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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Since we are proposing alternate theories i thought i would throw mine in the mix.

    I am of the opinion that the charge receiving grids are negatively precharged and insulated (capacitor plate) as per the missing information i found in Tesla's radiant energy patent. To understand this further you will need to watch my video.

    YouTube - Update 30 - Found missing info from Tesla Radiant Energy Patent


    • My lastest crack at the gray circuit using a bedini/imhotep hybrid circuit . Just need to get the motor side of it working now. I think.........

      YouTube - Update 31 - Edwin Gray replication ??


      • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
        Floating Flux Field looks like magnetic flux mentioned by Don Smith. An effect of disruptive discharge of capacitor into coil. I'd like to state once more - Gray tube was kind of Tesla coil. Compare them and add what is missing from Gray patent. Copper grids were probably in fact a spirally wound strange secondary. There is not much turns in secondary (in fact 2-3) but as Gray started process with large power of HV capacitor he didn't needed a lot of it.
        Missing is at least one turn of primary,resistance after primary seems to enlarge effect. The circuit during disruptive discharge must be disconnected from power source (open path) - that's why so strange device name...

        IMHO that link contains good information about produced field : Complete information on working SM style device.
        Reading the info on this link reinforces the possibility that Gray's description of the FFF as being a "delay line" may actually be accurate. If the FFF was only hooked up in series with the outer set of coils, then it could be used as described in the above site, based on the assumption that spherics is correct in his post. However, there is a reason why Cole had the FFF wrapped around the motor.

        Id be interested to see what a seperate high voltage static source introduced around the circuit would have. Nat1791a, I think your post appies here. Id LOVE to read the JJ Thomson PDF you mention, but Ive been off work for quite a while now and my wife would freak if I spent any extra $$. That's why my experiments have came to a halt temporarily


        • @all

          Here's some further information on how I see the gray tube functioning based on the new information i found on Tesla's radiant energy patent.
          The question is now does a diode function the same way as the vacuum tube does in producing a radiant matter stream that travells in straight lines. You dont want to be using a magnet near the radiant matter stream as it will deflect it.
          Last edited by nat1971a; 01-02-2010, 04:16 AM.


          • if we assume that the diode does function the same way then the only thing missing in the replications is the negatively charged insulated grids.


            • this implies that the diode would have to have line of sight with the negative insulated plate / grids


              • @martin,

                sent u a PM


                • Hi folks, for what its worth, my father just yesterday may have experienced a little taste of what Tesla studied which is that super charging effect when first connecting a power source to a circuit. He connected a new 12v starter battery in his car, albeit accidentally connected the polarity backwards which should not have made a difference to the fuse as far as I know, anyway he blew a 20 amp fuse just by briefly touching the battery terminals and the loads that the circuit operated were not on. Now if there is a diode somewhere before the loads that created a short through the fuse, well that would explain it, but if not just thought i would share it.


                  • Speaking of fathers

                    My old man related two stories to me.

                    One was where he came across an old guy that got a real old oily car to run (black smoke) by cutting the spark plug leads, and looping the new ends thru the holes in buttons, so it sparked over before the spark plugs. This evidently made the spark plugs burn longer or hotter or more voltage to overcome the oil in the cylinders.

                    Two is where he was reaching for an insulated power line (to a shed) at the exact moment that line was struck by lightning. Luckily, he did not have his hand on the line; his hand was around the wire but not touching it... He remembered seeing the space between his hand and the power line glowing with white light when the concussion wave from the blast threw him backwards.

                    Just thought I'd share
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • Hi Inquorate, thanks for sharing. That second story sure sounds like the super charge effect, yup. And the first probably as well. So in my fathers case it seems he had the positive of the battery at ground which may be the cause of the effect or something more conventional, anyone have any ideas, not to detract from the thread, but it is related for sure since Edwin Gray was using the super charge effect.
                      peace love light


                      • Oh one more thing, he said there was a loud snapping sound like how a higher voltage cap discharging sounds. From a 12volt battery, this does not sound normal, and I just noticed on another thread about teslas ground plate being charged positively, interesting I think.


                        • Edwin Gray test with negative plate for grids no insulation

                          YouTube - Update 32- Edwin Gray replication using negatively charge plate for grids


                          • pre spark plug gaps

                            Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                            so it sparked over before the spark plugs. This evidently made the spark plugs burn longer or hotter or more voltage to overcome the oil in the cylinders.

                            There are some pre spark plug things that go in series with the plug wire that are simply a spark gap and serve this purpose. I don't know what they're called but I have seen them online. I think someone may have showed this in the Water Sparkplug thread and they do give benefit. They are in a glass type of container with an adjustable gap.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Ok, if Im understanding these papers, one should be able to build this box I uploaded. Im thinking that if you run air currents through hole A, static should build up on delrin block E. Now, apply a HV static charge to electrode D and it should cause the static build up to discharge a current between electrodes B and C (C is ground). The only difference in this and the papers is this uses positive air flow to build static on the dielectric block.

                              Im thinking that if the rays emitted by electrode D causes a current to flow in electrode B, then the accumulated static charge on the dielectric block would add to this. According to JJ Thomson, the radiant rays cause dielectrics to conduct. So, one would have to turn off the HV on D to allow static to build on the dielectric and have the load disconnected from B. Then the load would have to be reconnected when the HV is applied on D for current to flow through the load.

                              Edit: Actually, if the radiant rays cause dielectrics to flow current, assuming the dielectric block E has an opposite charge of the air dielectric, applying a HV to D may cause a constant current to flow as long as air is moving across the block E. Also, the diagram isnt drawn like this, but electrode B possibly should be totally enclosed by dielectric block E.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by martin; 10-05-2009, 04:35 AM.


                              • What if

                                What if the 'negatively charged plate' is just the battery terminal?

                                Then 99% of the energy would be going back to the battery right?
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

