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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Rei's circuit


    The tube isn't necessary to make it work; it just makes it stronger.

    If you make the "grid" point closer to the HV source than it is to the LV point, when caps are charged, the HV will be forced to hit that first before going to the LV point. For example, it may even work if you have the grid point directly in between the HV and LV point...then the HV point can't not hit the grid (capacitors) before going to LV point.

    I would keep the LV rod totally disconnected....leave the HV source running and charge the cap to the "grid" point....and when the caps are up in voltage, use a wooden stick or whatever to connect the LV side to the a single shot event. I'd remove the diodes and battery as well and just make a straight switch connection from LV point to the ground.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • I have here a few photos of my "nailed" setup. This is Top View HV connected Black on right. Blue is the grid connection. The nail spacing is 1/8 inch staggered two rows, maybe 1 1/2" between HV and Grid connection Blue. Red is to connect neutral tube Grid to Nails. right side view left side view

      These pictures show the frame right before each burst. This will give you a idea how bright these effects are. The last picture shows the green plasma outside the tube. Also I am using no inductor coil. But the multiple spark gaps created by the nails seems to boost the caps charging and the size of the effect. The tube is 3' diameter.

      This is the video the stills came from.
      YouTube - nailed 3

      This effect will happen inside a tube or without a tube, but its not so loud inside the tube. Outside the tube connect the black (HV) as shown and connect the Grid wire (blue as shown) you don't need the red wire. Discharge LV by bringing LV side of cap in over the top of nails between the HV and the Grid connections. Preferable closer to the grid wire (Blue). Be careful and safe the discharge is loud and deadly.

      Well, that's what I have so far. I was hoping for a green flash or something concrete, but I figure so far so good.
      These effects happen so fast that I have to Video the discharges, then do a frame by frame to see the extent and color of the discharge. Even then some of the effects are missed by the camera, if they happen between frames of the video.

      @ Aaron,
      The coils will be virtually unaffected by the HV pulses going through the coils as it is mostly potential moving through the coil and the coil offers little in the way of resistance to a HV and super low current pulse and will not heat up or burn just passes through to charge the caps and will produce no real magnetic charge in the coils themselves.
      I must express that I've had different experiences with the HV through the inductor coil, then cap. I have a pile of coils that have burned out. when placed in between the grid and the charging capacitor. Really every one has eventually failed. Including the coil wrapped around my original Tube replication. When the HV jumps to grid I am getting a lot more than potential to the cap. You are sending the full HV discharge from the ignition coil through the inductor to the cap. This has been my experience so far and I'm only trying to help.
      Last edited by Ghst; 04-12-2009, 04:08 AM.


      • Massive Effect

        I just had to post this. Look at what I can do!
        These are so intense that they are blinding. I still see huge spots in my vision. You can go here to view all of my saved photos and see how this effect has grown. ImageShack® - ghst's Profile Page
        Last edited by Ghst; 04-12-2009, 11:46 AM.


        • Aaron,

          I tried the experiment again using the 'colliding potentials' concept. One diode to rectify the ignition coil HV, charging one capacitor from the HV and the other through a gap. The LV side is through a chunk of carbon, triggered manually.
          Here's some still shots from the tests. The first is with one bank of capacitors and no coil, the second is assymetric. The asymmetric discharge is 'bluer' and the sound is a bit more like a puff than a crack.

          I didn't however get any noticable pulse in the coil (~5ohm). Is this what we're looking for? If so, what would you suggest as a next stage? Perhaps trying to get some useful power out?



          • Rei's circuit

            Hi Rei,

            What do you mean by asymmetric discharge?

            On the 2nd one, is there a coil in that one?

            It is possible to get the effect but have it so weak that it won't get much power but if you can see that it actually does charge the coil by putting a magnet by it or something else magnetic - and if you can see some movement, you know it is charging - when normally, the HV passes through and does not charge it.

            I think the capacitance at 0.1uf is too small.

            I'm not sure where you're at, but if you go to a place that processes photos, you can probably get a bunch of disposable cameras for free...wire a bunch of the caps in series to get lower capacitance and hundreds of volts...that would probably work better than your cap bank and would also be free.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Hey Aaron,
              -Sorry, by asymmetric discharge I mean the 2 high-voltage potentials colliding with each other on their way to ground (I assume that's what we're going for?).
              -The 2nd picture does not have a coil. I suppose that would explain the subtle difference in effects.
              -The -load- coil I have with the best response is bifilar series wound (tesla patent version) with a steel core. Even at 12v it launches a magnet.
              - Funny you should mention disposable cameras; I worked at a camera counter years back and salvaged caps and boards from several cameras in my spare time. There's a box of at least 60 disposable camera caps I should be able to hook in series. As long as they don't explode from strain..

              Just out of curiosity, what have you been working on lately? The last CSET vid is from a month ago, made any improvements or are you working on something else?


              • ghst

                awesome work ghst, i really think your on to something here, i don't know why everybody isn't really impressed with your thingy. plasma outside the tube is definatly something


                • Pre Burst of the Massive Discharge

                  These pre-burst frames (frame before the green flash plasma) are what is intriguing to me. They are like a ghost appearing anywhere inside the tube outside the tube and are generally away from the area of the discharge.If you watch the video closely, you can see the pre-discharge. These appear white with a red outer ring to my eyes, but look like this on film.

                  This is the video of the massive Bursts.
                  YouTube - Nailed 5
                  Last edited by Ghst; 04-13-2009, 01:03 AM.


                  • Ghst, are you still using the same schematic on your recent tests?



                    • caps

                      Hi Rei,

                      I think if you put enough of those caps in series to get more voltage than you'll need, they should be fine.

                      The smallest capacitance I used and got the effect was 4uf/4000v cap charged as low as several hundred volts up to 1000v and it worked fine.

                      The largest capacitance I used was 330uf at 400v and that worked the best and that isn't too much current because it is so time compressed.

                      It is just my opinion that the collision forcing to common ground is the effect we want...there are a lot of ideas here and my opinion is based on experiments and my own perceptions of what is happening.

                      As far as the energy projects go, I'm putting them on hold until I'm done with spring cleaning and get my garden going.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Originally posted by Reiyuki View Post
                        Ghst, are you still using the same schematic on your recent tests?

                        Yes I'm using this basic setup, except I am not using switch on LV. I am connected the diode. I then have a jumper connected also at the diode that connects to the ground of battery or the positive for the LV potential. Inductor doesn't have to be wound around the tube.


                        • ghst


                          "The CSET patent states that the purpose of the one way energy
                          component, or diode, was to protect the arc switch contacts from
                          erosion caused by back EMF from the arc. However, the diode also
                          performs a different function as well. T. H. Moray showed that this
                          kind of energy can be picked up from the earth's environment using an
                          L shaped antenna
                          . It can be seen that Moray was using the same kind
                          of energy, since a wire in his circuit could be cut, with the ends of
                          the wires placed on either side of a sheet of glass, and the circuit
                          would continue operating. So, as you say, the energy in Tesla's spark
                          gap was not an arc. This same type of perpendicular energy effect can
                          be produced with a spark, by T-tapping a High Voltage arc circuit
                          between the diode and a preceding cap, and positioning the end of this
                          jumper wire close to the arc. The CSET circuit has this T-tap,
                          running backwards through the motor to the grids. The T-tap spark
                          effect generates an oscillation having an extremely high frequency,
                          somewhere between 10 MHz and one GHz, depending on the size of the
                          capacitor. The high frequency environment within the CSET may be
                          tapping into the "Sea of Energy In Which the Earth Floats" that Moray
                          was using. For some reason, NASA stopped monitoring these four bands
                          of energy frequencies, back in the 1990's."

                          Don't you have an L shaped antenna in you tube?


                          • I'm on travel now, so I may not be able to work on the gray system for a bit, but I'll offer what I can.

                            We're trying to optimally reproduce 'radiant events' using coils and capacitors in with disruptive discharge. Through our various replications, we should be able to come up with a rough theory that may help improve and perfect replications, or at least create a set of minimum requirements.

                            This replicator CSET replication as well as a simple 2-capacitor discharge concept he has promoted. There are a couple points to be made on this one:
                            YouTube - NRGFromTheVacuum's Channel
                            - The HV setup uses a tesla coil secondary (usually 40-120ohm).
                            - Capacitor is high voltage low capacity. Possibly a ferroelectric capacitor, known for a unique charge/discharge curve.
                            - Operating on at least 6kv.

                            YouTube - aaronmurakami's Channel
                            - 4uf/4000v cap 'worked fine'
                            - 330uf at 400v 'worked the best'
                            - Caps in videos are electrolytic in series, likely a high ESR in this configuration, so cap type doesn't matter much.

                            YouTube - 1Ghsty14U's Channel
                            Ghst seems to be getting good flashes using only 1 capacitor and a coil.
                            - 1.6uf @ 1750AC cap (microwave cap)
                            - #22 1-200 turn coil, 5ohm or less, for sure.
                            - Ignition coil driver. Arcs look way higher than 1750, over 5kv is possible without arcing over a microwave gap.

                            Unsuccessful replication so far, but I'll share my differences.
                            - .75-1joule capacitor energy @2-4kv
                            - Low and high energy coils tested (5 ohm bifilar to 70ohm from a tesla coil secondary)

                            - Voltages are highly variable, but energy needs have minimums. 2.5 joules seems to be a minimum discharge energy (ghst). My highest was about 1 joule and unsuccessful. So any replicator should try for at least 2 joules total energy in their tests.
                            - Diodes are picky creatures and should be used for improving recovery and not for initial triggering.
                            - Only one capacitor seems to be necessary. A coil seems to have enough stored energy to be the other potential source.

                            There's plenty more variables to try. Sure, Grey may have converged on an 'optimal' design, but knowing what factors were key will get this thing off the ground faster.


                            • Plasma Projection

                              Ghst: Those are some very impressive effects you're getting. The multi gaps between the nail heads are equivalent to a string of small capacitors, or capacitive diodes at the high frequency imparted to the puff spark which makes it white. I'm especially interested in the discharge which projected some of the plasma outside the tube. Here's an arrangement I'm using which gives a plume of 2" to 3". You might try something like this, using a ring LV electrode outside, on the surface of the tube. Once we start projecting the plasma, the more we can stretch it (the arc), the more energy we should be able to extract from it.

                              I've got nine flat grids (aluminum foil squares), separated by dielectric, with a 1/4" hole down to the electrodes, and a water injection tube on the side. This is the same as a CSET, except there's no resistor between the grid ring electrode and the branch to the HV negative end of the spark gap, although it does work when I connect a resister at that point. edit: Also, as with your nails, there are no connections between the grids.

                              You can see that my grid block is carboned up really bad. This puff spark/particle accelerator cracks the water really well, but it also cracks the CO2. edit: When a CSET is totally enclosed, it probably should be provided with an internal atmosphere which doesn't include CO2.
                              Last edited by Electrotek; 04-14-2009, 06:45 PM.


                              • Things seem to be moving rather fast for me at this point. This nail setup is down right awesome! I think this is the video Electrotec was talking about. There is only one large massive burst but it is something. What you will see on this video is the predischarge. And it is large and it is not inside the tube. It is followed by a very fast massive green plasma burst that appears inside the tube with part od the plasma that looks like green fire on the outside of the tube. I think this effect is caused by the spiraling drill bit LV electrode. Here it is: YouTube - Grounded neutral grid
                                In this video the neutral Grid has been attached to the battery ground.
                                Last edited by Ghst; 04-14-2009, 11:54 PM.

