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Gray Tube Replication

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  • I was able to do some more tinkering on the weekend using a used large form factor 15KV Gas filled thyratron.

    Circuit modifications.

    1. Connected wire from negative terminal of HV cap (item 16 in grays patent) to the negative of the charge receiving battery (18).
    2. Setup the entire Tesla thyratron driver circuit as per my information.

    1. Scary HV evident in entire circuit. You could hear it. Significant increase in voltage through entire circuit. Didnt bother to measure it. Would probably ruin my equipment
    2. Intermittant voltage readings on charging Capacitor (38) in the range of 1-10volts while firing relay (item 26 in grays patent)
    3. No visual evidence that the thyratron was triggering
    4. Evidence of slight charging on heater battery (battery that powers the filament of the thyratron)

    My conclusions
    1. Further evidence that a diode on the LV side is detrimental to the performance of my circuit (noticed in previous experiments with a diode instead of thyratron) whilst in conjunction with circuit modification 1 as listed above

    2. More testing required with other thyratrons
    Last edited by nat1971a; 06-08-2011, 04:48 AM.


    • Originally posted by skaght View Post

      If I understand correctly, you've been blowing out your driving FETs? I've found huge problems when switching FETs with inductive loads quickly. The back EMF spike likes to blow out the FET gate, even with a diode. I've been using SCRs in my high amperage switches, and while they are a pain, I have been able to switch 1000 uF caps charged to 340 volts at rates of 20 Hz with a large inductive load. The FETs just aren't as robust. I've been starting to play with using a plasma arc for switching, but that presents its own set of problems.

      That's interesting... I'll definitely be running some experiments with
      the SCR diode then - and there's something else that might be of some use,
      if one wishes to only use the mosfet, the RMCyber diagram for switching
      ignition coils shows a .1uF & 10k pair on the collector side or rather in
      our case the drain for supressing the inductive spikes from causing damage.
      I've attached this below.

      In the case of using the SCR then, I'm thinking it ought to look very
      similar to the following, with 1K resistors around a small signal transistor.


      • Mr. Gray commented that 99% of electric power was returned to the store, the only explanation is that in play a coil capable of generating a "back emf" which would make entry of new energy to the battery ...... .... so if there is a coil is "XL" or inductive impedance ........... this inductance causes the electrons to be lazy to start running in the first instant ..... ..... it's just at that moment when it appears .......... radiant energy as a manifestation of energy that is decoupled from the flow of electrons. ............ and ............ conductor radiates perpendicular to the wonderful effect only lasts a few milliseconds, then "XL" down and the electrons begin to flow, Nikola Tesla saw this effect first at the opening of a current DC power lines, when switch closed for a moment before everyone felt stinging electric, lasted only a moment once ....... runs of DC current; transformer used to lower high voltage DC motors they used at the end of the line to convert electrical energy into force and strength in less voltage electric power ...... all high-voltage DC motors have a large coil is a large coil that ........ when electrical switch closed briefly due to the inductive impedance of power lines and ran the electrons flow first etheric perpetrated decoupling of electrons-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------el señor Gray comento que el 99% de la energia electrica era devuelta al acumulador, la unica explicación es que haya en juego una bobina capaz de generar un "back emf" que haria entrar de nuevo la energia al acumulador..........por lo tanto si hay una bobina hay "XL" o impedancia inductiva...........esta inductancia provoca que los electrones sean perezosos para empezar a correr en el primer solo en ese instante cuando aparece radiant energy..........como una manifestación de energia que se desacopla del flujo de electrones. ............y se irradia perpendiculamente al conductor............ese maravilloso efecto solo dura algunos milisegundos,despues "XL " down y los electrones empiezan a correr, Nikola Tesla experimentó ese efecto por primera vez en la inaguración de un tendido electrico de D.C corriente, cuando seccionador cerró un instante antes todo el mundo sintió picadura electrica, solo duro un instante.......antiguamente los tendidos de D.C corriente no usaban transformador para bajar la alta voltaje,ellos usaban motores D.C al final de la linea para convertir energia electrica en fuerza y fuerza en energia electrica de menos voltaje......todos los motores D.C de alta tensión poseen un gran bobinado,es decir una gran bobina........cuando cerraron seccionador electrico durante unos instantes debido a la impedancia inductiva del tendido electrico los electrones no corrian y por primera vez el flujo etherico desacoplo de los electrones perpendicularmente
        must first understand the nature .... and then imitate



          Uploaded with
          must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


          • Hello everyone ,

            See My video and say me why the grid of CEST (in Gray circuit) is just only

            around spark gap and anode HV and LV whereas radiant pressure or

            sort of ethear appears and start after HV supply ? So Why a grid just here

            and not everywhere ? . . . Because It fell me absurd

            = = = = VIDEO LINK = = = =
            YouTube - ‪Radiant Energy Experimentation Inspired By Nikola Tesla‬‏


            • Hi All,

              I have decided to release further information as a starting point.

              Please read this patent. What is not very well known is that Tesla resided with hammond for a while.

              Now comtemplate how this applies to grays circuit.

              Last edited by nat1971a; 02-10-2012, 08:42 PM.


              • In Figure 3 the grid at 6 looks as though its only connection is to the condenser
                3 and secondary side of the transformer. The variable current into filament 5 looks
                to be looks to be accomplished by a potentiometer symbol built onto the cathode of
                the battery.

                At the end of part 10 on page 3 is said that it is possible to stop any brush effect
                by increasing the vacuum although in order to obtain the most sensitive
                conditions of this device there is a critical pressure balance to be obtained
                at what seems likely to be a lower value. This brush effect ought to then be
                something non-effectual to a properly functioning detector...

                In page 4, part 15 Hammond says he interrupts both the current of the flux
                and the filament circuits; it seems that he is referring to the rectified
                flux circuit 24 (fig.4) by the nature of electrical reaction in the vacuum tube
                between the grid, (+)collector and (-)filament providing DC by way of the grid
                holding onto negative charge.

                John Hays Hammond
                Gaseous Detector of Radiant Energy and Method of Control Thereof


                • Originally posted by antigraviticsystems1 View Post
                  POSSIBLE REPLICATÍON:

                  Uploaded with
                  The mystery to be solved is in magnetic quench.What Tesla really wanted to do ?


                  • I tested this circuit (hammonds/Tesla's thyratron driver circuit) on the weekend and I do get a high reading on capacitor 38 (grays circuit) when i initially turn on my circuit but then it stops after about 5 seconds. I wasn't interrupting the flux current. Didnt seem to work when i did that.

                    Interesting to say the least!

                    Not sure if you picked up in the patent. He mentions using a mercury vapour thyratron!! This should make you think about Tesla's oscillators using liquid mercury


                    • custom glasswork and vacuum pressure

                      There appears to be some kind of an interruptor for the filament kind of built
                      onto the cathode of battery 5 in figure 3. Using a pulsewidth modulator on each side
                      and tuning it by observation may prove worthy.

                      Will the tube you previously mentioned that stopped after ~5sec return to a
                      useable state? Around part 70 Page 2 is in reference to the tube becoming unusable due
                      to a lack of enough heat being generated by the filament.


                      • i suspect its broken. Just trying different setups to see what does what.

                        Strange thing happened yesterday. I tried reversing the charging cap (38 on grays circuit) so that a negative charge was sitting on the charge receiving grids instead of positive (and added some resistance in too)and when i turned the circuit on for a while and then off. It kept running (it kept discharging) for about 10 seconds while switched off...Really strange stuff happening. the thyratron was still powered on though. havent seen this before


                        • The way things are going with the pwm mosfet circuits I've built
                          into chargers for the plasma ignition and low-voltage side cap are not
                          so well.

                          With a bit of help it may begin to work for more than 3-5 minutes at a
                          time before causing the transistors to quit. They're php18nq10t and
                          I've got them with a 1KV rectifier from source to drain, while they're
                          rated for 100v. Perhaps 2KV would work better... as a matter of fact
                          I don't seem to remember having one work properly yet for more than 30sec,
                          at one point going back to an old irf740 of which subsequently is also
                          now malfunctioning.

                          The battery voltage jumps around when it decides to work then recovering
                          from 12.7~ to 12.9~ when it is shut off or breaks.

                          One pwm for each side, set up with a 10k + 100nF in series from the primary
                          transformer output to its other primary side.
                          The ignition coil is grounded and there appears to be full absorbtion into
                          Ground without any frizzing metal contacts upon discharge.

                          Both the HV and LV side supplies have now ceased operating... its now with
                          a dual 555 timer chip and is seemingly magnificent at producing accurate signals.

                          Both sides are set up as shown, only the LV side is on a MOT and has 10ohms in
                          place of 20 into the primary.


                          • Well i have tested a HV cap and a LV cap on the grid of the thyratron. The difficult question is what was Tesla/Hammand using and what was gray using.

                            HV cap seems to give interesting results but i suspect damaging the thyratron.

                            So i am presently continueing to test a 12v cap on the grid of the thyratron. Apparently only between 1-20VAC is required to operate the thyratron.

                            Anyway i was randomly testing things yesterday. I hooked up the safety overshoot as per grays schematic and set it close to the charge receiving grids of the CSET. Well i always suspected that a negative pre charge was required on the charge receiving grids as per other information i found based on Tesla's references.

                            Anyway this has provided some very interesting results. Making my neons light up and caught me off guard. It was producing between 50 - 350volts so it doesnt appear to be HV. And was effecting the charging battery. I will investigate further in this direction.

                            The video below talks about Tesla's reference on a negative pre charge

                            YouTube - ‪Update 30 - Found missing info from Tesla Radiant Energy Patent‬‏


                            • How are you switching the voltage into the thyratron? With the info from
                              Hammond compared with that of Magratten and Bedini, the object seems to
                              be slightly different. Whereas in Hammonds vacuum tube the radio frequency
                              obtained from an antenna is pulsed from a secondary pickup coil in tune
                              with the pulse heating the filament cathode and other parameters for the
                              purpose of obtaining contact with background energy, the radiant discharge
                              from pointing a high voltage signal onto a switched low voltage source
                              with the blocking rectifier happens whereby the low voltage is combined with
                              the high voltage in an explosive transfer of energy as in Gray's Tube.


                              The pwm circuit diagram is misleading. The 1k ought to be replaced with the base
                              of a small signal transistor switching 12v into a 100ohm resistor onto the gate.


                              • The modified pc fans trigger coil produces roughly about 10-15 VAC. I have connected that to a 12v cap connected to the grid of the thyratron at the moment.

