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Gray Tube Replication

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  • Originally posted by antena View Post
    thank Ghst, I will buy some suitable...
    How much turns U have on Your jumping coil ?
    Antena, I'm using primary coils taken from a microwave oven transformer. The Matching set has 7 layers, with ten turns per layer. They are 14 gauge. The center (air core) is rectangular measures 2 1/4" by 1 1/2". The width of one, ten turn layer is 5/8". The 7 layers measure 11/16". Also You should dip the finished coil in varnish to help insulate and when cured it helps keep the coil in shape. I dipped mine every day for a week allowing curing time each day before the next dipping. You can also Bake them in a oven at about 200 degrees for about an hour. (speeds up curing time and helps harden the varnish inside the coil.
    I've just finished testing the coils again. and this time the top coil was launched about 3 feet into the air. It snatched the bottom coil up with it about 6 inches before the connecting wire's (wire connected between the two coils)spade connector pulled from the coil. I have tried the finer wire with many turns but can only get a puff discharge thru the tube. the many turns and fine wire are offering to much resistance for the coil to repel another coil.


    • Working Gray Motor

      Many of us are working to replicate the Gray motor and energy collecting tube.

      Has any one progressed beyond the creation of fabulous sparks and arcs ?

      Has any one found a significant energy out put that is measurable and repeatable ?
      Walter Marshall, one of the pioneers of Nuclear energy in the 1950's United Kingdom, told Britons it would provide energy "too cheap to meter". I want to produce CLEAN energy "too cheap to meter" in the 2000's.


      • Metals and Conductivity

        I've found out that the material of the multi-gap setup doesn't need to be brass. After looking at some metals alloy charts on electricity conductivity. With silver being the best, 106, copper is second with 100 and my brass? well its conductivity is a lowly 28. So, I wound a piece of #10 single strand copper magnet wire (with all insulation removed) around a 10-24 screw. removed the screw from the spiral of copper and cut me some nice fitting copper donuts, to replace the brass washers with. I could only get 6 copper donuts with nylon spacers on my nylon screw. But the results were amazing. The capacitors charge time was about 2 minutes before producing a discharge that would repel the top coil a distance of about 3 feet. Now , using the copper in the multi-gap, the time to charge the capacitor to the same level of energy has been cut to about 15 seconds. I can futher improve by replacing the brass screws (the electrodes, on both sides of the multi-gap) with copper rods. Oh by the way, my steel alligator clips have a conductivity of 3 - 15 so they have got to go. By the way aluminum (59) is better than steel or brass but is by no means as good as copper and silver, which are considered "super conductive".
        Last edited by Ghst; 06-10-2009, 04:15 PM.


        • Ghst, just watched your coil jump video.......WHAO...

          will you post a schematic for the circuit?

          David D


          • Better Coil Jumping Video!

            Made a few more tests, got good results!
            multi-gap using copper donuts or rings.
            YouTube - ED Grey Tube, Coil Launch 1
            YouTube - Ed Grey Tube, Coil Launch 2
            YouTube - Ed Grey Tube, Coil launch 3 disconnected
            I'll post another schema later.


            • Just a question.

              Playing devils advocate here.

              Have you tried just juicing up that huge cap and discharging it into the coils to see if it is just normal discharging effect from such a huge cap. I know you guys are trying to figure out what effect is going on here but I think the most important part of the picture is missing. Seeing that a buffalo university project found that carbon used in such a way can become a negative resistor and the original tube employed a carbon piece in one end of the electrode <- (Negative resistor?) wouldn't that be the missing piece?
              What I mean is you have seen the effect of the discharge but it isn't quite to the effect that Gray employed, not as powerful. The negative resistor could be a multiplying factor or even transitor like to enable or super amplify the effect. The tube from what I see was just the housing to enable the carbon to reach the negative resistor effect to amplify whatever happens (Radiant event). In all your experiments lately that carbon hasn't been present and even though you seem to get the event to happen it is less of an event without the carbon (negative resiter) IMHO. Now that you have reproduced the effect maybe the carbon needs to be reintroduced into the schema in order to magnify your results.
              Like I said this is just an observation from what you have been showing. It is by no means anything to belittle what you have rediscovered. Great job!

              I have been reading a lot on resonance of lcr circuits and it seems to me that maybe the event is somewhat related to resonance of the circuit releasing a radiant event. Your current setup doesn't have the R and maybe that is what it is missing to see the full effect in all it's brilliance. The problem being that once a resonance has been achieved is a way to control the event without phasing matter into another realm uncontrolled. Your setup might be just tipping into resonance briefly then crashing away only letting you see a very low fraction of the event like the peek of a sunrise, your event, then full brilliance of the sunrise after the peek, Grays event.
              Just some food for thought.

              Wasn't Gray talking about launching rockets into space from earth using the event? How much energy do you think you would need to launch a 2-3 ton rocket with electricity?? I doubt that we could gather that amount of electricity normally and that means that this process opens a channel to get that energy from somewhere. Gray stumbled onto something that has tremendous capability to channel that much energy without generating such energy. Like learning how to employ a trasistor type effect to guide energy from the vacume to a single point then release it and eventually to use it to do huge amount of work at will!
              Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-10-2009, 09:06 PM.


              • rave154, here is a link to my present schema.
                Imageshack - coiltest.png - Uploaded by Ghst

                Jbignes5, Yess I have tried and used the carbon on the LV side as shown in the patent. The carbon may or may not be the piece of the puzzle thats missing. I believe now that the carbon is there more as a resistor than anything elts. In a classical tube setup the resistance offered by the carbon would make it easier for the HV spark to jump to grid and charge the cap. Instead of jumping straight to the LV electrode to ground. I get it to work mechanically first, then I'll work on a real or true radiant event if it can be had from this tube. I have openly shared what I have done and how I have done it so that others can share the experience as they happen. Everyone is free to replicate or try their own ideas mingled with some of mine or without my ideas. Here is a link that will let all see my tubes evolution.
                ImageShack&#174; - Register


                • I didn't mean to offend...

                  I think maybe you took my suggestions as a direct command. Heh..
                  Thats not the way it was meant. What I think is that in all my dealings with electricity, RESONACE is the key. What resonance does is make the hard wired cicuits act like a resistanceless transfer. It might be that the event needs to be triggered by such resonance in the whole setup. The L in you case is the tranformer, the cap is just that the cap. The only thing I see missing is the R. Yes you have R from innate resistances in the hardware but the key could just be the carbon plain and simple. If it isn't present you might not even see the event at all, just sub harmonics of the event.
                  Like I said I didn't mean the last post to belittle the great stuff you are doing. I just wanted to maybe bring some light to the fact that part of the equation seems to be missing thats all.
                  Good luck in your quest to find the event.


                  • Jbignes5, No offense was taken, you were just stating the facts as you see them. I have used carbon (block)on the low voltage electrode. and if you look close at the coil launch vids, you will see a carbon LV electrode. The LV electrode is made from a section cut from a carbon fiber arrow shaft. All tho you had no way of knowing what the electrode is made of, unless you read recent, earlier posts where I explained this. Anyway I have not seen any conclusive results that the carbon does anything other than being a resistor. But, in all of my earlier video tests, the LV electrode always sent out a few thin leader strikes to the multi-gap just before discharge. In these last three vids it doesn't. You will not see a spark a strike at all coming from the LV electrode, only discharge. Who knows maybe what its supposed to do.


                    • Originally posted by freeukpower View Post
                      Many of us are working to replicate the Gray motor and energy collecting tube.

                      Has any one progressed beyond the creation of fabulous sparks and arcs ?

                      Has any one found a significant energy out put that is measurable and repeatable ?
                      I saw one guy named Magdude1979 or something like that who had a complete system, including a motor which was powered by a small bank of capacitors. But I don't think he was getting any excess energy production since his Tube was just a simple spark switch with an internal arc.

                      How is your work coming along? Have you developed a circuit which is capable of measuring input versus output? In my opinion we're getting close to the point where these measurements will need to be taken. But it is possible to calculate horsepower with repulsion coils, based on how high a coil is thrown, since the time factor can also be calculated based on gravity's acceleration.

                      For now, though, the work with arcs is important in that it may enable us to determine what role carbon has to play. Researchers have found that a single layer of carbon, called graphene, acts as a miniature particle accelerator, adding energy to a spark. However, in a subsequent test the carbon sheet was folded over so that the spark went through it a second time, but with a decrease in energy of 4% or 5%. So a block of carbon may not add any energy, although it still may act as a multi gap electrode on an atomic scale. Still, the physical multi gap component is also a mini particle accelerator, so some energy gain may be occurring at this point.


                      • Ghst: Your schematic is truly a work of art. Thanks for posting it. Also, with the talk about conductivity, have you tried your circuit using a small copper tube as the LV electrode? And what is the value of your capacitor? I know you've probably mentioned it, so I must of missed it.


                        • Hey Tek, where you been? I thought I'd also mention that the brightness of the discharge doesn't change when launching the coils. All earlier attempts to pop a coil caused the discharge within the tube to diminish considerable. But now it's as if there is no real power loss energizing the coils. The discharge still looks the same as without the coils. I gotta get a scope!


                          • Originally posted by Electrotek View Post
                            Ghst: Your schematic is truly a work of art. Thanks for posting it. Also, with the talk about conductivity, have you tried your circuit using a small copper tube as the LV electrode? And what is the value of your capacitor? I know you've probably mentioned it, so I must of missed it.
                            Thanks Tek, Yes I've used copper, but not a copper tube. But I found that with my setup the placement of the LV copper electrode is a bit tricky. The Copper Electrode has to be placed just so-so. A bit to close and the High voltage will jump to it instead of the Grid or cap charge wire or electrode. If it is a bit to far away the cap won't discharge, (This is Bad). This was with the microwave oven caps, and I have burned two of them. Yea that caps a monster isn't it. Its 6000 V, 4uF of a deadly beast.
                            Last edited by Ghst; 06-11-2009, 04:26 AM.


                            • Ghst, Thanks

                              Ghst, thanks a lot for the clear & precise schema, lovely job,

                              could you do a lil list of parts specs', you know, what stuff is actually "made" of/from , ie, steel, alu, etc we can all get more or less on the same page and try and get the replications as close as possible(which i think would help a lot when measurements start being taken )

                              Thanks again

                              David D


                              • Well Ghst, i don't know but it seems that you are just discharging the capacitor into the coils, making them jump.
                                That has got nothing to do with the Gray tube.
                                I'm sure it will do that without the tube too.


