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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Hologram

    I studied the discharge some more, and came to a conclusion.
    Attached Files


    • To be honest, I think it's a little early to say this is definitely a scalar effect. It's just a simple camera and they can do weird things.

      It would be nice to get a recording from a high speed camera with good lighting and stuff. But of course those things cost thousands of dollars.

      It is definitely very interesting, and does envite the researcher to figure out what the hell that was. But stand well back

      Can you feel the discharge on your body? like a prickling sensation?
      Last edited by Jan H; 06-23-2009, 09:38 AM.


      • Here is some interesting reading I dug up about this matter.


        Posted By: billym < Send E-Mail >
        Date: Friday, 6 February 2004, 3:02 a.m.
        In Response To: ALUMINUM AS A REFLECTIVE SCREEN (Daystar)

        Just a quick note. A reflective screen of metalic particles is not needed at all for the creation of realistic 3D images if scalar interferometers are used.

        In that case there is no "projection" ONTO anything. The light (image) is made to emerge directly from the vacuum at the target zone itself according to the (image) pattern encoded into the longitudinal waves of the two intersecting beams. This would give an image far more realistic than even a hologram. It would be indistiguishable from a real object which is actually there.

        Even now Russian scalar scientists can create such "objects" and in fact many of the UFOs now being seen are probably just such technology. The light is not coming from somewhere else and being reflected. The light is coming directly from the apparent object itself, just as if it were a real thing.

        I don't think a "projected" hologram would be all that convincing, but a scalar created image would be utterly convincing and would require no particles or anything else.

        When Bluebeam comes, if it does, it is going to be a magnificent show!

        I find myself almost wishing they would go ahead with the fake invasion! It would indeed be a great show if they bring out the scalar guns to do it. Consider the difference between the laser holographic method and the scalar method of creating visions in the sky. In the holographic method a two-beam interference pattern is recorded on film and its reconstruction created by another laser beam shining through the film. The LIGHT is from the laser on the ground. In the scalar method again an interference pattern is created, not by two beams of LIGHT light but by two beams of longitudinal EM waves intersecting in the sky. The intersecting longitudinal beams are modulated by the mathematical equations describing the object itself (length, height, details of all sorts - complicated). And rather than recording information about an object on film, as in a hologram, the interference patterns of the two scalar beams actually DO something, they cause energy (light itself) to emerge from the vacuum of space right at the location of the apparent (fake) object, exactly according to the shape of the object, which has been encoded into the modulations (waves) of the scalar beams. This, rather than looking like a hologram, would appear (at least nearly) indistiguishable from a real object itself! When we see a real object the light is coming from the object. In a scalar recreation it would also be coming from the object, giving it a super-realistic appearance. I would LOVE to see such an illusion!

        Another aspect of such an illusion is that the power could be cranked up so that such an object would appear to be glowing intensely, because the light reaching the eyes would be way more than we are used to getting from ordinary reflection off an object. And indeed many sightings of "UFOs" often include statements that the objects seemed to glow with an other worldly brightness. More brightness than results from reflection alone. And many sightings of such things as "glowing orbs" and the "twinklers" (points of light) often contain comments that the brightness is intense, like nothing else ever seen. In fact such brightness HAS never been seen by any humans until now! I've only seen one such "star" glowing in the sky. It was at evening time and I was standing on the flat roof of a house in India. The light was unusually pinpoint bright and was slowly changing colors. I don't really know what it was.

        In my second post on the above mentioned thread I had to admit my ignorance. Patriotlad had asked how much power would be required to, say, create the perfect illusion of a UFO in the sky. I didn't know, but pointed out that Tom Bearden has said that the Russians, in some of their scalar tests, had put a "power tap" right into the EM energy of the Earth's core! I'm not sure how they do that, but I am guessing the power supply for a Project Bluebeam would not be a problem if scalar weapons technology is used.


        • Holographic Circuit Reproduction - Preliminary Review

          Dear Mr. Ghst,

          Could you please review the attached schematic so that I may attempt to reproduce your most interesting experiment. There are several details that I haven't been able to extract from the posts.

          1. What is the diameter/size of the Brass and Nylon washers you used?
          2. How many are in your array?
          3. What did you use for a support shaft?
          4. How did you secure the washers to the shaft?
          5. Are you still using the carbon arrow shaft for the "2nd Electrode"?
          6. If so how long is it?
          7. Any idea of the inductance value of the coils?
          8. What is the gap spacing between your "2nd Electrode" and the washer array?
          9. About where is the "2nd Electrode" located over the washer array?

          From my reading of the posts you said that you observed the holographic image just as the video recorder did. Can you guess how long this effect lasted?

          Thank you for you experimental contributions.

          Last edited by Spokane1; 12-09-2011, 10:40 PM. Reason: Save Memory


          • Scalar Test Pattern

            In the early days of television, each station would put up a test pattern at the end of the day, so the engineers could align the equipment. A number of interesting designs were used, but the common pattern included vertical and horizontal lines, with secondary rays halfway between each pair of adjacent primary rays. These secondary rays had alternating regions of gray and dark gray, or lines towards the center, then perpendicular to that direction. These secondary rays symbolized alternating regions of electric and magnetic fields. These fields were created between perpendicular EM fields, due to field cancellation.

            These fields can be considered Scalar, due to the cancellation of the EM fields which results in their appearance. With Ghst's T electrode, there's a Scalar field on each side of the arrow, with these fields extending between the center multi gap electrode and the grid, due to the serendipitous size of his Tube. So his grid is actually picking up a complex field which corresponds to a Higher form of Energy.

            Also, the letter T - and the corresponding Scalar electrode - is somewhat related to Time, since this word stands for Turn In Moving Ether. Hence, the transtemporal nature of the effect he's discovered.

            I've attached the closest example I could find easily.
            Attached Files


            • Spokane1, the answer is....
              1. The Nylon washers are #8 nylon, The Brass washere were also #8 this is a very snug fit on the 10-24 nylon screw that supports the washer array. But I am using using copper rings that I made by winding stripped #10 magnet wire around a 10-24 screw. I then removed the screw and cut the magnet wire with dikes to form a round 10-24 doughnut washer.

              2. There are 6 copper doughnut washers, seperated by 7 nylon washers.

              3. There are no shaft supports. The 2, 4 inch long, 10-24 brass screws are screwed into a rod coupling. The 2 rod couplings were made by soldering two brass 10-24 nuts together. So It is arranged like this.4 inch brass screw (head removed) screwed into a rod coupling if you will , which has the nylon screw (that has the washer array on it) screwed into the other end of the coupling.another rod coupling is screwed on the other end of the nylon screw, this holds the washer array snugly in place on the nylon screw. then the other brass screw is screwed into that rod coupling. So thats Brass screw, rod coupling, nylon screw, rod coupling, and brass screw. The washer array is on the nylon screw. Start the washer pac with a nylon washer next to the rod coupling, then copper then nylon finishing with a nylon next to the rod coupling on the other end. Note: I replaced the brass screws also with copper. (I bought a 3/16 copper rod and threaded it about 3/8 inch on one end to fit the brass rod couplings I had made. The other end was threaded with 12-24 threads about 2 1/2 inches to allow adjusting of the array back and forth under the LV electrode.) Both Brass rods replaced with copper.

              4.Answered in 3. above.

              5.Yes, It is also about 4 inches long.

              6. answered in 5. above.

              7. No idea but the coils are microwave oven transformer primaries.( no coils were used when the Holo effect happened.)

              8. Hard for me to measure it, but it looks like between 1/2 and 5/8".

              9. Between the center of the nylon screw and the second rod coupling.

              The flash as observed, By me looked as it did in the video, as it the light were coming from in front of the tube, I did not see the blue image until I did a frame by frame search of the video. The flash is split second.


              • Originally posted by Marcoz View Post
                I studied the discharge some more, and came to a conclusion.
                Good job cleaning up the photo! Now I can see that the only thing reproduced in the image is the plastic, the Jar and the Lid. I wonder why the carbon arrowshaft and the Brass isn't the glow image?

                Sorry after looking at the original the brass didn't reproduce. The clips wire and carbon shaft did.
                Last edited by Ghst; 06-24-2009, 03:26 AM.


                • I need a circuit schematic, please....

                  I want to try if I can obtain radiant energy,discharging high voltage DC into a high resistive bucking coil.I have found the interesting schematic you can find in the attachment.Has someone here a similar less expensive circuit(without the monster caps...) driven by a 555 IC?.
                  Thank you for yor time...
                  Attached Files


                  • Electrical Ghosts

                    Regarding Ghsts holograms: it looks like we ain't seen nothing yet :


                    Electrical Ghosts

                    by Vincent Gaddis

                    Phantom forms produced by electricity in magnetic fields! This amazing phenomenon has been witnessed in several large electrical plants. The General Electric Company's Research Laboratory at Schenectady, New York, and an industrial research laboratory at Freibourg, Germany have issued reports on this strange occurrence.

                    In 1930, Chief Engineer Eastman, of the Rhodes Electrical Society in London, was working on some high-tension wires in a dark room when he saw a luminous blue sphere form about a revolving dynamo. In the center of this sphere a woman's hand suddenly appeared. Eastman asked his assistant, a Mr. Woodew, if he could see it, and he replied that he could. Both men watched the phenomenon, and they were able to ascertain every detail of the conditions causing it.

                    The two men spent four days trying to produce the occurrence again, and when they succeeded a human head, instead of a hand, appeared. Photographs were taken and they were published in several European journals in the summer of 1930.

                    A follow-up to the Rhodes observation was an article printed in the Revue Spirite (Paris), written by M. Henri Azam. M. Azam has obtained his material, from an experimenter who desired to remain unknown except to the publication's editors. This unknown student was quoted as follows:

                    "In the pursuit of my specialized work in the occult and psychic fields I long desired to find out whether it was possible to reconstitute the astral form by means of sound vibrations. It was my belief that mediumistic phenomena, when they are serious in character, are exclusively the result of setting in action some force for which the medium is the CONDENSER. It was my purpose, therefore, to reconstitute a sphere of synchronous vibrations analogous to those which emanate from the human entity, but to do so without the intervention of any medium..."

                    The following methods were used by the experimenter. Two machines of static electricity were arranged so that the plates would turn in opposite directions. The positions and distance between the plates were so arranged as to be susceptible to infinite vibration. As a result there was a variable and sensitive magnetic (electrostatic) field formed.

                    A membrane covered with lycompodium powder was placed at the variable point so that it vibrated according to the electric wave lengths employed. The vibrations were intensified by adding the factors of light, sound, and perfumes. A magic lantern was directed upon the variable point for light effects; an organ was used for sound effects.

                    (these two counter-rotating electrostatic disks must have been on a horizontal axis to allow the membrane to lie flat for the lycopodium powder....Vangard)

                    "Under these conditions on several different occasions I was able to obtain the formation of human and animal forms, which appeared in the magnetic field. At first these were only partial, but twice I succeeded in obtaining complete forms. They ALWAYS PRESENTED themselves in the sensitive field and near the variable point. Three photographic negatives, exceedingly clear and sharply defined, were obtained of these vibrational forms."

                    The conclusions of the experimenter are that he has been able to obtain responding vibrations of the astral or psychic world; that the results cannot be ascribed to imagination or hallucination; that the forms which appear are not spirits, but empty and discarded etheric or astral bodies or shells; that it is therefore possible to obtain psychic phenomena without the aid of human mediums.


                    In working with Eric Dollard around various high-frequency electrical apparatus I have observed many organic and mysterious forms appearing in gas plasmas and in free space discharges. The plasmas have provided the most interesting views across the borderlands and we have observed human, animal and plant forms as well as microscopic (amoeba, etc.) and macroscopic (fireball/stars, galactic formations). From direct experience in the lab I have seen that in Vince's article resides an important key.


                    • Revised Holographic Circuit - Version 2

                      Dear Mr. Ghst,

                      Thanks for the prompt and insightful details. It is quality information like this that will allow us non-funded researchers a better chance of experimental reproduction of your non-classical phenomena.

                      I have updated the developing schematic for your review and comments. It looks like I shall have to take another trip to the hardware store.

                      As always, more technical construction questions (let me know if this gets irratating)

                      1. I know nothing of arrow shafts. Are their grades, sizes, weights, or other specific specifications I need to be aware of when I attempt to purchase a duplicate component.

                      2. Do any of the big box sporting good stores carry these kinds of arrows? Like Cabela's or Big 5.

                      3. Can a shaft be purchased by itself less the supporting hardware?

                      4. About what would one cost? Are they sold individualy or do they come by the dozen?

                      On the copper donuts:

                      I'm confused a little. How do you strip the insulation off magnet wire? That thin polymer coating is a ***** to remove even for a short section just to solder - let alone a longer section. Do you think that #10 THHN or THWN construction wire culd be used? The insulation is much simpler to remove.

                      Thanks again for the disclosure I hope I can add to the development in good time.

                      Last edited by Spokane1; 12-09-2011, 10:41 PM. Reason: Save Memory


                      • Spokane1,
                        The carbon fiber arrow shafts can be had at any place that sell sporting goods and archery equipment. ( Single carbon fiber arrows can be purchased at Wal-Mart) these arrows cost about 4 to $6.00 each. One can go to a Archery supply store and could be given the cut offs from arrow shafts for free.
                        These carbon fiber arrow shafts Can be easily cut with tubing cutters (for copper) I cut them with a serrated steak knife. Archery supply stores can cut the to any length you require. Also, note. they are hollow shafts, and one can purchase threaded inserts (For screwing the arrows points, or arrow heads to the shaft) and use it as a means of attaching the connecting wires to the carbon shaft. I didn't use inserts. I made a copper saddle clamp that clamps around the arrow shaft and secures the connecting wires to the same screw. The saddle clamp is made like the clamp that holds a automobile's points condenser. Yes arrow shafts can be purchased bare of all hardware. But be aware that most have a varnish coating that can be easily sanded off.
                        Yes that coating can be hard to get off. I use a sharp knife and scrape it off. then I final sand the coating off with emery cloth. But I dont see why you couldn't use any source for the copper to make the doughnut washers from as long as its clean copper.
                        Last edited by Ghst; 06-24-2009, 10:54 PM.


                        • a conclusion

                          Quote< "I studied the discharge some more, and came to a conclusion."

                          I would greatly value your opinion[whats going on with Ghst circuit[scalar?],and comments on safety.
                          PS any comments on safety would be great!!
                          Last edited by RAMSET; 06-24-2009, 11:33 PM. Reason: Safety
                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • On Going Scalar Effects

                            Whenever you deal with trans-temporal effects associated with high powered Scalar energies, you can't be sure that the residual effects only travel in one direction through time. I read about an unusual UFO sighting which happened back in the 50's. A saucer landed on a farm and two occupants got out, wearing silvery suits. The farmer got his rifle and shot at one of them, so the other one pulled out a gun and shot the farmer with a green ray. Then the visitors got back into their ship and left. But the farmer complained that he still felt a burning sensation where the beam had hit him. In fact, this feeling persisted for days afterwards, and he began developing severe burns. Eventually, his flesh became cooked and started falling off in big chunks, until he died.

                            And don't forget the pools of molten metal at the WTC site, months after the towers fell. Or the unexplained contrail parallel to - edit: and 200 miles south of - the Columbia's reentry path, a few hours before that disaster.

                            Until more is known, the best safety approach would probably be the one shot system, then wait a few days or weeks before the next test. I'm personally not going to experiment in this area because there's no way to know what external effects might interact with what's on my workbench, accidentally or on purpose.

                            A lot of effort went into giving the world more than a thousand years of Dark Ages, so that this kind of knowledge would be lost. Why try to dredge it back up again? There's plenty of other things we can do. Such as focus on Gray's Power Conversion Tube (and Switching Element, whatever), rather than going off on a vector. Or at least put taps on the grid and divert the energy into some kind of circuit. (90 degrees on one side plus 180, or 120 and 240). If this prevents the interferometric image, then it might be safe to proceed.
                            Last edited by Electrotek; 06-25-2009, 01:14 PM. Reason: distance factor


                            • @ electrotek: Wise words. Why indeed attract more attention on ourselves...
                              Free energy research is hardly tolerated, imagine trans-temporal effects !

                              Research could be better oriented in the direction of identifying what exactly produces the specific signature detectable light-years from here, when a free energy circuit is pulling energy from the aether. Then finding ways around that.

                              And I wonder if we have enough time.


                              • WalMart as a source of carbon arrow shafts - not


                                Save your self a trip and scratch Wal-Mart off your list of possible vendors to secure a carbon arrow shaft. According to a staff member at my local Wal-Mart they don't expect to receive their archery supplies till August.

                                Dear Mr. Ghst,

                                A few more important operational questions while I collect additional components to build your circuit: (at your leasure)

                                1. Is this phenomena repeatable? How may times have you seen this holographic image manifest with your equipment?

                                2. About how long does it take to charge your storage capacitor using your mechanical chopper?

                                3. You have already described your storage capacitor as being a 4uF 6KV device in a rather large can, that you aquired from eBay. It would be most helpful to me to know additional information if it is avaliable. Is there a manafacture lable and/or model number on it? Any idea how old (or new) it is? Is there any reference to the kind of oil it may have? Is there any lable stating "Pyronol" (or similiar). Could you venture a guess as to its dielectric materials. Where was it made? If you have a thumb nail photo of the capacitor as it was listed on eBay that would be outstanding.

                                The details about the storage capacitor have historcial significance to the E.V.Gray Saga. He had his capacitors custom built in 1000 Oaks CA. even as late at 1986. This suggests that the construction features of the storage capacitor may have a huge impact on the operation of the circuit. I suspect that how much of the anomalous energy you can hang onto depends upon the nature of the storage capacitor.

                                4. Are you still using the 7 A-hr lead-acid gel storage battery - or have you made power source changes?

                                4. Have you attempted any variations in circuit setup in the last few days since you observed and reported on this phenomena?

                                Thanks again for your outstanding original contribution and the direct detail you have provided in follow up questions. Rarely does a researcher have the ability or desire to provide such a wealth of detail concerning their potential discoveries in past blogs dealing with non-classical phenomena.


