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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Cold Electricity

    Originally posted by Beshires1 View Post
    Naw, Its Not a hoax,Cold Electricity Ha Ha Ha it can be easily done, as I will show you in this video.

    I made this video a while back to demonstrate to another member of this forum that it can be done without "Cold Electricity" of course the water was cold that I used......
    Not so fast Beshires1,

    I think there is a scientific explanation of what "cold electricity" is: electricity with positrons flowing instead of electrons.

    There's quite a lot to support this theory. To name a few:

    1) Tesla's wireless transmission system must have used longitudinal shockwaves, which must be capable of extracting energy from the ZPE field. I can think of no other explanation than that that happens by separating positron-electron pairs from the "Dirac sea" that's always there in the vacuum according to Quantum Theory. Dirac sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    2) Bedini claims that "radiant" energy behaves different from ordinary electricity. Not strange at all if "radiant" electricity simply uses positrons instead of electrons.

    3) Gray having children play with his "harmless cold elecricity"

    What is very interesting about positrons is that I assume they cannot enter into solid material, or at least very difficult, because they are opposed by the atom nuclei in the material. So, no orbiting of nuclei for these fellows.

    That means that if a conductor would conduct positrons, they would be sitting outside of the conductor, attracking electrons. That would mean you would get a potential barrier, not unlike in a PN junction (diode), which would keep the positrons very near to the surface, but *outside* the conductive material. You would basically get an area just outside the conductor where these positrions could move freely, practically without resistance!

    In other words: (almost?) super-conductivity at room temperature!

    This would explain why "cold electricity" produces no heat in coils, because the positrons move *outside* the conductor *and* it would explain why "cold elecrticity" is harmless, because the positrons can't entery a human body, it can't produce a current inside the body, which would make it pretty harmless.


    • Getting back to the earlier discussion with Aaron

      If we take my shockwave electron-positron theory -- I know you guys must all but have enough of my stubborness on this -- and look at the Gray tube, I still think it would explain what's going on.

      This whole stuff has everything to do with longitudinal shockwaves, *not* with sparks. You see, Tesla was a genious, but I seriously doubt that he would have been capable of drawing sparks 10 miles long in his wireless transmission system and that that could explain how this system could work. No way!

      If we consider the Gray tube as just a rod and a grid, there's basically two options to operate this thing:

      1) kick the rod with a postive pulse, making it emit a positive shockwave, pushing away positrons and attracking electrons.

      2) kick the rod with a negative pulse, making it emit a negative shockwave, pushing away electrons and attracking positrons.

      What you are doing, Aaron, is option 2. You have your grids and the rod charged to HV and suddenly pull it to ground. In my theory, you would end up with electrons on your grids, not positrons. Therefore, you would have normal electricity on your grids and cold electricity on your rod, which would have no problem jumping over a diode in any direction, since the positrons will most likely also flow *outside* the non-conductive material surrounding a diode.

      If you do it the other way around, then you would get positrons on your grid, which should be capable of generating enormous currents trough a coil, because they can move freely, practically without resistance, just outside the surface of the conducting coil wire, especially if you would put the coil in vacuum.

      And I know this is just a theory, but to me it makes sense and it seems that all parts of the puzzle fall into place.


      • Here you are ,what capacitor 38 was.An insulated plate (not required for some type load ) but placed by Tesla in fig 16 I as optional capacitor element for his HF motor coils.

        If CSET is Tesla pancake coil (or coils in series or conical coil) inside coarse primary then single wire transmission is going to load and may then end with a insulated plate.

        As you see now it's clear that Gray circuit is made of TWO circuits : one is Tesla oscillator with pancake coil and second path is single wire transmission to load as Tesla described in his patent of electrical transformer.
        If I'm right that we have rare opportunity to find how Tesla arranged spark gap nearby pancake coil configuration for maximum effect.The improvement is also probably in spark gap usage of carbon rod and maybe in energy feedback to charge large cap through element 42 (but that may as well be added later by Mr. Hackenburger)

        Powering disruptive discharge by large capacitor is also described in Tesla lecture I mentioned , and basically require a large electron flow to the spark gap to allow fire as HV path.Someone could wisely admit that connecting NEGATIVE of deep cycle battery through the commutator and a one way valve or through a HV triode would allow for such fast current rise.

        So circuit is not finished yet and it's now only a schematic for my idea no 2.
        I think that Beshires1 got it right when he said CSET looks like pancake coil. I omitted it at start but later when I saw (again) EMA stator coils all started to match really. Now I think I should investigate older Gray patent about motor. Previously I didn't looked at it because I thought it's too much complicated.

        Btw, a recovery circuit was a separate one I believe. I had to contain a capacitor and transformer to step down frequency of pulses because CSET produce way up above Mhz output.

        Now I tend to visualize that HV discharge from cap 16 is like a racing car, which if struck at a huge wall is shattered by a vibrations flowing back along the surface of car. Part of energy is going to the wall , part is destroying car but there is also a part which makes those vibrations! It's splitting the positive and recreating the lightning in the same process.

        The correct placing or spark gap and connection to the primary of Tesla coil and connection of one secondary terminal to the ground is still a mystery.

        Last edited by boguslaw; 01-11-2015, 10:09 AM.


        • Originally posted by lamare View Post
          If we take my shockwave electron-positron theory -- I know you guys must all but have enough of my stubborness on this -- and look at the Gray tube, I still think it would explain what's going on.

          This whole stuff has everything to do with longitudinal shockwaves, *not* with sparks. You see, Tesla was a genious, but I seriously doubt that he would have been capable of drawing sparks 10 miles long in his wireless transmission system and that that could explain how this system could work. No way!

          If we consider the Gray tube as just a rod and a grid, there's basically two options to operate this thing:

          1) kick the rod with a postive pulse, making it emit a positive shockwave, pushing away positrons and attracking electrons.

          2) kick the rod with a negative pulse, making it emit a negative shockwave, pushing away electrons and attracking positrons.

          What you are doing, Aaron, is option 2. You have your grids and the rod charged to HV and suddenly pull it to ground. In my theory, you would end up with electrons on your grids, not positrons. Therefore, you would have normal electricity on your grids and cold electricity on your rod, which would have no problem jumping over a diode in any direction, since the positrons will most likely also flow *outside* the non-conductive material surrounding a diode.

          If you do it the other way around, then you would get positrons on your grid, which should be capable of generating enormous currents trough a coil, because they can move freely, practically without resistance, just outside the surface of the conducting coil wire, especially if you would put the coil in vacuum.

          And I know this is just a theory, but to me it makes sense and it seems that all parts of the puzzle fall into place.
          I really really like your theory ! How those positrons are generated ? Maybe magnetic field is already a flow of positrons ? At least it flows perpendicular to conductor surface, like it was unable to permeate conductor with a lot of electrons inside ?

          A lot of unknowns here... but theory is interesting. How can you explain experiment with repelled magnet ? If positrons flow outside a a shield around conductor how they produce so strong magnetic repulsion ?
          Last edited by boguslaw; 02-02-2009, 10:49 AM. Reason: spells


          • The circuit I have posted is far from complete. It only shows the basic principle of having TWO separate circuits like in Tesla transformer. One is oscillator circuit and one is OPEN high frequency output circuit from secondary of Tesla transformer.

            Now we must resolve the connection of cap 16 to the CSET because it's spoiled, and somehow resolve how a large current from battery was safely added to cap discharge negative branch. I will prepare a new proposition of schematic soon.



            • Look now.Elements 42, 44,46 are not needed if :
              circuit is not connected to AC
              battery negative is protected from cap (negative path ) discharge by a diode
              battery is large enough to charge large cap 16 fast (very unlikely)

              Element 34 is Tesla transformer made of two copper coils from copper sheet wound into small spiral, inside placed is secondary of one of few serially connected pancake coils. Connections still not resolved :-(
              Last edited by boguslaw; 01-11-2015, 10:09 AM.


              • magnet,coil,pendulum,popping

                a few short demos

                YouTube - Gray Circuit Coil Popping Demo
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                  I really really like your theory ! How those positrons are generated ? Maybe magnetic field is already a flow of positrons ? At least it flows perpendicular to conductor surface, like it was unable to permeate conductor with a lot of electrons inside ?
                  Quite simple, actually.

                  A shockwave can be compared to a pressure-like wave in a fluid, or sound-waves in gasses.

                  Take a look at: Longitudinal wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Such a wave propagates while atoms in gasses/fluids are moving closer to one-another and then wider from one-another, due to "pressure" propagating trough the medium. So, we have a wave-front with increased pressure, followed by a front with decreased pressure, applying forces to the atoms that push and pull on them.

                  Now if you know from QM theory that positron-electron pairs "continuously pop in and out of existence" in the vacuum, a pressure wave would apply forces to these pairs, pulling them apart from oneanother. If the wave-front is strong enough, it will push enough of these pairs that much out of one-another that free electrons and positrons are pulled out of the vacuum sea of particles and become free floating charge particles, which will on their turn add additonal pressure to the wave-front and therefore strengthen the wave (or at least make sure it weakens at a rate less then applies for normal transversal waves).

                  That both explains why Tesla's transmitter could transmit electrical power not using anything even close to a focussed beam over considerable distances. And it explains how the Gray tube can extract power from the vacuum.


                  • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                    How can you explain experiment with repelled magnet ? If positrons flow outside a a shield around conductor how they produce so strong magnetic repulsion ?
                    Well, a coil is nothing but a wire wound in circles, so if you let a current go tough a wire, you get charge that is spinning, running around in cirlces so to speak.

                    Now if positrons see much less or hardly any resistance, they will run their circles a lot faster then electrons and therefore create a significant bigger current, hence a much bigger magnetic field.

                    In theory, you could wind a wire of a mile in length into a coil and hit it with a very,very small pulse of positrons, which will happily circle around until they reach the end of the wire, without any significant decrease in power due to wire resistance as we have with electrons floating just *inside* the wire, constantly bumping into atom cores.

                    And *that* is exactly what Newmann is doing in his motors. Apparantly, even an ordinary spark-plug can create enough positrons to generate a massive magnetic field *if* your wire is long enough...


                    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      Good show Aaron very well done.


                      • i concur...great video aaron!!!

                        is anyone else getting this green spark?


                        • Great Aaron, but have you tried large magnet like Mr Hackenburger on the photo ?

                          Lamare , read this :

                          "Dr. Andrija Puharich, in 1976, was the first to point out that Tesla's power transmission system could not be explained by the laws of classical electrodynamics, but, rather, in terms of relativistic transformations
                          in high energy fields. He noted that according to Dirac's theory of the electron, when one of those particles encountered its oppositely charged member, a positron, the two particles would annihilate each
                          other. Because energy can neither be destroyed nor created the energy of the two former particles are transformed into an electromagnetic wave. The opposite, of course, holds true. If there is a strong enough
                          electric field, two opposite charges of electricity are formed where there was originally no charge at all. This type of transformation usually takes place near the intense field near an atomic nucleus, but it can
                          also manifest without the aid of a nuclear catalyst if an electric field has enough energy. Puharich's involved mathematical treatment demonstrated that power levels in a Tesla transmitter were strong enough to cause such pair production.
                          The mechanism of pair production offers a very attractive explanation for the ground transmission of power. Ordinary electrical currents do not travel far through the earth. Dirt has a high resistance to electricity and quickly turns currents into heat energy that is wasted. With the pair production method
                          electricity can be moved from one point to another without really having to push the physical particle through the earth - the transmitting source would create a strong field, and a particle would be created at
                          the receiver."

                          Yes, it's a very valuable but hard to grasp theory. Superconduction is a part of it, the same for stationary waves. I think that stationary waves of electrons inside wire is the key to release positrons or pairs positron-electron. Anyway it's for sure supercondutor then. Even McFarland Cook proved that in 1871.

                          Circuit is here, only small problems remain. I believe that Cole was able to join large current from battery with current from capacitor 16 and force them agains HV positive discharge from capacitor 16. Exactly like Aaron said - negative DC current + negative part of discharge of cap against positive HV, but not to the ground but to FREE oscillate and produce the effect on secondary ,pancake coil.

                          I'm wondering if Peter Lindemann saw that. It's exactly what he described , just not grids but complete Tesla magnifying transmitter inside a single Gray magic box



                          • Great job Aaron, keep doing this Gray thing and you will get results.

                            Seems like the last few weeks really started getting you somewhere.

                            "A lot of good work has been lost because of the lack of a little more"...


                            • Aaron,

                              IMHO it doesn't matter if that effect you see is coming from cap 16 or from charged and discharged cap 38. Yes,I believe that is something interesting, but without a copper spiral primary and pancake secondary inside it's not the same power as in experiment presented by Mr Hackenburger.

                              The problem I see is that for Tesla magnifying transformer this copper spiral being primary must be connected somehow to the spark gap. However we cannot exclude that CSET is improvement and connections are very extraordinary. Something like central insulated copper tube connected to HV rod, with secondary as pancake coils in series wound around central tube is also probable... Or opposite : pancake coils inside and copper spiral around it...

                              The same effect but weak may occurs with grids also . I cannot exclude it.



                              • Hi guys,
                                Interesting comments. Regarding the necessity for Tesla coils. IMHO, I do not think that coils are absolutely necessary, with the exception of the initial HV transformation. A Careful examination of some of Tesla's comments will reveal that his later developments using the "spark Gap", he considered took him into new realms of electrostatics. Its in one of his lectures/reports. Will look it up for the reference.

                                IMHO, I still think we are looking at a Tesla High Frequency component for the manufacture of the Radiant power. The actual Physics or quantum dynamics are illusive.

                                Just to return to the spark tests proliferating this topic, I reiterate my recent comment regarding tesla's preoccupation with Oscillating Transformers and Mercury Interrupters - To get a CLEAN spark. Here is a copy of the original article if any of you are not familiar with this Tesla development. Here is a link to a good museum site if you do not already know it!

                                The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum (C) Jeff Behary 2006 - Electric Oscillators - Electrical Experimenter July 1919 - From The Collection Of Harry Goldman


