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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
    @lamare:I can't find my neons at the moment. I know they're around here somewhere because I see them from time to time. When I find them, I'll try your test, which may help characterize the charging effect.
    I found a video on youtube where Bedini shows light bulbs lite from the plastic of a battery. It's at about 55 secs in this clip:
    YouTube - "Energy from the Vacuum" Documentary Series -Trailer

    In the movie itself, Bedini shows more. The batteries are on a golf-cart and there's one lead of the bulb connected to the frame of the golf cart.


    • If Bedini says there's static on the plastic, I'll take his word for it. But I think the static is a biproduct of what's going on. For instance, when I put two batteries end to end and pulse one of them, they both charge a little after a while. The important thing is to identify what causes the static effect and find out how to use it inside a CSET. Then we may start to get somewhere. If the capacitor takes 20 to 30 seconds to charge, then there has to be something else in the circuit producing the heavy pulses several times a second. Maybe the CSET is more than just a switch?


      • High Farad Capacitor

        Here's a new capacitor rated for 3.5kv at 31 Farads:

        EEStor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        I wonder if the EMA recovery system would work with this rather than a battery?


        • Circuit Board Grey Tube

          Well I think I can now guide the random sparking to produce the effect where I want it to occur. By threading some copper wire through the board I can direct the HV to charge the capacitor first. Then by placing the LV in a predetermined place and adjusting the sparkgap to the board, I can now produce the effect as easily as is done within the real Grey Tube. I am only using one capacitor with a very low uf (.75) so I cant get the worm effect yet. I got the worm effect using two capacitors with a capacitance of about 7.uf.Here is a cool video of my progress.
          YouTube - Circuit Board Blast inside Tube


          • Strip Grids

            I've been making a lot of progress with my gradient plate spark projector. I was right that humidity is a factor in the operation. It works just fine if I put a little water in it. Then I noticed a similar effect with a rusty battery cable clamp. After analyzing this, I put two electrodes on the bottom of the gradient plate, with the additional one connected to the top of the aperture plate. Now it works with or without water. Also, I put a magnetron magnet on top, with the South pointing upwards. When I fired the water arc like this, the monopole spark field was pulled down towards the magnet, forming a large volume red plasma with an interesting texture.

            Thinking about the two electrode configuration, I realized the similarity with Gray's patent circuit, component 34. The only difference, my gradient plate has multiple layers. So I put together another spark gap with 5 flat grids above it.

            When I fire the plasma spark, it moves towards the grids, whether they are above the arc gap, beside it, or below it. I think I'm a couple of steps from having a resolution of this project.

            This new setup is quite similar to what Ghst is doing with his proto board. He has a two dimensional effect, with the white plasma moving across the gradient between the rows of sparks. He's getting close to a pure energy way of doing it.


            • Many watts.

              It's a great news, this cap can store about 189 MW, that can push a car giving more life to the batteries

              Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
              Here's a new capacitor rated for 3.5kv at 31 Farads:

              EEStor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              I wonder if the EMA recovery system would work with this rather than a battery?
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


              • Thinking about the two electrode configuration, I realized the similarity with Gray's patent circuit, component 34. The only difference, my gradient plate has multiple layers. So I put together another spark gap with 5 flat grids above it.

                When I fire the plasma spark, it moves towards the grids, whether they are above the arc gap, beside it, or below it. I think I'm a couple of steps from having a resolution of this project.

                This new setup is quite similar to what Ghst is doing with his proto board. He has a two dimensional effect, with the white plasma moving across the gradient between the rows of sparks. He's getting close to a pure energy way of doing it.
                Way to go Tek! How about a pic of this in action?


                • Ghst: Sorry, no pics yet. I'm still working with it. It doesn't give the white flash yet. And I want it to work with the top grid insulated, so that the cap will provide potential without discharging. I'm also working on a way to eliminate the flash burn with my camera, so the picture shows what I see.


                  • I need a way to increase my cameras FPS. The camera is missing a lot, because the speed of the burst is happening between the still frames.


                    • Originally posted by Ghst View Post
                      I need a way to increase my cameras FPS. The camera is missing a lot, because the speed of the burst is happening between the still frames.
                      One thing I discovered with mine is that the FPS is related to image size. With large images, it only runs at 15 frames per second. When I set it to minimal resolution, it runs at 30. I've seen cameras that run faster, but they're around $6500. Maybe there's a video service in your town which can make slow motion videos?


                      • More circuit board tube

                        Nobody posted here in a while? here is a still of the circuit board in the tube. The tube is actually a clear water filter. Which is perfect to experiment with. It can be valved and pressurized, pull a vaccume on it. even add gases like argon, ect. The clear housing is about 1/4" thick, and can be tap-threaded,to allow electrodes to be adjustable.


                        • That's Beautiful!

                          I've got my tube enclosed too. I'll try it with low pressure air and also helium. Helium doesn't form negative ions, so any free electrons will condense on the grid. I can't test it with pressurized oxygen until I build one out of copper.


                          • Evolving Tubes

                            Hey that thing looks nice, Tek! Can't wait to see it spark!

                            Here is a quick video of another modification, to the circuit board tube. I added two small grids, one on the HV and one on the actual Grid wires end of the Board. LOL this is strange talking about a circuit board with no components, just connections, and a bit of uncoated bare copper wire to help guide things.Anyway the added grids have made a noticeable difference. I'm only using one cap 1700WAC 0.75 uF If you still frame the burst you will see a worm crawling down the Battery!
                            YouTube - Circuit Board added extra grids


                            • Ghst: That's great, getting that effect with such a small cap and that low a voltage. Tesla was really on to something with his multi-gap discharge. Can't wait to see what's next.

                              I'm going to try some repulsion tests with my high speed sparks, using my really small cap. One of my little coils did burn out during my last experiment. I wasn't using the series battery so this may be why. Schlaff's coil popping circuit stated that the wire can't be too small but apparently mine was, without the battery. But only maybe. I don't know that that circuit was producing the disruptive event characterized by the plasma spark energy since they were using ignitrons rather than a CSET. (No grids.) This may help narrow down the true nature of the cold electricity. And the lost coil may have had a ding in it where the three wires burnt.


                              • White coil wires

                                Electrotek, looks like maybe each one of the white wires goto the rear pair of same size boxes. Also, note that they are the negative if you notice the meter probes.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by martin; 04-01-2009, 04:49 AM.

