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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Overshoot Switch

    The circuit on the left in this picture shows an electrode arrangement which maintains a constant arc between the closest points, with the longer point discharging a Puff Spark when the grid cap's potential reaches a sufficient level. This constant arc is shown in the Overshoot Switch in Gray's circuit patent. This circuit can also be used for a 'standard' CSET electrode spacing by adding a switch on the ground side. This points out the difference between MY three point discharge electrodes and what is considered as being the correct CSET grid spacing. And this diode T-tap is versatile. Just about any electrode alignment and spacing can be used. A triangular spacing of the electrodes can also be used, as shown in the circuit on the right. This produces a three point discharge, resulting in a triangular Puff Spark effect.

    By inertiatek at 2010-05-31


    • My Circuits

      These last two circuits are different from most of my Puff Spark circuits, in that the 'grid' spacing is not less than that between the 'rod' points. However, these are still some of "my circuits" since I discovered/developed them through actually building and testing them. Also, I'm the first person to publish them with an accurate description of their operation, along with an associative connection to what Ed Gray might have been doing. 'Nuf said.


      • Circuit History

        Here's the first version of my Puff Spark circuit:

        When I first joined this forum and presented this circuit, back in Dec. '08, I mentioned that only one of the capacitors - the top one - was needed for what I thought was Gray's effect.

        Later, I posted a video with this switch jumper:

        By inertiatek at 2009-04-19

        This T-tap, with the rest of the circuit, is also what produces the compressed air sound in my arc, with the right capacitor. After hearing a similar effect with a different circuit I realized the arc's sound is actually a longitudinal shaking of the capacitor plates.

        Here's the Tube version I posted at some point, later using to measure repulsion with and without the surrounding magnetic coil, again using only one capacitor:

        I've actually got more than two pages of little diagrams of the different ways I've hooked everything up. But I've concluded that my original circuit is still the best. However, using the T-tap allows mixing of AC and DC, which provides advantage.

        Addendum: This circuit is the same as the first one:

        When the top two points are closed, the basic circuit looks like this:

        By inertiatek at 2009-04-19

        This circuit will fire when the charge reaches a predetermined level, based on gap length. Or, the diode T-tap switch jumper can be added. The secondary (switch) arc allows the circuit to be fired at a lower charge than needed to jump the main gap.
        Last edited by Electrotek; 06-02-2010, 05:17 PM. Reason: addendum


        • A New Age

          I've got a new version of my three point discharge Puff Spark circuit. I did a preliminary but conclusive test this morning. What a beautiful sight!!


          • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
            I've got a new version of my three point discharge Puff Spark circuit. I did a preliminary but conclusive test this morning. What a beautiful sight!!
            Ok Tek, Lay it on us.-Gary


            • Originally posted by gmeat View Post
              Ok Tek, Lay it on us.-Gary
              First, I'm going to see if this really is the same as the Water SparkPlug effect. My Puff Spark does NOT produce plasma. It's actually a "plasmid". It is opaque and has surface tension. It's something called a Fermi Liquid.

              Also, there's no point in trying to post any pictures until I get a film type movie camera which doesn't have the image burn problem.

              AND, this is pretty valuable, so there's some concern over piracy. I may discuss it with my local contacts first.


              • try putting a capacitor equal to the flow of energy out of the half the secondary in paralell with that half...between the center tap and the end.

                Isn't voltage and amperage inversely related in phasing between a capacitor and an inductor? This should provide that "equal but opposite" component of the system to eliminate the outside environment's need to balance its self.

                I guess this might be an alternative to bucking coils....


                • I'll bet you that the angular orientation of the spark gaps determine the characteristics of the spark/plasma induced.

                  If this thing can make radiant energy / magnetic current / aether energy flow in a linnear direction, I have a hunch that the angle of 42 degrees should be placed in the configuration. Light bends through a prism at 42 degrees (HUGE MASONIC KNOWLEDGE)
                  but 40 degrees should be tried too, because ONLY RED is at 42 degrees and violet is at 40 degrees


                  • Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
                    try putting a capacitor equal to the flow of energy out of the half the secondary in paralell with that half...between the center tap and the end.

                    Isn't voltage and amperage inversely related in phasing between a capacitor and an inductor? This should provide that "equal but opposite" component of the system to eliminate the outside environment's need to balance its self.

                    I guess this might be an alternative to bucking coils....
                    Thanks for your input, but I'm not sure at this point how to do anything but go for the next level of the circuit. All I know for sure is that my circuit is CONVERTING POWER. It's converting the transformer's power into STATIC ENERGY. There's a lot of work ahead before I can post anything else for certain.


                    • Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
                      I'll bet you that the angular orientation of the spark gaps determine the characteristics of the spark/plasma induced.

                      If this thing can make radiant energy / magnetic current / aether energy flow in a linnear direction, I have a hunch that the angle of 42 degrees should be placed in the configuration. Light bends through a prism at 42 degrees (HUGE MASONIC KNOWLEDGE)
                      but 40 degrees should be tried too, because ONLY RED is at 42 degrees and violet is at 40 degrees
                      I'm actually thinking of using this with evanescent waves. These are standing waves which go out a certain distance then stop, usually less than 1/2 wavelength. They form when light travels through a boundary between two mediums, then experiences total internal reflection at a second boundary between the same two mediums, due to the internal angle of incidence. The standing waves are produced when some of the reflected light tunnels through the boundary/barrier. Sounds like Star Trek.

                      SpringerLink - Journal Article


                      • haha, indeed.

                        Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Gate...
                        The principles behind most SciFi Technology seem to be sound....Like maybe someone's been trying to teach us the whole time


                        • I've seen the Puff Spark on Star Gate and Alias. The first time was right after I described it on a much earlier forum. Both times it was used to initiate a weapon's fire. The electrodes were so well engineered it HAD to be some Black Ops footage. There were 'artistic' factors a normal person wouldn't think of for the shape resonance. That's why I've always believed the CSET does work. And SOMEONE still has Gray's original Black Boxes, to reverse engineer and optimize. But I ain't no Samuel Colt. Nor am I going to empower someone else to walk that path.

                          The Hippies won the Cold War with our slogan:

                          "What if they gave a war and nobody came?"


                          • All I want to know is.....will George Lucas sue me if I build myself a Speeder Bike?


                            • Basically what you're doing is making ball lightning....plasma vortices's

                              John Hutchison shows how to do the same thing, if you make him a donation to get to the member's only part of his site.

                              In it are a number of VERY IMPORTANT details on his discoveries....
                              One of them is a Ball Lightning launcher
                              Last edited by SuperCaviTationIstic; 06-05-2010, 11:26 PM.


                              • Basically it's the same as what you made...but he uses a separate source of positive high voltage from a Van Der Graff generator. He doesn't have 3 electrodes, but rather has 2 AC electrodes (they should obviously be in bucking configuration) and perpendicular to the gap is a tube with metal rings on it which get charged from the static generator.

                                Try 2 bucking coils out of the end taps of the NST. You don't need your center tap. Spark gap in center of bucking magnetic fields, with a TV flyback connected to a capacitor jacket on a tube (like the way a CRT is charged)

                                THIS IS THE TESLA DEATH RAY
                                THIS IS HIS PARTICLE BEAM WEAPON


                                THE D.O.D. MIGHT NOT BE HAPPY

