Overshoot Switch
The circuit on the left in this picture shows an electrode arrangement which maintains a constant arc between the closest points, with the longer point discharging a Puff Spark when the grid cap's potential reaches a sufficient level. This constant arc is shown in the Overshoot Switch in Gray's circuit patent. This circuit can also be used for a 'standard' CSET electrode spacing by adding a switch on the ground side. This points out the difference between MY three point discharge electrodes and what is considered as being the correct CSET grid spacing. And this diode T-tap is versatile. Just about any electrode alignment and spacing can be used. A triangular spacing of the electrodes can also be used, as shown in the circuit on the right. This produces a three point discharge, resulting in a triangular Puff Spark effect.
By inertiatek at 2010-05-31
The circuit on the left in this picture shows an electrode arrangement which maintains a constant arc between the closest points, with the longer point discharging a Puff Spark when the grid cap's potential reaches a sufficient level. This constant arc is shown in the Overshoot Switch in Gray's circuit patent. This circuit can also be used for a 'standard' CSET electrode spacing by adding a switch on the ground side. This points out the difference between MY three point discharge electrodes and what is considered as being the correct CSET grid spacing. And this diode T-tap is versatile. Just about any electrode alignment and spacing can be used. A triangular spacing of the electrodes can also be used, as shown in the circuit on the right. This produces a three point discharge, resulting in a triangular Puff Spark effect.
By inertiatek at 2010-05-31