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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Fantastic Aaron !

    Congratulations Aaron !!!

    You are the first one to discover how Gray's system was working !

    You are making history ! Free energy for everyone might result from your hard work and patirence ! You are the man !

    Could you offer a downloadable version of your book ? It should become a best seller after you include Gray's secret inside ...

    I think it's the major breakthrough in your forum since ever ! God send you to help humankind, that makes no doubt now. Please keep the info on an open source basis, it's essantial that everybody can access the full data.

    Great day today,
    no words to express the importance of your discovery man !
    The Gray 'potentials collision' effect, discovered by Aaron !
    Green light for free energy !

    Be careful of supression attempts ...



    • misc

      Thanks Beshires and Nat,


      Misc comments...

      The spark paper that was posted as a word doc explains some of the early conversation in the water spark plug circuit in regards to ionization by collision.

      I believe there will be this effect to some degree that could add current to the circuit, but with all the current gain, why is it cold? There is more than just electron cascade or something else altogether.

      With the caps forced into instantaneous discharge by the nature of the diode shutting off once the collision takes place...the potential increases to such a ridiculously sharp gradient in a ridiculously short period of time that the potential is virtually sucked out of the caps super fast and that sharp pulse is how to get the most efficient ionization by collision if that is even important. It is easy to know the nature of this by simply following the aetheric gas fluid model.

      Ionization by collision is part of the Stan Meyer technology and of course Tay Hee Han's.

      But...I got the same effect with absolutely no spark gap so no ionization by collision (the coil is open of course). I simply closed the gap and the effect seems to be not as abrupt as expected.

      The circuit receives "anti-photon potential" or negative energy at any point of resistance just like is explained in the e-amp concepts of the inverted circuits in Free Energy Generation. My batteries always charged strongest when I used the inverted circuits triggered on the negative so there is absolutely something to the concept.

      Why trigger on the negative? The positive potential is ALREADY sitting in the coil and does not have to move into the coil against resistance. Trigger on the negative and it is the negative potential that enters the coil into a negative resistance...that is the cold energy gain. That negative energy is time reversed and if this was happening at a fast enough frequency and at high enough voltage potential, that is why the coil will frost. Nothing magical about it and is totally in consistent with the strongest theories on these types of operations.

      Also the collapsing magnetic field draws in energy as well.

      Zero point energy has nothing to do with any of this. ZPE is OBSERVABLE energetic movement at absolute zero. The ZPE is the egg that the aetheric chicken gives up but is not the chicken.

      Anything with mass is displacing volume of the aetheric fluid made of the pos and neg virtual photons. The displaced fluid moves back towards the center of the mass that is displacing it from all directions. This is of course what gravity is and I cover this in depth in simple terms in my chapter on Gravity.

      The rebounding aether, if pushed out in an impulse will snap back with more potential than what was necessary to create the outwards pulse to begin with.

      The initial tension of displacement is already just standing there simply by the existence of anything that is capable of displacement.

      Ion Collision 'could' add current but the negative point on the gap

      Switching the load on the negative will have negative energy come into it since positive potential is already in the coil...the coil is an extension of the dipole behind the load and it doesn't matter if it is a battery or capacitor.

      Collapsing coil brings extra potential into the system.

      Those are three possible ways to gain energy in this system. There could be more but those three are the most known.

      Also, I read in the articles on Gray's motors that they kept making a big deal out of the coil popping demo and that the coil stayed cold. That is a misleading thing to direct people's attention to. They pop it once, charge and repeat.... they go on to say how remarkable it is that it didn't get hot. Then they say that if you put a coil on a battery for example for 30 minutes or whatever, the battery would be drained and the coil would get hot. That isn't a valid comparison and is totally meaningless.

      You can take any coil and charge it with a battery for one quick moment and the coil will stay cold because it isn't connected long enough for any current to generate any heat! So the fact that in that demo the coil stayed cold is totally irrelevant. If it stays cold at high frequency over an extended period of time with a certain amount of joules expended, then that is what matters...pulsing it once making to coils repell and making a big deal that it stayed cold is pretty ridiculous.

      Bedini's coils stay cold and that is charged with HOT current from the front battery. It is simply pulsed really quick so there is never any real current making heat in the coil.

      @boguslaw - the coils I used were about the same weight as what Hackenberger was holding - The major difference is the size of the core respective to the wire from what it looks like in the picture. The core seems to make up most of the size and weight, less turns of wire probably with larger diameter windings. I simply used a lot smaller power input than they used.

      A few photoflash type caps and a 12v7ah battery.

      I triple mixed the discharge from the ignition coil, a 12v7ah battery as simple direct current and an extra photoflash cap couple hundred volts and couple hundred uf's - all three together and the effect is the same. Forcing them into each other and forcing to common ground - keeping with the principle, the green/white color is the same, the sound and the feel of the pulse of the coil is still all the same.

      I already simplified all this down to a single gap and no grid is needed. But I can see how the grid can enhance the effect by spreading the potential over a larger a big layer of clouds.

      I clearly saw that the shape of the core is where the magnetic field is concentrated so the typical round coil with a core in the middle like what we make for the Bedini circuits are not appropriate for this purpose. Those work great for the Bedini circuits because it just needs enough to trigger and pulse a magnet as a switch if using a rotor.

      For this purpose of getting the strong torque, the core should be fairly large compared to the entire size of the coil. The magnet if a magnet is used should be about the same shape as the core to match the shape of that quick pulsing field.

      The magnets I used hardly had any strength at all so the pulse from the coil hardly had anything to push against...that is why the opposing coils worked so much better. I'll try it with neo's and I bet the torque will be proportionate of course since there is alot stiffer wall to push against.

      I'll get bigger wire and figure out something for a bigger core.

      Also in the articles on the motor, it clearly says that manipulating the polarity so that the coils can ATTRACT is there as well as repulsion.

      With using permanent magnets like on a monopole, it can run in attraction mode or repelling mode just as easily. In either case, the magnet being attracted to the core is free movement.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • thanks MDG

        Thanks MDG for the kind words.

        This is what clued me in months ago:
        YouTube - Water Sparkplug | Plasma Ignition | With current restriction

        Without the choke the burst is white.
        With the choke, it is green-white.

        1:53 to 2:27 is when I charged that series of photoflash caps
        to about 1000v...the multimeter beeps at 1000v, its limit.

        The coil of wire without a core (piece of wood) is jumping...
        you can see a magnetic field is established.

        The reason I tried that test was because I was going to see
        if I could limit electrons in the burst at the gap of the plug
        to reduce available electrons for the recombination of the plasma
        (implosion) since the goal was to make it burst outwards and strong
        for the purposes of burning water as fuel.

        I mentioned a silent plasma and only 1 person asked me about it
        so I told them, they tried it and it worked. After that, I decided
        to not keep it a secret and post that video...2nd post after the
        first time all my vids were deleted.

        Anyway, nobody else was interested. I got that same effect
        with the tube back then and pulsed a magnet with fly power
        and it jumped off the coil - different one that I used - and
        it jumped a few of those rectangle magnets.

        I can't prove this is the Gray tube effect, but they already
        admit the key is:

        Mixing static and DC and a series of capacitors.

        I knew exactly what that meant when I read it and so should
        anyone else that has experimented with the plasma ignition

        Anyway, I'm exactly working on a pdf version of my book with
        other stuff I haven't posted yet. I'll include some video tutorials
        of the chapters on the potential, dipole, open vs closed systems,
        mass, inertia, gravity, time, practical applications and a new
        section dedicated to various energy technologies and one
        very interesting one that I adapted to a Bedini circuit that nobody
        has ever seen. I alluded to it in about 1995 and nobody was
        interested so I didn't mention it anymore. Anyway, there will be
        a fee for the book since this is a part of what I do for work
        but for my interpretation "my free theory" it is posted here already.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Aaron, great video
          On some of the pulses the magnets did not pop but stayed attracted to the core. I ovten observed that magnets are not repelled even if oposite polarity magnetic field is coming from the coil. Might be because the attraction to the core material is bigger than the oposing magnetic field that the coil creates or the core just gets oversaturated. Anyway, try putting some pieces of paper between the magnet and the coil core in your tests, so that the magnet is not touching the core directly and there is about 1mm gap between magnet and core. This way I can pop off the magnet on each pulse, at least using a coil and taping its leads directly across a battery. If the magnet is touching the core directly without a gap, it sometimes does pop and sometimes it doesn't.
          It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


          • magnet popping

            Hi Jetijs,

            I think in the few times I showed, it was because the LV source didn't come through the diode. The diodes are tricky...was using HV microwave diodes 15kv 350ma or so. The get a bit goofy here and there.

            But yes, what you say makes total sense. I'll pick up some neos and try again.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Original CSET

              I've been analyzing the photos of the original CSET that Mark posted. These are very interesting, to say the least.

              The first picture (CSET2) shows a discharge on the lower left side. The brightest part seems to be around the 7:00 o'clock area. In the next picture (CSET3) I can see what looks like a faint HV spark at this same spot, but no discharge. All three of the pictures show multiple, puffy discharges between the concentric cylinders. But much more so during the discharge. I wonder if it's possible to produce the Water Sparkplug effect using the heavy current from a battery? Perhaps the battery could be in the position of the second, booster cap. I'll try this when I get around to setting up the circuit.

              John Bedini apparently saw this CSET, since he says that the Tube has to be machined. This component does look like it could be machined from a solid block of copper, with the grooves going most of the way through. Dielectric sleeves could then be inserted in the grooves, shorter than the total length of the component. This would make multiple capacitors, connected on one end. These caps could be charged through the arcs on the front end, then back discharged into the circuit. I'm looking at an easy way to make this kind of cap.


              PS: Here's a picture of my green spark. This isn't a phase conjugate effect, so the color is caused by the electrode material, rather than the frequency. This is 800 Joules and is completely silent.

              Last edited by Electrotek; 02-02-2009, 11:41 PM.


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Thanks Beshires and Nat,


                Misc comments...

                The spark paper that was posted as a word doc explains some of the early conversation in the water spark plug circuit in regards to ionization by collision.
                Hi Aaron,
                The reason that I posted the Doc summary of Leob and Meek was to illustrate that without a clean Spark energy is not completely transferred - but, then you would know this. However, the concept of the Clean Spark is the issue. Without "collision at the spark gap energy transfer is multiplied. This too, is where Tesla points out the nature of the design of the contact point as being related to the particular spark he was looking for. I think basically the larger the surface area for the spark gap point - read discs, the more clean current that is able to be transferred.

                Incidentally, when I was a student at Woolwich Polytechnic in the early sixties we became aware through our instructor about the benefits of injecting steam into a petrol engine. we spent a lot of time fiddling with this and eventually got an old motor cycle engine to run. This technology is well known in the auto industry. the problem we faced was injectors.

                I believe Cold energy is a result of the frequency of pulse circuit. Good point about Gray and his team spruiking the Cold energy thing. Though I suspect we all knew that!

                I must concede, that the CSET could be an attempt to replicate the original circuit of Marvin Cole, just to generate funding. Anyway, theories always lead us to the correct conclusion, even if we only find out that something does not work. This is a result in itself!



                • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                  I've been analyzing the photos of the original CSET that Mark posted. These are very interesting, to say the least.

                  Hi Elctrotek,
                  I too have spent a lot of time deliberating on these photos. For me I have concluded that they are rotary contactor for spark generation. Until I can get a clear picture thats what I'm personally stuck with.

                  One of my reasons for this thought process, is that is unclear to me when the CSET was actually introduced. I think these photos are related to the early motors, hence early patent.

                  I wait patiently, hoping to be corrected!



                  • @all

                    Well after aarons great news....i have decided to switch to aarons last circuit that he posted in pdf....and will be experimenting with that from now on.

                    Thanks for all your great work Aaron. And of course everyone else here for their contributions and hard work. Special mention also goes to beshires1 & electrotek for their great experiments & videos. Well done.

                    @electrotek, r u using a choke in your circuit? or r u getting the green spark from just the materials?


                    • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                      Not so fast Beshires1,

                      I think there is a scientific explanation of what "cold electricity" is: electricity with positrons flowing instead of electrons.

                      hat means that if a conductor would conduct positrons, they would be sitting outside of the conductor, attracking electrons. That would mean you would get a potential barrier, not unlike in a PN junction (diode), which would keep the positrons very near to the surface, but *outside* the conductive material.
                      Hi lamare,
                      the positron theory of electron cascade has some merit. However, my brief knowledge indicates that electron and positron neutralise themselves only when they collide. If they are contained within the same energy mass that is able to support the pair then there is no neutralising. In fact, the opposite is the case and and increase in energy is experienced - the incidence of "pure energy" occurs.

                      When electrons and positrons collide this is often referred to as annihilation and particle and antiparticle disappear and only energy results. This may explain the passing of energy through matter - such as the tesla flames. And, if so, would it be possible to conclude the alternate scenario of bonding that creates their mutual attrationof pure energy as being the icing on the cake we are looking for?

                      This is a complicated subject because of all the interwining variables involved to support the total mass or matter from which particles and antiparticles such as positrons are presumed to be extracted to support unproven tests and theses.

                      I'm going to has a tablet after this one!



                      • Green Spark

                        Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
                        @electrotek, r u using a choke in your circuit? or r u getting the green spark from just the materials?
                        Using a choke in my circuit produces a different effect, so I'm not. (At this time.) I do believe that a motor coil constitutes a choke, at high frequency. Also, my discharge circuit does not include a diode. I've recently found out how to make a yellow spark, frequency wise, and probably will also soon have a green frequency. For now, it's strictly the electrode material which produces the green color.

                        Jerry's Site - Phase Conjugate Sparks

                        Thanks for your interest.
                        Last edited by Electrotek; 02-03-2009, 02:14 AM.


                        • hmmm well if i understand correctly what Aaron has done he has the ignition coils secondary going to a diode which then goes to an air core choke which then connects to the positive of the cap

                          Which in the patent they call it a delay coil and a static floating flux coil which mark posted the photo of on p16.

                          @Aaron was the choke made of standard magnet wire?


                          • 87.5 Hp

                            Originally posted by ourbobby View Post
                            Hi Mark,
                            My mistake. Too many Cole's about!

                            Nice summary though. But, what about where the 87.5hp came from?


                            Dear Rob,

                            The 87.5 HP comes from John Bedini. On his first visit in 1973 Mr. Gray ran the motor for him and Ron Cole. It was attached to a hydralic pump then passed through a controlled orfice. The pressure differential was measured and the HP load calculated.

                            The motor was rated at 100 HP, but I don't know if it ever got there.

                            On the next two visits Mr. Gray refused to run the motor. I suspect it was broke down more often than it was running. I've heard one story where the motor suddenly failed when the Japanese investors from Pan American Company were doing tests. After this they packed up and left. Some say they couldn't raise the money for the down payment. For what ever reasons the Japanese faded from the picture in late 1973. That is when Richard Hackenburger went on the media trail, but only got two tabloids to respond.

                            The attached photo is the device used to measure the output load.

                            Mark McKay
                            Last edited by Spokane1; 11-04-2011, 08:54 PM. Reason: Removed Photo for more memory for newer drawings


                            • EMA4-E2 and EMA6 Reference Drawings


                              Attached are two drawings showing some details extracted from the GD photo collection. I have drawn these up in AutoCAD 2008 and converted them to PDF.

                              About the only detail that can be extracted from the wiring is the connections on the batteries. If you notice some of the battereis are tapped at each cell. Apparently one control variable in the operation of the motor was applied voltage. You see this feature in both motors. It is easy to assume this was speed control, but I'm not sure.

                              None of this shows up in the patent documents. In the EMA6 an additional set of battereis have been added. This new set seems to be independant of the original four.

                              Let me know if anyone see's some errors here.

                              Thank you,

                              Mark McKay
                              Last edited by Spokane1; 11-04-2011, 08:55 PM. Reason: Need memory space for newer photos


                              • I can't view the PDF says file is corrupt.
                                One says file is "null"
                                I finally got it to open. selected "open link in new window".
                                Last edited by Beshires1; 02-03-2009, 01:51 PM.

