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Gray Tube Replication

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  • New Setup New Phenomenon

    Well in an effort to have more control over my setup I have been transitioning to Gray setup. My first setup in the transition was an exact replica of the dc to hv how ever i failed to get enough hv so will have to scrap that idea till i can get a better transformer.
    So have got a tesla, gray hybrid at the moment with some very interesting results. For one thing the field has changed. I find it difficult to feel it now it at all. None the less a neon will light when touched to a plate. Heres the interesting part though, the neon will only light from one lead. You know how normally can use either lead from hv source to ground well now you cant with this setup. I have got the cold current collector on the wrong side of the circuit. It would seem the electricity has had half of it removed. This is the only reason i can think of why a neon will only light from one particular lead. Also the spark gap sound has changed, it sounds hollow.


    • see this video. This proffesor, copies Gray tube working?

      YouTube - Physics of Free Energy Device



      • I have been involved lately with tesla coil experiments and the use of ground.
        Have anyone here, make use of Gray's tubes and grounding?

        Why ground?

        I was reading that the entire earth is a huge cap. Ground has a potential of 300Kv (-) and ionosfere has 300Kv (+) i have read somewhere.

        Multipactor effect

        Some guys here paralleled multipactor tube with Gray's tube.
        Multipactor, i read in wiki, takes advantage of the electron avalance effect.
        Due to this effect an non conductive gas column became virtually a conductor. (see your fl lamps)

        Putting all together - Baroutologos' suggestion
        Lets assume we have a high voltage charged cap operating a gas tube.

        Say, we have a high voltage anode at the one end of a tube. (10Kv)and at the other end is the cathode. In the middle, there is metal grid connected to ground. (neutral potential or highly minus (-) charged as viewed from a global point of view.

        Let the discharge begin. When dielectric (gas) breakdown occurs, the standard avalache effect is observed. Normal.
        A pack of electrons go accelarating to the anode and the possitive gas ions go the the cathode ( hence conductor)

        But, what if the metal grounded grid intercepted a part of the possitive ions and neutralize them? What would happen then?
        I dare to say that if this the case, a potential between the ground and the anode would be created that way.

        potential equal electricity flow that equals power.

        Ok this is just a theory. I have not conducted any suitable experiment towards this direction. My point is, in respect to the Gray's tube, the central electrode could be anode, (and it is), the 1st grid could be the ground (physical ground) and the second grid could be the cathode.
        Last edited by baroutologos; 03-29-2010, 09:39 AM.


        • earth ground

          I used some earth ground concepts on some of the Gray experiments and it negated a lot of the plasma burst - at least the way I connected it.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • i do not know for sure... that is sure. I am speculating. The solid fact is that lighting or plasma bursts produce an avalanche of electrons (see Fl tubes or thunder). (Bedini in his diagrams of tube depicts flying electrons also)

            The firm fact again is that the circuit will absorb the same amount of electrons (anode to cathode emited) so in electron's quantity we are even.
            Only between intersept grid and something will be surplus potential

            Ground provides an easy solution for neutralizing the plasma + ions (thanks for confirmation) so we are left with the electrons left from ionazition?

            ANyway, nowadays i will make some rough experiments and see.



            • old diagrams

              Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
              (Bedini in his diagrams of tube depicts flying electrons also)
              This is true. But please remember these were drawn a long time ago based
              on an understanding back then of how it works. Today, the understanding
              may have evolved.

              I'm not saying John doesn't see it like in the diagrams anymore because
              I've never asked him but something to keep in mind I think.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • I knew i had seen that outline (gray tube) before.
                See patent of Pavel Imris (3.781.601 us.pant)

                Can you recognise the similarities and differences in respect to Gray's tube?
                Can you see the ground's role there?


                Last edited by baroutologos; 12-13-2009, 09:40 PM.


                • Quest for zero point energy ... - Google Libri


                  • ...........
                    Last edited by nat1971a; 12-19-2009, 10:42 PM.


                    • Nice videos really.

                      By the way, seeing Aarons marvelous progress I am bit confused since in past February, gives two explanations of how the tube works.

                      * the one here with the series cap to pulsating inductor

                      * and the other here without the cap.

                      According to my sense, its the second explanation that is appropriate.i do not see any similarities in both of them really or have they?

                      Personally also like the expanation of the high voltage first jump across LV rod before blocked, creates the appropriate momentum and ionization for jumping afterwards towards the grid, taking together and "accelerating" low voltage current to the grid?!?!

                      Sounds like an electrostatic... accelerator?


                      Ok, it seems Aaron has drawed a picture on it. Thus it is supposed to be the second explanation.
                      I always wanted a sparking, noisy, HV lethal, machine. I will start replicating as far my powers permit.

                      Some light on this will be helpful.
                      Last edited by baroutologos; 03-29-2010, 09:40 AM.


                      • gray tube


                        I'm glad you like the vids. No matter what version of the circuit
                        I did, they all work on the same principles pretty much that is in
                        the diagram you posted.

                        I think anyone that just builds the bare basic cdi plasma ignition
                        circuit with the reverse didoe will be ahead of the game. I has all
                        the principles wrapped up into it. Then simply use the plasma ignition
                        circuit as the hv low current source.

                        For low voltage high current source, it was very difficult for me to
                        get a battery to work. It is easier to have a cap at a couple hundred
                        volts at various uf's in place of it from either the same or different
                        power source than the capacitor that gets charged that gets dumped
                        to the primary of the ignition coil.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Hi All,

                          I watched grays promotional videos last night for the first time....anyone got any comments on what that popping sound is just before the demo starts....there is about 5 pops just that the mechanical chopper/vibrator or the radiant event that Tesla talks about being similar to a gun/pistol shot



                          • demo machines

                            Those machines are 100% conventional. They are NOT using any of the "gray tube" technology. They draw an incredible amount of power.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Thanks aaron....

