting to agree with this statement about shortest dc pulses. I believe this is probably why so many experimenters couldnt duplicate Tesla's precision work back in the 1800's and still today. The magic must be here. I think we need some discussion around developing the shortest dc pulse from the LV side


                • @mike

                  i like where your heading with that circuit


                  • hmm after researching grays vacuum triode symbol in the patent it appears to be a half wave amplifier symbol.

                    Interestly I have also discovered that that vacuum tube that Tesla apparently used in his pierce arrow was a 70L7-Gt which i also discovered is a half wave/beam power amplifier

                    This also fits in nicely with the comments on the EVA4 motor being more powerful as it was also using half wave rectification

                    So it appears that perhaps half wave rectification is definitely the go if any one is looking at vacuum triodes


                    • Here's an update on a new idea I had about the Tube. I looked at Gray's patent that shows the schematic of the floating flux field coil. I noticed that the motor windings are 90 degrees to the fff coil. Just out of curiosity, I wound 2 coils of wire around my cset tube (90 deg to the electrodes). One was clockwise 16 turns, the other counter clockwise 16 turns. Where the 2 coils meet in the middle of the tube, I connected those two ends to the cathode of the HV diode from the ignition coil. I tied the outer ends of the coils together and connected them to the charging capacitor. It not only raised the resonant frequency of the circuit to about 6 khz, but also doubled the output of the lamp attached to the cset. The spark gap actually hisses like Tesla says it should in some of his experiments. I get the normal 1 wire power transfer, but if I hook it up to the shield of a 50ft loop of RG6 coax I hung on the wall, it gets as bright as if you hooked it back to ground. I didnt think to try to adust the freq. while it was connected to the coax loop.

                      There is absolutely no arcing between the center electrodes and the grid. Getting the spark gap right is a real pain, but this is the most output that Ive ever been able to get out of the tube without any arcing to the grid.

                      Video is here:
                      YouTube - Gray Tube Floating Flux Field


                      • you may want to try using coax for your floating flux field. In my experiments it traps the radiant energy in the wire otherwise it dissipates. Well done!!

                        i suspect it it coax on the ema4 motor


                        • To all

                          This is my fourth post. Covering the experimentation immediately after the publication of P Lindemann’s book “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity”.

                          First of all in post 801 Jetis asked for a circuit diagram see (Second CSET circuit JPG) and mlurye asked the capacitance it was 1micro Farrad.

                          I got my copy of the book in early 2001 and read it in a day. Then using the web followed up on the Gray patents.

                          My third CSET was a direct effort of a replication of the Gray patent information. The only difference was that I had 2 brass bolts 8mm thread, the ends of which were inside the grids to create the spark gap. Around the bolts I had 4 copper grids that are removable so that I could easily change the spacing and configuration. As this CSET still exists I have tabulated the capacitance and dimensions
                          Total length of the grid is 113mm
                          Copper grid 1 to brass core 0.8 pF 25mm ID bore
                          Copper grid 2 to brass core 0.7 pF 33mm ID bore
                          Copper grid 3 to brass core 0.5 pF 39mm ID bore
                          Copper grid 4 to brass core 0.4 pF 52mm ID bore

                          For a power supply to use with this CSET I acquired a new Microwave Oven Transformer, full wave bridge diode rectifier, 1 micro Farrad capacitor and the all important safety spark gap. I was not able to repeat my previous energy explosion no matter what configuration of spark gap and grid configuration I used. In fact I was most disappointed with the fact that I was getting next to nothing out of the grids.

                          Searching on the web I came across a Yahoo group run by Al Francoeur. This group appeared to be having success in replicating the Gray CSET. All was progressing along well until Al Francoeur went to a “free energy conference” in the USA, with in days he had posted the following ***** ***** (which I strongly suggest you all read). Immediately he closed the Yahoo group which was disastrous, as the members lost both the history of experimentation and our ability to contact each other.

                          About this time P Lindemann was running a subscription list called The Radient News. In the May 2002 issue there was a report that on Monday, April 29th 2002 Mr. Magratten claimed to have developed a Radient event. I believe this is the same person who has posted other information on the web at about the same time. Not long after this news letter was closed.

                          My health had by now deteriorated to the extent that I had closed up the contracting company and given up the offices and workshops. During the subsequent moving of equipment the 2m tall vertical drop timing gate got fatally broken. I was not particularly bothered as I had other worries now and others looked to be progressing well with the replication.

                          Some time towards the end of 2005 I had restored some measure of health first by having all my Mercury amalgam tooth fillings removed coupled with a rigorous campaign to remove the free Mercury that had accumulated in my body. Starting return to normality I looked around on the web to find what had progressed with the Gray type technology. Despite the above people having posted positive information there looked to be nothing new.

                          I embarked on building a new CSET this time easier to configure and change. The main difference was to use 2 sparking plugs to create the spark gap in the CSET. If you look at the pictures the sparking plugs are mounted into a delrin body. One of the plugs has the HV rod attached, made out of 10mm OD copper water pipe. The collector grid (of which only a small portion now exists) is made from 33mm bore copper pipe. Having lost the 2m tall vertical drop timing gate I needed to make something else. The picture “Second timing switch.JPG” is a picture of the resulting design. Again it uses a ball bearing rolling down the incline to make the complete circuit of HV through the CSET to spark gap and then to earth through the switch. I have to report that I had little success in achieving any energy out of the CSET.

                          From my understanding of Tesla I felt the problem must be that the duration of the discharge must be too long. The other problem was that the ball bearing once it had made the contact was rolling away from the contacts with a spark trailing after it. This could only mean that I was not getting a sharp on and off pulse. Trying to work with lower voltages down to 1000v did not help at all, if anything it made the experiments less predictable.

                          My next posting will deal with my experiments with a CSET under high vacuum which did again show fantastic energy delivery.
                          Attached Files
                          Walter Marshall, one of the pioneers of Nuclear energy in the 1950's United Kingdom, told Britons it would provide energy "too cheap to meter". I want to produce CLEAN energy "too cheap to meter" in the 2000's.


                          • Great video !

                            Thanks Martin for sharing this important point

                            Does the Amperage on the power supply change when you connect the FFF, when the light become stronger ?
                            Is this FFF independent from the HV source?
                            Keep on the great work !


                            • Just stumbled upon these, hope all of you have them:Photographs of Edwin Gray Pulse motor


                              • Thank you freeukpower for your post and schematic
                                I guess that when your plastic tube was 2m long, the ball bearing had a lot of time to accelerate and gain speed. This way it hit the electrodes much faster and stronger, making a fast and strong contact. A question, did you use the rectifier negative as a ground or did you use a real earth ground? Also I see a problem in that schematic, because as the ball hits the electrodes, it discharges the cap, but is now also shorting the circuit out, so if your MOT is still runing at this time, ir can fry. Or did you just charge the cap fully with mains power, then disconnected the mains power and only then fired the cap? Or maybe you have a system where the ball bearing is just touching the electrodes when falling down, but the electrodes is just close enough to each other so that the ball bearing can fall through?
                                Anyway, excellent post. Can't wait for your progress
                                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

