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WANG SHUM HO Magnetic Motor

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  • WANG SHUM HO Magnetic Motor

    There are many so called over unity claims being made these days, unfortunately many of them are completely bogus but there are a few out there that are worth pursuing. I have been keeping a close eye on the WANG SHUM HO permanent magnetic motor and believe that it has merit to be investigated further in an open source environment, so that others may follow in it’s foot steps and hopefully we can realize a machine that actually works.

    The reasons that this warrants further investigation as a credible invention are:
    The inventor Wang Shum Ho also know as Wang Shem not only had the motor patented but built 4 models which were presented to the Chinese government. Now any one can patent a useless product, but very rarely has a permanent magnetic motor been patented with out some evidentiary proof. Secondly, who presents a motor to government officials if it doesn’t work? Maybe in the West one can get away it, but in China I think you’re on the first train to the Gulag.
    The patent is only applicable in China so is fair game to the rest of the world, so if you’re thinking of building this to make a quick buck… forget about it. This is supposed to be an open forum, open sharing of information in order to build a better world away from the arrogant pricks who daily make half the world live in abject poverty due to their financial greed.
    Okay enough venting. If any one is interested, I have videos to post, the patent and design drawings in corel draw that can be easily converted to CAD systems so that others may verify if this engine is a worthwhile investment in time energy and money.
    As much as I would love to try and continue building this unit even if only to see if it works, it requires specialized laser cutters and other machinery not readily available in my country and the prototypes were quickly produced in small work shops in the back alleys of Hong Kong, unfortunately too much of a luxury here.

    Here are some useful links:
    Wang Shum Ho
    gabydewilde - A Free energy machine
    Directory:Wang Shum Ho Generator - PESWiki

    Anyone interested in getting this going let me know, so I can attach all the info that I have on record

  • #2
    From memory there is some thing about the alloy.powder mix that's proprietary, i could be wrong, just check the patent please, i got told that there is some thing there they are not telling you surprise surprise.


    • #3
      Magnetic Fluid

      Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
      From memory there is some thing about the alloy.powder mix that's proprietary, i could be wrong, just check the patent please, i got told that there is some thing there they are not telling you surprise surprise.
      Isn't that the problem with most patents!
      I am also not certain about the alloy powder, but he states that it is a magnetic fluid which could either be purchased or is easy enough to be made. The gausse strength is what may be a critical factor. From my understanding the Wang device is essentially two coupled systems enhancing each other.
      (1) The magnetic fluid rotation
      (2) The unbalanced solid magnets rotation.
      I have built the top half but experienced magnetic lock, and this is why I feel that this is a symbiotic system and has to work as a part feeds the other and visa versa.

      I need to attach some further information by the file size limitations prohibit this on this forum. Can you suggest a storage site that provides this facility.


      • #4
        re: files

        Originally posted by Doc View Post
        I need to attach some further information by the file size limitations prohibit this on this forum. Can you suggest a storage site that provides this facility.
        Doc, there are many good file sharing sites available on the Internet. I personally use Windows Live Sky Drive.
        Sign In

        It's free, and you get 6 gigabytes of storage space where you can upload your files. Then you can show a link to the file URL within your post, or insert an image, and there are no size limitations.

        Best regards,

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • #5
          Excellent, Thanks Rickoff
          Will do the necessary in the morning and make all the lniks available



          • #6
            Documents Etc...

            Here is a link to the Patent. If anyone can translate the Chinese, that would be great for everyone to understand. Patent.pdf - Windows Live

            The link to some general background Info:|_Motor2.doc?ccr=236

            Here is some video: click on the compass picture. (need to move the mouse around and find the spot)


            • #7
              Technical Drawings

              Here is the link to Public - Windows Live
              the techincal corel draw drawings for those wishing to import into a CAD system as well as an animation of the workings of the top magnetic spinner. This shows basically how the magnetic flux fields interact and why magentic shielding is critical


              • #8
                BTW the guys, i heard last year that he was doing a 6 month test by the Chinese gov to evaluate his system (source Lawrence Tesung, that was about 18 months ago.. suppression? ....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  BTW the guys, i heard last year that he was doing a 6 month test by the Chinese gov to evaluate his system (source Lawrence Tesung, that was about 18 months ago.. suppression? ....
                  I read that they were planning a big launch in 2008, but the company has diverted its efforts into some diesel process, which can also be seen at the www.csn site (see above video link for the exact address)


                  • #10
                    The link is and click on the first image of a burning beaker


                    • #11
                      Sounds like suppression to me...Thanks for these links and Vidz Doc..we are doing an energy suppression production ATM, this will fit in very well, at least to bring awareness (consumer awareness and demand) to the systems.



                      • #12

                        Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                        Sounds like suppression to me...Thanks for these links and Vidz Doc..we are doing an energy suppression production ATM, this will fit in very well, at least to bring awareness (consumer awareness and demand) to the systems.

                        I am not certain about the suppression aspect, and wonder how much of it is about financial priorities. Perhaps their diesel project was worth investigating as the reward is far greater.

                        In any case finding credible info about this motor has not been easy due to the wording and text being in chinese and difficult to translate.

                        Lawrence Tseung who has been the mouthpiece in the USA has been putting forward his "lead out theory" and been lambased for it on the overunity forum.

                        I say let the physics experts dialogue to their hearts content, but in the mean time if we can get a working model then the physicists can debate to their hearts content what makes it work.


                        • #13
                          Magnetic liquid

                          Here is a link on how to make magnetic ferro liquid
                          Chemistry - By Category

                          Thanks to Braden for this

                          So far in this thread we have nearly everything to make this motor. Just need a skilled machinist to make the bits and pieces. This is right up the alley of someone like Jetis.


                          • #14
                            Hi All.

                            Thanks for the Link doc, hopefully we will learn some thing at leas from the R and D, if cannot get it working. Here is a recent email i got back after an inquiry from Lawrence

                            The version explained to me by Mr. Wang is:

                            (1) The greater than 10KW version was used with other inventions to produce working electricity generators for power companies. A number of these are already in pilot testing in China.

                            (2) The Company (China New Energy Hong Kong Stock Number 0735) is one of the investors and they have enough development funds.

                            (3) There were plans to raise production funds with some US Investment Banks (probably Goldman Sache) but such plans were shelved because of the Global Financial Crisis.

                            (4) Mr. Wang is seeking investors for the less than 10 KW - the 5 KW in particular. He is in contact with a number of potential investors.

                            (5) I have invited him to demonstrate his prototype in USA if and when the presentation to President Obama takes place. He is considering that option. I told him that if that happens, the publicity will almost guarantee investor interest worldwide. Dr. Steven Chu, a Chinese-American has been appointed as Energy Secretary and that should help things.

                            Meanwhile you can help in circulating the material in Outline of the Book to many individuals or groups.

                            Thank you.



                            • #15
                              Lee Teung letter

                              Thanks Ash for the info from Lawrence.

                              My only problem with the whole effort of Mr Wang who now has his fame and power is that finding an investor for a 5kW version is never going to happen without patent protection.

                              A wise man once said that if you gave everyone on the planet only 100w of electricity you would change the world. One cannot fully comprehend that billions of people at this very moment, do not have this luxuary.

                              To even recreate the 1kW motor would be a massive breakthrough. If we wait for Mr Wang to present his unit to Pres Obama, I feel we will be waiting in vain, after all USA/China pride is at stake.

                              Is there anyone out there who has the machining skills to get this project on the road.

