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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Ghst I have nothing to prove to you.

    All I was doing was pointing you in the direction you should be going because you are of course in the Gray tube thread. I gave you the link, use it or not but I think you need to know whats going on behind the sceens which obviously you choose to stay uninformed about. So be it. But I would suggest if you have no plans to replicate the tube as did Gray you should back out of the Gray tube replication thread and make your own thread that has nothing to do with his system. As for put up or shut up. I'll take the shut up because you are not trying to do a Gray tube replication as you said.
    Mr Gray knew way more then anyone else that his system was in fact a resonate system. The proof comes from the fact that he could channel way more energy in his system then you could generate from that cap of yours.
    I am sorry that instead of being an experimentor and trying what others suggest you instead are doing "Your" own thing. Then like I said why do you need to be here then. Just experiment on your own terms and not report here what you have done because you don't post here to get any feed back at all. Rather you post here to say "See" this is not what the thread title is about, just my own take of something I noticed that I can't explain. Use Youtube my friend, why do you need us? Maybe we should just clap for you when you post and not say a word.
    Like I said Good luck in whatever you are doing it is definetely not what Gray was doing.
    Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-11-2009, 09:40 PM.


    • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post

      Mr Gray knew way more then anyone else that his system was in fact a resonate system.
      Dear Jbignes5,

      Resonance involves oscillation, and this we do not want in a straight one way DC discharge, like the one that is happening in the Gray tube.
      In fact, any oscillation should be avoided, as it destroyes the entire effect.
      There are two things that destroy the effect, one is oscillation, and the other is capacity.
      As you might know, these two go hand in hand, capacitance allows oscillation to pass, and then it wont be a one way discharge anymore.

      This problem is also seen in gas filled tubes where oscillation pre-ionizes the gas ,leaking energy and causing the tube to mis fire...
      It makes the discharge instable and dirty.

      All oscillations and capacity should therefore be avoided so it is indeed a quick one- way clean discharge.

      But offcource i cannot tell anybody what to do, or how to do it, all i know is if they really want it, they will find out eventually, mostly by trial and error....



      • pulsing....

        Pulsing is a frequency and so is the chopper that he employs. Weather it is a square wave or sinual, either all + or all - it is all frequency. You are moving from one potential to another causing an ocillation that is time based. Try to have a look at the link I posted and give the observation that this guy had about experiments that have been already replicated a chance to disuade any thought about what is going on. It shows that every circuit that has an inductor, capacitor and resistor is a resonate circuit and that is properly matched it will humm even scream. The scream is the resonance of the transformer. But I digress. Give the pdf a look and it will tell the tale. Whats the harm.
        If not then like I said I'll just shut up. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink.


        • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
          Pulsing is a frequency and so is the chopper that he employs. Weather it is a square wave or sinual, either all + or all - it is all frequency. You are moving from one potential to another causing an ocillation that is time based. Try to have a look at the link I posted and give the observation that this guy had about experiments that have been already replicated a chance to disuade any thought about what is going on. It shows that every circuit that has an inductor, capacitor and resistor is a resonate circuit and that is properly matched it will humm even scream. The scream is the resonance of the transformer. But I digress. Give the pdf a look and it will tell the tale. Whats the harm.
          If not then like I said I'll just shut up. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink.
          I have seen the document you mention a few times in the past, and i have also some friends who support the reactive power theory, the standing wave node and anti node theory, but they were unable to do sucessfull testing in this area for over twenty years.

          The chopper Gray used was only a means to charge the high voltage capacitor.
          This was an alternative to places where no direct high voltage was available, for example like in the portable units.
          The system itself, the tube, was according to some documents ,firing app. 5000 times a second and these were straight one way high voltage DC discharges.
          This system only works with one way discharges, if the reverse blocking mechanism is not working properly, the system will not function.
          Pulsing is a frequency, but it does not nessesarily involve resonance.
          Resonance is a property of a body to vibrate at it's greatest amplitude, given the least energy feedback to sustain this oscillation.
          I have never seen a resonant circuit oscillate indefenetly, without energy input.
          You will always have to put in a tiny amount of energy to keep it going.
          When you stop feeding energy, it will stop oscillating.



          • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
            Pulsing is a frequency and so is the chopper that he employs. Weather it is a square wave or sinual, either all + or all - it is all frequency. You are moving from one potential to another causing an ocillation that is time based. Try to have a look at the link I posted and give the observation that this guy had about experiments that have been already replicated a chance to disuade any thought about what is going on. It shows that every circuit that has an inductor, capacitor and resistor is a resonate circuit and that is properly matched it will humm even scream. The scream is the resonance of the transformer. But I digress. Give the pdf a look and it will tell the tale. Whats the harm.
            If not then like I said I'll just shut up. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink.
            I already have that pdf saved on my computer, along with the theories of countless others.The thing is if these theories were correct, then one of the countless persons working on this device would have already had a successful replication."Theory", is the same thing as "Speculating", which is another way of saying "I think". If a Theory is proven then its no longer a Theory, but a fact. The theory would be labeled as instructions on how to preform a certain act, if the author actually preforms what he has written and knows for a fact that it works. So like I said before I also have my own thoughts, and speculations, and theories and just plain don't have time to explore everyone's theories along with my own. I am also free to use any bits and pieces of information that I might find on my own or suggested from the many knowledgeable and friendly people here. you came on strong telling me that I am wrong and that I should do things this way, without a attempt at a replication yourself to show me where I went wrong? You get more peoples attention around here, producing fact. If I tell you I am this far along then you'll probably want to see for yourself, But with YouTube I can not only tell you where I'm at but I can also show you. What I am doing is fun for me and I enjoy sharing my videos with everyone. Oh I'm in the right thread, I feel as if I have been here from the start of it so I'm staying. If you feel I should do something different then by all means make a suggestion but don't demand it. As far as the PDF and what not you find, its a good bet that most of us here have all ready seen and read them. But don't let that stop you from posting them, Sometimes a new one may pop up. You are correct you can lead a horse to water, but... you can't lead a mule, if he doesn't want to go!
            Last edited by Ghst; 06-12-2009, 03:12 AM.


            • Working Gray motor?

              Recently I was sent a link to these "u"tube videos they were posted by "magdude1979"

              While they are interesting in what they show they do lack confirmed details, BUT and it is a big but the vids show a working spark tube as the energy source.

              YouTube - EV GRAY Pulse Motor (Experiment #1)
              YouTube - EV GRAY Pulse Motor (Experiment # 0.5)

              Gives us all hope that one day we will crack the problem
              Walter Marshall, one of the pioneers of Nuclear energy in the 1950's United Kingdom, told Britons it would provide energy "too cheap to meter". I want to produce CLEAN energy "too cheap to meter" in the 2000's.


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                What you have done is 100% identical in concept to what I have showed over and over. Congratulations but it appears nobody is able to recognize this fact and you never responded to me in this thread in my responses to you in the past about what you were trying to do.

                I gave the parameters required for the effect and you are sticking to it even if you have your cap charged through the LV rod. It doesn't matter.

                To get what you showed, you don't even need the tube and you don't need the grids, you only need 3 simple points spaced as you described, which is what I have also described multiple times. With the tube, it may or may not be stronger but is certainly not required to do it.

                If you want to see what your cap is really doing, you must scope the discharge time. That will tell you everything you need to know.

                You may think you need magnetizing "current" to charge those coils but keep in mind, there is more than one type of current that can charge a coil with a magnetic field. One is hot and one is cold. One is "electron" current and one is a pure magnetic current.

                If you look at a scope shot, you'll know what you have.
                HTML Code:
                What you have done is 100% identical in concept to what I have showed over and over. Congratulations but it appears nobody is able to recognize this fact and you never responded to me in this thread in my responses to you in the past about what you were trying to do.
                Yes, this is correct, I took your basic concept and tweeked it a little. Adding an idea suggested I try from Electrotek, who suggested Beshires1's proto board . From there things were off and running. Sorry I never responded , when things happen fast I tend to lose track of other things to do. Even this post of yours wasn't seen by me until today. It almost was missed entirely.

                To get what you showed, you don't even need the tube and you don't need the grids, you only need 3 simple points spaced as you described, which is what I have also described multiple times. With the tube, it may or may not be stronger but is certainly not required to do it.
                This is also correct. I have got the effect from a jacobs ladder setup. The effect is stunning!
                What I'm doing is trying to replicate Greys system. Not Duplicate. As most of us here know, trying to duplicate Greys system from his patent drawings, have left many experimenters frustrated, and many have given up. Its hard to duplicate something from information given from a man who clearly didn't want anyone to duplicate it. But from the available information gathered, one can try to replicate his results. Also I don't have a scope so I cannot "see" what is actually happening, voltages, spikes, and whatever. The device I have built is so easy and simple "even a caveman, can do it" (I could not resist that line) I am having to rely upon visuals, meter readings and other aids in determining what the effect is doing.
                The Jar setup looks nice, and is easy to build. Now I'm going to install a collection grid, that no HV jumps to to see if I can capture any energy from those massive discharges.


                • Nope not even close here is a definition of terms in case you missed it in high school.
                  Replication ->One of the main principles of the scientific method, a.k.a. reproducibility.
                  Duplication ->exact copy.
                  They are one in the same. The one reason that many have failed is because of the exact same reason you have failed. No one even thinks about the whole system they take one aspect and say they are replicating it. Fine but the system doesn't work that way it is a harmony that take very long time to adjust to resonance. Obviously you have no idea what Gray was doing seeing the fact that you can't even spell his name right or even get the terms correct for what you are doing which is to replicate what he did. No one was Telling you to do what I said. I only gave advice which you don't want, fine. But don't twist words to justify what you are not doing which is the replication of the Gray tube. If you have read the pdf then you would have understood that resonance in these type of systems is a quest in itself. All to many times people try to reproduce this and that but then say it isn't possible because the Gray system was just that! It worked as one unit Each piece was a part of a whole system that when operating channeled more energy then you could handle. In fact Grays own words were we are trying to create lightning. Would you care to guess the power contained in a single lightning bolt?
                  From an experimentors view what would you have done with the massive energy that would have come if the tube was correct? You have no outlet for such power. And trust me if you do manage to replicate the tube or the event that would probably be you last experiment you ever did, Poof! Grays tube was a small part of what he discovered. And it work in harmony with all the other parts including a way to utilize the generated power once it was attained. Resonance is not easy to attain and having more then one part of the system resonance would be even harder to attain. In all the experiments after Gray not one thought about the whole or even 1 thought that resonance had 1 bit to do with it, thats why they failed. And thats why you will never see anything on the order of magnitude Gray did. None the less Gray had many many Tools to monitor and adjust his outcome of which you said you are going from sight. How hard do you think it would be to time a cars ignition without a timing gun? Down right impossible. Sure you might get lucky but then what? What do you do with megawatts or even gigawatts of power that would come?
                  And thats where I will end this if you want to build the abomb then go ahead not knowing what effects you are generating will do just that. Using such high voltage can bring some very unwanted results in such a way that can cook your very body. Ever heard of Gamma rays, x-rays to name a few. Both of which could fry you in an instant. So you keep poking around in areas that even our own scientists put up protection shielding for. Even Tesla knew the importance of protecting ones self when going into unknown territory of High voltage and frequency. When you have no way to control or monitor what you are releasing it can get deadly. So have at it. Don't say I didn't warn you.
                  Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-12-2009, 04:13 PM.


                  • Hi Guy's

                    I am wondering if there is something like a ingnore button on this board?
                    Just so one does not have to read the crap some people are polluting the thread with?
                    I sometimes even believe they are dis-info agents hired to do that

                    Anyway i have made some illustrations as to give people a better visual look on about what happens between the electrodes, when oscillation is present, and what happens when it is fed strictly DC.
                    I do hope it will make a bit more clear what i was talking about yesterday.

                    Attached Files


                    • I am wondering if there is something like a ingnore button on this board?
                      Just so one does not have to read the crap some people are polluting the thread with?
                      I sometimes even believe they are dis-info agents hired to do that
                      I'm trying to ignore him, I will not respond to his childish actions. Let the wind blow itself out. He's runnin on his own stupidity and someone elts's unproven theory.


                      • I just read somebody having no scope.
                        I know what it is like because i once too had no equipment to visualize what was happening.
                        Along the road i have bought some stuff that makes it easier.
                        But this does not mean it cannot be done without this sometimes expensive equipment.

                        I like especially the "caveman idea".
                        So i have quickly drawn another image that can be explored without a scope.
                        It is very simple, and it immitates what i have been talking about yesterday and today.
                        The voltages are less, but you can scale it up ,please be carefull
                        A bleeding resistor on C2 can come in handy (1m to 100k), although it does not take too much time for C2 to leak empty, before it can be fired again.
                        Also it is possible to replace S1 with a small neon bulb, then the system can pulsate and blink the neon for a very long time.
                        I have to say it get's more intresting when voltage goes way up, but if you are not used to work with high voltage, be carefull.

                        C2 immitates the capacity of the Cset and you can use other values to see what happens, which is quite similar to changing the distance and size of the Conversion Grids, and so now you can see how this can affect timing etc.

                        Have fun

                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by Marcoz View Post

                          I just read somebody having no scope.
                          In that case, you might want to take a look at this thread:

                          Bear in mind though that sound cards do *not* like being fed with sparks, not even if that happens by accident. I speak out of experience. on this one....


                          • Originally posted by Marcoz View Post
                            Anyway i have made some illustrations as to give people a better visual look on about what happens between the electrodes, when oscillation is present, and what happens when it is fed strictly DC.
                            I do hope it will make a bit more clear what i was talking about yesterday.
                            Hi Marcoz,

                            Nice pictures!

                            However, I think the effect we're after has to do with harnessing radiant energy, just using a different way Bedini is doing. And radiant energy is a totally different beast then ordinary electricity.

                            As far as I understand, it is the electric field itself, which travels at the speed of light and is probably the actual cause of electric currents. On one hand, it appears to behave like a very thin film of water flowing around matter, and on the other hand, it appears to be able to spread out into space.

                            So, when you put a spike on a wire or a rod (like BEMF coming from a coil), you first get the electric field to expand just outside your circuit, apparantly staying very close to matter, and then the electrons inside arrange themselves according to the field that is present outside the circuit, which on
                            its turn creates a repelling electric field, much like the "back EMF" you get from a collapsing magnetic field.

                            This is the view I got after studying the papers by Eric Dollard, which are a very good introduction IMHO, even though there appear to be some errors in some formulas, IIRC. Eric Dollard appears to be about the only person that was capable of replicating most of Tesla's experiments:
                            Eric Dollard Notes (1986--1991)

                            Based on this, I don't think oscillations are the key. Radiant energy is all about pulsed DC with sharp gradients, *not* harmonic oscillations.

                            Another paper that might be interesting is "ON LIGHT AND OTHER HIGH FREQUENCY PHENOMENA" by Nikola Tesla from 1893(!). Really nice to read his almost philosophical introduction about the human eye, but there's more interesting things.

                            First of all, he talks about how he uses spark gaps and mentions what carbon is used for:

                            "When the current through the gap is comparatively large, it is of advantage to slip on the points of the discharge rods pieces of very hard carbon and let the arc play between the carbon pieces. This preserves the rods, and besides has the advantage of keeping the air space hotter, as the heat is not conducted away as quickly through the carbons, and the result is that a smaller E. M. F. in the arc gap is required to maintain a succession of discharges."

                            What he describes about the use of spark gaps is how to create high voltage, high frequency DC pulses. Therefore, I think you can replicate the Gray tube without any spark gaps at all using modern semiconductors, which after all were not exactly readily available in the time of Tesla, which is supposedly the basis of Gray's work.

                            However, this is just an opinion....


                            • Originally posted by freeukpower View Post
                              Recently I was sent a link to these "u"tube videos they were posted by "magdude1979"

                              While they are interesting in what they show they do lack confirmed details, BUT and it is a big but the vids show a working spark tube as the energy source.

                              YouTube - EV GRAY Pulse Motor (Experiment #1)
                              YouTube - EV GRAY Pulse Motor (Experiment # 0.5)

                              Gives us all hope that one day we will crack the problem
                              The thing I find encouraging about magdude's presentation is that at least some of the sparks in his Tube are coming out through the holes. This means that the electron cascade in oxygen associated with the puff spark expansion can also be captured by an additional grid, increasing the output.


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