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Gray Tube Replication

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  • I wonder if the radial end of this coil would be imbeded in a block of plastic inside Gray's motor?


    • Radial Energy Pickup

      Or maybe the "floating static" pickup coils - on the energy recovery side - are connected to radial strips of metal, imbeded in the blocks of plastic?


      • Electrotek

        I hope you post schematic of your arrangement of circuit and defibrillator inductor.One picture is worth a thousands words (at least for me)
        I think you've got it. Now make a transformer - for details point to Don Smith lecture. Pack as much transformers as possible in the area of field, primary in series , secondary in parallel. Primary should go to real ground.Radiant flowing that single wire should enlarge itself.


        • Hi Teslan,

          The camera batteries are charging, so I'll post the circuit drawing this afternoon. And you may have a point about using a real ground for a stronger effect, so I'll give that a shot. But I wonder if the static field pickup transformer needs to be any bigger than Gray's hollow core coils? Here's a picture in which he left one more clue:

          The artwork on the wall looks like a treble clef symbol from music, but there's actually a significant difference. Looking closely, I can see what looks like a wide strip in the middle, with coils coming off each end and wrapping around the middle in two layers. This could be a schematic for the coils around his plastic tube. The soldered connections on the actual coil - where radial wires could be going inwards - look like they're offset, so there may be two pickup strips inside. Using two pickup strips would be consistent with pictures of Gray's motor, since he has two complete sets of motor coils, each with their own strips of plastic. The lesser mass of the inner static field coil could well be the reason for the shorter length of one set of motor coils.


          • I just stumbled upon something interesting to share.
            Here is some info about a ukrainian plasma research:
            SciTecLibrary - Cňŕňüč č Ďóáëčęŕöčč

            Scary stuff.
            It looks as if they created something like the electro-radiant event
            having that green color outside of a spark gap.

            Uploaded with

            Uploaded with

            That lightsaber-like flash comes in from under the table !!!
            Negative energy is converging INTO the circuit.
            Looks like at a 90 degree angle to the spark gap, that sounds familiar to gray´s conversion tube.
            There is a lot of power in those things, the researchers have managed to burn plates and so forth with it.

            Videos of the experiment:
            Last edited by Xenomorph; 05-21-2010, 06:44 PM.


            • Some Economic History of Gray's Electrostatic Generator

              Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
              It may turn out that Ed Gray's Electrostatic Generator is more important than his motor. Reports claim that this device could power a large drill, among other tools, lights, and appliances. His motor, on the other hand, was specialized and difficult to replicate.
              Dear Electrotek,

              Keep up those novel exploration experiments with iron and other mateirls that are exposed to arcs.

              Concerning Gray's Electrostatic Generator in this thread: While we will never know the whole truth there are some interesting facts about this device.

              1. Gray was exploring the manufacturing this device in Portland, OR for a construction price of about $53 per unit in 1974. The deal never happened.

              2. The US licensing rights for this technology was sold to a Denver company that formed a coporation called "Electrotech", another coporation was formed to do the same for the motor. These companies never produced a single motor or electrostatic generator. This company (and his 2nd ex-wife) sued Gray in mid 1976. This is when Gray folded Evgray Enterprises and started ZETECH after stealing all of the existing prototypes and documentation.

              3. Gray spent the rest of his life attempting to sell this technology and was often strapped for cash, especially in 1978. Yet, he never built a single electrostatic generator in this 14 year period. If this device worked so well and cost so little to build why wasn't he producing these things in his garage to pay his rent? (and medical bills)

              From this and other information, my conclusion is this:

              The original Marvin Cole Electrostatic Generator worked damn good and was the demonstration device that allowed Cole to get investors to cut loose with their money befor he even had a motor to show off. Richard Hackenberger thought that he knew what was going on in the circuit and made a series of second generation prototypes that used transistors instead of the mechanical vibrator approach. Somehow he over looked something in the translation. When he finally had the proper equipment to analyze his new generation devices it was found out that they were no better than what the Coleman Lamp company was offering. Rather, all he had was a classical and expensive DC-DC converter. Hackenberger thought, at the time, all he needed to do was make corrections to the winding ratios of his induction coil, but didn't have the money to do so since the funding focus was on the motor development.

              Actually I think he finally figured out his mistake in 1st quarter of 1976 when he eleminated the CSET's from the EMA6 motor and replaced them with three active dielectric kenitic arcs devices as part of his commentator system.

              If you can figure out what Marvin Cole had in his "Electrostatic Generator" then you will really be cooking.

              Some hints:

              1. It is largely composed of a custom induction coil made by Mallory Electric Company - but could have been made by any transformer fabricator for a 20%premium over the same weight of a clasical coil. It didn't use a ferrite or exotic core.

              2. 70% of the cost of the generator was in the coil

              3. A sparg gap was required - this is very important because this is where the electrostatic portion of this technology comes from. Note that in 1893 Dr. Tesla was using magnetic arc disruptors, however he was draggin the arc over a mica dielectric that covered the magnet poles in doing so. I believe that this second process was where the action is and what was deleted from the patent documents. It is well hidden.

              4. A car radio vibrator was employed for initial primary excitation. I suspect the Pulse Motor patent is accurate on this point.

              5. It has been rummored that iron wire was involved - but who knows?

              6. The output is in the neighborhood of 1400V pulsing DC. So not all loads can connect to it.

              7. The load is typically connected in series.

              8. The 8KHz operating frequency is what Hackenberger had for his failed solid state system. I think the original unit operated at 100 Hz.

              9. A very high chance that solid state diodes were employed

              10. The unit used current recovery, suggesting that a fair amount of classical recoverable energy was used in the excitation phase.

              11. Hackenberger is quoted as saying "The technical foundations of the motor are based upon the power supply".

              I know this is not a lot and what we have is cryptic - but this is all we have to work with.



              • @Boguslaw:

                Here's the circuit diagram for my static pickup wire. With the inductor as a primary with thousands of turns the single wire still puts off a spark about 1/16" long. So this is not a transformer effect. And it doesn't work at all when the wire is swung around by 90 degrees relative to the end by the inductor.


                I like that effect! Too bad I can't read the text and find out if a straight wire is throwing the radial discharge. I can see they're aware of the IR camera burn and tried to lessen it. I'd like to find an easy to make an IR block filter; the commercial ones are so expensive. Here's one of my new photos, shot through sun glasses:


                • Electrostatic Generators

                  Hi Mark,

                  Thanks for all of this background information on Gray's Electrostatic Generators. This is more for me to think about while I look at the pictures, trying to figure out what's in the Black Boxes.

                  I agree that it's preferable, if not necessary to use an arc producing relay. I see that there are two relays in a micro wave oven. The small one is electronic, powered by 24V, and switches line current to the coil of the larger unit. This second one is mechanical and has 5,000V separation tolerance between the output terminals and the coil. Maybe a few of these in series would work for HV. If not, I can still pulse my NST at a higher rate, on the input side. With a bare control board salvaged from an oven, the relay closes when around 60V AC line power is applied to the board.

                  I'm not surprised that Gray was able to roll up and switch to new investors, since crucial information was kept secret. Does anyone own the rights to the Electrostatic Generator?

                  Thanks for the encouragement about the iron. I'm going to sandwich a couple of strips between some acrylic and wire it up as shown in the pictures and see what happens when I stretch an arc along the inside of the tube.


                  • Radial Energy Pickup

                    Here's a block diagram of the circuit:


                    • GD 1974 Photo Observations of Popping Coil Demo

                      Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                      Hi Teslan,

                      Dear Electrotek,

                      Here are some of my observations from this important 1974 GD photo:

                      1. The "normal" connections for this circuit, relative to the 1973 layout, have been changed. Here the "regular" battery powered DC converter, and FFF have been disconnected. The storage capacitors are now connected in parallel, rather than series (via a jumper). The energy used to charge the storage capacitors now comes from a Neon Sign Transformer regulated with a 2KVA auto transformer. I strongly suspect there is also a diode stack below the counter of that little white table.

                      2. Note the two long coils/electromagnets under the Floating Flux Field. These are "Minor" electromagnets that have the same form factor as the ones seen in the EMA4-E2 motor. These devices are wired into the circuit being demonstrated. Now you can think about what purpose they serve.

                      3. If you don't know already - the coils being "popped" are three wire devices; they are not simple solenoid type coils. These are the "Major" electromagnets from the same motor. As far as I can tell they are the same height -but twice as wide. However, the "Minor" coils seem to be a standard solenoid designs. So why was Marvin using a 3 wire coil for his "Major" electromagnet? I have my ideas, but these are no better than any bodies else’s guess.

                      4. There are two demonstrations or experiments being done on the same table in this photo. The boxes and coils on the right are separate from those on the left - but share the same storage battery. What the stuff on the right is doing is unknown. In this photo the electromagnets on display are not the same as the 'fat' ones seen in the 1973 photo. The electromagnets here look like "Major Electromagnets" from the EMA4-E2 motor.

                      5. Note the Floating Flux Field. The way the disconnected wires hang down shows that the two layers of thick wire are wound in opposite directions. This designed much like a "common mode choke" used in modern day EMI filters. Right now I think this contraption was intended to save the power supply induction coils from the short HV harvest pulses that were applied to the storage capacitors. This required the use of large custom made Mica capacitors. Gray not only suffered from Lead-Acid battery explosions but also storage capacitor failure. Apparently Hackenberger came up with another approach in the design of the EMA6 motor.

                      6. Compared to the July 1973 photo of this same equipment - there is one Black Box missing. I have no idea as to what its purpose was, or if it was actually intended to be part of the experiment on the other end of the table.


                      These coils were demonstrated to jump about 36" on a good day. The weight of the moving coil is about 3lbs. So, in total we are looking at about 9 Ft-pounds of energy being utilized. That converts to about 7 Joules of classical electrical energy. Now in this demo there were two large storage capacitors in large lunch box containers each - charged to about 3KV. You can do the rest of the math, but assuming each capacitor had a value near 5uF you will find that the efficiency of this demonstration is around 3%. This is much less than what today’s Mass driver experimenters get with their setups.

                      I contend that this whole demonstration was wishful thinking on Gray's part. I'm sure the original demonstration worked a whole lot better or else this was just thrown together in 1972 to show how the motor didn't work and get money, yet using actual parts from the motor. The OU aspects of this motor is based on electrostatic processes and not electromagnetic processes, however some electromagnetic repulsion is used.

                      You see the whole foundation of this process is an arc struck between the cores of the two electromagnets. The "Major" electromagnets are actually autotransformers that step up the voltage of the Primary from 3KV to something like 15-20KV (to span the gap) once the arc is struck the "Minor" coil limits the burn current so that the energy pulse lasts long enough to do its job. Its job is not classical electromagnet repulsion. Its job is to super saturate the dielectric inter-pole blocks with an abundance of unpaired electrons that result from the sudden avalanche electron ionization of the O2 in the air.

                      The Pulse motor has two specific modes of operation. The first one is the classical electromagnet repulsion that Cole started with when he got the original idea in 1958 to do this work. [This whole technology didn't start out as an OU enterprise. The Free energy was discovered in about 1964 after several pulse motors were already built. The EMA4-E2 has a lot of unused coils on the rotor. This OU motor was built from a modified classical Pulse motor] However in the EMA4-E2 the electromagnetic repulsion only takes place for 120degrees of rotation. The next 240 degrees of rotation is where the non-classical dielectric charge and harvest cycle takes place. Much of the generated torque comes from the Electrostatic Repulsion and not the classical magnetic repulsion.

                      Getting back to the 1974 GD coil demo photo. If you study all the GD photos in this series and follow the wiring you will find that two of the three popping coil wires (from each electromagnet) connect back to the battery - thus shorting out any autotransformer function. So in this experiment there is no core to core arc. This is just a classical demonstration that was used to explain things to non-technical potential investors.

                      The "amazing" fact that the coils didn't heat up is a bunch of ignorance on Gray's part because he didn't have a clue about classical energy processes or thermodynamics. A 7 Joule pulse spread out over a 60 second or more period of time is a few miliwatts, which would be imperceptible. However I do believe that anomalous cooling did take place in the operation of the motor - but not in this butchered demonstration.

                      Also note the large shunt resistor connected to the battery. It is my opinion this is a high current low resistance damping resistor on the order of .5 ohms. If this were not here the system would oscillate and stress the storage capacitors. Also there is a huge diode in shunt (parallel) with the storage capacitor. This was the basis of Gray's 1979 UK patent. This diode also insures there is no ringing in this system so that all the energy bypasses the capacitor to make one long pulse. The pulse exhausts all the energy in the capacitor and Major coil.

                      In Marvin Cole's original designs, for both the motor and the Electrostatic Generator it took anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds to complete the first initial charge on the storage capacitor. After that, huge amounts of energy could be extracted continuously. If each single excitation pulse exhausted this initial charge of the storage capacitor you can see just how powerful his non-classical harvest process was.

                      In the motor it is more complicated since the "Minor" electromagnets are acting as series current limiters, but as they move past each other their mutual inductance decreases, thus the total inductance decreases. The effect of this has a huge impact on the overall current burn profile that the arc sees. I have yet to build this arrangement to see what kinds of pulse forms are generated. I suspect that this could achieve a constant current burn for the duration of the arc.

                      To get an idea as to how I think this all worked; consider the design of ballasts used for HID lighting. This is the same sort of engineering challenge but the strike voltages used there are lower (about 900 Volts).

                      Keep up your analysis of these rare photos. I'm sure you will see things that I haven't seen based upon your technical background and inspiration. I believe there are clues in these photos but there are a lot of lies. I would recommend that these photos not be considered as real functioning OU hardware, but rather parts and pieces of something that was OU a few years before.



                      • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post

                        Here's the circuit diagram for my static pickup wire. With the inductor as a primary with thousands of turns the single wire still puts off a spark about 1/16" long. So this is not a transformer effect. And it doesn't work at all when the wire is swung around by 90 degrees relative to the end by the inductor.


                        I like that effect! Too bad I can't read the text and find out if a straight wire is throwing the radial discharge. I can see they're aware of the IR camera burn and tried to lessen it. I'd like to find an easy to make an IR block filter; the commercial ones are so expensive. Here's one of my new photos, shot through sun glasses:

                        Where exactly on your circuit radiant effect occur ?


                        • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                          Dear Electrotek,

                          Here are some of my observations from this important 1974 GD photo:

                          1. The "normal" connections for this circuit, relative to the 1973 layout, have been changed. Here the "regular" battery powered DC converter, and FFF have been disconnected. The storage capacitors are now connected in parallel, rather than series (via a jumper). The energy used to charge the storage capacitors now comes from a Neon Sign Transformer regulated with a 2KVA auto transformer. I strongly suspect there is also a diode stack below the counter of that little white table.

                          2. Note the two long coils/electromagnets under the Floating Flux Field. These are "Minor" electromagnets that have the same form factor as the ones seen in the EMA4-E2 motor. These devices are wired into the circuit being demonstrated. Now you can think about what purpose they serve.

                          3. If you don't know already - the coils being "popped" are three wire devices; they are not simple solenoid type coils. These are the "Major" electromagnets from the same motor. As far as I can tell they are the same height -but twice as wide. However, the "Minor" coils seem to be a standard solenoid designs. So why was Marvin using a 3 wire coil for his "Major" electromagnet? I have my ideas, but these are no better than any bodies else’s guess.

                          4. There are two demonstrations or experiments being done on the same table in this photo. The boxes and coils on the right are separate from those on the left - but share the same storage battery. What the stuff on the right is doing is unknown. In this photo the electromagnets on display are not the same as the 'fat' ones seen in the 1973 photo. The electromagnets here look like "Major Electromagnets" from the EMA4-E2 motor.

                          5. Note the Floating Flux Field. The way the disconnected wires hang down shows that the two layers of thick wire are wound in opposite directions. This designed much like a "common mode choke" used in modern day EMI filters. Right now I think this contraption was intended to save the power supply induction coils from the short HV harvest pulses that were applied to the storage capacitors. This required the use of large custom made Mica capacitors. Gray not only suffered from Lead-Acid battery explosions but also storage capacitor failure. Apparently Hackenberger came up with another approach in the design of the EMA6 motor.

                          6. Compared to the July 1973 photo of this same equipment - there is one Black Box missing. I have no idea as to what its purpose was, or if it was actually intended to be part of the experiment on the other end of the table.


                          These coils were demonstrated to jump about 36" on a good day. The weight of the moving coil is about 3lbs. So, in total we are looking at about 9 Ft-pounds of energy being utilized. That converts to about 7 Joules of classical electrical energy. Now in this demo there were two large storage capacitors in large lunch box containers each - charged to about 3KV. You can do the rest of the math, but assuming each capacitor had a value near 5uF you will find that the efficiency of this demonstration is around 3%. This is much less than what today’s Mass driver experimenters get with their setups.

                          I contend that this whole demonstration was wishful thinking on Gray's part. I'm sure the original demonstration worked a whole lot better or else this was just thrown together in 1972 to show how the motor didn't work and get money, yet using actual parts from the motor. The OU aspects of this motor is based on electrostatic processes and not electromagnetic processes, however some electromagnetic repulsion is used.

                          You see the whole foundation of this process is an arc struck between the cores of the two electromagnets. The "Major" electromagnets are actually autotransformers that step up the voltage of the Primary from 3KV to something like 15-20KV (to span the gap) once the arc is struck the "Minor" coil limits the burn current so that the energy pulse lasts long enough to do its job. Its job is not classical electromagnet repulsion. Its job is to super saturate the dielectric inter-pole blocks with an abundance of unpaired electrons that result from the sudden avalanche electron ionization of the O2 in the air.

                          The Pulse motor has two specific modes of operation. The first one is the classical electromagnet repulsion that Cole started with when he got the original idea in 1958 to do this work. [This whole technology didn't start out as an OU enterprise. The Free energy was discovered in about 1964 after several pulse motors were already built. The EMA4-E2 has a lot of unused coils on the rotor. This OU motor was built from a modified classical Pulse motor] However in the EMA4-E2 the electromagnetic repulsion only takes place for 120degrees of rotation. The next 240 degrees of rotation is where the non-classical dielectric charge and harvest cycle takes place. Much of the generated torque comes from the Electrostatic Repulsion and not the classical magnetic repulsion.

                          Getting back to the 1974 GD coil demo photo. If you study all the GD photos in this series and follow the wiring you will find that two of the three popping coil wires (from each electromagnet) connect back to the battery - thus shorting out any autotransformer function. So in this experiment there is no core to core arc. This is just a classical demonstration that was used to explain things to non-technical potential investors.

                          The "amazing" fact that the coils didn't heat up is a bunch of ignorance on Gray's part because he didn't have a clue about classical energy processes or thermodynamics. A 7 Joule pulse spread out over a 60 second or more period of time is a few miliwatts, which would be imperceptible. However I do believe that anomalous cooling did take place in the operation of the motor - but not in this butchered demonstration.

                          Also note the large shunt resistor connected to the battery. It is my opinion this is a high current low resistance damping resistor on the order of .5 ohms. If this were not here the system would oscillate and stress the storage capacitors. Also there is a huge diode in shunt (parallel) with the storage capacitor. This was the basis of Gray's 1979 UK patent. This diode also insures there is no ringing in this system so that all the energy bypasses the capacitor to make one long pulse. The pulse exhausts all the energy in the capacitor and Major coil.

                          In Marvin Cole's original designs, for both the motor and the Electrostatic Generator it took anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds to complete the first initial charge on the storage capacitor. After that, huge amounts of energy could be extracted continuously. If each single excitation pulse exhausted this initial charge of the storage capacitor you can see just how powerful his non-classical harvest process was.

                          In the motor it is more complicated since the "Minor" electromagnets are acting as series current limiters, but as they move past each other their mutual inductance decreases, thus the total inductance decreases. The effect of this has a huge impact on the overall current burn profile that the arc sees. I have yet to build this arrangement to see what kinds of pulse forms are generated. I suspect that this could achieve a constant current burn for the duration of the arc.

                          To get an idea as to how I think this all worked; consider the design of ballasts used for HID lighting. This is the same sort of engineering challenge but the strike voltages used there are lower (about 900 Volts).

                          Keep up your analysis of these rare photos. I'm sure you will see things that I haven't seen based upon your technical background and inspiration. I believe there are clues in these photos but there are a lot of lies. I would recommend that these photos not be considered as real functioning OU hardware, but rather parts and pieces of something that was OU a few years before.

                          Hi Mark,

                          I think this table is set up to compare the effects produced by various powering methods. Sometimes the hollow core coils were used, sometimes the NST. And there's also what looks similar to the Zetec CSET under the table, sometimes connected. Apparently, the hollow core coils produced the best effect since they are used in the Hackenberger photo. When energized by the Black Boxes these coils would likely take less energy than the NST. Here's another table layout, with clearer wiring:


                          • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                            Where exactly on your circuit radiant effect occur ?
                            The radial energy pressure waves are close to the surface of the inductor and are picked up by the 1/2" of the wire sticking under the edge of the bottom of the inductor.


                            • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                              To get an idea as to how I think this all worked; consider the design of ballasts used for HID lighting. This is the same sort of engineering challenge but the strike voltages used there are lower (about 900 Volts).

                              Keep up your analysis of these rare photos. I'm sure you will see things that I haven't seen based upon your technical background and inspiration.

                              As an electrician, I've seen HID lights which use a spiral line generator to strike the lamp, with this capacitor wound around the transformer's core, as shown in patent #4724362. I think this approach could work for Gray's circuit, as an easy alternative to the ignition coil some are using. I've also noticed that Gray's schematic appears to incorporate the diode T-tap circuit I discovered in the 80's. This is a voltage doubler which applies twice the operating voltage between the grid and rod when the switch is closed. This is IF the tube sparks between the grid and rod, which is a presumption.

                              Also, I didn't go to electrician's school, so I missed out on the technical background. Just OJT. Before that I was a projectionist in various theaters in the Mid West and North West. Before automation hit the theaters. I'm just a hobbyist who likes to make sparks and read patents and the Internet.


                              • HOLY CRAP!!!! does anyone see that this is once again STOLEN TESLA TECH.... His air coil has 2 primaries, probably with a spark gap in series in between them, and both are wound in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS....That's why both wires on the primary are coming off the top of the coil (you can't see the turn around/spark gap point on the other side). This make 2 bucking magnetic fields, choking the electrons, and allowing the AEther energy to flow in the circuit. Or maybe it simply turns the primary into nothing more than an electrostatic inductor with NO magnetic induction...or maybe it radically changes the selfinduction and self capacitance of the coil leading to a radically different transformation and transfer of energy. Also similar to Ralph Bergstresser's spark prolonging coil

                                I've been saying this for SO long: bucking magnetic fields create flux compression and can probably have a super saturation of magnetic flux when under compression or tension
                                I just watched an interview of that guy from Lockheed Martin's Skunworks, and he said that he found that an object falls at a slower acceleration due to "gravity" when under the influence of 2 bucking magnetic fields. he put 2 $5000 neodimium magnets with like poles clamped together inside one object, and an other object of the same size, shape, and weight without magnets fell faster.

