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Gray Tube Replication

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  • battery charging

    Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
    so i guess now the million dollar question is whether these white/green sparks recharge the batteries like gray was saying......he mentioned they recharged in an hour or thereabouts
    Yes. I'll PM my account #

    I can't prove Gray's discharge colors were green/white. It is the only color that comes up for me when when mixing hv and lv as described forcing to common ground with an inductor in line.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • I may be wrong, but I think the green color effect is from the discharge from grids to rods. The discharge is not occuring on the silver tips, but from the copper grids, to the copper rods. It really dosn't matter tho, It dosn't matter the color as long as it works. Aaron do a frame by frame and check out the bursts in single frame, they do look cool.
      Last edited by Beshires1; 02-04-2009, 12:24 PM.


      • Copper and copper oxide burns with a green flame
        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


        • @Spokane1

          Thanks for the diagram showing the grounded middle rod, Mark, and the three CSET's connected with two wires, as per Hackengerger's EMA-6 motor circuit. However, something is on, since the light bulbs are brightly lit. I wonder what role these played?

          re: the Zero Point. I once produced a tremendous amount of energy by colliding voltages, using two frequencies on the input. Perhaps coincidentally, but maybe not, later that evening I witnessed the most violent thunderstorm I've ever experienced. Looking out my second story window, I even saw horizontal streamers between me and the ground. When energy is released from the Zero Point, who knows where the 'other half' of the energy goes? However, Floyd Sweet had a circuit which caused the wires to ice up at only 45 Watts.


          • Color comparison

            Originally posted by Beshires1 View Post
            I may be wrong, but I think the green color effect is from the discharge from grids to rods. The discharge is not occuring on the silver tips, but from the copper grids, to the copper rods. It really dosn't matter tho, It dosn't matter the color as long as it works. Aaron do a frame by frame and check out the bursts in single frame, they do look cool.
            Hi Beshires,

            I can get the regular white plasma burst at the grids without the inductor and it is the same copper material. Also at the rod gap, those rods are pure copper and it is white there as well. If I have a regular spark at either place, it is blue. When I put in the inductor, depending on the variation of the circuit, I will get the green burst at the rod gap or I'll get it at the grid to HV rod. I get the white burst with a spark plug but if I have an inductive load in the circuit using a spark plug, it is green. The plug isn't a copper plug.

            Here is the comparison - I do not believe it has anything to do with copper since I get a white burst without the inductor and the spark plug with no copper gives me a green burst with an inductor.

            I would like to see some color chart showing a comparison between colors and speed of discharge.

            The picture below should leave no uncertainty in anyone's mind that with the same material, the inductor makes the difference and not the material.

            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Great pictures Aaron
              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


              • Reviewing the Black Box Coil Popping Demonstration

                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                The effect works with or without the capacitor 38. It works just fine there and it works just fine without.

                Maybe I am missing something but to the best of my knowledge, in the picture above...there is no motor, commutator, stretched arcing, etc... Everyone wants to know what the EFFECT is, it is demonstrated here...the "cold" coil popping demo that is so famous...and everyone is looking to the motor as having the magic element to make it work. Am I missing something?
                Dear Aaron,

                Oh, but there is a stretched arc in this demo. I have a GD document to prove it.

                But, your theory and experiments with the "Slammed Diode" approach might just explain what the rectifier is doing there.

                If you take a close look at the photo again you will notice that the electromagnets are three-wire devices. They are not simple inductors - but something else. This makes our analysis more difficult.

                The attached wiring diagram is my best shot of how all those Black Boxes are connected together (from looking at a series of 6 photos). The wiring connections on the 3-wire electromagnet is just a WAG. The general proposed concept is a pulse transformer configuration. The 3.5KV from the storage capacitors can only jump about a 0.015" gap, therefore I suspect they need a little voltage bost. I haven't figured out how to add the LV step to the process yet.

                A "Slammed Diode" process like you propose might be how the anomalous torque was developed at this location. It's not to hard to see similiarities between this layout and your CSET setup.

                I'm told by the Magnetics expert Graham Gunderson that popping coils can't be placed to close together or else the maganetic fields cancel out the inductance and not much energy can be stored in them Therefore the avaliable energy for effective repulsion is reduced. So, some (but not much) seperation is required. In one demonstration E.V.Gray seperated his coils with two toothbrushes. (about 1/4") It is this gap that need some additional HV from some where to get the arc started.

                Mark McKay
                Last edited by Spokane1; 11-04-2011, 08:57 PM. Reason: Needed more room for newer photos


                • coil popping

                  Hi Mark,

                  Are you talking about the white streaks at the bottom right of the screen?

                  What I took as stretched arcs in relation to the motor is voltage jumping a gap and as something is moving, the gap widens and the arc is stretched until it is broken.

                  In the coil popping demo, everything appears to be fixed.

                  I believe there is some kind of arc in the demo needing a spark gap to do its thing but have a hard time seeing it. In either case, I believe a fixed gap should work.

                  With three wires, that does throw more things into the mix. How many wires came off the coils in the motor? Doesn't mean it has to be the same but maybe a clue.

                  With three wires, one wire could be connected to any part of the wire or possibly even the core material to hold a standing potential there. It gives me some ideas to test later.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • Popping Coil Drawing Replacement

                    Try This drawing
                    Last edited by Spokane1; 11-04-2011, 08:59 PM. Reason: Needed more memory for newer photos


                    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      Hi Mark,

                      Are you talking about the white streaks at the bottom right of the screen?

                      What I took as stretched arcs in relation to the motor is voltage jumping a gap and as something is moving, the gap widens and the arc is stretched until it is broken.

                      In the coil popping demo, everything appears to be fixed.

                      I believe there is some kind of arc in the demo needing a spark gap to do its thing but have a hard time seeing it. In either case, I believe a fixed gap should work.

                      With three wires, that does throw more things into the mix. How many wires came off the coils in the motor? Doesn't mean it has to be the same but maybe a clue.

                      With three wires, one wire could be connected to any part of the wire or possibly even the core material to hold a standing potential there. It gives me some ideas to test later.
                      Dear Aaron,

                      No, I don't think you would see any arcs with the flying coil this high. I would suspect that the arc didn't get much longer than about 1" (but that is just a WAG).

                      In the photo the electromagnetics are not fixed and according to the document the arc was developed between the iron cores. The idea, as presented in the technical paper, was that once the arc was broken no more energy would be dissapated and what remained would be retained in the storage capacitors - but as a reversed polarity.

                      According to my claculations that is only a 14% savings (in Joules) after one oscillation -if the arc is broken at the first current crossing - but, hey ever little bit helps.

                      On the EMA4-E2 motor the photo of the Stator shows two wires for each coil Minor and Major. However, in the patent a third wire is shown (on the rotor) that connects the front and back coils. So that is 3 wires for the Major coil. I don't know what is happening with the Minor coils. Right now I'm thinking only two wires each because of their size.

                      Give me a call at work 842-1210 and I can run off a copy of the document of which I'm speaking.

                      Nice Photos of the Green Arc - certainly something to look into.

                      Mark McKay


                      • Stretched Arc in EMA4-E2 Drawing Concept

                        Dear Aaron,

                        Here is how I think the strecthed arc was applied inside the EMA4-E2. The position of the "Minor" electromagnet is determined by assuming the 0 degree position is the center of the "Major" electromagnet. (as shown in one of the patent drawings).

                        The patent shows two commentator contacts. One is active at 6-1/3 degree before 0 degrees and the other active at 6-1/3 degrees past 0 degrees. This is where the "Minor" electromagnets are shown in the drawing. The 0 degree contact can only become active when the "switching cylinder" is activated. I think this is a seperate process involving the "Magor" electromagnets.

                        I'm sure that the first contact strikes the arc. I'm guessing that the second contact is an arc quenching process. It obvisous that there is some change in circuit state at this position. An alternative view would be some kind of energy harvest step.

                        The second drawing is a first cut idea of how these proposals might have have been wired in the circuit.(but this is a WAG for the day) What I'm missing is the "Slamming Diode" that you propose, which would be associated with the quenching contact. I have also included how the Phinney circuit
                        would have worked into this. This feature allows for a 2X strike voltage across the electromagnet cores , but more important would allow for percise timing as to when the arc was struck. As you can see the "Minor" electromagnets need to be edge-to-edge to begin the stretching process in the right place.

                        Something to look at for your consideration and amusement.

                        Mark McKay
                        Last edited by Spokane1; 11-04-2011, 09:00 PM. Reason: Needed more room for newer photos


                        • Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                          Dear Aaron,

                          Here is how I think the strecthed arc was applied inside the EMA4-E2. The position of the "Minor" electromagnet is determined by assuming the 0 degree position is the center of the "Major" electromagnet. (as shown in one of the patent drawings).

                          The patent shows two commentator contacts. One is active at 6-1/3 degree before 0 degrees and the other active at 6-1/3 degrees past 0 degrees. This is where the "Minor" electromagnets are shown in the drawing. The 0 degree contact can only become active when the "switching cylinder" is activated. I think this is a seperate process involving the "Magor" electromagnets.

                          I'm sure that the first contact strikes the arc. I'm guessing that the second contact is an arc quenching process. It obvisous that there is some change in circuit state at this position. An alternative view would be some kind of energy harvest step.

                          The second drawing is a first cut idea of how these proposals might have have been wired in the circuit.(but this is a WAG for the day) What I'm missing is the "Slamming Diode" that you propose, which would be associated with the quenching contact. I have also included how the Phinney circuit
                          would have worked into this. This feature allows for a 2X strike voltage across the electromagnet cores , but more important would allow for percise timing as to when the arc was struck. As you can see the "Minor" electromagnets need to be edge-to-edge to begin the stretching process in the right place.

                          Something to look at for your consideration and amusement.

                          Mark McKay
                          Hey Mark, I have a old video that shows the streching arc actually wrapping around my commutator on a small 3pole motor with permanent magnet fields.This was due to me seriously overvoltageing the motor. But You can see theglow from the spark from one brush as it wrapped the commutator when it reaches the other brush, Well just watch the video.
                          3 Coil Motor- Permanent Magnet Field 2


                          • I just built my first motor based on Grays patent with neos and coils, it is slow, but it is spinning And I'm getting beautiful green sparks. I am trying to upload video on Youtube.


                            • cool let the replications begin!!!


                              • arcing

                                Originally posted by Spokane1 View Post
                                No, I don't think you would see any arcs with the flying coil this high. I would suspect that the arc didn't get much longer than about 1" (but that is just a WAG).
                                Right, I was referring to a fixed gap such as a tube or something similar that is unrelated to the coils either inside or outside a black box.

                                As far as I know, there was no evidence in any of the motors of any arcing, carbon marks, etc... but that doesn't mean there wasn't there any confirmation of any of this?
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

