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Gray Tube Replication

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  • gray tube

    Originally posted by Dingus View Post
    Apparent continuous is good enough for what I had in mind, but testing the circuit in a simple simulator, it seems like the plasma ignition circuit is best for lower frequencies, so if there's no benefit to using the circuit at really high frequencies, then I'll just use a xenon circuit or something instead, it'll be worth testing either way. I wouldn't even know how make a switch that works rapidly enough to be apparently continuous. How would you do it?

    I actually saw that video before I started posting in this thread, I was going to with that old circuit because it seemed less complicated & with the circuit simulator I've been using, I can't seem to get the new circuit to work, while the old one shows a very obvious voltage spike at the moment the switch is flipped. I didn't even realize the difference in time stamps until just now.
    A 555 circuit switching an SCR can do it. That plasma is pulsing off and on, but for the most part, it does exist almost constantly since the turn off time is maybe not enough for it to fully decay.


    There are advantages to my plasma method but a simpler way is to simply put a cap across the gap with the diode and its own power supply. You can then use a normal ignition discharge to trigger it.
    Aaron Murakami

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    RPX & MWO


    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      A 555 circuit switching an SCR can do it. That plasma is pulsing off and on, but for the most part, it does exist almost constantly since the turn off time is maybe not enough for it to fully decay.

      There are advantages to my plasma method but a simpler way is to simply put a cap across the gap with the diode and its own power supply. You can then use a normal ignition discharge to trigger it.
      Either method might be fine for near-continuous plasma, which I'd like to use at some point for what's basically a plasma torch, but the high frequency application I was thinking of is around the 65 GHz range, using the inductor & the plasma is unused. But I'm getting way, way ahead of myself just asking about either.
      Last edited by Dingus; 11-03-2015, 02:00 AM.


      • I was reading KeelyNet recently & noticed that in this article about electrogravitics, the US patent 4095162 by Joseph Hiddink shares similarity with Gray's Tube, in the use of the plasma in a tube as a conductor & is similar to Aaron's Plasma Ignition in the use of a second power supply to quickly produce very high voltage. (A 1-terminal capacitor sphere about 2 meters in diameter could reach 100 megavolts)

        Quick thought: Could this be combined with Tesla's radiant energy receiver?
        Last edited by Dingus; 12-16-2015, 10:46 PM. Reason: Oh Jeez, I just noticed the same patent is mentioned in a post from 2011


        • Coming disclosure of secret E. V. GREY technology

          Popping coils and splitting the positive explained at the rally in light
          of the new revelations.

          Al Francoeur - E.V. Gray Motors - 2017



          • Nikola Tesla to Alexei Poppoff through Ed Gray to Marvin Cole

            Nikola Tesla is Edwin Gray’s indirect, primary, source

            In 1957, a Russian immigrant to the USA, one Alexei Poppoff, showed Edwin Gray a circuit which he said he had been shown by Nikola Tesla. Tesla in his Philadelphia and St Louis lecture in 1893 showed how loads can be powered when a high voltage source is pulsed by magnetically-quenched sparks – this creates DC pulses of very short duration.

            Edwin Gray joined up with his next-door neighbor Marvin Cole, who held a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and who, unlike Gray, was able to understand the circuitry.

            Peter Lindemann points out that Ed Gray’s power conversion tube circuit is effectively a copy of Nikola Tesla’s circuit.

            The Ed Gray Power System, the power tube presented to the public by Edwin Gray, operates by generating a series of very short, very sharp pulses using a spark gap.

            From 1958 to 1972, Marvin Cole, Ed’s neighbor, working alone, designed and built ever more powerful prototype engines, and it was a small one of these which was tested by Cal-Tech. In this period, Marvin also developed ever more powerful power supplies, which are the really important item in all of this.

            In 1967, Ed Gray rejoins Marvin Cole and together from 1967 to 1972, they solicited venture capital and promoted the technology.

            Early in 1972, for unknown reasons, Marvin Cole disappeared [was murdered?] and never saw Gray again.

            Source: Ed Gray?s R. E. Motor


            I also found this article interesting:
            Last edited by vidbid; 07-17-2017, 05:18 AM.



            • En breve voy a intentar poner en marcha mi sistema de impulsos unidireccionales, esto que veis ahí son dos sistemas parecidos pero con funciones muy diferentes, uno de ellos lo voy a emplear para cerrar el circuito de alta tensión mediante un cebado electrónico, algo similar a el flas de una maquina fotografica, el otro aparato es para abrir el circuito mediante soplado magnetico, en breve mas experiencias, saludos.


              Soon I will try to start my system of pulses unidirectional, you see there are two similar systems but with very different functions, one of them I will use to close the high voltage circuit by electronic priming, something similar to The flas of a camera, the other device is to open the circuit by magnetic blowing, soon more experiences, greetings.
              must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


              • La energia radiante de tesla simplemente es aether en movimiento, para detectar este singular fenomeno segun N.Tesla necesitamos crear pulsos unidireccionales de alta energía electrica sin oscilaciones, por lo tanto hay que bajar la impedancia inductiva al maximo, mi idea es crear un pulso de mucha energía pero breve de tal forma que no se llega a descargar la bateria de condensadores, esta energía es conducida a barras de grafito, las barras de grafito deben de estar dispuestas de tal manera que creen un circuito no inductivo, de tal forma que el campo de una barra cancele al de la otra barra, para detectar si generamos pulsos de Aether basta con construir un condensador concentrico de tubo de cobre, con aire dielectrico, dentro del tubo colocamos las 2 barras de grafito en conexion no inductiva, sobre ellas descargamos la energía en forma de un pulso energico y muy corto para no descargar la alta presión electrica de la fuente y no crear oscilaciones.


                The radiant energy of tesla is simply aether in motion, to detect this unique phenomenon according to N.Tesla we need to create unidirectional pulses of high electric energy without oscillations, therefore we must lower the inductive impedance to the maximum, my idea is to create a pulse of Much energy but short in such a way that the capacitor bank is not discharged, this energy is driven to graphite bars, the graphite bars must be arranged in such a way as to create a non-inductive circuit, so that the Field of one bar cancel to the other bar, to detect if we generate Aether pulses is enough to build a concentric copper tube condenser, with dielectric air, inside the tube place the 2 bars of graphite in non-inductive connection, on them we unload The energy in the form of an energy pulse and very short so as not to discharge the high electric pressure from the source and not to create oscillations.
                must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                • conectamos un cable a cada tubo concentrico de cobre, y los conectamos a un galvanometro sensible, cualquier induccion convencional es imposible, si detectamos energía electrica en el galvanometro quiere decir que el flujo de Aether ha inducido energía eletrica en el condensador concentrico.


                  We connect a cable to each copper tube, and connect them to a sensitive galvanometer, any conventional induction is impossible, if we detect electric energy in the galvanometer means that the flow of Aether has induced electric energy in the condenser.
                  must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                  • must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                    • magnetic quenched....

                      must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                      • must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                        • lo ideal es que la fuente de energia primaria osea el condensador tan solo pierda un poco de su energía, de esta forma nos aseguramos que sigue habiendo presión electrica en todo momento para evitar una reversión u oscilación amortiguada. Es ahí donde interviene el soplado magnetico, este sistema abre el circuito formado por el arco de plasma que se genera al vaporizarse el hilo de cobre, este plasma es soplado por las fuerzas de lorentz.


                          Ideally, the primary energy source ose the capacitor just lose some of its energy, this way we ensure that there is still electrical pressure at all times to avoid a reversal or damped oscillation. This is where the magnetic blowing takes place, this system opens the circuit formed by the arc of plasma that is generated by vaporizing the copper wire, this plasma is blown by the forces of Lorentz.

                          must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                          • I think almost all of you are wrong.
                            What Nikola Tesla discovered is that by a very strict procedure it is possible to decouple the Ether from the flow of the electrons in an electric conductor, this procedure involves:

                            A) high electrical pressures
                            B) unidirectional pulse in direct current.
                            C) prevent oscillations in the pulse.
                            D) abruptly closing and opening the electrical circuit very quickly.

                            A very important fact:

                            A) The Ether once released propagates in a straight line and perpendicular to the decoupled conductor

                            B) The Ether is a fluid so eternal that it crosses all known matter but produces internal changes in it

                            C) The ether can induce a charge in the armatures of the electric capacitors.



                            yo creo que estan casi todos ustedes equivocados.
                            Lo que descubrió Nikola Tesla es que mediante un procedimiento muy estricto es posible desacoplar el Ether del flujo de los electrones en un conductor electrico, este procedimiento implica:

                            a) elevadas presiones electricas
                            b) pulso unidireccional en corriente continua.
                            c) impedir oscilaciones en el pulso.
                            d) cerrar y abrir abruptamente el circuito electrico de una forma muy rápida.

                            Un dato muy importante:

                            a) El Ether una vez liberado se propaga en linea recta y de forma perpendicular al conductor desacoplado

                            b) El Ether es un fluido tan etereo que atraviesa toda la materia conocida pero produce cambios internos en la misma

                            c) El ether puede inducir una carga en las armaduras de los condensadores electricos.
                            must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                            • Replace "ether" with Earth magnetic field. That would explain all.


                              • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                                Replace "ether" with Earth magnetic field. That would explain all.
                                I respect his opinion, however for me it is an incongruity

                                must first understand the nature .... and then imitate

