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Gray Tube Replication

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  • measurement of spark and arc

    Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
    Dear Wicaksono,

    Thanks for asking. I'm in the process of constructing test circuit #123. This evening I need to dig through the snow and ice at the barns and see if I have two more .05 uF 5000 WVDC capacitors to finish off a five stage pulse forming network. Right now I'm attempting to measure the dynamic resistance of a spark/arc under conditions similiar to what has been doisclosed from the Gray history. This parameter is important because it determines the design of the method used to provide the current pulses in the Gray technology.
    Hello Mr. McKay, are you still using NST to make the spark and arc ? What is the schematic diagram look like ?



    • Experiment #123 Schematic and Power Supply

      Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
      Hello Mr. McKay, are you still using NST to make the spark and arc ? What is the schematic diagram look like ?

      Dear Wicaksono,

      For a power supply I'm using a 250 Watt 500 - 5000 VDC tube regulated FLuke Model 503 rack mounted power supply. Its big and bulky, but the price was right.

      The individual unit power supplies in the EMA4 engine were 30 to 50 watt choppers, so I have more than enough power to duplicate the operation of one of these power supplies. If I need more than this I'm not on the right track.

      The schematic is that of the 1986 CEST with some modifications. The storage capacitor is replaced with a five stage type "E" Pulse forming Network composed of 0.05 uF capacitors and 4.4 uH inductors (using #14 AWG wire). The charicteristic resistance calculates out to 9.43 Ohms. The SPICE IV simulation shows a 4.6 uS pulse of 270 Amps delivered to the HV electrode.

      The thyratron is being replaced with distributed diodes in the PFN. It is my speculation that the thyratron was being used as a HV high current diode in this application. I know that the Bedini Field Notes show a reversed solid state diode (from 1973). According to John he said he was not sure what the ture polarity was. His mentor Ron Cole kept changing the polarity in an attempt to figure out the system's operation. What John provided was the way they ended up on the last draft of the noites that John Copied.

      I plan to look at single pulses. I'm using a 100A motor contactor to take the place of the commutator switch. The load resistor is the combination of a 500 Amp meter shunt (about .0001 Ohm) and a variable 50 Watt 15 Ohm resistor.

      The CEST is 1-1/8" copper water pipe 8" long with a 1/4" HV electrode. This is much smaller that what John disclosed in his field notes, however this seems to be more along the lines of the CSET used in the EMA6 and in the patent documents. About all I can do here is see if any classical charge can be collected into a low loss capacitor using a lead-acid battery as a vitural ground (a Tesla technique)

      I'm using a second 50 Amp contactor to charge the PFN prior to test firing. I'm placing a 20 H reactor (wasted spark ignition coil secondary) in series with the PFN so that the capacitors don't appear to be a short circuit to the power supply.

      Data will be primarly collected from the 500 amp meter shunt resistor. The PIV of my diodes is limited to 3200 VDC, so I don't plan to go beyond 3000 volts for this series of tests. As it is the first diode has to pass 138 Amps of current while the others need only pass 58 Amps. If the response time of the diodes is quick enough I shouldn't get any reverse flow with this setup.

      The purpose of this test is to establish just what the dynamic arc/spark resistance is with various 1/4" electrodes. I suspect that there was a viable reason why silver/silver was used.

      The PFN will have to be reconfigured to match the effective aprk/arc resistance at the time of cut-off in order to provide the fastest fall time from maximum current. The simulation for this circuit shows it to be around 100 Amps/ uS. Who knows if this window of operation is what is needed to stimulate the dielectric? But at least it is a place to start.

      Once I start taking data I shall draft the actual test circuit. You know how these things go. There is always last minute changes to the circuit when you have to use what is at hand.

      Mark McKay


      • Meyer & Delrin

        Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
        Now Lamare says that the Stan Myer system used Delrin in an oscillator circuit that has some similarities to the Gray power supply circuit in that it also has a common mode reactor (the Floating Flux Field).
        Hi Mark,

        I posted this way back:

        Virtually every reference with Meyer and Delrin is simply using
        the Delrin as an encasement to isolate the tubes from the
        other tube sets. Otherwise, they're all short circuited to each
        other. Without something like this, the tube sets are very
        "leaky" and is hard to get the voltage up but with this type of
        insulating case, the voltage can climb much higher as the idea
        is to turn this into a "water capacitor." So instead of Delrin,
        I was going to coat the outer tube in Plastidip. But later,
        I found some pvc tube that my outer tubes slipped in perfectly
        but I wasn't able to finish those experiments. Even with the pvc,
        the ends of the tubes are exposed and are still shorted to
        each other through the water so the ends still should have
        Super Corona Dope or Plastidip.

        Anyway, that's not really related to the Cole-Gray concepts -
        just saw the Meyer reference to Delrin and thought I'd bring up
        the Corona Dope and Plastidip - because those actually would
        serve the purpose of what Meyer was using the Delrin for.

        I don't think Meyer was actually looking for any special properties
        of the Delrin other than a good insulator for the outer tube.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Meyer and Delrin

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          Hi Mark,

          I don't think Meyer was actually looking for any special properties
          of the Delrin other than a good insulator for the outer tube.
          Dear Aaron,

          Interesting drawing, thanks for reposting it.

          Wouldn't it be crual irony if the sucess of Mr. Myer's systems were the result of a process he wasn't even aware of. If his chamber actually did excite the Delrin to produce an anomalous energy how would he have known? Stranger things have happened in history. If he continued using the Delrin liner he would have continued to get good results.

          Who knows? There is a good chance that Gray and company stumbled across the OU aspects of an excited dielectric while in the pursuit of an industrial pulse motor.

          Mark McKay


          • high voltage rack mounted power supply

            Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
            Dear Wicaksono,

            For a power supply I'm using a 250 Watt 500 - 5000 VDC tube regulated FLuke Model 503 rack mounted power supply. Its big and bulky, but the price was right.
            Hey this is a great item Mr. McKay, is this power suppy has programmable input to regulate voltage output or current output ?



            • Power Supply

              Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
              Hey this is a great item Mr. McKay, is this power suppy has programmable input to regulate voltage output or current output ?

              Dear Wicaksono,

              The Fluke 503 is from the 50's so there is no programmable computer circuits associalted with it. The voltage is set from four (4) rotary switches and one potentiometer. Even so the output shown on the analog meter is 5% lower than what the switches show.

              I got it at the WSU (Washington State University) mounthly auction outlet for about $20.00.

              Internally it is composed of vaccum tube diodes and triodes (but still works). It has a front end voltage doubler that boosts the initial internal voltage to 10 KV. Then a triode regulates the current to maintian the output voltage setting.

              I hope to transition from single pulse operation to continuous operation in a few weeks. Right now it taks 40 mS to charge the PFN. At that rate I can only generate 24 pulses per second (pps).

              IF the EMA6 turned at 1700 rpm that would be 28 pps, so I'm in the ball park.

              Mark McKay


              • vacuum tube power supply !?

                Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                Dear Wicaksono,

                The Fluke 503 is from the 50's so there is no programmable computer circuits associalted with it. The voltage is set from four (4) rotary switches and one potentiometer. Even so the output shown on the analog meter is 5% lower than what the switches show.

                I got it at the WSU (Washington State University) mounthly auction outlet for about $20.00.

                Internally it is composed of vaccum tube diodes and triodes (but still works). It has a front end voltage doubler that boosts the initial internal voltage to 10 KV. Then a triode regulates the current to maintian the output voltage setting.
                From 1950's ? Vacuum tube is definitely a diehard technology, still works well after 60 years. Instead of GPIB bus input, does it have any analog input to modulate the output ?. I hope they sell it complete with the manual, the electronic manuals from early years usually contains complete schematic diagram of the internal circuits.



                • Power Supply

                  Originally posted by Wicaksono View Post
                  From 1950's ? Vacuum tube is definitely a diehard technology, still works well after 60 years. Instead of GPIB bus input, does it have any analog input to modulate the output ?. I hope they sell it complete with the manual, the electronic manuals from early years usually contains complete schematic diagram of the internal circuits.

                  No such luck. Auction sales are "As Is Where Is". I was fortunate to have all the tubes in it and that it functions. Manuals??? Are you kidding. Nothing at a recycling/surplus auction is complete. This stuff is one steap away from the scrap metal bin. In fact most of my compeatings bids are from metal recyclers and eBay resellers.

                  An analog input? That would make it a high voltage amplifier of some sort but the response time is much to slow to bother with.

                  When you are self funded, like most of us are, you have to take what you can get and do your best with it.

                  There are many things in this world that money will not buy, but modern calibrated test instruments are not among them.

                  Mark McKay


                  • Gray Motor For Sale (again)

                    Dear E.V. Gray Technology Researchers,

                    If you have lots of liquid $$$ and want a real collectors item to put in your living room check out this notice from the Sterling site:

                    Classifieds:Original EV Gray Motor Available for Right Lab - PESWiki

                    Apparently Al Francouer is willing to part with one of his Gray Motors, most likley the "Black" version, for an acceptable bid. The intent is to get money to fund his continuing reverse engineering research efforts.

                    The last two motors that John Riley sold are rumored to have gone for between $25,000and $42,000 each. That is certainly outside of my funding capacity. With that kind of money I could buy some pulse current transformers that wouldn't saturate at 50 Amps.

                    It will be interesting to see what kind of offers are tendered.

                    Mark McKay


                    • Gray Motor for Sale - Correction

                      The Gray motor that Al is offering is the "Gold" Motor with the cart and some new replacement parts (capacitors). He doesn't plan to sell the "Black" or "White" Motors.

                      Mark McKay


                      • Charged Particles

                        Does anyone have any knowledge of Geiger counter readings taken around the known Gray equipment?

                        The story of the confiscation and destruction of the equipment seems a bit overboard for some spurious emissions. They would, however, be perfectly understandable in the 70's if some kind of radioactive material were detected.

                        Go back and look at Tesla's quotes about radium. Why would it be important to him that radium could be produced for $1 a pound?

                        Keep in mind that this was in the 30's before nuclear detonations, radioactive materials were not well understood, and probably not regulated by the government at all at that time.

                        What would a disruptive discharge inside a Gray tube filled with radon gas produce?

                        Today there are self powered light bulbs filled with tritium gas that light up a phosphor coating inside the tube with no electrical supply. They are similar to the emergency exit signs in building stairwells that require no power source.

                        If I remember correctly, back in the 50's and 60's the markings on a watch dial and hands were made with radium so they would glow in the dark.


                        • Gray Technology & Radiation

                          Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
                          Does anyone have any knowledge of Geiger counter readings taken around the known Gray equipment?

                          The story of the confiscation and destruction of the equipment seems a bit overboard for some spurious emissions. They would, however, be perfectly understandable in the 70's if some kind of radioactive material were detected.

                          Go back and look at Tesla's quotes about radium. Why would it be important to him that radium could be produced for $1 a pound?

                          Keep in mind that this was in the 30's before nuclear detonations, radioactive materials were not well understood, and probably not regulated by the government at all at that time.

                          What would a disruptive discharge inside a Gray tube filled with radon gas produce?

                          Today there are self powered light bulbs filled with tritium gas that light up a phosphor coating inside the tube with no electrical supply. They are similar to the emergency exit signs in building stairwells that require no power source.

                          If I remember correctly, back in the 50's and 60's the markings on a watch dial and hands were made with radium so they would glow in the dark.
                          Dear tx1138,

                          All the relatives and ex-employees that I had the opportunity to speak with never once mentoined radioactive substances or insturmentation to measure any sort of classical ionizing radiation.

                          There were two confiscation events. The first in 1973 was for alledged business fruad and had nothing to do with energy emmissions of any sort.

                          The second was in 1977. It is believed that this was done by the FCC for RF emissions. If you don't believe this sort of thing can't happen - then you have no viable field experiance in this area. The FCC in this country has the undisputed power of Natzi strom troopers. Operating a high power (say 20 KW) wide spectrum EMI source will (and did) get an immediate response.

                          There are a number of OU devices that are based upon radioactive substances. Most notably the Hubbard Device. No doubt there are several methods to harness the latent energy in unstable isotopes, but it doesn't appear (at the moment) that this approach was used by the Gray team.

                          Mark McKay


                          • Tube Burst Technology

                            Hello all,

                            I'd like to ask if anyone could explain how much energy is being produced from mixing the positive potential of the running battery with positive potential of a high voltage capacitive discharge in the primary of a pickup transformer by comparison with pulsing it with just the battery by itself.

                            Would a pair of miniature enclosed spark gaps work for the first gap to 12V and the second gap to (-)Ground?

                            When resonance is acheived by the primary burst rate in the transformer, how then will this change the output?


                            • Perdonenme pero es que los traductores de español a ingles no traducen correctamente así es que me voy a expresar en mi lengua..

                              Desde mi punto de vista la energía fria es flujo etherico, ese flujo va cogido de la mano con los electrones, es muy dificil desacoplar el flujo etherico de los electrones pero hay trucos..

                              Tesla descubrió en la inaguración de una central electrica basada en corriente continua que al cerrar el seccionador general que cerraba el circuito entre una dinamo entregando unos 30.000 voltios y el tendido electrico de decenas de km hasta una subestacion reductora de tensión se crearon momentaneamente unos filamentos blancos que partian perpendicularmente de los cables hacia tierra o masa, el efecto desapareció instantaneamente y generó una "picadura" o escozor en manos y cara, Tesla pensó que el efecto desapareció cuando los electrones "empezaron a correr a través del cable"

                              ¿por que los electrones eran perezosos a mover en los primeros instantes?.. muy sencillo, por la inductancia o XL de la línea de alta tensión sumada a la del motor final ¿por que un motor al final de la linea de alta tensión en la subestación de transformación de tensión? muy sencillo, al tratarse de corriente continua esta no puede ser transformada a baja tensión mediante transformadores convencionales, supongo que se necesitarian 2 motores, uno de ellos alimentado a 30.000 voltios y el eje mecánico del mismo conectado al eje de una dinamo de 110 voltios de corriente continua, es la única forma de reducir la tensión y ampliar la intensidad para uso en ciudad y alumbrado público..

                              si observamos todo el circuito tenemos un generador de 30.000 voltios, un seccionador de 2 cuchillas que cierra rápidamente, 2 hilos paralelos a lo largo de decenas de km que forman un condensador electrico y al final tenemos un motor de corriente continua consistente en grandes bobinados con una gran impedancia inductiva, el motivo por el cual los electrones eran perezosos en los primeros instantes de tiempo es porque las bobinas o inductancias retrasan 90 grados la intensidad, una vez creado el campo magnético en las inductancias parasitas y en el bobinado final los electrones comienzan a correr, mientras tanto se producen las serpentinas blanquecinas que derivan a masa y que producen picor, Tesla en un principio pensó que se trataban de ondas mecanicas de sonido pero vió que era imposible apantallar esas manifestaciones energéticas ni con cristal ni con ningún metal..


                              1) esa manifestación energética se manifiesta tan solo durante un breve instante de tiempo cuando los electrones son perezosos a la hora de ponerse en marcha

                              2) esa manifestación energética solo se manifiesta cuando la tensión es de un solo sentido, es decir hay que descartar la corriente alterna.

                              3) Para producir ese efecto necesitamos poder entregar una elevadisima presión electrica de golpe del orden de varios miles de voltios mediante un boquete de chispa (spark gap)

                              4) Necesitamos poder abrir el circuito electrico de forma inmediata pues de lo contrario los electrones empezarian a correr y la energia se transformaria en calor (perdidas) la electrónica de potencia tales como transistores, tiristores, triacs etc,etc no valen, tenemos que soplar magneticamente el flujo de electrones e iones mediante un potente campo magnético (magnetic kenched)

                              5) se debe de evitar oscilaciones en el circuito, es decir corriente alterna de alta frecuencia generada por circuitos oscilantes LC

                              6) La manifestación energética o energia radiante se desacopla del conductor de forma perpendicular y deriva a masa o a tierra, por lo tanto si colocamos una carga resistiva entre tierra y el cilindro axial al conductor la manifestación podria ser aprovechada es por eso que el tubo de Gray utiliza conductores concentricos.

                              7) El proceso de cerrar el circuito y abrirlo debe de operar en el rango de los mili segundos, la calidad de los efectos varia en función del tiempo de conducción y otros parametros.

                              8) La puesta en juego de energía electrica puede ser en parte recuperada gracias a la F.E.M devuelta por la bobina, es decir que el pequeño gasto de electrones necesarios para desacoplar el flujo de particulas virtuales de los electrones puede ser en parte recuperado gracias a la energía devuelta por la bobina que puede ser reutilizada de nuevo en la bateria mediante una trampa de diodos.

                              9) la prueba definitiva para saber si un receptor está trabajando con energía radiante es que no debe de calentarse en absoluto, es mas debe de bajar la temperatura del mismo, el Señor tesla ideo un gran cortocircuito de cobre grueso en forma de "U" para extinguir toda posibilidad de que los electrones fueran los causantes de la extraña luminosidad de sus lamparas hechas funcionar con esta nueva energía.
                              must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                              • From my point of view is cold FLOW Energy etheric, that FLOW is holding hands with electrons, IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO FLOW etheric decouple electron hay però tricks ..

                                Tesla discovered in the inauguration Of A Power Plant Based on Direct Current That closing the main switch, which closed the circuit delivering dynamo Nail Between 30,000 Volt ONE The Power Lines Tens of kilometers UNTIL tension reducing substation itself momentarily created UNOS white filaments that left TOWARDS cable perpendicularly earth or ground, the effect disappeared instantly and Gender nail "bite" or burning in hands and face, Tesla Penso That disappeared effect electrons WHEN "started running cable Through"

                                Why Does the electrons were lazy an engine Moments FIRST? .. simple, or XL For The inductance of the high-voltage motor Added to the final engine Why Does not the end, of the Line of High Voltage Transformer Substation voltage? very simple, being DC Power Can Be Transformed This is NOT a low california TENSION BY conventional transformers, suppose It would need two motors, one of Them Fed to 30,000 Volts and the mechanical axis of the shaft Online Self A dynamo of 110 volts Continuous Power is the only way to reduce tension and expand paragraph USO intensity lighting city audience ..

                                if you look at all the circuit generator WE HAVE A 30,000 Volts without disconnecting the 2 blades That closes quickly, 2 Parallel threads along Forming Tens of kilometers without electrical condenser and finally, WE HAVE A continuous current motor windings consisting Great with a high impedance inductive Reason For Whom The electrons were lazy in First Moments of Time is BECAUSE delay coils or inductors 90 Degrees intensity, Once Created the magnetic field inductance and winding Parasitas final electrons begin to run, yes WHILE Both coils produce whitish That And That ARISING mass produce itching, Tesla at first thought I was trying to sound mechanical waves That was impossible but saw Manifestations AEE Energy shield or with any glass or metal ..

                                In short:

                                1) The ESA itself Expresses Energy Demonstration During UN only brief instant of time the electrons WHEN lazy son when Catch-up

                                2) Energy Demonstration solo ESA itself is Tension WHEN Is Single-SENSE is Hay Say That Discard AC.

                                3) Produce effect NEED THAT able to deliver a very high pressure electric hit order of several thousand volts spark gap THROUGH (sparks)

                                4) Power NEED open the electrical circuit immediately For otherwise the electrons would begin to run and the other would transform into heat energy (losses) Power Electronics LÃ tales as transistors, thyristors, triacs etc, etc are worth, WE May magnetically blow the electron and ion FLOW THROUGH A Powerful magnetic field (magnetic kenched)

                                5) Avoid self must oscillations in the circuit, AC Say Generated High Frequency LC resonant circuits

                                6) The Manifestation Energy or other radiant energy decouples perpendicular conductor and earth or drift, so if we put a resistive load between land and axial cylinder driver could Manifestation services utilized's Why the tube Gray uses concentric conductors.

                                7) The process of closing and opening the circuit must operate in the range of milli seconds, the quality varies Effects Lead Time function and other parameters.

                                8) Start Electric Power Game Can Be Recovered in parte by the EMF returned By The coil is Saying That The Small Expense decouple electrons needed FLOW para virtual particles of electrons can be recovered at instance part by the Energy returned by Coil You Can be reused again on drums BY A trap diodes.

                                9) the ultimate test para saber if no receiver is not working with Radiant Energy is That should not be heated in Absolute, is more down to the temperature of Himself, the Lord tesla Short ideo no great thick copper in a "U "paragraph extinguish any possibility that electrons were the cause of the strange brightness of His lamps Made operate with This new Energia.
                                must first understand the nature .... and then imitate

