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Gray Tube Replication

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  • @Mlurye

    Originally posted by mlurye View Post
    I'm lost. You sad a lot in a last couple of days. Yes, I agree Beshires1 is pain in an a$$, but he has good ideas and I don't believe that his intentions is to insult anybody. (Beshires1 really, think a little bit more about your statements, and try not to insult anybody).
    We are here for the reason, that we can freely discuss our ideas. And now you are putting rules and borders in this thread, what we can talk about here and what we cannot
    What do you want us to do?

    Most of the discussion that has been going on here is totally fine with me and the main reason I'm putting my foot down, not as a moderator of this forum - but as someone that started a thread - is because of his continuous provocative attitude...and I do mean provocative. He even admitted in his thread that that he was being deceptive in what he was posting, I clearly spelled out his game and because of those games, which has happened more than once is just not acceptible to me....again, not as moderator and actually not as someone that started a thread but as a human can only insult someone's intelligence so many times until they're going to put an end to it.

    Trust me, there have been a handful of people that I have wanted to see get booted and banned from this forum but they're still members. It isn't right to boot someone for disagreement so I have always stayed neutral as a moderator. Anything done here...just as a member that started a thread.

    He said: "In case some haven't noticed that, That Thread has now had statements recently changed starting at the beginning of the Thread."

    Also, having him insinuate that I have changed posts and adding an inch of content to a post is just provoking me further and is really outright accusing me of manipulating posts and I do not take that lightly - it is obvious that he won't allow himself to stop his covert or overt attacks. Any post that is ever changed here by me are my own posts and any time I add something or edit something, it always shows the date just like anyone else - this is simply how the vbulletin forum software is records everything. I don't have to sit here and be accused of manipulating posts by someone that has already admitted that they were being deceitful and done so in a way that nobody will see it except for me...he didn't account for the fact that I really am paying attention to the subtle nuances of what he is saying.

    If he pops off at the mouth again accusing me of mainpulating posts or ANYTHING else - he is outright LYING and this damd sure will get him booted period. One more thing out of his mouth even referencing me in a negative light and he is done, period, end of story. I have ALREADY proven him to be dishonest and he admitted it so we know who the real person is that is playing games, it is Beshires, plain and simple. Simply, he better watch his mouth. If he doesn't retract that accusation by the end of the day with an apology, I will ban him. If he does this and there is any sarcasm whatsoever attached to it, he is done.

    What is anyone here supposed to do from here on? Whatever was already going on pretty much.

    Beshires would still be posting here if it wasn't for the provocations. I don't care who disagrees but I do care if it is done in a way that involves deception, manipulation and dishonesty like I have pointed out. The one I did point out was only one out of multiple times that I have seen occasionally and just got sick of it. Nobody else noticed, maybe, because it wasn't aimed at them.

    He says I haven't "allowed" deviation from what I said...but I think if anyone looks through this thread...there are a LOT of things different from what my own opinion is and they've always been welcome.

    He says discussion on the direction of the diode isn't allowed. lol - again anyone can talk about the diode in relation to the tube.

    He continues to put words in my mouth, take things out of context and twist them for his own convenience. I have all the intention in the world to figure out what Gray was doing and to insinuate that is incredibly ridiculous.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

      Most of the discussion that has been going on here is totally fine with me and the main reason I'm putting my foot down, not as a moderator of this forum - but as someone that started a thread - is because of his continuous provocative attitude...and I do mean provocative. He even admitted in his thread that that he was being deceptive in what he was posting, I clearly spelled out his game and because of those games, which has happened more than once is just not acceptible to me....again, not as moderator and actually not as someone that started a thread but as a human can only insult someone's intelligence so many times until they're going to put an end to it.

      Trust me, there have been a handful of people that I have wanted to see get booted and banned from this forum but they're still members. It isn't right to boot someone for disagreement so I have always stayed neutral as a moderator. Anything done here...just as a member that started a thread.

      He said: "In case some haven't noticed that, That Thread has now had statements recently changed starting at the beginning of the Thread."

      Also, having him insinuate that I have changed posts and adding an inch of content to a post is just provoking me further and is really outright accusing me of manipulating posts and I do not take that lightly - it is obvious that he won't allow himself to stop his covert or overt attacks. Any post that is ever changed here by me are my own posts and any time I add something or edit something, it always shows the date just like anyone else - this is simply how the vbulletin forum software is records everything. I don't have to sit here and be accused of manipulating posts by someone that has already admitted that they were being deceitful and done so in a way that nobody will see it except for me...he didn't account for the fact that I really am paying attention to the subtle nuances of what he is saying.

      If he pops off at the mouth again accusing me of mainpulating posts or ANYTHING else - he is outright LYING and this damd sure will get him booted period. One more thing out of his mouth even referencing me in a negative light and he is done, period, end of story. I have ALREADY proven him to be dishonest and he admitted it so we know who the real person is that is playing games, it is Beshires, plain and simple. Simply, he better watch his mouth. If he doesn't retract that accusation by the end of the day with an apology, I will ban him. If he does this and there is any sarcasm whatsoever attached to it, he is done.

      What is anyone here supposed to do from here on? Whatever was already going on pretty much.

      Beshires would still be posting here if it wasn't for the provocations. I don't care who disagrees but I do care if it is done in a way that involves deception, manipulation and dishonesty like I have pointed out. The one I did point out was only one out of multiple times that I have seen occasionally and just got sick of it. Nobody else noticed, maybe, because it wasn't aimed at them.

      He says I haven't "allowed" deviation from what I said...but I think if anyone looks through this thread...there are a LOT of things different from what my own opinion is and they've always been welcome.

      He says discussion on the direction of the diode isn't allowed. lol - again anyone can talk about the diode in relation to the tube.

      He continues to put words in my mouth, take things out of context and twist them for his own convenience. I have all the intention in the world to figure out what Gray was doing and to insinuate that is incredibly ridiculous.
      Aaron **** OFF!! You Ignorant BASTARD!!!!!!!!


      • finished

        He went too far. He wants to talk about integrity and openly admits he was being deceitful then has the audacity to accuse me of changing posts.

        I obviously have not agreed with a lot of what Beshires believes but going in and changing posts to manipulate the messages is something that simply violates my own belief system to the core and is simply not something that I will do in this lifetime or the next, period.

        He had plenty of opportunities to stop with the deceptions and provocations directed at me and he threw them all back in my face. He couldn't let well enough alone and just go post in his own thread or others, which I had absolutely no problem with him doing.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • replication

          Originally posted by Mark View Post
          Check this replication out I just found on utube. YouTube - EV GRAY Pulse Motor (Experiment #1)
          He'll post a video soon with the schematic pointing out the difference between the Gray circuit and his and why his is a little different. I'm not sure what the differences are yet but I'd like to see the scope shots to see if he is getting the disruptive discharge.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • I also sent him a message. Hope he will join this forum soon
            That motor looks just great
            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


            • Yes I would agree motor is really good. But did you notice Amps its drawing?


              • replication video

                3:44-3:51 looks greenish with a tinge of blue and he sure has those cores pretty tight! If he posts everything to replicate and it is the real effect, I'm betting Jetijs will have the first replication of the replication. lol
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Guy's check out this link :
                  True Nature of Light & Electricity

                  Scroll near the bottom of the screen, pretty interesting comparing the color vs electricity.

                  Electrotek, did you say you were able to make a yellow spark?? Can you disclose how to replicate this?


                  • Diode comments

                    On the diode on the tube:

                    On the Gray patent, if the diode/triode is as the patent shows, then the battery cannot contribute any lv to the lv rod, it can only receive a blip of energy from the HV pulse.

                    (-)12vdc(+)-----|<------(LV ROD)
                    In this configuration like the patent, if a diode has any sort of positive potential on the cathode (output) that is greater than the voltage on the anode (input) it remains off so the battery potential won't be available at the LV rod, unless in the triode, the reverse rating is so high that it doesn't even see 12v sitting on the and the 12v passes right through..24v whatever. I don't have experience with vacuum tubes so I don't know their characteristics. Anyway, if the diode has 12v on the cathode and 0 to neg on the annode, it will remain off and 12v can't get thru to the lv rod.

                    But my guess, conceptually is that if the diode/tride is supposed to be liek the patent shows, then the only other source of DC is from cap 38 or a battery in place of cap 38 as the DC source to be combined with the static.

                    (-)12vdc(+)---->|------(LV ROD)
                    In this configuration, we know for sure the HV can jump into it, the diode slams shut and when this compressed potential against the diode leaves, potential from the LV source is sucked out through the diode. So in this configuration, not only does the battery receive a pulse of energy to help charge it but it can give it's potential back to the LV rod direction. This configuration leaves the possibility of a LV source being either the battery on the LV rod or at cap 38 position or both.

                    So Gray's diode diagram only allows cap 38 position to be a contributor as DC source. Bedini's diagram allows cap 38 position and/or battery on LV rod to be DC source.

                    To my knowledge, nobody has been able to get a battery to give up a pulse that follows the HV over any gap. I have no doubt that if the battery bank was in the hundreds of volts that it could but Gray seems to have used 24v. And perhaps having a large amp rating on the batteries is required so that it really has enough umph to follow HV over a gap with a strong current punch in the microsecond range. But I don't believe this is possible with the diode shown like Gray shows because it remains closed.

                    A HV positive can move backwards through a diode to a LV positive then have the dioe shut off. But a LV positive simply cannot move backwards through a diode to a HV source for sure. And if there is 0 to neg on anode, it remains closed.

                    With the diode as Bedini showed originally, the battery can receive a blip of energy but also have lv potential sitting at the rod.

                    If the diode is supposed to be like what Gray's patent shows, then the LV battery isn't the one contributing the is truly about collision with front end potential through coil into cap 38 or battery.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Originally posted by martin View Post
                      Guy's check out this link :
                      True Nature of Light & Electricity

                      Scroll near the bottom of the screen, pretty interesting comparing the color vs electricity.

                      Electrotek, did you say you were able to make a yellow spark?? Can you disclose how to replicate this?
                      Actually, I can make any color of spark, including black. Here's the yellow spark you're referring to:

                      Jerry's Site

                      My setup is a 1B3 HV rectifier from a TV, with a jumper wire from the positive side of the filament to an arc between the end of the tube's output wire and the transformer wire. The jumper wire is a shunt across the diode's HV circuit. The input is inverted, so the spark is equivalent to Tesla's longitudinal waves, only at a much higher frequency. The color of the spark depends somewhat on how straight the output wire is, which is to say its inductance.

                      Let me know if these pictures don't show up. And thanks for the link.

                      Last edited by Electrotek; 02-19-2009, 04:09 AM.


                      • Black spark ?!

                        @ Electrotek:
                        I'm interested in the black spark
                        Can you see it in total darkness ?
                        And what about red ?

                        Thanks for sharing,
                        great work !


                        • straight lines

                          Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                          The color of the spark depends somewhat on how straight the output wire is, which is to say its inductance.
                          When I built a Gray Tube healing machine, John had me use straight lines and 90 degree turns for all the wires and connections because he said that is how the energy likes to flow. There are no curves on the entire circuit. I had to use it for the entire circuit on the healing machine because there is no electron current involved not even on the input.

                          But for other circuits, the straight lines are important where you have any longitudinal output.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Yes, the black spark sounds really cool. My knowledge of tubes is somewhat limited. My long time friend/mentor who retired from NASA as an EE would understand and I probably have one of those tubes in a box that he's given me.

                            Could you post a sketch? I understand the HV arcing to the transfromer, but the jumper/arc from the filament B+, is this where the input is somehow inverted?

                            I took a vid of my setup when I was trying to get the green spark that everyone else has got. I found out real quick it's pretty hard to catch the color of sparks in videos! Anyway, I got the green spark, however there was also a red spark in the center. It was like the green spark was arcing around the outside of the ends of the spark gap and the red was concentrated in the middle. Very strange. My setup was a positive style Laser HV DC supply I had hooked to an 12V Astron Power supply. I live in an older house and the grounding is not so great (keep that in mind). Now, the HV positive is connected to one side of the gap and the HV negative (which is common with ground in Astron unit) is on the other side of the gap. Now here's where I get the red/green spark. I ran a wire from a copper water pipe and lay it on the positive of the HV spark gap. You can hear the frequency go down a little and the spark changes from blue to red in the center/ green surrounding it.
                            Last edited by martin; 02-19-2009, 06:05 AM.


                            • Green spark

                              Guys I found another green sparker !

                              YouTube - Radiant green red spark1

                              and YouTube - Radiant green red spark2

                              Who called Ed Gray's spirit to come and bring his technology to the world ?
                              Anyway thanks !


                              • Yes, that is the video that I made. Unfortunately, the colors on the sparks are very difficult to see in the video.

                                Aaron, I am very interested in the healing machine that you built. I have a sister that has muscular dystrophe and several other problems for which there is no known cure. Do you have any drawings/plans for this?

