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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    Hi bmentink,

    The diode on the LV rod is even shown on Gray's patent as a triode - it is in Bedini's drawings where he took notes when he actually visited Gray, etc... how is that not correct? It is also the primary position for it to get these effects.

    Here is video to show the proof that the diode does conduct in that position and not because of blown didoes - it is simple basic electronic component fact:


    Keep in mind that I actually have results and I'm not speculating on my circuit. What I am stating is based not just ideas but proven experiments on the bench and it has nothing to do with blown diodes. In my experiments, I can assure you that my diodes are in perfect working order.

    It is common practice to put diodes in series to add the rated voltages as well.

    There is no secret to the triode, the commutator switched on the triode so HV can jump to the LV triode because it is seen as a path to ground for the HV as I have explained in the video above.

    I'm not sure what the gap was but the gap between the HV and LV rods has to be LESS than the gap between the rods and the grids. Otherwise, the HV from the capacitor will jump to the grids before jumping to the LV rod and that defeats the purpose.

    I don't have a patent on any of this.

    As far as Copyrights go, everything posted on the internet is automatically copyrighted by the author without even stating that it is copyrighted. That is copyright law for a long time now. And being that my particular diagrams are copyrighted, that doesn't stop anyone from using the circuit and copyrights don't oppose open source.

    I'm all for supporting whatever experiments you want to do with this project and if you show something that works, I'll be your biggest champion.
    Small correction: You say in your video that current is emitted from the positive terminal, it is not, current flows from the negative terminal to the positive.

    Question: So why does my spark gap not fire with the diode in that position? I have an identical arrangement as you except I have a single 12kv microwave diode instead of a string ..

    I disagree, there is a secret to the triode, a triode is the voltage version of a transistor NOT a diode. Grey did not show how he controlled the grid of the triode .... therefore it is secret in my book ... if you say it is not secret, then please share how he controlled the triode .. A triode when switched on has a bi-directional current path, not a one way path like a diode ..

    EDIT: Actually I was wrong above, a triode only conducts cathode to anode when turned on. However, the grid is normally tied to the anode when used as a diode, this is not shown. .... and why did Gray just not put a diode symbol in there if the intention was a diode ... I still think the grid was controlled as a triode to get the pulse short enough .. and if the intention was to stop current reversal, then the grid would have to be controlled relative to the resonant frequency ,,

    As far as the commutator is concerned, it was to control the sequence for pulsing the coils .. it is not necessary for proving this effect ..
    Last edited by bmentink; 10-24-2015, 05:40 PM.


    • Gray Tube

      Originally posted by bmentink View Post
      Small correction: You say in your video that current is emitted from the positive terminal, it is not, current flows from the negative terminal to the positive.

      Question: So why does my spark gap not fire with the diode in that position? I have an identical arrangement as you except I have a single 12kv microwave diode instead of a string ..

      I disagree, there is a secret to the triode, a triode is the voltage version of a transistor NOT a diode. Grey did not show how he controlled the grid of the triode .... therefore it is secret in my book ... if you say it is not secret, then please share how he controlled the triode .. A triode when switched on has a bi-directional current path, not a one way path like a diode ..

      EDIT: Actually I was wrong above, a triode only conducts cathode to anode when turned on. However, the grid is normally tied to the anode when used as a diode, this is not shown. .... and why did Gray just not put a diode symbol in there if the intention was a diode ... I still think the grid was controlled as a triode to get the pulse short enough .. and if the intention was to stop current reversal, then the grid would have to be controlled relative to the resonant frequency ,,

      As far as the commutator is concerned, it was to control the sequence for pulsing the coils .. it is not necessary for proving this effect ..
      You have two opposing dipoles - one is high voltage and one is low voltage. When the HV moves towards the + of the LV source, it is finding it's path back to the HV ground through the LV source and back to it's own negative. The current is moving from the HV source negative TOWARDS the negative of the LV source through the LV source and out of the LV source positive back TOWARDS the positive of the HV source.

      What you have to understand is that this is about potential differences and not polarities.

      Bedini has shown this for over 20 years online:

      Current is moving from Battery #3's POSITIVE terminal and is moving TOWARDS the positive of Battery #1. Again, it is about potential differences and not polarities. That is what will help you understand what this is about.

      You should try that 3 battery experiment for yourself and you will see it is true. If Battery #1 & 2 are 1.5 volts each, you have 3 volts. If battery #3 is also 1.5 volts, then you have a potential difference of 1.5 volts. That is 1.5 volts positive voltage potential at the top of Battery #1 and the negative is the positive of Battery #3. This is identical to what you are looking at in the Gray Tube.

      Batteries #1 & 2 represent the HV side and Battery #3 represents the LV side. If there is 5000 volts at the HV side and 24 volts of batteries on the LV side, 5000 - 24 = 4976 volts of potential difference between the HV rod as the positive and the negative is the positive of the LV source.

      I'm not sure why yours isn't firing with the diode shown like mine. A typical 12kv microwave oven diode should work fine. In the Gray Tube patent, the cathode of the triode is touching the LV rod and in Bedini's diagrams from actually examining the real machine when he and Ron Cole were at Gray's shop, Gray was using diodes and the cathode was at the LV rod side - just like what I'm doing.

      What is your LV source? Batteries or Caps?

      Take a voltmeter and put the negative on the negative of your LV source. And put the positive of the volt meter on the cathode of the diode and you should be able to measure the voltage of your LV source minus the voltage drop of the diode. The reason you measure voltage is because that diode is wide open and is not a blocking diode until AFTER the HV jumps to it causing the cathode side to be at a higher voltage than the anode, which shuts it off. That is why the HV source will absolutely jump to it with no problems.

      Can you post a diagram of your setup?

      Of course the commutator controls the pulsing of the coils. When the commutator is switched on for whatever tube goes to whatever corresponding coil, it puts the diode or triode into the circuit and the HV then sees a path to ground. It jumps to the LV side. The diode/triode then goes into blocking mode and the HV discharge has nowhere to go now except to the next lowest resistance path to ground, which is the grids, through the coil and back to ground, which will cause the coil to pulse.

      You said - "However, the grid is normally tied to the anode when used as a diode, this is not shown"

      If that was done, it would always be in the circuit and no way to turn it off and on at the right time. So you take the grid and connect it to a mechanical commutator that will then connect it to the triode's anode at the right time to do what I explained above. Or, you take the grid and tie it to the annode and put the commutator switch behind the triode to put it in and out of the circuit. No secret or trick to the triode. When Bedini and Cole examined the actual machine at Gray's shop, Bedini drew exactly what Gray's setup was. Also, when you jump a HV positive into a LV source, turn the HV away to another path and get the LV source to jump over the gap, you get a negative resistance effect that forces the LV source to discharge abnormally fast. That is what makes the coil pulse fast and not the switch because the switch is only a small fraction of the speed that the LV discharge happens at - they're not even close to the same.

      Last edited by Aaron; 10-24-2015, 06:44 PM.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        You have two opposing dipoles - one is high voltage and one is low voltage. When the HV moves towards the + of the LV source, it is finding it's path back to the HV ground through the LV source and back to it's own negative. The current is moving from the HV source negative TOWARDS the negative of the LV source through the LV source and out of the LV source positive back TOWARDS the positive of the HV source.

        What you have to understand is that this is about potential differences and not polarities.
        Yes, exactly current (electron flow) moves from whatever is more negative to whatever is more positive .... I do UNDERSTAND as I am an electronics engineer of some 45 yrs experience.

        Bedini has shown this for over 20 years online:
        So where is the WORKING Gray tube replication that Bedini has running, if he knew it all we should be able to see the video of his version running.

        Current is moving from Battery #3's POSITIVE terminal and is moving TOWARDS the positive of Battery #1. Again, it is about potential differences and not polarities. That is what will help you understand what this is about.
        Like I said above current moves from negative to positive, exactly the opposite of the depicted current direction in the picture above.

        I'm not sure why yours isn't firing with the diode shown like mine. A typical 12kv microwave oven diode should work fine. In the Gray Tube patent, the cathode of the triode is touching the LV rod and in Bedini's diagrams from actually examining the real machine when he and Ron Cole were at Gray's shop, Gray was using diodes and the cathode was at the LV rod side - just like what I'm doing.
        It's not firing because it is reverse biased. So if Gray was using diodes, why does he show a triode in the specific location of the LV rod and he has diode symbols elsewhere. I am referring to the patent drawings, are you saying they are false?

        I will ask you one thing, what is the polarity of the HV diode you have connected to the ignition coil? It looks like the cathode is connected to the HV terminal of the coil, which makes your HV NEGATIVE and the reason why your diodes on the LV side pass current. I might be wrong as it is hard to see in such a grainy low quality video.

        What is your LV source? Batteries or Caps?
        I have tried both.

        Take a voltmeter and put the negative on the negative of your LV source. And put the positive of the volt meter on the cathode of the diode and you should be able to measure the voltage of your LV source minus the voltage drop of the diode.
        You will only see a voltage difference if there is current flow.

        My setup is exactly the same as yours, apart from I am using a flyback transformer with built in HV diode as my HV source and different diode for the LV side.

        You have made me think about my LV diode though, and I just went and checked it and found it has indeed blown open circuit. EDIT: Actually it is ok, just my meter was showing it high impedance both ways, but it works in circuit one way, not the other. It must have several diodes in series internally and my meter won't pick that up as a diode.

        .. so in an effort to duplicate your setup further I will replace it with exactly your diode arrangements. After all, If someone cannot duplicate the effect you have, then your experiment becomes invalid .... it's in your best interest for me to get exactly what you are seeing ..

        PS: How are you triggering your spark?
        Last edited by bmentink; 10-24-2015, 09:24 PM.


        • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

          What you have to understand is that this is about potential differences and not polarities.

          Bedini has shown this for over 20 years online:

          Again, it is about potential differences and not polarities. That is what will help you understand what this is about.

          You should try that 3 battery experiment for yourself ........................This is identical to what you are looking at in the Gray Tube.

          Can you post a diagram of your setup?

          Of course the commutator controls the pulsing of the coils.

          That is what makes the coil pulse fast and not the switch because the switch is only a small fraction of the speed that the LV discharge happens at - they're not even close to the same.

          Originally posted by bmentink View Post
          ............................. I am an electronics engineer of some 45 yrs experience.

          So where is the WORKING Gray tube replication that Bedini has running, if he knew it all we should be able to see the video of his version running.

          I might be wrong as it is hard to see in such a grainy low quality video.

          ............... I just went and checked it and found it has indeed blown open circuit.

          PS: How are you triggering your spark?
          Thanks Aaron for this refreshed copy and repeats. This stuff does take

          time to soak in. Back in the 60's I remember seeing all of the Tesla books

          left over for the early 1900's til they were thrown out like trash in the


          The battery experiment is an experiment that even the most experienced

          will never consider. I see your video and it looks like you are using a mini

          Bedini wheel? made of acrylic (SSG?) For your energy pumping and some

          might call that a trigger? I know the SSG circuit is DC but it is pulsating

          DC so maybe this is what people are thinking.

          Also the microwave diode is only good for a 2000 volt oven transformer.

          I know the rating on a MOT diode says it is higher but this is common to

          select a higher rating for any job.

          Also if I were Bedini I would not want to be responsible for posting a

          potentially lethal setup, telling everyone to go for it. I wouldn't do it.

          Even the most experienced are afraid of HV.

          Your diodes are 1000-1200volts each multiplied times how many ever diodes

          at and amp handling capacity that far exceeds the MOT diodes.

          Of course you know all of this Aaron, thanks for sharing this thread.

          The MOT diode is good for 100ma? At 90 percent? Some really small figure.
          Last edited by BroMikey; 10-24-2015, 09:13 PM.


          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            The MOT diode is good for 100ma? At 90 percent? Some really small figure.
            Actually my diodes are rated at 15kv 500mA continuous 35A peak, the current rating is a problem though.

            I will get better diodes. But like I edited above, the diode is fine, just my meter could not read it like a normal diode.
            Last edited by bmentink; 10-24-2015, 09:25 PM.


            • Originally posted by bmentink View Post
              Actually my diodes are rated at 15kv 500mA continuous 35A peak, the current rating is a problem though.

              I will get better diodes. But like I edited above, the diode is fine, just my meter could not read it like a normal diode.
              Yes i would do it just like he is for several reasons.

              (1) the MOT max surge 35amp is under normal conditions of minuscule

              amounts of power and to represents a restriction Aaron will not encounter

              with his string

              (2) The 6A10 common general purpose diode has a max surge current

              of 400amps under normal running conditions that are 30X power levels to

              one of those cheap-O MOT diodes.

              (3) Should the current of a MOT diode go above a tiny bit in a short

              pulse the resistance value climbs enormously.

              In my view because this experiment has been done time and time again then

              you will be needing to buy some diodes to make a string, why not buy

              fast diodes of even ultra fast for nearly the same price?

              Then you can add to this work, in my opinion.

              If you want numbers to get the fast ones, Aaron and others have posted

              these before somewhere. We can get a good number for you. The thing

              I found out was that when I replaced my slow diodes with fast ones I

              ended up gaining almost double.

              Aarons talking 5000volts and MOT diode run at 2000volts.



              I learned that these pulsing circuits work better when resistance from

              component heating is not present. Aaron's string rating is some outlandish

              figure if you want max data.

              I'm not telling you what to do, just that diodes have been a learning

              experience for me with these plasma energy tools.

              Once you go with fast or ultra you will never look back.
              Last edited by BroMikey; 10-24-2015, 10:54 PM.


              • Hi,

                Yes I have already ordered super-fast recovery ones, I will be building up a string out of those plus a string out of the 6A100 Aaron is using to compare ...

                ... then, I will be setting up my Thyratron and switching circuit and compare that as well.

                I will post results here.


                • Gray Tube replication

                  Originally posted by bmentink View Post
                  Yes, exactly current (electron flow) moves from whatever is more negative to whatever is more positive .... I do UNDERSTAND as I am an electronics engineer of some 45 yrs experience.

                  So where is the WORKING Gray tube replication that Bedini has running, if he knew it all we should be able to see the video of his version running.

                  Like I said above current moves from negative to positive, exactly the opposite of the depicted current direction in the picture above.

                  It's not firing because it is reverse biased. So if Gray was using diodes, why does he show a triode in the specific location of the LV rod and he has diode symbols elsewhere. I am referring to the patent drawings, are you saying they are false?

                  I will ask you one thing, what is the polarity of the HV diode you have connected to the ignition coil? It looks like the cathode is connected to the HV terminal of the coil, which makes your HV NEGATIVE and the reason why your diodes on the LV side pass current. I might be wrong as it is hard to see in such a grainy low quality video.

                  I have tried both.

                  You will only see a voltage difference if there is current flow.

                  My setup is exactly the same as yours, apart from I am using a flyback transformer with built in HV diode as my HV source and different diode for the LV side.

                  You have made me think about my LV diode though, and I just went and checked it and found it has indeed blown open circuit. EDIT: Actually it is ok, just my meter was showing it high impedance both ways, but it works in circuit one way, not the other. It must have several diodes in series internally and my meter won't pick that up as a diode.

                  .. so in an effort to duplicate your setup further I will replace it with exactly your diode arrangements. After all, If someone cannot duplicate the effect you have, then your experiment becomes invalid .... it's in your best interest for me to get exactly what you are seeing ..

                  PS: How are you triggering your spark?
                  John Bedini & Ron Cole were welcomed into Gray's lab to examine his tube and motor setup. The diagrams you see from John pretty much match the patent, but the patent has a few things missing that were discovered to be misleading. Those missing details are now known such as the spark gap overshoot that is intentionally drawn wrong in the patent, etc... John utilized some of these principles of "splitting the positive" in other circuits over the years.

                  The picture I posted shows exactly what I said. When the load of the bulb or whatever other load is between Battery 1 and 3, the current is moving from the positive of batt 3 TOWARDS battery #1 through the load. The arrows you see on the circuit are not the current direction that is the direction of the voltage - not electron current.

                  A diode opposing a HV source is not reverse biased until AFTER the reverse rating is met. When there is nothing moving into the cathode of the diode it is a complete open path to ground for the HV source. That is just how diodes work contrary to what is commonly believed. It is only believed to be a blocking diode but it doesn't block anything until AFTER the HV jumps into the cathode. There is perfect continuity in the connection between the ground of the LV source and the cathode of the diode. That means it is wide open and is a path for the HV to find ground through the diode, through the LV source and back to the ground that is shared between the LV and HV source.

                  In the Gray circuit, the HV cap on the HV rod side is constantly being charged by the power supply. It is triggered when the commutator puts a diode or triode into the circuit - then the HV jumps to the LV side before jumping to the grids.

                  In my circuit, the diode is constantly in the circuit and I'm triggering it on the HV side when I drop the cap to the primary of the ignition coil. It can be done on either side. If I had it scaled up, I would trigger it behind the LV diode/triode just like Gray but I'm using a down-scaled version.

                  The cathode of my diode on the ignition coil is at the HV because the HV is POSITIVE. You have it backwards. You have to understand how the circuit works and as far as replications, there are several that work because they did it exactly like I did.

                  And replications of the ignition circuit - my version of the plasma circuit has been replicated by at least hundreds if not thousands of people around the world proving the principles of the diode like I have been describing.

                  I showed this years ago and still teach it today.

                  The HV output has 2 paths to ground.

                  1. The low resistance path to ground is backwards through the diode, which is NOT reverse biased until AFTER the HV hits it. HV hits the cathode goes through the cap back to the HV ground, which is shared by the LV cap.

                  2. AFTER the HV moves backwards through the diode, the diode is then reverse biased only AFTER it is hit with HV and has now where to go but to another path to ground. The second less restrictive path to ground is over the gap back to ground.

                  3. After the HV moves over the gap of the plug, it is ionized enough to be conductive enough so that a low voltage source like the cap can move over that gap. When the gap is ionized, what is in the low voltage capacitor (low compared to the HV output of the coil), the voltage of the cap moves through the diode and over the gap back to ground.

                  I don't know what you mean by seeing a voltage difference if there is current flow.

                  The test I'm talking about is not to test just the diode.

                  For example, take a capacitor and charge it to a few hundred volts and then from the positive terminal, place the anode of a diode on there. Now, place the negative of a voltmeter on the negative of the capacitor and the positive of the voltmeter to the cathode of the diode. You will see the voltage of the capacitor minus the diode voltage drop. If you have a microwave diode and you put it on a battery, that isn't enough voltage to open the diode.

                  What that means is that the diode is not blocking anything when it is just sitting there connected to a LV rod. It is a completely wide open path to ground. If the gap between the rods is closer than the gap between rods and grids, the gap at the rods is the lower resistance path to ground.

                  That means that if the diode is put into the circuit by a commutator or if it is already there and you discharge HV to the HV rod, the HV will jump the gap right into that diode since it is open and not reverse biased and will find its way back to ground.

                  It is only reverse biased AFTER it is high with high voltage and the cathode becomes higher voltage than diode, only when that happens will the diode be reversed biased. But until that happens and the cathode is untouched by any HV, it is a completely open path to ground for the HV.

                  This motor in this video works because what I'm saying is 100% accurate.

                  I'm just posting the facts of EXACTLY what I have done and exactly what others have to done to replicate my experiment. Everyone with a plasma ignition circuit that works with my method already has this miniature Gray circuit, they only need to put in an inductor between the spark plug gap and ground.

                  In this video, you can see how I trigger it. A reed switch is switched by a magnet on the wheel. That reed triggers and SCR to drop a capacitor across the primary of the ignition coil and you can see the basic ignition circuit above.


                  What I also have is a separate power supply charging a cap bank that you see on the left side in the video. That is my "booster cap" setup that is in parallel with the gap with the coil in series with that cap bank. So when the front side ignition coil plasma discharge ionizes the gap, that cap bank discharges through the ignition coil in its negative resistance mode making the cap discharge not into a positive resistance but it is getting sucked out at a negative resistance pushing the power density abnormally higher than it normally thought possible.

                  I'll do what I can to help you get success with your experiment, but please understand, and with all due respect, you did not learn this reverse diode method in school or in your experience and it is very counter intuitive. But once you see that my explanation is accurate - not just by me saying it but by you experiencing it, then everything else will fall into place.
                  Last edited by Aaron; 10-25-2015, 03:20 AM.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                    The cathode of my diode on the ignition coil is at the HV because the HV is POSITIVE. You have it backwards.
                    No, you have it backwards. If you have an AC signal from your ignition coil and apply it to the cathode of your diode you will get NEGATIVE voltage out of the anode ... if you cannot get such a basic electric principle ... then everything else you say I just can't believe Sorry!

                    I showed this years ago and still teach it today.
                    .. and yet still no working replication producing power .....

                    I don't know what you mean by seeing a voltage difference if there is current flow.
                    I will try and explain it to you. If you connect one end of a resistor to the positive of a battery and measure voltage either side of the resistor relative to the negative of a battery and the other end of the resistor is open, you will not get any voltage drop across the resistor because there is no current flow, i.e the voltages will be the same. The same if you have a diode connected by the anode to the positive of the battery with the other end floating ....


                    • diode test

                      Originally posted by bmentink View Post
                      No, you have it backwards. If you have an AC signal from your ignition coil and apply it to the cathode of your diode you will get NEGATIVE voltage out of the anode ... if you cannot get such a basic electric principle ... then everything else you say I just can't believe Sorry!

                      .. and yet still no working replication producing power .....

                      I will try and explain it to you. If you connect one end of a resistor to the positive of a battery and measure voltage either side of the resistor relative to the negative of a battery and the other end of the resistor is open, you will not get any voltage drop across the resistor because there is no current flow, i.e the voltages will be the same. The same if you have a diode connected by the anode to the positive of the battery with the other end floating ....

                      No, I have it perfectly straight and I'm speaking from experience and I can prove it. You continue to ignore the indisputable fact that the diode is NOT in reverse blocking mode until there is more voltage at the cathode than the anode in order to cause it to block the positive voltage. Until that happens, the diode is a complete path to ground whether you believe it or not.

                      If you have the anode at the hv output, then you have NEGATIVE hv from the coil because the diode's function is not to conduct the voltage from the coil over the gap to the ground, it's function is simply to get the HV to jump to it so that AFTER it jumps to it, then it will shut off. That isn't even debatable. You're not trying to understand what is going on here - you're trying to fit it into your present understanding. It is BACKWARDS from what you think is happening.

                      If it worked like you believe, then the diode would NEVER shut off and the HV would completely discharge through the diode and would never go to the grid, which defeats the entire point and the plasma effect would never happen.

                      No working replication producing power? My motor in that youtube video is one of the few that has ever shown a running motor using this principle. Whether it is generating anything or not is irrelevant. It is to prove a concept shown in the "Gray Tube."

                      You are incorrect. We are talking about a diode and not a resistor. With a diode, you will show EXACTLY what I already described. Please stop trying to figure it out with what you think will happen - just do the experiment.


                      Try this...

                      Put two 12 v batteries in series and get a 3rd 12v battery. Connect the 24 volt series battery's ground to the single 12v battery ground. Between the terminals, you will then have 12v potential difference as shown in the diagram I showed before.

                      Now, place a diode like a 1N4002 with the anode on the + of the 12 v battery and keep a volt meter on that single 12v battery. Now, tap the 24 volt series battery + to the cathode of the diode on the single 12v battery that shares the same ground as the 24v series bank. You will see the single 12v battery voltage jump up. That is because everything I have been telling you is what is actually happening and what you believe is the case is actually incorrect.

                      The ignition coil hv is POSITIVE and is able to go backward through the diode just like the experiment I posted above. If you actually do it, you will see that too and that should wipe away any beliefs to the contrary because documentation beats conversation and the experiments show you the truth. You cannot mistake the polarity of the battery example I describe in the previous paragraph and it will put all the misconceptions to a rest. I have done that experiment and again, am speaking from experience and not just what I think should happen.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        You continue to ignore the indisputable fact that the diode is NOT in reverse blocking mode until there is more voltage at the cathode than the anode in order to cause it to block the positive voltage. Until that happens, the diode is a complete path to ground whether you believe it or not.
                        No, you are incorrect, I do not dispute that ..... you may be right, what I do dispute is your contradictory statements you make.

                        You stated:

                        The cathode of my diode on the ignition coil is at the HV because the HV is POSITIVE. You have it backwards.
                        Which means you have the connection like this:

                        That means that you will have a NEGATIVE voltage on the cap not POSITIVE, and you will get an arc across the gap. Do you dispute that as well?

                        Maybe it's just the way you communicate that is the issue.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by bmentink; 10-25-2015, 07:05 PM.


                        • How the Gray Tube circuit works

                          Originally posted by bmentink View Post
                          No, you are incorrect, I do not dispute that ..... you may be right, what I do dispute is your contradictory statements you make.

                          You stated:

                          Which means you have the connection like this:

                          That means that you will have a NEGATIVE voltage on the cap not POSITIVE, and you will get an arc across the gap. Do you dispute that as well?

                          Maybe it's just the way you communicate that is the issue.
                          I know what you mean, that but is not what I'm doing.

                          This is my circuit, cathode is at the high voltage and the high voltage is POSITIVE.

                          The diode there serves a DIFFERENT purpose than placing the diode between the HV source and the HV rod.

                          The diode you show in your diagram is indeed how you want to place it IF the HV is negative, but again, that is not what I'm doing or showing.

                          This pdf might help you:

                          And this:

                          Attached is the circuit you posted, but with corrections.

                          I'm using my CDI plasma circuit as the HV source, which is the plasma effect, which is used to initiate an even bigger plasma effect in the motor's inductor.

                          1. When the c1 is switched to the primary of the ignition coil, the HV POSITIVE leaves the ignition coil and does NOT jump to the LV rod yet. It finds ground backwards through the diode at the top of C1 just like I posted in my basic plasma ignition schematic.

                          2. The very moment that it jumps backwards through that HV diode, the reverse rating is met and it shuts off and is then reverse biased.

                          3. The HV discharge is not completely discharged, only a small percentage went backwards through the diode and when it shuts off, it has to find the next lowest resistance path to ground. The next lowest path to ground is backwards through HV diodes at the LV rod side, backwards through those diodes, through the cap and back to ground. In other words, the cathode of D2 IS the ground for the HV discharge. When the HV discharge goes across the gap from the HV to LV rod, that pathway is ionized and then the rest of the charge in C1 will go through the diode over the HV rod to the LV rod causing the plasma effect at that gap.

                          4. The moment the discharge hits the cathode of D2, D2 is then reverse biased and shuts off - so this discharge has to find another path to ground, which is over to the grids through the inductor and back to ground.

                          5. The moment the discharge is turned away by D2 and jumps to the grids, the pathway between the rods and grids is ionized making it very, very conductive and C2, the cap supply on the LV rod side will go through the diode and over the gap to the grid, through the inductor and back to ground. The C2 capacitor current moves at a negative resistance from ground up through the inductor, to the grids and back to the rods.

                          This is how it works.

                          Instead of starting the HV discharge as a cdi plasma ignition diode, you can have a power supply charging up a 4000-5000v cap at a couple uf's, switch it into the circuit and it will jump across to the LV rod slamming into the cathode of a diode or triode that is in the circuit there in front of caps or battery banks. That D2 will then be reverse biased and that conventional hv cap discharge will then go to the grids, thru inductor and back to ground. Then the cap bank or battery bank behind D2 will then move through D2 and over the ionized pathway to the grids, thru the inductor and back to ground while the current from the cap bank or battery bank behind d2 moves from ground up through the inductor, to the grids and back to the LV rod.

                          Or, you can keep the HV cap in the circuit and then put a commutator switch between D2 and the cap or battery bank there.

                          From my experience, the plasma discharge ionizes the gap way better than a conventional cap discharge making it much easier to have a lower voltage higher current source jump that ionized gap.

                          Attached Files
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • I have re-done my schematic as per your corrections.

                            There is still some confusion as some of the diagrams posted show the anode of the HV diode connected to the center pole of the ignition coil, and others like your correction showing the cathode. You can see why I am confused, you are not consistant. i.e the pdf you posted: shows the anode connected.

                            Please look at the drawing and correct anything you think is still wrong.


                            1. How do you charge C1
                            2. How is L2 pulsed
                            3. When is the switch operated.


                            PS: Your "peaking" caps in your previous posts on your "silent plasma" have a + - marking. This is incorrect, as the cap is across the inductor, the cap has AC passing through it, not DC.
                            Your "silent" plasma is just an AC arc which is a lot quieter than a DC cap discharge one ...

                            Your "green" discharge is just a higher energy discharge. I can get the same if I discharge a spark in air with several uF of capacitance at 5kv with platinum electrodes. (no copper in sight ..)
                            With the same high energy discharge I can "pop" neo magnets upto the ceiling .... nothing special there, just high energy for short amount of time ...

                            I can get fluorescent bulbs and normal neon's to flash green even purple instead of the usual orange ... these are all indications of a higher energy discharge pulse raising the gas in the vicinity to a different isotope level.

                            What will be "special" is producing continuous high energy pulses from the grids ..... I know how to do that with special techniques .... and they don't involve diodes.
                            Even if you are getting the "effect" you desire with the small window before the diode blocks shut, you won't get significant power that way continuous, the average power is too small ...
                            The key is getting more energy into the spark for a longer time .... that opens the door to the high current ....I know how to to that.

                            The power will then be applied to a resonant transformer modulated to the required load frequency. .... task complete ......

                            Aaron, I do not just talk ..... I have been experimenting on this for a long time. I am talking about "practical" hands on experiments. Once I have verified my latest circuit, I will post the schematic on-line and you
                            will see how I do continuous high energy pulses .... I havn't posted any circuit up to now, because I want to post a complete working circuit that everyone can replicate, not some half-circuit's that are misleading and incomplete.
                            Hence all the questions from me .... I am trying to get a complete circuit for your setup .....none of your circuits are complete, have component values, construction method's etc that everyone can duplicate ...
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by bmentink; 10-26-2015, 12:46 AM.


                            • Gray Tube replication

                              You need to show L1 and L2 as an auto-transformer like I did in my edit of your drawing because that is what it is.

                              I am perfectly consistent, that is why I get results with these circuits 100% of the time and so do others that follow my diagrams. I'm showing multiple variations of the exact same principle. If anything, I'm one of the few that has ever been consistent in that respect in regards to this Gray Tube project. You would know this if you follow the entire history of what I have posted.

                              In the PDF, point out what you mean by having the anode connected in some and cathode in the others. Be specific.

                              C1 can be charged simply by taking rectified AC from the wall and putting it across the cap. That will give a 160 peak dc voltage on that cap and is enough to have a sufficient cap discharge for the plasma ignition effect. Or, you can use any high speed circuit to charge that cap like a typical Radio Shack 110>12 volt step down tranformer used in reversed and oscillated by a multitude of different transformer, etc... circuits - similar to any conventional CDI circuit. Rectifying wall AC is the simplest to get you going the quickest without having to build a cap charging circuit.

                              L2 is pulsed the moment you close SW1.

                              SW1 can be an SCR for example and is triggered by a reed switch that a magnet on the rotor triggers. You can adjust the timing so that the it fires right when the magnet crosses the 50% line on the coil so that the coil charges and pushes it in repulsion mode, or you can have it trigger before the magnet is over the coil so when it fires it will pull the magnet to it in attraction mode. In repulsion mode, magnet polarity facing out is the same as the coil polarity on top when charged or attraction mode, you have opposite polarities.

                              You didn't ask but C2 is charged with the rectified output of a MOT and the input of the MOT is a common variac.

                              The peaking caps are not required and the circuit works just fine without them. If you have the plasma ignition setup on the front, they're unnecessary.

                              You are making assumptions about my circuits without having experimented with my circuits. The plasma goes silent WITHOUT the peaking cap even being there. And this is all done with DC discharges. There are still some high frequency oscillations with DC discharges at a gap in these circumstances and that has nothing to do with it being loud or quiet.

                              Both images here are WITHOUT the peaking cap.

                              Your couple uf 5kv discharge is not the same as the plasma discharge. I can do this without copper as well and inversely, I can use copper and have pure white without the inductor. The copper has nothing to do with it. The inductor SLOWS the discharge, it is a SLOW plasma compared to without the inductor and that is why it is quiet.

                              You said, "With the same high energy discharge I can "pop" neo magnets upto the ceiling .... nothing special there, just high energy for short amount of time."

                              A 5kv low uf cap discharge is not discharging fast. It is still a very conventional discharge. It is a cap discharging into a positive resistance and the speed at which the cap can discharge is restricted because of the resistances and impedances that it is discharging into.

                              If you scope that cap discharge, it will follow a very conventional discharge curve.

                              Doing it my way, the discharge will be nearly a straight vertical line from the peak voltage down to zero because the resistance that the cap is discharging into has disappeared. It is a true negative resistance effect that causes a true accelerated discharge meaning it is no longer a conventional discharge, but one that has a time period that is WAY smaller. Only in this case can you talk about the energy being discharged in a short period of time because any other conventional way cannot even come close and according to my standards, a few uf 5kv cap discharged conventionally is extremely slow.

                              I can take your exact same few uf 5kv cap can cause it to discharge way faster than you have ever seen cranking the POWER of that impulse to heights that are impossible to reach by conventional discharges, which is what your experience encompasses. And yes, that is quite special.

                              There is no relevance to comparing a few uf 5kv conventional discharge to my circuit - that is lot logical and it is not scientific. If you want to really compare something, look at the discharge time of the SAME few uf 5kv cap discharged conventionally, which is what you have experience with. Then, analyze the discharge time of the SAME few uf 5kv being discharged my way and you will see something that you have never experienced. If you want to talk about what is special or not, you have to make relevant comparisons.

                              It is continuous or it is pulsing. If it is pulsing, there is a time interval per pulse and the pulse can repeat and there is no sense to having the circuit repeatedly pulse at some arbitrary frequency for the sake of it just continuing to pulse - we have been talking about a motor and not the input of a resonant transformer.

                              The only time you want the coils to fire is only when the magnet on a rotor is in the place you want it when the coil fires. That means, you simply have the rotor's position tell you when you want the coils to fire.

                              And if it is a solid state circuit where the effect is on a transformer, you can then pulse it "continuously" if you want and then you'll move in the direction of my other experiments. Been there done that and it is worth pursuing but you miss out on the mechanical work, which is mostly free.

                              The negative resistance plasma discharge happens AFTER the diode slams shut - not before as you mention. I spelled it out pretty clear.

                              I can make the high speed plasma discharge as continuous as I want. The only limiting factor assuming the transformer is tuned to that frequency, is the power supply to keep the cap charged up fast enough.

                              If you want to talk about high current, you can't beat the impulse current available with the negative resistance plasma discharge. You should go study all the federal governments work on the plasma ignition and look at what the current probes are showing you. It's practically off the charts and nearly unbelievable considering the size of the capacitors getting discharged.

                              My circuits posted are not half-circuits, incomplete or misleading. In all fairness, you mislead yourself by not understanding the function or purpose of the reversed diode/triode in these circuits. Most of the diagrams I posted for reference to you are not meant to be full schematics and were posted many years ago to show the general principles - and people have working replications of their own scale based on those without ever needing specific components.

                              Besides that, I have already posted full circuits with component values, etc... years ago - all of this is online here in this forum and elsewhere. I don't appreciate you statement about misleading circuits since you are basing that only on what you have dug up and have not explored everything I have posted and explained in all my videos.

                              I have been very clear and open-sourced many pages of my work on this entire project.

                              I have already shared numerous times that the shortcut is to simply get an off the shelf CDI and connect it to an ignition coil and add the HV diode(s). If it is positive HV you put the diodes exactly like I show. If it is negative HV you reverse the diode - simple.

                              Then you trigger it with a commutator or reed triggered by a magnet on the rotor, etc... that gives you the entire front side plasma ignition circuit without having to build a circuit - the CDI modules on the market are a dime a dozen.

                              IF you want to go solid state, then use a MSD so you can get 6-7 plasma events per trigger to go to the primary of a transformer. Use a CDI with one discharge per trigger if you want to put in on a motor.

                              For increasing the pulse in the primary, put a high voltage cap bank in parallel with the gap with the HV diode(s) and charge it up with whatever cap charger you want - I used a MOT rectified and input of MOT was powered by a common variac.

                              I have gone over this countless times over the years. There are hundreds of extra replications of my version of the plasma ignition all over the world because I have shared this in my books/videos and all over this forum. If anyone wants to run a motor on this, put an inductor in series with the gap between the gap and ground and that's it. Obviously, the inductor should be tuned and that will be a very small motor, but put the extra bank in parallel with the gap and inductor and they will scale it up.

                              My method of the plasma ignition is one of the most successfully replicated circuits in the "free energy" field and there is a reason for that - I gave full details on how to do it.

                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                You need to show L1 and L2 as an auto-transformer like I did in my edit of your drawing because that is what it is.

                                I am perfectly consistent//////////////////////////////////

                                My method of the plasma ignition is one of the most successfully replicated circuits in the "free energy" field and there is a reason for that - I gave full details on how to do it.
                                Great run down Aaron

                                I am really picking this all up quite nicely. I think we all have a problem

                                getting such a complicated matter across to everyone. Everyone has

                                their own way of digesting this stuff. Backwards diodes always blew

                                my beanie back years ago when I would see some new guys rendition.

                                The details are there and it is good to see someone show interest.


                                I hope you will show a video soon of your setup, I am looking forward

                                to some team players showing results like Aaron has. Maybe you are

                                just the guy? Still waiting for somebody to do it like Aaron.

                                I have witnessed so many anomalies never realizing these events were

                                sitting right under my nose for decades.

