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Wilhelm Reich

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  • Wilhelm Reich

    Anyone here familiar with this guy?
    This was cool little video on Wilhelm Reich.
    wilhwlm reich - Google Video
    I had heard his name thrown around a lot, but I have never stopped to research anything of his.
    It would be nice to study a bit about what he found and tested.
    Would anyone happen to know any books or resources that have not been tainted by those who deliberately muck the water?

    Appreciate it,


  • #2
    Draw Bucket

    Reich is very worthwhile to study.

    Attached is a write up on a very simple device you can construct to clean the energy inside you home/office.

    The simplicity of this device should not be underestimated.

    Here can be found many of his origional writtings:

    Natural Energy Works: Books, Instruments and Products

    Best regards,

    Attached Files


    • #3

      Hello, I had actually just found that website, ha ha.
      I do appreciate it though.
      They had a pretty good section on there pointing out all the things that are said about the man, that are apparently not true. Seems he got a pretty raw deal along with how his findings were taken. All too common of a story with all of this research.
      I'll check out that paper you posted, and the website as well. Looks like it has quite a few books I would be interested in.

      Again, thanks for the info.



      • #4
        Some of his background can be found in here:
        "Suppressed inventions and other discoveries" by Jonathan Eisen Pub by Perigee Books


        • #5
          Another thank you

          That book has crossed my sights before, just never got it for lack of cash.
          Another thank you, I will check into it.



          • #6
            Great find

            Brusers, that is the best documentary on Reich that i have seen over about a dozen It doesn't sugar-coat and is accurate from all i have read on the man.

            One thing they didn't mention here though, is that buying a Reich book nowadays has problems; several of them were edited after his death; changing his meaning (...which is usually unheard of in the publishing industry!!).

            Lol its almost funny that the U.S. government burned books denouncing fascism.

            Why are alternative theories and treatments for cancer so suppressed and attacked at every opportunity? There are many examples of this, that have nothing to do with "stealing money from poor sick people".

            The real travesty is, why are radiation and chemo treatments (costing on average well over $50,000) still being used; when cancer patients who don't have them actually enjoy a lower mortality rate..?


            • #7

              That seems to be the case with a lot of the old information that is out there. I've read a lot of stuff that was supposed to be from Tesla experts, but had a lot of contradicting things. It's too bad.. That is what I meant by those who muck the water. Seems one of the best ways to bury something is to confuse the matter so much, most people become defeated by their own laziness and stop perusing the goal.
              There have been a few of these over unity type groups I've seen where it was obvious some of the salty members were there giving 95% truth with that 5% that kills the progress.
              This groups seems pretty good so far, which is really nice for the research.



              • #8
                yeah, wilhelm reich's orgonomic functionalism and orgone discoveries have been mudded up by the orgonite scene - claiming it is a scientific progression and "better".
                im not saying orgonite is useless or worthless. but i am saying that the linking of wilhelm reich's scientific work with orgonite/holy hand grenades/etc is useless/worthless.

                by the way:
                Internet Archive: Details: Fury On Earth A Biography Of Wilhelm Reich
                WILHELM REICH IN HELL - Act I excerpt
                Listen, Little Man! - Wikilivres

                seriously tho, hook up "journals of orgonomic functionalism". they are EXCELLENT. also, "ether, god & the devil - cosmic superimposition" is a very, very good book by wilhelm reich.
                i wouldnt be too hung up on any of that book translation/adulteration business - especially if it stops you from reading wilhelm reich's books. i've gotten most of my books by w.reich or on w.reich, from either ebay or the wilhelm reich museum..
                Last edited by esaruoho; 11-30-2008, 12:23 AM.
                Flickr photosets (My visits to the Nikola Tesla&Viktor Schauberger Museums, Steorn Waterways 2009 Orbo demonstration, Earthship Brighton, and also Walter Russell images)
                My electronic music


                • #9
                  Great point man as usual


                  • #10
                    Well, the proof is in the pudding (for me anyway, bake your own pudding and you will see). I built a basic cloud buster (original type using water, not orgonite) and ran a series of tests about two years ago. At the time, the weather was doing some odd things anyway, but on one of the tests everything worked out exactly as it should have based upon what I was trying to achieve, and it was contrary to all of the forcasts for the region.

                    I did not try to repeat my results as I moved country a couple of weeks later and although I didn't forget about it, I just never got around to it. I am in the process of constructing a new CB and will do some tests out on my relatives property where the potential results are much needed.

                    I agree about the Don Croft stuff. He's just a whack job. I try not to lable people but everything I have read and heard about him screams it.
                    Last edited by dambit; 12-02-2008, 12:07 PM.
                    You can view my vids here



                    • #11
                      i'm thinking orgone is aether ,reich build oraccu to concentrate it.
                      conversion tube of gray and joe cell are oraccu
                      Reich work we give big hand



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by gnino View Post
                        i'm thinking orgone is aether ,reich build oraccu to concentrate it.
                        conversion tube of gray and joe cell are oraccu
                        Reich work we give big hand


                        hi, i think you would benefit immensely if you got out the book "cosmic superimposition" by wilhelm reich. it describes the differences and similarities of cosmic orgone energy as opposed to the Ether. Wilhelm Reich knew from experience that the michelson-morley test of a static ether and it proving there being no ether, was faulty research, and that the cosmic orgone energy was actually in motion all of the time, not static at all.
                        if you're too bored to go through a book, let me recommend you this booklet:
                        The Wilhelm Reich Museum - Bookstore
                        which contains the "cosmic orgone energy and ether" segment from "cosmic superimposition"..
                        Flickr photosets (My visits to the Nikola Tesla&Viktor Schauberger Museums, Steorn Waterways 2009 Orbo demonstration, Earthship Brighton, and also Walter Russell images)
                        My electronic music


                        • #13
                          Hi All

                          Go here and order reprint of "Lost Science" for #19.95. Has a chapter on Reich. Well worth the money. Used books from Borderland Research were going for over $200. So, they finally decided to re issue.

                          Free Energy



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by esaruoho View Post
                            hi, i think you would benefit immensely if you got out the book "cosmic superimposition" by wilhelm reich. it describes the differences and similarities of cosmic orgone energy as opposed to the Ether. Wilhelm Reich knew from experience that the michelson-morley test of a static ether and it proving there being no ether, was faulty research, and that the cosmic orgone energy was actually in motion all of the time, not static at all.
                            if you're too bored to go through a book, let me recommend you this booklet:
                            The Wilhelm Reich Museum - Bookstore
                            which contains the "cosmic orgone energy and ether" segment from "cosmic superimposition"..
                            thanks i found even in italian "cosmic superimposition"
                            i found my new gift


                            • #15
                              Hi Dambit,
                              Which litterateur do you recommend for building a CB as
                              original (close to the Reichs ideas) as possible?
                              I really don’t have the right background for doing the actual
                              work but I’m really interested in this technology and it would be fantastic
                              to see if it works in an area which used to have lots of rain but
                              currently seems to be drying up.

                              Many thanks,

