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Gray Tube Replication

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  • This patent is great! Thanks for the link. I definitely like some of those electrodes.

    It might be ultra violet I'm seeing in my spark vicinity, as you suggest. The primary thing I'm looking at is the way some of the sparks are spread out. This could be caused by ionization, or maybe preionization. Whatever the source, I'd like to be able to dump the large cap through the field, and see what happens. This could be a challenge, since I don't want to take any chances on it blowing out.


    • I thought I'd celebrate my 100th post!!!!!!
      watch this: Capacitor Discharge Popping Coil


      • Nice videos, guys. I can see that I'm going to have to find a power supply for my speaker, so I can hear the dialogue. And maybe a sound card. This forum seems to be geared primarily towards video presentation, rather than written summaries.
        Last edited by Electrotek; 01-16-2009, 11:50 PM.


        • Detector

          Inquorate: You mentioned that you noticed a difference between when your detector was connected to a vertical sheet of foil, as compared to a horizontal sheet. This got me to thinking.

          As an electrician, I have a tool called a Tic-Tracer, or Beeper, which allows me to determine if a wire is hot. (Home Depot has them for around $10.) It has a flashing LED and a piezo element which makes a rapid beeping when it's within a half inch or so of a live wire. I've used this tool to determine the effectiveness of a semiconductor sheet, for shielding RFI. I took a sheet of typing paper and covered it with three layers of VCR tape, with each layer using a 50% overlap of the strips. This completely blocks the tool's effectiveness.

          At one point, I discovered a type of Scalar field which had a perpendicular structure, rather than the normal parallel, inline fields. My beeper could pick up this 120V field at a distance of a few feet. When I held the semiconductor sheet under the beeper, it blocked the field. Also, when I held the sheet vertically, to the side of the beeper, it blocked the field.

          I haven't checked it with Radiant Energy, but that's on my list. You might try some of the VCR tape with your detector, to see what it does.


          • Vcr tape

            I'll have a shot at it... Thanx for the idea :-)
            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


            • YouTube - UPDATE 29 EDWIN GRAY / TESLA RADIANT ENERGY HYBRID CIRCUIT Running at 60volts

              gray circuit replication with proper CSET......lights CFL's


              • i must say that the addition of a proper CSET has changed the nature of the charge in the HV caps. i am surprised it hasnt blown my volt meter. I have silver solder on the HV rod only. Copper and graphite on the other rod.


                • nat1971a: This is an impressive video; I'll watch it again when I get my computer speakers hooked up.

                  You say it's running at 60V. Does this mean you're using that for your low voltage, with the HV caps besides?


                  • Great vid!

                    Thanks for posting that Nat!

                    It sounded like you mentioned sparks did jump to the LV rod first then they started to go to the grids. That is exactly what I experienced - like the diodes had to get primed for this or something.

                    Lee in the Water Sparkplug thread ... SWM??? ...showed that when the cap discharges into a diode and the diode shuts off and the potential moves to ground on another path, the capacitor discharges faster. All those scope shots are still in that thread.

                    The speed of discharge is what I belive is different about the energy in the HV is just time compressed. You could scope the cap with and without the grids and show the speed of discharge. I'll try to post pics of that myself when I get time.

                    Thanks for demonstrating on video! I hope more people show this one specific concept as well.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • @aaron. Thanks


                      This is a very interesting circuit. Just need to get the spark forming quicker.

                      I am using 60volts input. The 2nd battery pack is 32 volts. And i am running the opto circuit with a separate 12 volts.

                      The coils used are only the imhotep modifed pc fan and a ignition coil. So i may swap them out and try some other coils to see what the difference is and why the charge is so slow to form.


                      • the circuit really seemed to change once enclosed in the plastic cylinder. So i wonder if changing the size of the plastic enclosure enhances the effects. i.e make it smaller as this will increase the pressure i assume or a tighter fit with the charge grid


                        • Imhotep fan triggering ignition coil

                          @ nat, imhotep fan only about 100hz, try using Aromaz setup, or I'm using a self oscillating relay triggering two Tip35c transistors. Also, about 30 turns of single strand enamel copper wire around coil base with one end also connected to base of transistors increased my spark's length threefold.. The slow-ish charge of your cap might get faster with higher frequency coil oscillations??
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • @ Electrotek

                            Are you using firefox browser? Can use an addon that downloads streamed flv videos, make it easier to re-watch later :-)

                            Also, I haven't tried this from pc but go to, there's a link on top right saying 'i'm using a mobile', - that's what I'm using to view videos, cause it compresses the videos into .3gp format, and ten minute videos are only 5megs tops, and choice of streaming or download. Just gotta enter exact video title into search :-)

                            Hope that helps
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • Here's my gray replication circuit.

                              Power to the people!!

                              Note: I have been using both the positive of the source and the postive of the charge
                              Last edited by nat1971a; 01-02-2010, 04:16 AM.


                              • thanks inquorate on the info on the imhotep fan...i thought it might not be the right part for the job
                                Last edited by nat1971a; 01-17-2009, 10:33 PM.

