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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by Ghst View Post
    I rebuilt my voltage chopper I'm using a small AC motor to drive a lobed wheel that is opening and closing automotive ignition points. I bought a new condenser, and set it all up. I can turn it by hand and get sparks to jump from the extended ignition coil shroud to the positive and negative connectors on the same coil about 3 to 4 inches. Any way the added power is helping the burst effect in the tube. I slipped a poly-grommet onto the high voltage rod and get two seperate bursts at one time.
    The one on the left is at the spark gap the othre is at the grommet. So you can induce multiple bursts at one time inside the CSET. But I have to find another material, A Later burst set the grommet on fire. I'm still tinkering!
    Ghst: I extended the shroud on my ignition coil with shipping tape, which is polypropylene, the best HV insulator around. I just bent a piece of #12 wire so it snaps down into the terminal, then taped it all around as far out as needed.

    Also, I'm finding out what you meant about swiping the trigger wire. Now that I've got a commutator set up with my motor, I can't always get it to trigger, unless I swipe the wire. Must be something to do with the resistance. I notice Gray often had a resister on his battery. May be how he was splitting the positive - the voltage drop across the resister, versus the other wire going straight to the post. For it to work, both branches have to balance.


    • Ghst: Remember Imris, with the optical generator? I googled him at the patent server (, and one of the things which came back was Pat. #3763632. This is a discharge electrode with metal washers sandwiched between dielectric spacers, all along the length, with everything as thin as possible. Congratulations on you discovery!


      • Chopper doing its thing

        Here is a photo of the new chopper "throwing a spark" motor is not running I'm hand turning the points rotor.

        Here is a long arc that found a hole in my shroud extension.
        I call that "current leakage"

        The chopper is a set of Chevy points and condenser. I am using a small AC motor to drive the lobed cam that opens and closes the points. The lobed cam is a plastic gear that I squared up and filed (rounded) the corners off so that when it rotates the rounded corners open the points. 4 times per revolution.I almost forgot. I'm getting these sparks from (one) 12VDC 7 amp hr. battery. It is a tiny little thing like a wheelchair battery.
        Last edited by Ghst; 03-19-2009, 02:14 AM.


        • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
          Exactly Raui, exactly. I think that voltage or rather potential are electrons in wave state. Moreover I state that Tesla knew about it, he knew also how to treat them to not cancel their potential by chaotic interference but create stationary wave between transmitter and receiver. Moreover Steven Mark realized that he can push a little so made stationary wave and it will rotate with incredible speed on closed conductor surface.

          Voltage *is* electrical potential. It is, however, not an object, a thing. You can't "grab" it, it doesn't have a shape or something. Take for example the "height" of a building, the "pressure" of the air around us or the speed of a moving object (like a car). You can measure them, they tell you something about physical objects. In this case about the building, about the "amount of" air around us or about the movement of an object, but they are not "things" themselves.

          So, potential or voltage, is not a wave or anything that has some kind of physical shape. It basically tells something about a "thing" called "charge" that has some kind of influence at the point where you measure the voltage. Just like "air pressure" tells you something about how many air molecules are present in the neighbourhood of the point where you measure it, "voltage" basically tells you something about how many "charge" is present in the neighbourhood of the point you're measuring it.

          "Voltage" is very well comparable to "air pressure". If you put a molecule somewhere where the "air pressure" 10 cm to the left is less then the pressure 10 cm to the right, the molecule will start moving in the direction from the high pressure area to the low pressure area, it will move to the left.

          Similarly, if you put an electrical charged particle somewhere where there is less "voltage" 10 cm to the left and more "voltage" 10 cm to the right, the particle will move to the left.

          So: voltage is *not* an electron or a wave. It's just a value that tells you something *about* electrons, waves, etc.


          • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
            Ghst: Remember Imris, with the optical generator? I googled him at the patent server (, and one of the things which came back was Pat. #3763632. This is a discharge electrode with metal washers sandwiched between dielectric spacers, all along the length, with everything as thin as possible. Congratulations on you discovery!
            After reading the patent, It talks about corona glow from the electrode, This is what I could see around the poly grommet, right before the discharge occured. I think I may build another tube incorporating Imris's electrode on the high voltage electrode.


            • This is I think, the pre-glow (corona) from a "sticker" I bent down closer to the high voltage electrode from the mesh grid.This was one frame before the discharge.

              This is the large and brighter discharge also a double burst.

              I think I'm going to try for three or four.
              Last edited by Ghst; 03-20-2009, 12:55 AM.


              • Test With Small DC Motor

                I've been firing my capacitor circuit through a car battery without any noticeable damage. The battery is a deep discharge gel cell electric vehicle battery. When the polarity is right, the battery's voltage actually goes up a little after setting for a few hours, with only a few discharges. So I decided to take a chance and fire the circuit through a small DC motor. I chose one of my 1 1/2 HP tread mill motors, saving the bigger one in case of a mishap. This one is rated at 100V DC, although it runs on less, depending on the speed. And I can tell it has magnets in it because I can feel them as I turn the shaft.

                When I discharged the puff spark through the motor, the flywheel jumped a small angle, then bounced back. Reversing the polarity of the motor wires reverses the direction of the bounce and bounce back. Then I hooked the battery up in series with the motor wires and the capacitor circuit. This time, the flywheel advanced a little, then stopped. Reversing the motor wires, I got the same thing in the other direction. As a control for the test, I also tried tapping the motor wire directly on the battery terminal, without the capacitor circuit. Sometimes I could get the flywheel to barely turn, but only a tiny bit.

                So having a battery in the circuit definitely produces a different effect than just a capacitive discharge.

                As always, if I pull the plug on the NST at just the right instant, there's no residual charge left in the cap. Later, I'll test the battery circuit using my puff tube with its surrounding coil, to see what effect a shorter pulse has.


                • Does the tube have to be enclosed for even minimal effects? I have made a tube but I have nothing to really enclose it in without being able to see whats going on in the tube.

                  Scribd account;


                  • Raui
                    Does the tube have to be enclosed for even minimal effects? I have made a tube but I have nothing to really enclose it in without being able to see whats going on in the tube.
                    I have used any clear container available. Shampoo bottles, spice bottles, if your CSET is very large you can cut and splice two same diameter bottles to extend the length or use a clear liter soda bottle. If you want a decent fit you can even shrink thin clear plastic bottles to fit, providing you don't have to shrink it to much .Use a hair drier and work carefully. (A lot of clear plastic bottles act like heat shrink tubing). As the bottle shrinks it will thicken and become stiffer.


                    • @Boguslaw:

                      I've been thinking about your idea that the grids are Tesla style pancake coils. If the CSET is a radiant energy device, rather than just a switch, you may have a valid idea. The reason Tesla invented and used his special coil is that a bifilar coil can both produce and receive radiant energy. Which, in this case, may be the same thing as a longitudinal pulse. Although some pictures of the CSET show the grids as made from a mesh material, this can still be configured to be equivalent to a bifilar coil, depending on the connection pattern at each end of the grids.

                      Also, your idea that Gray's motor may have been a high frequency system is very interesting. Here's a related link, showing a high frequency discharge:

                      The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library

                      This effect is produced using Tesla's multi disc spark gap. This component not only produces the high frequency, it also aids in the spark quenching. Beshires1 discovered a real easy way to make this segmented gap, using the copper pads around the holes in a prototyping circuit board. Have you, or anyone, experimented with this? I'm thinking that a protoboard strip could be placed in series (edit: I mean in parallel) with the LV diode, to both initiate and quench the arc between the rods, giving it a high frequency.
                      Last edited by Electrotek; 03-22-2009, 05:26 PM.


                      • Amazing website !

                        Thanks Electrotek for this link with dozens of experiments and hundreds of pictures on spark gap, coil and other material
                        This guy is working hard to investigate !


                        • Electrotek said:
                          This effect is produced using Tesla's multi disc spark gap. This component not only produces the high frequency, it also aids in the spark quenching. Beshires1 discovered a real easy way to make this segmented gap, using the copper pads around the holes in a prototyping circuit board. Have you, or anyone, experimented with this? I'm thinking that a protoboard strip could be placed in series (edit: I mean in parallel) with the LV diode, to both initiate and quench the arc between the rods, giving it a high frequency.
                          I have a small piece of proto board, so I think it will be easy to setup a experiment. I'll get right on it. I'll let you know what happens!


                          • Longitudinal Force From Battery Ions?

                            I redid my test with the car battery in series with my capacitor circuit, and the results were still the same. Without the battery, the flywheel turns a little, then bounces back. With the battery, the flywheel turns a little, then stops. This time I also tried an extra test. Leaving the motor wires connected the same way, I reversed the polarity of the battery. This did not change the direction of the flywheel's advance. And it still prevented the bounce back. Now I'm wondering why the presence of the battery in the circuit produces this effect. I have a tentative theory that the battery's ions may be converting the discharge pulse to a longitudinal effect.

                            This theory is based on an observation I made while playing with my MegaZooka air ring blaster. When I fill this up with cigar smoke, it shoots really nice smoke rings, about 10" in diameter. At one point, I noticed a spider on its web just inside the window of my storage van, so I thought I'd shoot a smoke ring at it and see what it did. When the smoke ring hit the glass it stopped, but some kind of turbulence subsequently passed through the web anyway. The timing made it look like the smoke ring had gone through the glass, then the web. I've previously determined that at least some of the cigar smoke is charged and it appeared as if the longitudinal movement of this charge produced a force which continued on, even when the charge was stopped.

                            Correlating this with the battery, I can see that the HV pulse will cause the electrolyte ions to move. When these ions impact the internal electrodes and stop, a longitudinal force may continue on, conducted by the circuit. This force overcomes the repulsion from the motor's next magnet pole, preventing the fylwheel's bounce back.

                            I wonder if anyone is going to buy this idea?


                            • My tube

                              Just thought Id drop a line or two. Ive been pretty busy trying to machine a half-way accurate tube like Gray had. Here it is so far. Cant wait to build the rest of the circuit to see what happens!

                              Electrotek, did you say the battery actually charges a couple of hours after you pulsed it?
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by martin; 03-23-2009, 02:08 AM.


                              • I affixed a stand to a piece of proto board so it would stand on edge. Then I wired to the blank board, just as if it were a CSET. I will go into details later. the results were astounding! Here is the first photo of a proto board burst.
                                Now for the eye candy. Grey said he was recreating lightening, well those fast spark pulses as the HV crackled across that board did it!
                                Have a look at this!
                                It kinda looks like a plasma worm.
                                Last edited by Ghst; 03-23-2009, 03:32 AM.

