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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Aaron
    I just thought I would mention it seeing as how he has 2 coppers wire. If its still green through steel...well enough said.



    • Originally posted by martin View Post
      Electrotek, or anyone...

      The motor looks like it used 2 different size cables as well, like there's windings between the FFF cables. Any thoughts?
      Here is a link to a enhanced photo of the CSET Also notice the wire loop in the background. Is that a diode In the wire?

      Martin, did you look at the photo link I posted earlier of what appears to be a CSET dangling from the motor hanging over the Battery Box? here is the link again.
      Last edited by Ghst; 03-16-2009, 01:06 AM.


      • Looped Wire

        It looks like to me that that wire loop is coming out of the top of the CSET, making a loop (like a antenna ) and going back into the CSET.


        • Here's a shot that I enhanced. It kind of looks like where the violet arrow is where the black cable from the cset is hooked to. If you follow the loop in a complete circle, it looks like it comes back up beside the cable and ends at the yellow arrow. There's something where the blue arrow is, but I cant see if it connects to the loop or not.

          Yip, I see the tubular thing hanging there however, I'm not sure if it is a cset. I'm leaning towards not. If it is, it's really small compared to the other cset's pictured with his other motors and demo's.
          Attached Files


          • copper green

            Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
            I just thought I would mention it seeing as how he has 2 coppers wire. If its still green through steel...well enough said.


            It could be from copper in his case but we'll know for sure when the circuit is hooked up optimally and it happens where it is supposed to.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Originally posted by martin View Post
              Here's a shot that I enhanced. It kind of looks like where the violet arrow is where the black cable from the cset is hooked to. If you follow the loop in a complete circle, it looks like it comes back up beside the cable and ends at the yellow arrow. There's something where the blue arrow is, but I cant see if it connects to the loop or not.

              Yip, I see the tubular thing hanging there however, I'm not sure if it is a cset. I'm leaning towards not. If it is, it's really small compared to the other cset's pictured with his other motors and demo's.
              No Martin! No! this is what Looks like a diode in my enhanced photo .If you click on this photo to enlarge it you can even see the end of what looks like a spade connector coming out of the CSET!

              This is the photo of the motor with what looks like a CSET hanging below the front of the motor and just over the top of the battery box.
              Does'nt it look like a small CSET?
              Last edited by Ghst; 03-16-2009, 04:04 AM.


              • Originally posted by Ghst View Post
                No Martin! No! this is what Looks like a diode in my enhanced photo .If you click on this photo to enlarge it you can even see the end of what looks like a spade connector coming out of the CSET!

                This is the photo of the motor with what looks like a CSET hanging below the front of the motor and just over the top of the battery box.
                Does'nt it look like a small CSET?
                Ok, I think I see the connector, small shiny dot on the cset, but I still don't see a diode. Can you circle it?

                Yes, It could be a cset hanging above the batteries, it just looks a little small to me for the size of the apparatus. If you look closely at it, it looks like there are 2 slots in the end.


                • More wood.


                  Well, just to throw another piece of wood on the fire....

                  The coils in this pic do not look like the regular "popping" coils in his demo's. It actually looks like the popping coil is inside the larger gauge wire or am I seeing something else? Whatever's in the middle sure looks like it's not sticking out past the larger windings.
                  Attached Files


                  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    3. When cap is at 700+ volts and assuming that the ignition coil is constantly pulsing - close the lv switch and the cap should collide with the HV pulse and move to the common ground at the LV side.
                    I think I finally figured it out. When the two potentials collide and move to the common ground, they're moving in opposite directions. This results in magnetic cancellation, and the Lorentz force disappears. Without this force, the plasma in the arc is free to expand due to heat and coulombic repulsion. The same thing happens when an electrical panel is shorted, because the two phases - which are seldom at the same potential - have a common ground at the bottom of the transformer.

                    It took me long enough. I always did think that spark was somehow Scalar. Now I can move on to something else. Thanks for your input.


                    • Well Its curve Ball time! Let me pitch this to you. Remember I said I couldn't get the Discharge to happen inside the tube? Well , It did! And check out how I got it to happen. I hooked every thing up as before. but this time I connected the capacitor to the negative on the ignition coil. I connected 12V positive to the lowvoltage electrode with diodes arrows pointing toward the tube. Now the capacitor was charging Highvoltage was jumping to the grid. also I would get a few sparks to jump the gap into the low voltage side. Now I still couldn't get the capacitor to discharge inside the tube. So I connected a jumper wire like a branch between the load coil and off the grid wire. When the capacitor had charged this time It was over 1000V, I would touch off a puff spark to the low voltage. But but by accident, I let the alligator clip come into contact with the outside of the plactis tubes container and it was magnetically attracted to the grid because it stuck to the outside of the tube.Thats when It happened. a very fast bright flash from inside the tube and I heard the capacitor pop. The flash was either Blue or Green I'm not sure it happens so fast, but it was very bright. I let the capacitor start charging again and layed the clip on top of the tube and It did it again. I can actually feel the tube attracting the metal clip.


                      • @ghst

                        this sounds really interesting...can you make a video of it?


                        • Originally posted by nat1971a View Post

                          this sounds really interesting...can you make a video of it?
                          No! Not yet, I have some more things to tryout. Whats interesting to me is after the cap discharges the magnetic effect is gone.


                          • Undiscovered Article

                            Here's a picture which shows a couple of things. The green square at the bottom has what looks like a automotive distributor. If so, maybe Gray did use this in his circuit? The green rectangle at the top has an article I read when I was a kid, back in the 70's. It shows Gray with his electric car, with the hood up. In the picture, I saw cross arms at 90 degrees, about 18" long and around 2" X 3/4". I had the impression there were four cross arms. On the end of each arm was a bobbin coil which was about the size of a spool of #14 AWG wire, wrapped with small gauge magnet wire. I didn't see a stator coil anywhere. In the article, Gray said he was sending a radar pulse through the motor and when it reflected back, he put it back into the battery.

                            I haven't seen this article anywhere on the Internet. It said he was getting 250 miles with just two batteries.


                            • Capacitor discharge

                              Here is a photo of the discharge in the CSET.

                              Here is a photo I just made . In this photo I have wound about 200 turns of 24 magnet wire around the white cap on the low voltage end. I'm calling this wire coil a FFF.
                              Last edited by Ghst; 03-17-2009, 02:24 AM.


                              • @ghst

                                can you show us a circuit diagram.....that attraction of your alligator clip to the CSET sounds like what dollard was getting in the videos on wireless transmission of power but with the light bulbs....and an aluminum strip if i remember right

