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Gray Tube Replication

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  • The thought crossed my mind too


    • Rotating magnetic fields

      Well, if anyone likes a little humor, I found this link discussing rotating magnet fields. Reading completely through at least page 12 is must!

      VRIL Counter-Rotating Fields
      Last edited by martin; 10-12-2009, 05:51 PM.


      • polarity

        @Nat in Comparsion of devices U wrote - plate P on the first picture is negatively charged. But what I know ground is negative and air have positive polarity. In some dokument Tesla wrote that air is positive too...Where is the true ?
        It is interesting idea that vakuum tube 28 is for collecting radiant energy.
        I spekulate about tubes 34 around high voltage anode that it is spiral wounded too.
        @Martin why U think that vrill is joke ? It consist from 3 bifilar coil...Read Teslas patent No. 381970 from 1888, see Chapter9.pdf on Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel Here is described that 3 coils on toroidal core can produce aditional energy. It is free energy device.
        Teslas patent no 512.340 Coil for electromagnets speaks about bifilar wounded coil. I think that pancake coil bifilar wounded with end of the first winding connected to the start secondary winding when such coil is in resonancy, electromotoric force disappears, so due to low resistance we can get something interesting. I read that it can be power source. Not if it is wounded on tube with constant diameter. This appear only in the coils with constantly growing diameter. So pancake coil or cone shaped coil.
        We need to get vortex nothing more.
        I think that in Greys tube is important polarity of the metals. Silver is positive and copper negative.(carbon maybe negative dunno)
        What do U think folks ?


        • Originally posted by antena View Post
          @Nat in Comparsion of devices U wrote - plate P on the first picture is negatively charged. But what I know ground is negative and air have positive polarity. In some dokument Tesla wrote that air is positive too...Where is the true ?
          It is interesting idea that vakuum tube 28 is for collecting radiant energy.
          I spekulate about tubes 34 around high voltage anode that it is spiral wounded too.
          @Martin why U think that vrill is joke ? It consist from 3 bifilar coil...Read Teslas patent No. 381970 from 1888, see Chapter9.pdf on Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel Here is described that 3 coils on toroidal core can produce aditional energy. It is free energy device.
          Teslas patent no 512.340 Coil for electromagnets speaks about bifilar wounded coil. I think that pancake coil bifilar wounded with end of the first winding connected to the start secondary winding when such coil is in resonancy, electromotoric force disappears, so due to low resistance we can get something interesting. I read that it can be power source. Not if it is wounded on tube with constant diameter. This appear only in the coils with constantly growing diameter. So pancake coil or cone shaped coil.
          We need to get vortex nothing more.
          I think that in Greys tube is important polarity of the metals. Silver is positive and copper negative.(carbon maybe negative dunno)
          What do U think folks ?
          Ok, I NEVER said the vrill was a joke or the theory of how it works.

          There's an individual on that post that seems to be a little off in left field.

          Did you even goto the site because, seriously,.... just take a look and at least read page 7.
          Last edited by martin; 10-12-2009, 08:00 PM.


          • @Martin -I am not skiled in English well - sorry
            have fun Antena


            • i'm back from holidays.....and had time to think about grays circuit.
              I reverse engineered grays circuit into something simple that i could understand from the point of view of natures creation of lightning. Not sure if it is 100 complete. But happy to share the information. Basically confirms what i thought which was that the grids are negatively charged and it appears that the vacuum tube is mandatory if you want to replicate nature.

              The drawing shows the sun emitting a unidirectional dc pulse hitting the upper atmosphere which provides resistance which then generates the high voltage. The rest is self explanatory

              The carbon resistor is the primary and the grids are the secondary.

              Last edited by nat1971a; 05-15-2010, 12:55 AM.


              • Philo T Farnsworth and his tubes

                hello, has anyone studied the patents of Philo T farnsworth ? they could possibly explain a little about the operation of the gray tube .

                Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube), and for being the first to demonstrate fully electronic television to the public.

                In his later life, Farnsworth also invented a small nuclear fusion device known as a fusor."

                U.S. Patent 2,184,910: Cold cathode electron discharge tube (filed 4 November 1936, issued 26 December 1939)

                # U.S. Patent 2,204,479: Means and method for producing electronic multiplication (filed 16 May 1936, issued 11 June 1940)

                # U.S. Patent 2,140,832: Means and method of controlling electron multipliers (filed 16 May 1936, issued 20 December 1938)

                # U.S. Patent 2,260,613: Electron multiplier (filed 18 May 1936, issued 28 October 1941)

                # U.S. Patent 2,141,837: Multistage multipactor (filed 1 June 1936, issued 27 December 1938)

                # U.S. Patent 2,128,580: Means and method of operating electron multipliers (filed 18 August 1936, issued 30 August 1938)

                U.S. Patent 2,071,516: Oscillation generator (filed 5 July 1934, issued 23 February 1937)

                # U.S. Patent 2,143,262: Means of electron multipaction (filed 12 March 1935, issued 10 January 1939)

                # U.S. Patent 2,174,488: Oscillator (filed 12 March 1935, issued 26 September 1939)

                # U.S. Patent 2,221,473: Amplifier (filed 12 March 1935, issued 12 November 1940)



                • @Nat1971a -interesting idea with the sun.So connect negative outher grid with GND ? And what type of vakuum tube u have and it is possible to buy that on ebuy ?


                  • Quite some time ago i bought 2x svetlana sv811-10 power triodes from the USA. It was quite expensive and i remember thinking i was crazy at the time for spending the money. These are the ones gary mcgratten had listed in his documents on the gray tube. They are half wave rectified vacuum tubes which also matches up with the specifications for the ones Tesla used in the car (half wave). From what i gather half wave reduces current. I know nothing about vacuum tubes and they have been basically sitting in the garage until recently. I will hopefully have a go at putting them into the circuit.

                    I also bought a russian thyratron from ebay for about $3 quite some time ago....dont know what the part number is....i might try that out too.


                    • I believe that charge receiving grids are negatively charged like a capacitor.
                      I made two square sheets of aluminum..placed them close together separated by some dielectric....e.g glad wrap....(what you wrap food in) then connect to a large battery plate is negative the other is positive...then use the negative plate as the charge receiving grids.....this is my understanding from what is in the jj thomson document the Tesla refers too


                      • hmm well i got my $3 thyratron working briefly just as grays shows in the circuit...unfortunately my dodgey built system is becoming unreliable otherwise i would have posted a video.....and with nothing connected to the grid in the thyratron


                        • YouTube - Update 33 - Edwin gray's circuit diode versus thyratron

                          me tinkering with grays circuit diode versus thyratron......

                          volt meter readings are from the charge receiving grids.

                          I am using a carbon resistor (buss bar) on the so called LV anode 1.....more tinkering required................


                          • ok i can confirm that the thyratron reduces the sparking at the commutator just as the patent says......the distance between the anodes and grids is really finicky....appears to be working now.....


                            • Edwin grays circuit with so called safety overshoot that fires all the time with occasional pops

                              YouTube - Update 34 - Edwin Gray's circuit with so called safety overshoot firing


                              • Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
                                Edwin grays circuit with so called safety overshoot that fires all the time with occasional pops

                                YouTube - Update 34 - Edwin Gray's circuit with so called safety overshoot firing
                                "So called safety overshoot device" ...hmm
                                Do you remember some paper shown here about electric generator which Gray planned to sell ?
                                It was stated that from start device needed quite a lot of time to run properly something around 30 seconds. Later device run on its own. Do you know why ? Think.
                                Maybe you see a spark of energy from time to time ?
                                Imagine you can recreate it many times per second! I think it would possibly be dangerous ? or not ?

