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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Gray circuit replication attempt comments

    Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
    The thing I find encouraging about magdude's presentation is that at least some of the sparks in his Tube are coming out through the holes. This means that the electron cascade in oxygen associated with the puff spark expansion can also be captured by an additional grid, increasing the output.
    Magdude has the effect and Magdude confirmed that the effect I showed is the same effect he figured out. So, Mlurye and Ghst may be the only other ones that have ever shown it. 4 people and I may be missing someone.

    I'm surprised that there aren't more attempts because it is the only thing that has showed promise as being able to power a coil and it is powering a coil in an unconventional way.

    Anyone that questions if it is just a simple cap discharge hasn't done the experiments and should just do them to find out. I have done countless tests with just this concept of comparing it to a typical cap discharge and there are huge differences.

    A regular cap (charged to same amount) and dumped into identical coil charges MUCH MUCH SLOWER and the magnetic field appears to be spread over more area around the coil. Maybe because it is slow enough to feel it.

    The "effect" charges the coil exponentionally faster and the magnetic field is so sharp and abrupt that is appears to only have a useful punch over the area of the core - so therefore, opposing coils which are intended to be repelled or attracted should have really good size cores in my opinion and if using magnets for attraction or repulsion should have magnets the same size as the shape of the core. It is compressing all that magnetic strength into one small blip of time and the benefits of time compression (impulse energy) is obvious - the power density goes through the roof.

    The difference is night and day and there is no question about it - it is anything but but a simple capacitor discharging into a coil.

    Is this "effect" exactly what Gray had? Nobody can prove this yet. However, to date, it is the only unconventional coil charging method that matches all the apparent criteria that Gray used.

    I'm not sure if anyone realizes it, yes Electrotek mentioned it once about changing the impedance in the coil, but when you take a cap and discharge it into an inductor in a few microseconds when it is should take a few hundred microseconds for the cap to discharge.... the resistance of the coil disappeared and the cap is discharging into a negative resistance zone that allows the capacitor to discharge without causing hot electron current from flowing in the opposite direction to give a magnetic is a cold magnetic current that charges the coil with all benefits of amperage without the amps.
    Last edited by Aaron; 06-12-2009, 09:51 PM.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • I still do not understand your side electrode and the visible sparks.
      Ignition coils are not good at the production of high voltage DC.
      Marcoz, scroll back up this page (page 46) to the photo Electrotek posted of Grays cart. look at the CSET pictured. I think thats a side electrode, but I may be mistaken. The thing about Gray's CSET is that None of the CSETs look like his patent drawing. Or each other for that matter. I know of at least three different CSETs that Gray is pictured with. I think that Spokane1 had it right about the CSET being a work in progress, and was still being developed?
      Last edited by Ghst; 06-12-2009, 09:30 PM.


      • Ghst: I agree that it looks like the picture shows a side electrode. Also, I've been thinking about what Aaron said about a one inch central electrode. In this picture it does look like the inner most grid extends through all three CSET's, or this may be an electrode.


        • Ghst: I agree that it looks like the picture shows a side electrode. Also, I've been thinking about what Aaron said about a one inch central electrode. In this picture it does look like the inner most grid extends through all three CSET's, or this may be an electrode.
          Thats what I'm getting at Tek, Gray has used many different configurations or variations of the CSET, So if he was still working on perfecting it then anything we build that will produce sought after effects can't be wrong can it? Hell I'd blast my big Cap through 3 tin cans if it gives me the effects I'm looking for!


          • Sorry I gotta go for now one heck of a thunderstorm screwing with my connection!


            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              Magdude has the effect and Magdude confirmed that the effect I showed is the same effect he figured out. So, Mlurye and Ghst may be the only other ones that have ever shown it. 4 people and I may be missing someone.

              I'm surprised that there aren't more attempts because it is the only thing that has showed promise as being able to power a coil and it is powering a coil in an unconventional way.

              Anyone that questions if it is just a simple cap discharge hasn't done the experiments and should just do them to find out. I have done countless tests with just this concept of comparing it to a typical cap discharge and there are huge differences.

              A regular cap (charged to same amount) and dumped into identical coil charges MUCH MUCH SLOWER and the magnetic field appears to be spread over more area around the coil. Maybe because it is slow enough to feel it.

              The "effect" charges the coil exponentionally faster and the magnetic field is so sharp and abrupt that is appears to only have a useful punch over the area of the core - so therefore, opposing coils which are intended to be repelled or attracted should have really good size cores in my opinion and if using magnets for attraction or repulsion should have magnets the same size as the shape of the core. It is compressing all that magnetic strength into one small blip of time and the benefits of time compression (impulse energy) is obvious - the power density goes through the roof.

              The difference is night and day and there is no question about it - it is anything but but a simple capacitor discharging into a coil.

              Is this "effect" exactly what Gray had? Nobody can prove this yet. However, to date, it is the only unconventional coil charging method that matches all the apparent criteria that Gray used.

              I'm not sure if anyone realizes it, yes Electrotek mentioned it once about changing the impedance in the coil, but when you take a cap and discharge it into an inductor in a few microseconds when it is should take a few hundred microseconds for the cap to discharge.... the resistance of the coil disappeared and the cap is discharging into a negative resistance zone that allows the capacitor to discharge without causing hot electron current from flowing in the opposite direction to give a magnetic is a cold magnetic current that charges the coil with all benefits of amperage without the amps.

              Hi Aaron,
              just to be sure I'm following you, what you're describing here is the configuration with the Gray tube in series with the capacitor & coil, right? That's what allows much quicker charging of the coil, right ?

              Thanks for clarifying.


              • Ghst Green

                Ghst's very distinct green signature.

                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • comment on the effect

                  Originally posted by Altair View Post
                  Hi Aaron,
                  just to be sure I'm following you, what you're describing here is the configuration with the Gray tube in series with the capacitor & coil, right? That's what allows much quicker charging of the coil, right ?

                  Thanks for clarifying.
                  Hi Altair,

                  It is the configuration that you have multiple positive voltages moving into each other and giving them alternate pathways to ground.

                  With a coil in series with this, the coil receives an abrupt capacitive discharge and the capacitive discharges is not slowed down by any impedance in the coil because it sees no impedance from what I can observe.

                  There is a current that charges the coil and lets it have a magnetic field but it is not normal current. The ohmic resistance of the windings is gone and the impedance caused by applying power to the coil is gone. Therefore, the cap discharge of it's voltage potential is already through faster than light speed and the current the that moves in opposite direction meets no resistance.

                  If it did, the cap would discharge very slow as it should because of these resistances and impedances but it discharges virtually instantaneously because the coil is a negative resistor in this situation because of the strong negative potential left in the wake of the originating HV potential that was turned away.

                  When one positive voltage is moving into another positive voltage and then it is abruptly turned away to ground, it leaves a very strong negative pressure, which pulls away the ambient aether from around coil windings.

                  Therefore, the cap potential is sucked out very fast and as the "ambient" aether around the coil is not there, the potential from the capacitor is not going to meet any resistance and is not limited to light speed. It is accelerated faster because it is being sucked into a very strong negative difference.

                  The cap discharge is unable to experience any inertia to slow it down because any positive "Heaviside flow" over the coil isn't there to have it's positive potential push against the positive potential leaving the cap, which normally would limit the flow to about light speed, while the current moves at a few inches per hour.

                  In this case, the "current" appears to be traveling at a negative resistance and is cold and very fast. Is it electron current just moving without resistance? If anything, this is yet another example leading to the disintegration of the whole electron model to begin with in my opinion.

                  This "effect" violates Ohm's Law, Lenz's Law and Faraday's Law of Induction as well as the conservation of energy and thermodynamics. This effect shows the inverse of all these "laws".
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • You are right aron..

                    You are right aron but it is properly called negative inductance. And that should apply to all your lcr circuit ie negative resistance and negative capacitance.It does not matter what you think you still have an lcr circuit and no matter what, you have to match it. When you do it will make the bang bigger. Then you will know what effect Gray was doing.
                    Oh and the only one being childish in here is GHST. Please if you can't be a real experimenter and listen to others why even be here?
                    No matter what you think you have a frequency no matter if it is pulsed or not. Thats is what pulsing is for. It is all about frequency. You pulse so many times in a second and that is frequency. If you would have a scope on that cap you would have noticed that the pulses look steped forward and back a little. it is why you are able to charge it up like you do. weather it is one way pulsing or not there is a drop after the pulse.
                    Anyways I'm not the one who started all the crap in the first place. I just tried to inform Ghst and others that they should be looking at the resonance of those pulse trains they are running. Also most of what is told in that pdf is backed up with replications and if not it references the original theories. Put me on the ignore I don't care, what I am saying is the truth and obviosly with your lack of education on the matter I wouldn't blame you for not understanding or even accepting real science. Half of what is in the pdf is actually based on actual current scientific ideology.
                    And to boot I am not working for anyone. That is the usual banter from you guys who think something magical is going on and when someone points out that it isn't you go and say I'm working for the man. Please Grow up...
                    Oh and Aron you can't violate laws if you are not using what the laws are based on. Can you? You guys are mixing real electricty and Radiant Energy terms. Thats like comparing apples to watermelons. We don't even know the laws for Radiant energy by the way. Except that it operates in a contradictory fashion and not always in the same way.
                    Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-13-2009, 02:36 AM.


                    • breaking laws

                      Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                      Oh and Aron you can't violate laws if you are not using what the laws are based on. Can you? You guys are mixing real electricty and Radiant Energy terms. Thats like comparing apples to watermelons. We don't even know the laws for Radiant energy by the way. Except that it operates in a contradictory fashion and not always in the same way.
                      Yes, the laws can be violated because they are claimed to be laws instead of conditional parameters that apply only to closed loop conventional circuits.

                      If the establishment wants to clarify and call it "Ohm's Law in Closed Loop conventional circuits", then that would not be violated by this technology.

                      A law implies an across-the-board law that applies to everything. Therefore, this stuff absolutely violates that. Until the names of the laws are changed and include a description and/or disclaimer that indicates they only apply to closed loop conventional circuits, those laws will remain to be broken and will remain one big bogus farce.

                      Differences in opinion here are welcome as long as they're respectful and Ghst is at least sharing the work that he is doing.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Well he is my problem.

                        The first thing I want to clarify is that radiant energy is not electricity the laws that apply to electricity does not apply to RE. You know this! If they don't apply then how can you break them? Weather or not the Man says so or not the laws are for conventional electricity. That being said you can not break what doesn't apply. Thats like saying objects should act like they do in air as in space from the point of view of when we hadn't been in space yet. We all know that now to be not true but at that time we didn't.
                        Now my only real concern was that you seem to be encouraging GHST to go down a road that obviously he isn't prepaired to go down. He experiments are thrown together on the carpet in the basement from what I can tell and to tell you the truth he seems to be very young in thinking that nothing could happen to him. He has no way to check to see if things are getting dangerous and that concerns me. As an experimentor I know doing it proper and with proper safety proceddures is the uttmost concern an experimentor should have. He doesn't seem to have those concerns. I know you should be concerned with encouraging unsafe practices on this forum right?
                        Why exactly do you think Tesla was looking into this efect? Two reasons Hertz and linemen getting killed from a unipulse RE event. RE doesn't act like normal electricity it is not containable. Metal doesn't shield it and it is most dangerous at lower frequencies like a single pulse. not to mention that at 1-500 pulses it does strange things. His chopper is pulsing at what frequency? The cap filled with "RE" does what..... A Unipulse... Thats dangerous and you are goading him to do more. We know very little about what RE does but the one source I would trust the most would be Tesla. I am not sure if he had records but I do remember reading about his experiments with finding out what was killing the linemen. I am sure that anything potentially that dangerous that you would not be sitting here cheering him on. I would think that would make you kinda liable. I would think as the moderator you have a lot to do with the running of the forums and should not be encouraging others to do non safe experiments. Especially with the videos being on youtube as proof. I know you didn't make him do the experiment but it does seem like he is doing it to impress you or others in an unsafe manner.
                        Far be it for me to tell you how to run your forum but I would think as a moderator you would not encourage such an action. Lets say something does happen? Does his family sue you because you encouraged it?
                        Maybe it is not my place to say anything but your liability should be telling you otherwise.
                        As for the other stuff like disagreeing thats ok I know not everyone agrees with what the other says. Thats the human way right? I tried to offer advice and got snapped at and told I was acting childish. Everything I said had merrit and he should do it the right way not reckless because it definetly looks to be reckless.
                        summing it up I would give two pieces of advice. Safety first and as an experimentor I would think teaching other the right way would be high on the list. I know this will probasbly get me booted from the forum but I felt the need to say this. As one human to the next I don't like to see others get hurt because they didn't practice good safety rules when running experiments.


                        • safety

                          Everyone is responsible for their own actions and everyone should use common sense when dealing with any of this stuff. If someone isn't qualified to do the experiments, they should not do them.

                          I am not "goading" anybody on and am simply posting what I think. I have the privilege to do this like every other member.

                          If you think you want to do anyone a favor by expounding on the wisdom of your safety mastery, why don't you start a thread called: Experimenter's Safety Advice?

                          Your contribution would then be realized in a most constructive manner that would probably be appreciated by a lot of Energetic Forum members.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Hi folks, very nicely said Aaron. You are very good at seeing things clearly, I am surprised at the weak attempts to subvert the thread.
                            peace love light


                            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                              Anyone that questions if it is just a simple cap discharge hasn't done the experiments and should just do them to find out. I have done countless tests with just this concept of comparing it to a typical cap discharge and there are huge differences.

                              A regular cap (charged to same amount) and dumped into identical coil charges MUCH MUCH SLOWER and the magnetic field appears to be spread over more area around the coil. Maybe because it is slow enough to feel it.
                              And anyone that takes a good look at the image i posted yesterday will see that this is no regular cap/coil discharge.



                              • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                                Hi Marcoz,

                                Nice pictures!

                                Based on this, I don't think oscillations are the key. Radiant energy is all about pulsed DC with sharp gradients, *not* harmonic oscillations.
                                Hi Lamar
                                There seems to be a misunderstanding.
                                The AC picture shows why AC does not work, it conducts the energy through the tube's capacity to the Conversion Grids.

                                I posted this picture because there was somebody saying the Gray tubes worked on a resonant principle and so ive made it to show why oscillations cannot work.

                                The DC picture shows what happens when fed DC and i share your oppinion as to this being the correct setup.

                                I have also studied the most part of Eric Dollard's work and also replicated some of his work, i have also studied the work of many, many others.


