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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
    Basically what you're doing is making ball lightning....plasma vortices's

    I sure hope John Hutchison doesn't mind....but he has some relevant info regarding this....
    Here's a link to a PDF file on his web site in the members only area... The $1 donation I gave him was worth it....

    In it are a number of VERY IMPORTANT details on his discoveries....
    One of them is a Ball Lightning launcher
    Thanks for the link; this is the best presentation of John's system I've seen.

    My Gradient Plate is similar to his Fig. 8 setup:

    By inertiatek at 2010-06-03

    Looking at it closely on the left side you can see there are various layers of al foil sandwitched between thicker layers of plastic. The last layer of foil, on the back, is on the surface, with the rear electrode needle touching the foil, off to the side of the aperture.

    Here's the basic effect, keeping in mind the camera burn spreads the image out about 30%. I've got a two electrode gap on one side, with one of these electrodes also connected to the last foil layer.

    By inertiatek at 2010-05-21

    Looking at the Gradient Plate again, you can see that this setup produces both the positive and the negative magnetic forces. In addition to the longitudinal expulsion of the plasmid (the positive force action), there is also a spiral burn pattern which starts at the 10:00 o'clock position on the edge of the hole and spirals outwards. This is the negative force action. So what I'm doing isn't actually Ball Lightning, although I have produced that effect with my approach, using reverse polarity. That spark, instead of flinging out radially, curled around forming the surface of a hollow sphere. And I saw something like this gradient plate on Star Trek: Voyager, except it had a lot more layers.

    My favorite Ball Lightning launcher was when a co-worker unspooled some wires and pushed the ends into what was thought to be an empty conduit. (Thin wall metal pipe.) Unknown to us, there were live three phase wires way back in the pipe, which had been cut and pulled back by a previous worker. When the head of the wire bundle being pushed in hit these live wires, two live wires shorted together, then they all went phase-to-phase, with the resultant fire ball shooting out of the pipe like a Roman Candle. Luckily the end of the pipe wasn't crenelated, so the fire balls curved as they came out, missing the guy's face.

    What I'm doing now is tapping the minimal plasmid with a radial pickup wire connected to a polar mass, rather than to ground. There is a substantial movement of plasmid to the pickup wire.
    Last edited by Electrotek; 06-05-2010, 11:52 PM.


    • Electrotek,
      I just tried a bifilar winding, and 2 opposing but seperate bucking coils. Both of them produce the red flame....and when it arcs to a 3rd piece of metal it makes pure white discharges. The sound is incredible, it turned the 3000v NST purple hissing output into strong Disruptive Discharges. It sounds like a tazer!

      Also, the star like radiance coming from bulbs and sparks of Radiant Energy devices that are shown on the web, which I thought only were an inability of a camera to represent it correctly....well they are clear as day..... basically the red flame has a halo around it


      • Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
        GREAT WORK!
        I just tried a bifilar winding, and 2 opposing but seperate bucking coils. Both of them produce the red flame....and when it arcs to a 3rd piece of metal it makes pure white discharges. The sound is incredible, it turned the 3000v NST purple hissing output into strong Disruptive Discharges. It sounds like a tazer!

        Also, the star like radiance coming from bulbs and sparks of Radiant Energy devices that are shown on the web, which I thought only were an inability of a camera to represent it correctly....well they are clear as day..... basically the red flame has a halo around it
        This sounds incredible! Somewhere in this thread we discussed the inductive decrease of bucking coils, as if they simulate a bifilar coil.

        Keep at it!


        • I tried a simple variation of my last experiment and this time I'm getting the proper sound effects from the arc. A kind of "pish-oom" sequence, with the second sound having a lower frequency. This indicates there are two components in the discharge which can resonate with two grids of differing mass, in a single wire pulse forming network. And the minimal plasmid IS blowing off to the side, with a 170 degree electrode alignment.

          I haven't tried a digital camera shot to see if there's any green camera burn, with OR without copper in the electrodes. Has anyone shown this effect with tungsten welding rod electrodes? My bi-phasic arc does produce an ionization spectrum.

          I'm still thinking about the microscopic size of the Puff Spark electrodes shown on Star Gate, with the shock projector shaped like the number 2. It doesn't take much energy to produce an overly effective output when dealing with a non linear interaction.


          • One More Switch

            Here's a circuit I once reported in connection with my Puff Tube experiments. The right hand side, including the three point discharge electrodes, is identical to my "Ed Gray Test Circuit". (Excluding Gray's switch.) The primary capacitor, on the right, will NOT charge without an arc between the two 'rod electrode' points, due to the electrode spacing. When the capacitor on the left is included this arc is not constant, as it would be with unfiltered HV. Instead, the long arc makes a loud popping sound as it repeatedly fires each time this cap's energy is sufficient. Likewise, there can be NO discharge from or to the 'grid' electrode without this arc being present. The Puff Spark is hard to initiate without closely spaced electrodes - unless there is a nearby arc.

            When the switch is closed, the long arc will start popping as the primary capacitor on the right charges. When charged enough to bridge the gap, the Puff Spark will occur with the next pop of the long arc. And the switch can be turned on only momentarily, to charge the primary cap, then turned back off.

            So the observed operation of this circuit is, once both caps have been charged, when the switch is turned on the long arc will fire, then this arc will fire the 'grid' point. With continuous operation of a rotary spark gap the grid point CAN fire each time the switch closes, if the wider electrodes are spaced closely enough for rapid popping, with the grid point pulled in proportionately. And a pickup wire can also be run from the actual grids to a point which is much closer to the long arc between the 'rod' points than the grids themselves are actually positioned.


            • my COPYRIGHTED open source schematic

              Originally posted by Electrotek View Post

              That is my copyrighted schematic that I posted a year and a half ago, it is one of the
              many that I open sourced - it is the second diagram on the first page


              01-29-2009, 12:12 AM
              Aaron vbmenu_register("postmenu_43365", true);
              Spiritual Entrepreneur
              Join Date: Feb 2007
              Location: Washington State
              Posts: 6,416

              How the Gray Tube Works 2 & 3

              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Piracy


                Your copyright is invalid because I posted my diagram first.

                When I joined this forum in Dec. '08 I posted this circuit, saying the lower capacitor was not included in my "Ed Gray Test Circuit". Shortly after I presented my discovery you announced that "soon everyone will know how Gray's circuit works". Then you posted your version of MY circuit.

                YOUR DIAGRAM CONTAINS EVERY ELEMENT OF MY CIRCUIT and is not original.

                Your diagram DOES NOT SHOW the close spaced rods and distant grid YOU USE.

                Why are you trying to take credit for MY DISCOVERY?

                edit: This is EXACTLY what I said last year: I can't present MY OWN DISCOVERY without you saying I'm infringing on YOUR LATER COPYRIGHT.

                edit2: Furthermore, you don't even show the correct discharge sequence between the electrodes. THIS IS NOT ONE OF "YOUR CIRCUITS".

                Your circuit is just one of the "multiple obvious variations" which can be deduced from MY CIRCUIT.
                Last edited by Electrotek; 06-05-2010, 08:00 PM.


                • The Circuits Are Not The Same

                  I'm very sorry to say it, but for some reason Aaron's writing style gives me a headache. Maybe it's all the non-paradigmical statements. So, for this reason I've read very little of what he's posted. However, thanks to Mark McKay distributing "Aaron's Work" I did recently see something which caught my eye. He said: "The HV spark constantly jumps the one centimeter gap between the grid and the HV rod". This statement right here holds the key to resolving our dispute. A 5kV spark WILL NOT jump a one centimeter gap. And NEITHER WILL a "600V" spark. What he's describing is the Water SparkPlug circuit, in which the supply voltage comes from an ignition coil and is higher than the 5kV he designates as the HV power supply. What he's talking about WILL NOT WORK with the Puff Spark circuit he also shows and claims. With less and less supply voltage, the 'grid' electrode MUST be closer and closer to the primary arc.

                  Also, he's not showing the complete WSP circuit, including the trigger coil's supply cap also dumping through the spark. The Puff Spark circuit has no such LOW VOLTAGE capacitor. These two circuits ARE NOT THE SAME. And *I* don't know for a fact that the WSP circuit even produces a Fermi Liquid discharge effect. For all *I* know, only MY circuit will work with a single wire pulse forming network.

                  Anyone who follows his linkbacks will find that his 'copyright' is severely disputed. And it just isn't right for him to claim MY DISCOVERY as part of "his work". But maybe he's dragging this up again to disrupt my presentation THIS year? He did benevolently proclaim the "anyone can use" (ie, publish) "his circuit". What's up?


                  • Why do you guys think you can even patent universal knowledge like that....
                    It's BULL****

                    This is about open source.....

                    Don't you know that just about EVERY man who tried to profit from these universal technologies has been KILLED....

                    Why is John Hutchison still alive?
                    He doesn't seek profit.
                    Pure and simple
                    He has the entire tech figured out. don't let his show and incorrectly built devices fool you. it's his safeguard

                    This is GOD's technology.
                    Give it freely

                    I can go through most of the famous Egyptian Hieroglyphic Pictures and tell you what the machines do, and how. Would I patent the Djed Pillar? ABSOLUTELY NOT...
                    I plan to build one with the same basic materials they had available....
                    And release all info for it
                    Stay tuned.....thread will be created once I build it,


                    • @SuperCaviTationIstic:

                      I think you should go back to your post where you 'provided' a link which needs to be deleted (edit). John Hutchinson maintains this file on the "members" area of his site, and it is intended to be pay-to-view. It isn't right for you to post the 'side door' access without HIS permission.

                      edit: And I WAS Open Sourcing my discovery. AARON is the one that started jumping up and down saying I was infringing. Just as I said he would do when I first discovered his copyrighted article.
                      Last edited by Electrotek; 06-05-2010, 11:24 PM.


                      • Electrotek,
                        I edited my post, you need to edit your quote of my post too.
                        By the way, that was Aaron I was speaking of, but also anyone who thinks they can continue the veil of secrecy of these things.


                        • Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
                          I edited my post, you need to edit your quote of my post too.
                          By the way, that was Aaron I was speaking of, but also anyone who thinks they can continue the veil of secrecy of these things.
                          Link deleted.

                          Profit: Am I entitled, at the bare minimum, to the recognition of my discovery being acknowledged as my own, and that I DID Open Source it in good faith?

                          Suppression: Why is Aaron acting like he's going to start bouncing back and forth, telling me I can't discuss my discovery, because HE snuck in a copyrighted "obvious variation" of the circuit I Open Sourced?


                          • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                            Link deleted.

                            Profit: Am I entitled, at the bare minimum, to the recognition of my discovery being acknowledged as my own, and that I DID Open Source it in good faith?

                            Suppression: Why is Aaron acting like he's going to start bouncing back and forth, telling me I can't discuss my discovery, because HE snuck in a copyrighted "obvious variation" of the circuit I Open Sourced?
                            Absolutely! You are entitled to it if you so choose.....
                            Look at Imhotep... he is known all over for his motor modification technique

                            As far as suppression goes.... it can't be stopped if it is timeless and nameless yet still known. I guess pseudo names are a good idea, to preserve YOUR identity, and to make it easy in the future for others to find your information


                            • Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
                              Absolutely! You are entitled to it if you so choose.....
                              Look at Imhotep... he is known all over for his motor modification technique

                              As far as suppression goes.... it can't be stopped if it is timeless and nameless yet still known. I guess pseudo names are a good idea, to preserve YOUR identity, and to make it easy in the future for others to find your information
                              Pseudo names don't work this time. Last year, Aaron defamed my integrity, threatened me with extortion, and slung all kinds of mud at my good name (Jerry Volland), saying I was basically a stupid "EE" who couldn't see his circuit was completely different than what I Open Sourced.


                              I think you owe me an apology for disrupting my current presentation. My last on-topic post contained NONE of the text from your article, and the spark diagrams and discharge sequence are completely different from what you show. Also, I would NEVER tie -5kV to chassis ground.


                              • Hutchinson file

                                The Hutchinson file is freely available from his website, along with other files, check here:

