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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Hey Jetijs,

    It would be great if you could contact me again through mail since I honestly don't know where I've kept your mail address. Also, I think those are SW2008 or SW2007 files so it would be great if you have SW2008 or SW2009 installed.

    As for the batteries- I really made that kind of array (1000 pieces of 9V batteries). The problem is that if at any point arc is made (as it happened in one of the rotary sparkgap experiments) the arc can be stretched to almost 100mm with extremely hot plasma produced. Also, there is a slight corona produced between batteries and I had to isolate every one of batteries with layers of mylar. Not to mention the danger of ever getting electrocuted by that baby.

    It was a very nice setup until my former colleague destroyed it when he caused a fire in a workshop. In a way I was relieved not to work with that setup anymore or to work with him anymore.


    • @mike

      Ok cheers mike.

      At this stage i plan to build your circuit. Then gradually add some modds like add the FFF and vacuum triode/thyratron and create a low air vacuum in the CSET.

      I guess the good thing about getting the 2n2222a to work is that i know how to scale that up as i built the aromaz circuit with 5x 2n3055's (one master and 4 slaves) to light some CFL's. That should charge up the caps real quick...


      • static electricity

        Some people will tell you that static electricity is useless as a form of power, but there are others that would disagree.

        YouTube - Walter Lewin Makes a Battery out of Cans and Water


        • Puff Tube Test

          I rebuilt my Puff Tube and have been repeating the tests I ran while I was in California a few years ago. The first picture shows my basic circuit, which is basically equivalent to my current setup, shown in the second circuit. When I first built this circuit, my capacitor 16 was home made, with a lot of internal leakage. The circuit won't work with a high quality component, so I'm just leaving this cap out.

          The results I'm getting now are only about 20% of what I observed when I was three miles from the ocean, with a lot of humidity. The discharge is localized around the internal electrode and doesn't fill the entire Tube as it did then. I know this was happening back then because I also stuck an incense stick into the Tube, to add some hydrocarbon. With that, the discharge plasma turned dark red and actually projected from the end of the Tube.

          Here in the desert, I also tested the discharge by placing a little NEO magnet on the top of the Tube. This changed the normal pht thump sound into a ck type of pop.

          As an afterthought, I added cap 16 as shown in the third picture. This caused the Tube to make a terrible racket, with the cap arcing across the inner electrodes, except when the jumper wire 34 was touching the Tube, to charge cap 38. After several seconds, the cap discharged back through the inner arc, puffing it. Then the charge cycle started over.

          I'm going to test this Tube while it's filled with steam. Also, I'll enclose it and test with pressure and low pressure.
          Attached Files


          • Well, I found another pic of Gray's setup. It looks like the cset is setting in the floor (single green arrow). If this is the case, then what else could that tube on the table be? I still think those cables are the FFF. If you look at Gray's first motor, there are actually 2 different kinds of windings that make up the FFF. If you look closely, on the tube, the outermost windings look different than the windings in between. On Gray's motor, it's the same type of setup. The windings that are close together in the middle of the motor body look similar and then there is a single winding on each end of the motor.

            One more thing I'll throw in here about Gray's batteries, they have multiple taps to individual cells. Some have proposed he's using this as supplying different voltages to the motor, but I think he could have done that with regulators and it would have been a whole lot simpler. I think that he could be charging these batteries' individual cells in parallel and discharging the cells in series through the factory terminals (tesla switch). Who knows. Interesting thought though?
            Attached Files
            Last edited by martin; 03-03-2009, 04:31 AM.


            • hmmm if that is the cset then the FFF has been purposely left out of the 1985patent...good find.....hmm this means that all the subsequent replications over the years havent been a proper test.....


              • Martin: I'm not sure what that is under the table. Mark says there's an air core transformer down there and this might be what he's referring to. This picture shows the same thing, not connected:



                Here's a picture of the CSET (on the left) which does look similar:


                The coils around the motor look like #8 wire. As an electrician, I use this wire all the time. The coils at the ends are actually composed of multiple wires:



                Here's a picture which shows the internal connections:


                Last edited by Electrotek; 03-03-2009, 07:10 AM.


                • White wire?

                  Hello Electrotek,

                  Do you know what is the white wire that's coiled in spiral around something, in the last picture you just posted ?


                  The TPU had same kind of flat wire winded around another one ...

                  + about the #8 black cable around the air core transformer, it looks very soft and flexible, so yes it must be multiple wires inside.



                  • Originally posted by stephenafreter View Post
                    Hello Electrotek,

                    Do you know what is the white wire that's coiled in spiral around something, in the last picture you just posted ?


                    The TPU had same kind of flat wire winded around another one ...

                    + about the #8 black cable around the air core transformer, it looks very soft and flexible, so yes it must be multiple wires inside.

                    It's actually a flat length of plastic, molded as a spiral. It's used to hold groups of wires in a tidy bundle. It's best seen just to the left at the bottom.

                    I haven't been able to decide on the black cable around the air core transformer. It might even be coax. But in some pictures of the motor harness, it's clearly a single wire.


                    • IMHO
                      Single wire transmission line. Each bigger coils are connected in series, each smaller ones in separate series connection, so basically all coils inside are acting as one bifilar coil with smaller and larger windings. Two sections of coils are made, second one is visible deeper in stator. Around stator there is metal case forming a plate capacitor and core for two transformers used to shift phase of current by 90 degrees.Purely Tesla HF motor .


                      • ok i went over the photos in the mkay2.pdf file and compared to the patent and i have come up with something a little different

                        if i trace the wires leading from FFF they connect to two black boxes which must be the positive of the caps. Then white leads go from there to what appears to be a knife switch. From there one can just make out some blue wires from the battery going to what looks like a CSET (there appears to be two csets - one behind the other). At the other end of the CSET is some white wires which goes back to the tube hanging off the battery...presumably a diode....and there appears to be a black wire from there going somewhere...must be the FFF
                        Last edited by nat1971a; 01-02-2010, 04:16 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                          It's actually a flat length of plastic, molded as a spiral. It's used to hold groups of wires in a tidy bundle. It's best seen just to the left at the bottom.

                          I haven't been able to decide on the black cable around the air core transformer. It might even be coax. But in some pictures of the motor harness, it's clearly a single wire.
                          Awesome pics! Ive never seen those before. Do you have any other's of this motor (rotor, programmer, anything)??

                          Also, I agree that the black cable looks like one cable. Kinda lays like coax. However, why or how is it wound if it's one cable? If it was one cable wound around the core, there would be one wire exiting on top of the tube and one on the bottom. All the pictures show both ends exiting from the top of the tube.

                          Just to add some more fuel to the fire, look at these pics, the black arrows first. The insulators look like they are machined from one piece of possibly teflon. The threads are the same color as the tops of the insulators. Ok, now look at the green arrows. The wires look like theyre going through the center of the insulator threads. There is no terminal strips around where these wires are coming together and with different angles from different insulators, they sure look like theyre going through the center. Also, there looks to be some sort of black sealant around where the wires seem to be entering the studs. To make these insulators like this would be easily done. Thoughts?
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by martin; 03-03-2009, 05:00 PM.


                          • Another thought that just hit me is from what Ive read, no one really knows why there are 2 different sizes of electromagnets in this motor. Fig6 shows basically what Gray always demonstrated with the 2 repulsion magnet demo's. However, if you look at fig7 what I see is a step up or step down transformer in relation to the rotor/stator coils pairing up depending on which coils received a pulse. When the repulsion takes place in fig6, there's no reason to fire the coils for repulsion purposes in fig7. This could be part of the recharging circuit.

                            Now, with that in mind, the later motors had 3 wire coils if I understand correctly. Most assume that they're center tapped. What if they're not center tapped and actually offset tapped to simulate the large/small coil alignment in the earlier motor. Once again, depending on which section of the tapped coil was fired would determine step up/step down for charging???
                            Attached Files


                            • Here are a couple more photos. The first one shows the CSET (?) at the left end of the table. The thing behind it appears to have a coil wrapped around its perimeter. The item hanging from the battery is a flat wire wound resistor. This table looks like it may have been set up to demonstrate various CSET designs, as it had evolved. My opinion of the two Black Boxes is that they put out different frequecies. The second picture shows the guts of the White Box. (Electrostatic Generator). The ceramic insulators for the motor coils' connection are also visible.

                              The static field coils are wound in two layers. The top layer is wound coming up from the bottom, with the output wire soldered back the opposite direction. These coils are equivalent to the magnetic harness delay line in the early motor. Perhaps they found they could get the same choke effect by placing them around the CSET. These coils aren't connected in every picture. Sometimes they're just hanging down towards the floor.

                              I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere on the Internet, but the Hackenberger articles states that the motor used both repulsion and attraction. The minor electromagnets might somehow relate to this.

                              I have other pictures I can upload later.


                              • I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere on the Internet, but the Hackenberger articles states that the motor used both repulsion and attraction.

                                Electrotek,You must of read my mind with that statement which is a thought that kept crossing my mind as I'm watching you guys research this motor,I'm Glad someone else mentioned this .Keep up the great research going on in this thread people .


