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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Well i think i have reverse engineered a key portion of grays circuit with the help of the hammand/Tesla patent.

    I am now seeing the beginnings of what looks like my battery's are charging. I am also seeing a steady 90-107 volts in the charging cap 38. However i am killing the thyratron. So more work required to make this stable

    The inspiration came to me when i started to compare obvious components in the two patents.

    Capacitor 38 in grays circuit is a coupling capacitor in that it conducts AC


    • The modified pc fans trigger coil produces roughly about 10-15 VAC.
      I have connected that to a 12v cap connected to the grid of the thyratron
      at the moment.
      Have you grounded the cathode of this capacitor, which you have since replaced
      with a different one to obtain this new voltage?

      The diagram of your system is then a battery-interrupted charger on the filament
      to act as a cathode, high-voltage AC capacitor [ 38(Gray) 3(Hammond) ] to condense
      energy as in Tesla's patent 685957 Apparatus for Utilization of Radiant Energy
      from the grid to pass through the filament power supply interruptor and on to
      once again be interrupted through onto the plate?

      Have you connected your condenser capacitor in parallel or series with the coil?

      The difference in operation of these two methods does not immediately seem clear.


      • A picture is worth a thousand words...AC feeds back from the primary to the secondary battery. It then proceeds to conduct through the coupling capacitor 38 on it way to the grid of the thyratron. This setup mirrors the hammand patent as close as i can.
        Last edited by nat1971a; 02-10-2012, 08:42 PM.


        • cap still shorted.

          Hey, did you watch Peter Lindermann's vid? He pointed out that part 42 is shorting the cap to ground, in which case it wouldn't be able to charge at all. It seems you have removed the one line at the bottom. But I don't think that's going to solve the problem, the + of the cap is still connected directly to ground via part 42. Or am I missing something?
          ‎"It's all in the MIND"


          • Remove the short from the circuit diagram. It isnt in my circuit

            I am also using a neon to trigger capacitor 38 (grays circuit) as per Tesla's radiant energy patent.

            If one compares Tesla's radiant energy patent, the hammand patent and grays patent. I think we can come up with a working system using grays circuit as a template. All three patents are missing key components.
            Last edited by nat1971a; 06-30-2011, 01:24 AM.


            • Looks like i spoke to soon. Someone on the forum mentioned shorting out the capacitor. So i tested that today. Well that gives me anywhere between 50 and 350 volts too. My setup is almost exactly like grays now except i don't have a connection between the negative of the batterys and the negative of the HV capacitor. And no battery powering the filament of the thyratron

              What does appear to make the difference is Tesla's zinc box that i am using. I moved one of the 10 turn coils to another part of the circuit as a test and i got absolutely nothing.

              So what appears to work is having a 10 turn coil on the positive of the HV cap and another oppositely wound 10 turn coil on the LV side (before the resistor/ thyratron). I borrowed that idea from grays earlier patent.


              • YouTube - ‪Update 41 - Edwin Gray Tesla / disruptive discharge hybrid circuit - shorting CAP‬‏

                Here's a brief video of the cap shorting..voltage isnt as high this time around for some reason


                • Uploaded with
                  must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                  • Originally posted by antigraviticsystems1 View Post

                    Uploaded with
                    Decoding Gray's Patents
                    significance might be. Also, Gray claims that
                    he uses only a positive form of energy.
                    Certainly what gets radiated out onto his
                    charge receiving grids is a positive, electrostatic
                    charge. When that impulse is
                    discharged to ground, he is only using the
                    positive side of electricity. Therefore,
                    everything Gray said makes sense.
                    The photographic evidence in the image on
                    the back cover strongly suggests that the charge
                    receiving grids in Gray's conversion tubes are
                    copper. As we have said before, Electro-
                    Radiant effects create “electronic” responses in
                    certain metals. Gray must have figured out that
                    he could create an electronic charge on his
                    receiving grids if he intercepted the Electro-
                    Radiant Event on copper. In Tesla's large
                    radiant energy system, he learned to avoid
                    using copper to prevent the electronic
                    contamination it created. But in Gray's smaller
                    system, this was just what he needed. The more
                    the Electro-Radiant energy interacts with
                    copper again, the sooner it returns to a form of
                    electricity that will actually charge the battery
                    in a fairly normal way. This then is how Edwin
                    Gray produced cold electricity.
                    To summarize, Gray's cold electricity
                    circuit runs like this: It starts with power out of
                    the battery; he raises it to 3000 volts DC that he
                    stores in a very large capacitor. He then
                    discharges impulses through a spark gap,
                    clipped by a vacuum tube, such that the
                    impulse duration is less than 50 microseconds.
                    This staccato of impulses flows through the
                    Electro-Radiant Transceiver, which creates a
                    series of radiant, electrostatic fields of spatially
                    distributed voltage that is picked up by the
                    charge-receiving grids. As soon as the Electro-
                    Radiant Event ceases, these charged grids
                    discharge to ground through the primary of the
                    “inductive load.” The output recovery system
                    is inductively coupled to this discharge
                    primary with a voltage step-down to run light
                    bulbs and other medium voltage appliances, as
                    well as another stepdown
                    transformer to recharge the secondary
                    battery. By switching the batteries back and
                    forth periodically, Gray could keep the system
                    going indefinitely, and still produce a sizable
                    must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                    • Guys

                      I just stumbled onto the exact model of thyratron that gray was using.

                      It turns out he was using a mercury ignitron GL-7171

                      So I will have to start learning how to use these now

                      Source is the YouTube video called ev gray motor found

                      ‪EV Gray Motor Found!‬‏ - YouTube
                      Last edited by nat1971a; 07-15-2011, 12:57 AM. Reason: .


                      • Originally posted by pranav2010 View Post
                        hi aaron

                        this is my circuit

                        have wonderful day

                        What an amazing schematic... how you've connected the primary
                        ignition coil to the output of the charging cap bank.

                        Its similarity to Ed Gray's patent seems as though the HV cap bank 16
                        from Fig 1 is what you have now added above the ignition coil charger.

                        You have the output of pickup coil
                        hooked onto the Anode, why not place a battery bank in series with
                        the low-voltage side capacitance, providing the anode with a burst
                        from the output of the motor coil

                        With the plasma serving to cause
                        the reaction perhaps replace that whole side with a battery
                        Attached Files


                        • (...........will update........)
                          Last edited by geotron; 08-05-2011, 11:25 AM.


                          • Colliding Positive Potentials

                            The phrase 'splitting the positive' could possibly be an enigmatic
                            interpretation of the process by which two potentials are collided
                            together with the use of electronic components.

                            The energies of each positive potential are in such a state as to allow
                            direct contact with realm of quantum mechanics through the use of
                            techniques pioneered by Edwin Gray and his predecessors.

                            In the patented figure there are a number of coils connected in a way
                            such that the potentials will find a balance and the motor will operate

                            [ click for patent ]

                            In the patent given to E.Gray on his power supply for inductive loads, a basis
                            is presented - using the properties of a diode mechanism to enable the pressurization
                            and fracturing of a low voltage potential through an opposing voltage of greater

                            Thus in going with the way it is shown above, efficiently driving each of the
                            motor coils with a secondary capacitive element opposed to the primary one
                            would inherit the ability to cause compression of the energy sitting within
                            the coil before it is released in the form of mechanical energy, providing
                            a momentary thrust of output power greater than there would be otherwise, or
                            so the matter would seem.
                            Last edited by geotron; 08-05-2011, 12:48 PM.


                            • The Potential Mystery


                              • Puzzle of the Energy Output

                                Last edited by geotron; 08-05-2011, 01:18 PM.

