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Gray Tube Replication

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  • While a greater amount of energy seems to be captured into the four capacitors
    on the secondary, when they are connected onto the running battery there is
    seen a charging effect although the voltage will steadily decrease.

    It may be I'm going about it incorrectly; the (+) battery is on the charger
    cap anode, the (-) to the (-). The LV side caps are matched with the charger
    caps... two rows connected in parallel of four 250v 22uf for 1KV on each.

    Could it be thought that once the second half of the motor is in place that
    the efficiency of the system will increase possibly to the point where the
    overunity effect may be observed?

    My guess was that the single bifilar winding would enable this, due to the
    inductive magnification of energy. Perhaps it is that the bEMF is not being
    harnessed by this charging circuit correctly.

    I've got a feeling it isn't, and have an idea that the following
    may represent a method of recovery more suitable for this endeavor.
    After all, these neo magnets have around 50lbs of flux apeice; I'd
    think that if all the EMF was being captured it would send the
    batteries soaring.

    [ Daftman's Newman Motor Experiment - Single motor coil Vs Dual ]


    • The feeling I had about the charger circuit was non founded - the fullwave
      bridge as seen in the video is most efficient.

      Aaron - I've seen how your plasma ignitor will explode water, and if you
      may remember I've shown how a saltwater leyden jar reacts to this energy,
      although what about combining them in the presence of water?

      By this I mean electrolysing with a fresh stream of bursts from the copper
      pickup serving to act as the reciever of this radiant energy.


      • recovery cap


        What is the capacitance of that 1kv recovery cap?
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • It measures at 5.07uF.

          In the process of winding the original 30g half side of the motor, the
          one singly-wound, part of the jig was a 120v sewing machine motor that
          didn't really turn out to be so useful with such a small guage getting
          it wound as accurately as possible. With this bifilar one I didn't use
          it at all, but was thinking that it may now prove useful for capturing
          some mechanical output mounted onto the grey motor brick.

          I've got to cut new threaded rods for fitting the top part of the motor
          on, so the singly-wound coil from before will fit until I get the other
          bifilar one finished.

          Currently measured on the LV side I've got 1KV 10.14uF with two rows
          of the 250v 22uF caps, and there are enough of them left to match this
          value on the recovery side.

          Also the timing is now figured out with a reed switch trigger.


          • Additional measurements -

            Inductance of the bifilar coil primary is about equal to the secondary
            at 270-272mH. It wavers down to 250 then returns.


            • I've been seeing some different results lately - the 5uF recovery bank
              is now only charging up to around 300V for some reason in the same
              configuration as shown in the video with one or both sides of the motor
              connected to drive the magnets. I've checked the coils for continuity
              and they are fine - its something else that has changed.

              When the cathode side of the recovery bridge is connected to ground
              with only one half of the motor connected all is well, although it still
              does not nearly show the same amount of recovery.

              When both sides of the motor are running and the recovery bridge cathode
              is on ground, it somehow deactivates the system from generating a burst
              on the rods and driving the motor.

              In my attempt to reconfigure the recovery circuit as previously shown, I'm
              thinking it might have somehow damaged the ability of these capacitors to
              hold a charge.

              The following pic shows how I have secured the magnets together with
              metal strip and fencing wire. They are tightened very well, although
              it seems to have reduced the top speed of the motor.

              While it still seems have a great amount of force on the driveshaft,
              it is not yet enough to spin the sewing machine motor up. It is rated
              at 120v .62A, so even being at full speed I'm seeing that it would not
              be nearly enough to positively offset the drain on the battery.

              The last experiment attemping to drive this 120v motor from the one I
              built was drawing around 175W from the inverter with a 1KV 15uF cap bank
              on the LV side, so a method of recovery which may be used to produce an
              overunity system is still beyond my grasp.



              • recovery idea

                I've just had a thought.... When the output of the tube is
                first going through the motor coil and then out to ground, any contact
                with the battery powering the inverter will cause it to shut down
                with a voltage warning.

                When the output of the tube goes directly to the (+) battery post,
                out through the (-) post to ground on the battery powering the inverter,
                there is no warning and the system runs. I'll be finding out whether
                this effect can be used repeatedly to charge the battery.

                Now the thought I was struck with - In light of these findings, why not
                first send the output of the tube into the (+) bat, out the (-) side
                and then on to the motor coil to ground? I've not yet implemented it,
                so do not wish to predict whether it would shut down the inverter.
                Last edited by geotron; 04-16-2011, 07:24 AM.


                • unknown event

                  There's another development.... this one has a different look to it
                  guys. All the way around everything in order to cross the gap is how
                  it is setup. The coil input is the LV side Anode, exiting the coil
                  would take a path into the diode bank. [ video ]


                  • Was around 20V I think on the variac into mot into 1KV 15uf LV.

                    Temporarily displaced my USB devices, had to replug them all in.


                    • almost there

                      This is substantially different energy emitting from the LV side
                      electrode. I've reworked my system to reflect the following diagram,
                      and while normally sending the motor output to the battery will
                      cause a system shutdown... this does not.

                      I've been doing a few runs with it, and after each time the battery
                      will return to the same value when everything is turned off.

                      Please if I am not correctly sending the recovery back or am doing so
                      in a non-standard or inefficient way let me know - I certainly do not
                      claim to know exactly what I'm doing yet.


                      • @Geotron


                        What was wrong with the coil on the other side of the gap?

                        The way you showed in your last post, you are not mixing the hv and high
                        current in the inductor.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • What would happen is that having the coil on the pickup rod would
                          require that the output be sent straight to ground. It could not
                          even touch the inverter battery after going through the motor coil
                          without throwing an error on the inverter.

                          With the motor on the LV side I'm seeing that it will run quite
                          well, picking up speed and throwing off an equal amount of recovery
                          on the fw-bridge as compared to before. One difference is that
                          while starting up or at low speed it will intermittently hit the reed
                          trigger, revolve almost all the way around and then switch direction.
                          Hasn't posed much of a problem, but never occurred before.

                          With the top half of the motor only a single wind, I was thinking about
                          giving it a second layer wound on top of the first instead of side by
                          side in order to simplify obtaining another recovery coil, although
                          cannot speculate as to how this might effect its performace.

                          Beyond that what I'd like to build onto this is some kind of bifilar
                          wound alternator that would spin up attached onto the driveshaft, or
                          perhaps work by itself as a standalone motor. I've got a whole pile
                          of old AA batteries waiting to be removed of their carbon rods and spun
                          into a fresh new purpose; its just a matter of figuring out a useful
                          way to rig them up for winding... and a proper way to dispose of the
                          crud that will be stripped off.


                          • @Geotron

                            Originally posted by geotron View Post
                            What would happen is that having the coil on the pickup rod would
                            require that the output be sent straight to ground. It could not
                            even touch the inverter battery after going through the motor coil
                            without throwing an error on the inverter.

                            With the motor on the LV side I'm seeing that it will run quite
                            well, picking up speed and throwing off an equal amount of recovery
                            on the fw-bridge as compared to before. One difference is that
                            while starting up or at low speed it will intermittently hit the reed
                            trigger, revolve almost all the way around and then switch direction.
                            Hasn't posed much of a problem, but never occurred before.
                            It seems that you are trying to "close the loop" before getting it to
                            just run right and just work out the bugs. Until you do, I think working
                            with any kind of recovery is premature - just my opinion - it's your
                            build so of course, by all means, do what you're inspired to do.

                            There are ways to send the recovery to anywhere you want without
                            any of those places every seeing each other
                            . I won't elaborate on that
                            at the moment, but you are assuming the typical recovery method being
                            used now must be used.

                            Depending on the entire circuit being accounted for, your recovery could
                            eliminate any need to consume power for the cap being charged that is
                            discharged into the primary of the ignition coil for example. Again, I think
                            it is premature to jump the gun and try to recover energy and feed it to
                            places you think it needs feeding to without just making it run right,
                            consistent and without any bugs to learn from it first. Otherwise, I think
                            you'll be missing out on quite a bit that most people will never understand
                            unless they are doing what you're doing.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • I will not understand how the recovery works by further experiments,
                              and the circuit I have posted with the motor portion on the pickup rod
                              side has no bugs as far as producing the radiant discharge.

                              It will drive the motor in a spectacular way, and I am pleased with
                              its operation. When there is clear evidence this system can produce
                              overunity available with the details on how I will commence reproduction.

                              Zero Point Energy,



                              • Upon request I have captured on video the two circuit configurations
                                in which the motor seems to react positively - the first with the motor
                                on the LV side caps and diode bank, then with the pickup rod output
                                going into the motor and out to ground, as well as the errors that the
                                system is experiencing.

                                [ Motor on LV ] [ Pickup Rod to Motor ]

